Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (1958-2010)
Volume 22, Issue 1, Pages 1-202 (1958)
Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages 203-400 (1958)
Volume 22, Issue 3, Pages 401-596 (1958)
Volume 22, Issue 4, Pages 597-814 (1958)
Volume 22, Issue 5, Pages 815-1024 (1958)
Volume 22, Issue 6, Pages 1025-1242 (1958)
Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 1-302 (1959)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | A method of solving the basic integral equation of statistical theory of optimum systems in finite form | Pages 1-16 | V. S. Pugachev |
3 | The small parameter method for canonical systems with periodic coefficients | Pages 17-43 | V. A. Iakubovich |
4 | Asymptotic integration of linear partial differential equations with a small principal part | Pages 44-74 | A. L. Gol'denveizer |
5 | Onthe autonomous determination of position of a moving object by means ofa space gyrocompass, a directional gyroscope and an integrating device | Pages 75-82 | A. Iu. Ishlinskii |
6 | Calculation of the influence of centrifugal forces on surface pressure for a body of arbitrary shape in hypersonic flow | Pages 83-91 | G. I. Maikapar |
7 | Magnetodynamics of plane and axisymmetric flows of a gas with infinite electrical conductivity | Pages 92-106 | M. N. Kogan |
8 | Analysis of weak discontinuities in magnetohydromechanics | Pages 107-113 | V. N. Zhigulev |
9 | On the reflection of weak discontinuities from the throat of a laval nozzle | Pages 114-122 | O. S. Ryzhov, S. Iu. Cherniavskii |
10 | Expansion of a piston in water | Pages 123-133 | N. N. Kochina, N. S. Mel'nikova |
11 | Elastic equilibrium of an infinite body weakened by an external circular crack | Pages 134-144 | Ia. S. Ufliand |
12 | On the transverse bending of a plate supported along the edges and consisting of several closed curves | Pages 145-164 | D. I. Sherman |
13 | Integrodifferential and integral equations of equilibrium of thin elastic shells | Pages 165-178 | N. A. Kil'chevski |
14 | A study of the equilibrium equations of thin elastic shells of positive gaussian curvature | Pages 179-194 | V. S. Zhgenti |
15 | Finite plane deformations of an incompressible material | Pages 195-210 | L. A. Tolokonnikov |
16 | A certain algorithm of the solution of nonlinear problems of the theory of shallow shells | Pages 211-218 | M. S. Kornishin, Kh. M. Mushtari |
17 | Model illustrating some properties of a hardening plastic body | Pages 219-228 | Iu. N. Rabotnov |
18 | The pressure on an elastic half-space of a stamp with a wedge-shaped planform | Pages 229-233 | V. L. Rvachev |
19 | On a rigid-plastic annular plate under impulsive load | Pages 234-241 | G. S. Shapiro |
20 | On the motion of gyroscopic systems | Pages 242-246 | V. S. Novoselov |
21 | The stability of solutions of two nonlinear differential equations of the third and fourth orders | Pages 247-251 | A. I. Ogurtsov |
22 | Steady state flow of detonating gas around a cone | Pages 252-259 | S. S. Kvashnina, G. G. Chernyi |
23 | Thesolution of the equation of magneto-hydrodynamics describing the one-dimensional axisymmetrical motion of a gas in a gravitational field | Pages 260-265 | E. V. Riazanov |
24 | Outflow of a gas jet from a vessel of finite size | Pages 266-272 | S. K. Aslanov, V. A. Legkova |
25 | On the similarity of hypersonic viscous flows around slender bodies | Pages 273-280 | V. V. Luniev |
26 | Selfsimilar motions of gas with shock waves, spreading with constant speed into gas at rest | Pages 281-286 | G. L. Grozdovskii, A. N. Diukalov, V. V. Tokarev, A. I. Tolstykh |
27 | On the theory of plane gas flows | Pages 287-299 | I. M. Iur'ev |
28 | Contents of next issue : PMM vol. 23, no. 2, 1959 | Pages 300-301 | |
29 | Transliteration table | Page 302 | |
Volume 23, Issue 2, Pages 303-598 (1959)
Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 599-898 (1959)
Volume 23, Issue 4, Pages 899-1151 (1959)
Volume 23, Issue 5, Pages 1153-1426 (1959)
Volume 23, Issue 6, Pages 1427-1650 (1959)
Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 1-290 (1960)
Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages 291-578 (1960)
Volume 24, Issue 3, Pages 579-876 (1960)
Volume 24, Issue 4, Pages 877-1176 (1960)
Volume 24, Issue 5, Pages 1177-1474 (1960)
Volume 24, Issue 6, Pages 1475-1740 (1960)
Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 1-263 (1961)
Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 265-575 (1961)
Volume 25, Issue 3, Pages 577-886 (1961)
Volume 25, Issue 4, Pages 887-1200 (1961)
Volume 25, Issue 5, Pages 1205-1462 (1961)
Volume 25, Issue 6, Pages 1463-1717 (1961)
Volume 26, Issue 1, Pages 1-288 (1962)
Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 289-583 (1962)
Volume 26, Issue 3, Pages 585-894 (1962)
Volume 26, Issue 4, Pages 895-1217 (1962)
Volume 26, Issue 5, Pages 1219-1483 (1962)
1 | A study of discontinuity surfaces with energy release (or absorption) in magnetohydrodynamics | Pages 1219-1232 | A. A. Barmin |
2 | On the formulation of the problem of the magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer | Pages 1233-1246 | G. A. Liubimov |
3 | One self-similar solution to the magnetohydrodynamic equations | Pages 1247-1266 | A. A. Bogacheva, M. D. Ladyzhenskii |
4 | Nonstationary, plane, parallel flow of a viscous electrically-conducting gas with anisotropic conductivity | Pages 1267-1275 | Ia. S. Ufliand |
5 | On the reflection of magneto-acoustic waves | Pages 1276-1283 | L. Ia. Kosachevskii |
6 | On the theory of steady progressive waves on the surface of a fluid of infinite depth | Pages 1284-1292 | V. M. Bagin |
7 | On the energy of acoustic waves propagating in moving media | Pages 1293-1309 | O. S. Ryshov, G. M. Shefter |
8 | Determination of forces and moments due to light pressure acting on a body in motion in cosmic space | Pages 1310-1324 | A. A. Karymov |
9 | On the theory of stability of a fluid conducting cylinder in a magnetic field | Pages 1325-1336 | Iu. V. Vandakurov |
10 | On the stability of motion | Pages 1337-1353 | V. M. Matrosov |
11 | The mixed problem for the elastic anisotropic halfplane | Pages 1354-1368 | V. Z. Sveklo |
12 | Solutionof a linear boundary value problem of Riemann for two functions and itsapplication to certain mixed problems in the plane theory of elasticity | Pages 1369-1377 | G. P. Cherepanov |
13 | The asymptotic integration of the system of equations for the large deflection of symmetrically loaded shells of revolution | Pages 1378-1392 | L. S. Srubshchik, V. I. Iudovich |
14 | Asymptotic theory of statics and dynamics of elastic circular cylindrical shells | Pages 1393-1403 | U. K. Nigul |
15 | On an axially symmetrical contact problem for a non-plane die circular in plan | Pages 1404-1409 | E. G. Deich |
16 | On the approximate solution of a certain type of integral equation | Pages 1410-1424 | V. M. Aleksandrov |
17 | On an approximate solution of certain problems of soil dynamics | Pages 1425-1429 | S. S. Grigorian |
18 | Expansions of solutions of differential equations with retardation in power series of small retardation | Pages 1430-1435 | A. M. Rodionov |
19 | On the reduction of certain dynamic programming problems for nonlinear systems to transcendental equations | Pages 1436-1439 | Ia. N. Roitenberg |
20 | The errors of compensated gyroscopic instruments with randomly varying velocity error | Pages 1440-1450 | I. B. Chelpanov |
21 | On the tracking problem | Pages 1451-1460 | L. S. Gnoenskii |
22 | On a nonstationary flow problem of a viscous incompressible fluid | Pages 1461-1467 | D. V. Sharikadze |
23 | On the motion of a plane piston in a medium of finite conductivity under the influence of an electromagnetic field | Pages 1468-1472 | V. P. Karlikov, V. P. Korobeinikov |
24 | On the nonsymmetric hypersonic flow around a circular cone | Pages 1473-1479 | B. M. Bulakh |
25 | On diffraction of plane sound waves (long) at a toroid :Erratum in the paper by P.I. Tsoi, (PMM vol. 25, no. 4, 1961) | Page 1480 | |
26 | On the stability of a gyrohorizoncompass in the presence of dissipating forces :Erratum in the paper by V.N. Koshliakov, (PMM vol. 26, no. 3, 1962). | Page 1480 | |
27 | Contents of next issue | Pages 1481-1482 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 1483 | |
Volume 26, Issue 6, Pages 1485-1750 (1962)
Volume 27, Issue 1, Pages 1-288 (1963)
Volume 27, Issue 2, Pages 289-594 (1963)
Volume 27, Issue 3, Pages 597-901 (1963)
1 | Nonlinear tensor functions of several tensor arguments | Pages 597-629 | V. V. Lokhin, L. I. Sedov |
2 | Compression of elastic bodies under conditions of adhesion (Axisymmetric case) | Pages 630-643 | V. I. Mossakovskii |
3 | On a method of solving the elasto-plastic problem | Pages 644-655 | G. P. Cherepanov |
4 | On the wedging of brittle bodies. Self-oscillations during wedging | Pages 656-673 | G. I. Barenblatt, R. L. Salganik |
5 | On the theory of linear differential equations with periodic coefficients and time lag | Pages 674-687 | S. N. Shimanov |
6 | Stability of optimal systems in the presence of disturbances | Pages 688-699 | V. A. Pal'mov |
7 | On the motion of systems of varying composition in the presence of variational forces | Pages 700-707 | Iu. E. Borovskii, Iu. I. Kulakov |
8 | On the motion of a satellite about its center of mass under the action of gravitational moments | Pages 708-722 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
9 | The determination of minimal drag bodies by Newton' s and Buremann' s drag laws | Pages 723-739 | A. N. Kraiko |
10 | Invariant transformation of the equations of motion of an ideal monatomic gas and new classes of their exact solutions | Pages 740-756 | A. A. Nikol'skii |
11 | Calculationof the boundary layer on a dielectric flat plate in a flow of incompressible anisotropically-conducting fluid, in the presence of a uniform magnetic field | Pages 757-776 | V. B. Baranov, G. A. Liubimov, Khu Iuin' |
12 | Oscillatory perturbations in a conducting fluid in a magnetic field | Pages 777-788 | M. I. Shliomis |
13 | Theinfluence of anisotropy of electrical conductivity on the development of flow of a viscous fluid in the initial section of a plane channel | Pages 789-794 | I. B. Chekmarev |
14 | Piston motion under the effect of gas pressure | Pages 795-805 | Iu. A. Sozonenko |
15 | Diffraction of a plane hydroacoustic wave on the boundary of two elastic plates | Pages 806-815 | O. P. Kouzov |
16 | Raleigh waves in a nonhomogeneous elastic half-space | Pages 816-822 | A. G. Alenitsyn |
17 | Free elastic waves on the surface of a tube of infinite thickness | Pages 823-828 | Ia. A. Mindlin |
18 | The construction of an integral-optimal programmed control function in a linear system | Pages 829-836 | V. F. Dem'ianov |
19 | Stability of periodic solutions of quasilinear autonomous systems with one degree of freedom | Pages 837-846 | A. P. Proskuriakov |
20 | Onthe convergence of series determining the boundaries of the regions of instability of solutions of a second order linear differential equation with periodic coefficients | Pages 847-861 | K. G. Valeev |
21 | Liouville's and Stackel's theorems for hyperbolic variational problems | Pages 862-866 | K. A. Lur'e |
22 | Maximum range for a rocket in horizontal flight | Pages 867-872 | G. Leitman |
23 | A method of orientating the plane of a circular orbit of a satellite | Pages 873-881 | Iu. P. Gus'kov |
24 | Application of the lur'e symbolic method to stress analysis and to the two-dimensional theory of elastic plates | Pages 882-891 | U. K. Nigul |
25 | On the theory of compressible, ideally plastic media | Pages 892-897 | D. D. Ivlev, T. N. Martynova |
26 | Correctionsto the author's paper, -computation of correlations in a locally isotropie turbulent flow,- (PMM, Vol. 27, No. 1, 1963) | Page 898 | G. S. Golitsyn |
27 | Contents of next issue | Pages 899-900 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 901 | |
Volume 27, Issue 4, Pages 903-1177 (1963)
Volume 27, Issue 5, Pages 1179-1497 (1963)
Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages 1499-1779 (1963)
Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 1-237 (1964)
Volume 28, Issue 2, Pages 239-486 (1964)
Volume 28, Issue 3, Pages 487-743 (1964)
Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 745-977 (1964)
Volume 28, Issue 5, Pages 979-1184 (1964)
Volume 28, Issue 6, Pages 1185-1382 (1964)
Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 1-234 (1965)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | On the twentieth anniversary since the death of N.E. Kochin : PMM Vol. 29, N 1, 1965 | Page 1 | |
3 | Onthe ponderomotive forces of interaction of an electromagnetic field andan accelerating material continuum, taking into account finite deformations | Pages 2-17 | L. I. Sedov |
4 | On the application of general variational principles in the relativistic mechanics of an ideal fluid | Pages 18-25 | V. Ts. Gurovich, K. P. Staniukovich |
5 | Polynomial solutions of the equations of motion of a body with a fixed point | Pages 26-35 | P. V. Kharlamov |
6 | On the stability of spinning of a top with a liquid filled cavity | Pages 36-47 | N. N. Vakhaniia |
7 | Stability of the equilibrium states of nonholonomic systems | Pages 48-56 | Iu. I. Neimark, N. A. Fufaev |
8 | Self-similar motion of a liquid under the action of surface tension | Pages 57-64 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
9 | On the use of an asymptotic method for analyzing waves with unsteady motion of the source | Pages 65-73 | A. I. Smorodin |
10 | The universal equations and parametric approximations in the theory of the laminar boundary layer | Pages 74-92 | L. G. Loitsianskii |
11 | On the spectrum of perturbations of plane parallel flows at low reynolds numbers | Pages 93-104 | R. V. Birikh, G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii |
12 | On hypersonic flows in nozzles | Pages 105-111 | M. D. Ladyzhenskii |
13 | Variational problem on three-dimensional supersonic flows | Pages 112-120 | V. M. Borisov |
14 | Regular reflection of weak shock waves from a rigid wall | Pages 121-129 | G. P. Shindiapin |
15 | Derivation of Grad's type equations and study of their relaxation properties by the method of maximization of entropy | Pages 130-142 | A. M. Kogan |
16 | Expansion of a tri-axial gas ellipsoid in a regular behavior | Pages 143-150 | I. V. Nemchinov |
17 | On the derivation of two-dimensional equations in the theory of thin elastic plates | Pages 151-166 | A. L. Gol'Denveizer, A. V. Kolos |
18 | On routh theorem for nonholonomic systems | Pages 167-169 | L. N. Semenova |
19 | Solution of an integer problem of quadratic programing | Pages 170-174 | V. F. Dem'ianov, L. Iu. Khudiakov |
20 | On the problem of the motion of an axially symmetrical body under the action of a constant moment | Pages 175-178 | K. G. Valeev |
21 | On the motion of a gyrocompass with random displacements of its point of support | Pages 179-186 | L. Ia. Roitenberg |
22 | On Liapunov stability in the critical case of a characteristic equation with an even number of roots equal to zero | Pages 187-190 | M. S. Sagitov, A. N. Filatov |
23 | Analysis of a nonuniform gas flow past a sphere | Pages 191-193 | N. E. Khramov |
24 | On an exact solution of the equations of magneto-gas-dynamics of finite conductivity | Pages 194-198 | V. A. Rykov |
25 | Capillary waves in a channel with a polygonal bottom | Pages 199-203 | O. M. Kiselev |
26 | On ship waves on the surface of a viscous fluid of infinite depth | Pages 204-210 | A. K. Nikitin |
27 | Ship waves in uniformly accelerated motion | Pages 211-216 | R. A. Gruntfest |
28 | Long cylindrical waves in a viscous fluid | Pages 217-220 | I. P. Oborotov |
29 | Comparison theorems for the equations of nonstationary filtration | Pages 221-227 | V. M. Entov |
30 | Somecomments on R.L. Salganik's paper -estimating the error committed in passing from the exact equations of the theory of elasticity to the equations of the plane state of stress- | Pages 228-231 | I. I. Vorovich |
31 | Correction to the paper -a theorem of dynamics- : PMM Vol. 28, N 6, 1964 | Page 231 | A. I. Lur'e |
32 | Contents of next issue | Pages 232-233 | |
33 | Transliteration table | Page 234 | |
Volume 29, Issue 2, Pages 235-458 (1965)
1 | Synchronization in a system of essentially nonlinear objects with a single degree of freedom | Pages 235-244 | R. F. Nagaev |
2 | On the problem of damping of a linear system under minimum control intensity | Pages 245-253 | N. N. Krasovskii |
3 | On the approximate replacement of systems with lag by ordinary dynamical systems | Pages 254-264 | Iu. M. Repin |
4 | On the motion of the satellite inertia center in the earth's gravitational field | Pages 265-278 | K. G. Valeev, A. I. Lur'e |
5 | Integration of the error equations of an inertial guidance system for Keplerian motions of an object | Pages 279-292 | V. D. Akdreev |
6 | On Saint-Venant's principle in the dynamics of beams | Pages 293-315 | V. V. Novozhilov, L. I. Slepian |
7 | The pressure of a rigid body on plates and membranes | Pages 316-325 | G. P. Cherepanov |
8 | An attempt to construct a theory of fracture for brittle materials, based on griffith's criterion | Pages 326-332 | V. I. Mossakovskii, M. T. Rybka |
9 | Asymmetric hydromechanics | Pages 333-346 | E. L. Aero, A. N. Bulygin, E. V. Kuvshinskii |
10 | On abrupt onset of steady flows in hydrodynamics | Pages 347-361 | Iu. B. Ponomarenko |
11 | On solution of variational problems of one-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics | Pages 362-374 | A. N. Kraiko, P. A. Slobodkina |
12 | Convergent shock wave in a heat conducting gas | Pages 375-378 | E. I. Zababakhin, V. A. Simonenko |
13 | On the theory of flame propagation | Pages 379-385 | S. A. Kaganov |
14 | On the theory of extraction from a falling droplet | Pages 386-394 | V. P. Vorotilin, V. S. Krylov, V. G. Levich |
15 | A generalization of the model of an ideal compressible fluid | Pages 395-399 | M. E. Eglit |
16 | The effect of an aperture on the drag of a body under flow separation conditions | Pages 400-401 | M. I. Gurevich |
17 | On the theory of axisymmetric turbulence | Page 402 | M. N. Repnikov |
18 | Reflection of magneto-acoustic waves at the boundary between two media with finite electric conductivity | Pages 403-407 | L. Ia. Kosachevskii |
19 | Diffraction of a plane wave at the junction of an ideally conductive and a dielectric wedge | Pages 408-410 | S. S. Kalmykova |
20 | On the problem of position determination of a nonlinear system in phase space | Pages 411-415 | I. A. Balaeva |
21 | Necessary conditions of the calculus of variations for a problem of bolza-mayer type | Pages 416-421 | V. A. Kosmodem'ianskii |
22 | On uniform rotations of a body with a fixed point | Pages 422-425 | P. V. Kharlamov |
23 | On stability op certain permanent rotations op a rigid body | Pages 426-431 | N. G. Apykhtin |
24 | On the stability of steady rotation of a rigid body with a fixed point | Pages 432-439 | A. Anchev |
25 | The stable form of equilibrium of a pebble beach subjected to surf | Pages 440-445 | S. S. Grigorian |
26 | On a stability problem | Pages 445-446 | V. I. Feodos'ev |
27 | Onthe conditions of existence of decaying solutions of the two-dimensional problem of the theory of elasticity for a semi-infinite strip | Pages 447-454 | M. I. Guseein-Zad |
28 | A note on the paper by V.L. Dobrovol'skii -on the application op complex variables to the plane plastic strain- | Pages 455-456 | B. D. Annin |
29 | Contents of next issue | Page 457 | |
30 | Transliteration table | Page 458 | |
Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 459-730 (1965)
Volume 29, Issue 4, Pages 731-951 (1965)
Volume 29, Issue 5, Pages 953-1153 (1965)
Volume 29, Issue 6, Pages 1155-1348 (1965)
1 | Author index to vol. 29 | Pages i-viii | |
2 | On the propagation of excitation in an electrochemical diffusion model of a nerve | Pages 1155-1171 | G. I. Barenblatt, V. M. Entov, R. L. Salganik |
3 | A cylindrically symmetric shock wave in the presence op dissipative phenomena | Pages 1172-1176 | V. P. Dtachenko, V. S. Imshennik |
4 | On the theory op strong explosion in heat-conducting gas | Pages 1177-1184 | V. V. Sychev |
5 | Asymptotic pattern of flow past bodies of revolution in a sonic stream of viscous and heat-conducting gas | Pages 1185-1196 | O. S. Ryzhov |
6 | On some properties op fluid flow under the action of surface tension forces | Pages 1197-1205 | N. N. Moiseev |
7 | The short wave asymptotic solution for the diffracted field due to plane transverse waves incident on a sphere | Pages 1206-1218 | I. M. Iavorskaia |
8 | Asymptotic solution of the elasticity problem for a hollow, finite length, thin cylinder | Pages 1219-1238 | N. A. Bazarenko, I. I. Vorovich |
9 | On the problem of stability of motion in critical cases | Pages 1239-1256 | G. V. Kamenkov |
10 | Onthe stabilization of steady-state motions of a nonlinear control systemin the critical case of a pair of pure imaginary roots | Pages 1257-1268 | E. A. Gal'perin |
11 | On stabilization of nonstationary systems | Pages 1269-1272 | N. G. Bulgakov, N. N. Krasovskii |
12 | On the stability of periodic solutions of non-self-contained quasi-linear systems with two degrees of freedom | Pages 1273-1281 | G. V. Plotnikova |
13 | On improving the estimates of the solutions of the system of linear differential equations with variable coefficients | Pages 1282-1288 | A. G. Piliutik, P. A. Talalaev |
14 | Generalization of Whittaker's formula for periodic orbits in the case of fields with arbitrary law of attraction | Pages 1289-1291 | I. M. Belen'kii |
15 | The questions of motion for an earth satellite taking into account atmospheric drag | Pages 1292-1296 | K. G. Valeev |
16 | On the permanent axes of rotation of a gyrostat with a fixed point | Pages 1296-1300 | N. S. Tsodokova |
17 | On the theory of a pendulus gyroscopic system, satisfying the conditions of M.Schuler | Pages 1301-1304 | V. D. Andreev |
18 | Onthe calculation of characteristic values by the Bubnov-Galerkin method and its application in the theory of hydrodynamic stability | Pages 1305-1310 | V. T. Kharin |
19 | On a particular case of damping of a gyrostat rotation | Pages 1311-1317 | T. A. Letova |
20 | The stability of plane Poiseuille flow in the presence of elastic boundaries | Pages 1318-1324 | A. I. Korotkin |
21 | Conditions for regular interaction of weak shock waves | Pages 1325-1329 | G. P. Shindiapin |
22 | Axisymmetric problem in the theory of elasticity for a half-space weakened by a plane circular crack | Pages 1330-1336 | Iu. N. Kuz'min, Ia. S. Ufliand |
23 | Three-dimensional cauchy-poisson problem for waves in a viscous fluid | Pages 1337-1345 | L. V. Cherkesov |
24 | On asymptotic estimates in the theory of then plates | Page 1346 | I. I. Vorovich, R. L. Salganik |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 1347 | |
26 | Transliteration table | Page 1348 | |
Volume 30, Issue 1, Pages 1-262 (1966)
Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 263-504 (1966)
1 | On the problem of pursuit in the case of linear monotype objects | Pages 263-281 | N. N. Krasovskii |
2 | On the influence of dissipative gyroscopic forces on the control liability and observability of mechanical systems | Pages 282-292 | M. S. Gabrielian |
3 | On stability of stationary motions of holonomic and nonholonomic systems | Pages 293-300 | Iu. I. Neimark, N. A. Fufaev |
4 | Anisotropic vector functions of vector argument | Pages 301-313 | V. F. Pleshakov, Iu. I. Sirotin |
5 | Integral expansion of an arbitrary function in terms of spherical functions | Pages 314-321 | N. N. Lebedev, I. P. Skal'skaia |
6 | On the methods op dual integral equations and dual series and their application to problems of mechanics | Pages 322-333 | A. I. Tseitlin |
7 | On a class of dual integral equations and their applications to the theory of elasticity | Pages 334-341 | A. N. Rukhovets, Ia. S. Ufliand |
8 | Asymptotic behavior of the solution of the problem of elasticity for a thin spherical shell | Pages 342-361 | T. V. Vilenskaia, I. I. Vorovich |
9 | Influence of viscosity and thermal conductivity on propagation of sound impulses | Pages 362-369 | O. S. Ryzhov |
10 | Onself-similar solutions of a type of a propagating wave of a quasi-linear equation and of a system of equations which describe the flow of water in a sloping channel | Pages 370-380 | E. B. Bykhovskii |
11 | On the solution of variational problems of supersonic gas dynamics | Pages 381-391 | A. N. Kraiko |
12 | On the stability of a pulsating plasma cylinder | Pages 392-406 | Iu. V. Vandakuriv |
13 | On the applicability of the theory of one-dimensional flow in the presence of Hall currents | Pages 407-411 | B. V. Eliseev |
14 | Some configurations of isentropic decompositions of two-dimensional discontinuities | Pages 412-420 | E. V. Ermolin, A. F. Sidorov |
15 | Analysis of hypersonic gas flow past blunt bodies | Pages 421-427 | A. M. Antonov, W. D. Hayes |
16 | On conditions on the bow shock in viscous gas flow past a blunt body | Pages 428-431 | B. M. Bulakh |
17 | Onsmall perturbations of a plane parallel flow with cubic velocity profile : O malykh vozmushcheniiakh ploskoparallel'nogo techeniia s kubichsskim profilem skororsti PMM vol.30, n 2, 1966, pp. 356-361 | Pages 432-438 | R. V. Birikh |
18 | On small perturbations of convective motion between vertical parallel planes | Pages 439-445 | R. N. Rudakov |
19 | On nonuniqueness of the stationary solution of the system of equations of the theory of combustion | Pages 446-453 | R. D. Bachelis, V. G. Melamed |
20 | Onresults of comparison of a finite-difference method and the method of steepest descents for the analysis of transient stress waves in plates | Pages 454-458 | A. I. Miannil, U. K. Nigul |
21 | Solution of an elastic static plane problem for nonhomogeneous isotropic bodies by means of the theory of complex variables | Pages 459-468 | M. Mishiku, K. Teodosiu |
22 | Application of the method of asymptotic integration to the construction of an approximate theory of anisotropic shells | Pages 469-480 | L. A. Agalovian |
23 | On a problem occurring in the theory of optimum control with aftereffects | Pages 481-486 | V. R. Nosov |
24 | Stability of a linear system with random disturbances of its parameters | Pages 487-493 | M. B. Nevelson, R. Z. Khas'minskii |
25 | On the solution of the stokes problem for an equipotential surface specified in the form of a spheroid | Pages 494-498 | V. D. Andreev |
26 | On the stability of a rigid body with a fixed point | Pages 499-502 | V. F. Liashenko |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 503 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 504 | |
Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 505-744 (1966)
1 | Stability of solutions of a system of boundary layer equations for a nonsteady flow of incompressible fluid | Pages 505-511 | O. A. Oleinik |
2 | Boundarylayers in a fully ionised two-temperature plasmaru]Pogranichnye sloi v polnost'iu ionizovannoi dvukhtemperaturnoi plazme : PMM vol. 30, no. 3, 1966, pp. 424-440 | Pages 512-529 | V. V. Gogosov |
3 | Electric fields in magnetohydrodynamic channels in the presence of electrode potential drop | Pages 530-540 | A. B. Vatazhin |
4 | The effect of transport processes on the stability of a plane flame front | Pages 541-557 | A. G. Istratov, V. B. Librovich |
5 | Kinetic model of a fluidized layer | Pages 558-567 | V. G. Levich, V. P. Miasnikov |
6 | Motion of a body with a cavity filled with a viscous fluid at large Reynolds numbers | Pages 568-589 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
7 | Equations of rotational motion of a gravitational satellite equipped with deformable stabilizers | Pages 590-606 | T. V. Kharitonova |
8 | Construction of models of continuous media by means of the variational principle | Pages 607-629 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
9 | Anisotropiccontinuous media, in which energy and the stresses depend on the gradients of the strain tensor and other tensor quantities | Pages 630-641 | M. A. Idin |
10 | Model of an elastic medium of simple structure with three-dimensional dispersion | Pages 642-652 | I. A. Kunin |
11 | Plane contact problem of the theory of elasticity with bonding or frictional forces | Pages 653-667 | G. Ia. Popov |
12 | Approximate solution of a singular integral equation by means of jacobi polynomials | Pages 668-675 | L. N. Karpenko |
13 | Solution of a contact problem for an elastic rectangle | Pages 676-684 | P. O. Galfaian, K. S. Chobanian |
14 | On the existence of a solution to the problem of the equilibrium of a circular membrane | Pages 685-689 | L. S. Srubshchik |
15 | The elastic equilibrium of an infinite, transversely isotropic body, weakened by an internal flat circular cut | Pages 690-695 | R. Ia. Suncheleev |
16 | Vibrations of an oscillator with residual creep | Pages 696-703 | M. I. Rozovskii, E. S. Sinaiskii |
17 | Regular precession of a free gyrostat | Pages 704-709 | N. N. Kolesnikow |
18 | Influence of tangential acceleration on the motion of a satellite | Pages 710-716 | In. G. Evtushenko |
19 | Sufficient conditions for the absolute extremum in a variational problem of the bolza - meyer type | Pages 717-723 | V. A. Kosmodem'ianskii |
20 | On sufficient conditions for the absence of periodic trajectories in conservative systems | Pages 724-727 | I. M. Belen'kii |
21 | Supersonic flow of a viscous gas in the region of a weak shock | Pages 728-735 | B. M. Bulakh |
22 | Non-steady flow of rarefied gas | Pages 736-741 | V. A. Levin |
23 | Contents of next issue | Pages 742-743 | |
24 | Transliteration table | Page 744 | |
Volume 30, Issue 4, Pages 745-950 (1966)
Volume 30, Issue 5, Pages 951-1166 (1966)
Volume 30, Issue 6, Pages 1167-1361 (1966)
1 | Author index to vol.30 | Pages i-vi | |
2 | The motion of a body with a cavity partly filled with a viscous liquid | Pages 1167-1184 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
3 | On stabilization of a nonholonomic system | Pages 1185-1192 | G. S. Shelement'ev |
4 | On the origin of convection | Pages 1193-1199 | V. I. Iudovich |
5 | On the linearized theory op flow around bodies. Method of force sources | Pages 1200-1209 | V. P. Dokuchaev |
6 | Discharge of gas into vacuum with temperature at the boundary subject to exponential law | Pages 1210-1217 | V. E. Neuvazhaev |
7 | Gasdynamic processes in heating of a substance by laser radiation | Pages 1218-1225 | Iu. V. Afanas'ev, V. M. Krol, O. N. Krokhin, I. V. Nemchinov |
8 | On the character of strong jumps in certain complex media | Pages 1226-1232 | A. D. Chernyshov |
9 | Impact of a cone on a thin elastic membrane | Pages 1233-1240 | S. S. Grigorian, D. M. Grigorian |
10 | Unsteady propagation of longitudinal shear cracks | Pages 1241-1248 | B. V. Kostrov |
11 | Contact problems for a half-space with an inclusion | Pages 1249-1255 | N. Kh. Arutiunian, A. A. Babloian |
12 | The first fundamental problem of the theory of elasticity for a rectangular parallelepiped | Pages 1256-1271 | G. M. Valov |
13 | A theory of elasticity with spatial distribution of matter. Three-dimensional complex structure | Pages 1272-1281 | V. E. Vdovin, I. A. Kunin |
14 | Useof variational methods in constructing models of continuous media with irreversible processes in the special theory of relativity | Pages 1282-1288 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
15 | Spinor as an invariant | Pages 1289-1300 | V. A. Zhelnorovich |
16 | On a boundary value problem of the theory of oscillations with parameter-dependent boundary conditions | Pages 1301-1305 | L. I. Balabukh, A. G. Molchanov |
17 | On the problem opn-stationary centers | Pages 1306-1310 | I. M. Belen'kii |
18 | On the theory of fugoid motions | Pages 1311-1316 | Iu. M. Svirezhev |
19 | On the stability of the equilibrium of a physical liquid-filled pendulum | Pages 1317-1320 | V. A. Samsonov |
20 | Onconstructing periodic solutions of quasi-linear non-self-contained systems with one degree of freedom, when amplitude equations possess multiple roots | Pages 1321-1327 | A. P. Proskuriakov |
21 | On the problem of control for a system of differential equations with time lag | Pages 1328-1331 | A. B. Kurzhanskii |
22 | Some remarks concerning the stability of a linear stochastic system | Pages 1332-1335 | M. B. Nevel'son |
23 | On the kinetic foci of a conservative system for isoenergetic trajectories | Pages 1336-1341 | E. E. Peisakh |
24 | On certain self-similar motions of gas in the presence of shock and detonation in a medium of varying density | Pages 1342-1350 | E. I. Andriankin |
25 | Steady convection in the presence of an external magnetic field | Pages 1351-1358 | Iu. P. Ivanilov, G. N. Iakovlev |
26 | Remarks on the papers by R.V.Birikh : -On the spectrum of small perturbations of plane-parallel couette flow- PMM vol.29, n 4, 1965 and -On small perturbations of a plane-parallel flow with cubic velocity profile- PMM vol.30, n 2, 1966 | Pages 1358-1359 | R. V. Birikh |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 1360 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 1361 | |
Volume 31, Issue 1, Pages 1-213 (1967)
Volume 31, Issue 2, Pages 215-430 (1967)
Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 431-622 (1967)
1 | Asymptotic laws of behavior of detonation waves : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 393-405 | Pages 431-441 | V. A. Levin, G. G. Chernyi |
2 | Stability of quasi-onedimensional magnetohydrodynamic flows : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 406-415 | Pages 442-450 | F. A. Slobodkina |
3 | Rotational motions of a solid body with a cavity filled with fluid : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 416-432 | Pages 451-464 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
4 | Themotion of controlled mechanical systems with prescribed constraints (servoconstraints) : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 433-446 | Pages 465-477 | V. I. Kirgetov |
5 | On the stability in first approximation of systems with random lag : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 447-452 | Pages 478-482 | I. Ia. Kats |
6 | Conditional stability in the critical case of several pairs of purely imaginary roots : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 453-459 | Pages 483-489 | V. I. Zhukovskii |
7 | On the problem of attenuation of a linear system : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 460-467 | Pages 490-495 | N. N. Krasovskii, Iu. M. Repin |
8 | Onsurface waves in joined elastic materials and their relation to crack propagation along the junction : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 468-475 | Pages 497-502 | R. V. Gol'dshtein |
9 | Crack propagation in continuous media : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 476-488 | Pages 503-512 | G. P. Cherepanov |
10 | Onthe computation of zeros of entire functions by means of series in problems of mechanics : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 489-499 | Pages 513-523 | V. A. Borodin |
11 | Reciprocal relations for the differential operators of the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 500-502 | Pages 524-526 | E. N. Kuznetsov |
12 | A method of solving systems of nonlinear equations of the potential type : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 503-508 | Pages 527-532 | S. V. Simeonov |
13 | Stability in the mean square of a system of stochastic differential equations : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 508-510 | Pages 533-535 | G. N. Mil'shtein, Iu. M. Repin |
14 | Onthe stabilization of the steady state motion of a nonlinear control system in the critical case of a double zero root : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 511-515 | Pages 536-540 | N. V. Stoianov |
15 | Stability of motion in a critical case : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 516-519 | Pages 541-544 | Ngo Van Vyong |
16 | On the problem of stabilization of a nonlinear system : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 519-522 | Pages 545-547 | V. I. Bondarenko, Iu. M. Filimonov |
17 | Onthe problem of a minimum of a functional in the investigation of the stability of motion of a body containing fluid : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967. pp. 523-526 | Pages 548-551 | V. A. Samsonov |
18 | Behavior of a linear system under small random excitation of its parameters : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 527-530 | Pages 552-555 | M. B. Nevel'son |
19 | On the quadratic integral of the equations of motion of a body with a fixed point : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 530-532 | Pages 556-558 | A. M. Kovalev, Iu. M. Kovalev |
20 | Slippage in dynamic systems with collision interactions : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 533-536 | Pages 559-562 | M. I. Feigin |
21 | On conditions of quasi-brittle fracture : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 537-542 | Pages 563-568 | L. V. Ershov, D. D. Ivlev |
22 | Plane strain in the asymmetric theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 543-547 | Pages 569-573 | A. N. Bulygin, E. V. Kuvshinskii |
23 | Simplified approach to the problem of the optimum transversal contour, : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 548-55 | Pages 574-577 | Angelo Miele |
24 | The electromagnetic field in a cavity undergoing compression : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 552-559 | Pages 578-585 | I. M. Rutkevich |
25 | Determiningthe parameters of subsonic flow in a channel beyond the zone of axial inhomogeneity of weak disturbing forces and heat sources : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 560-563 | Pages 586-590 | A. B. Vatazhin |
26 | Thecharacter of boundary layers and their overlapping in the magnetohydrodynamic flow of a conducting fluid in a channel of rectangular cross section : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 564-567 | Pages 591-594 | G. A. Grinberg, O. M. Kontorovich |
27 | Thespectrum of small perturbations of motion of a fluid between rotating spherical surfaces : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 567-572 | Pages 595-600 | V. I. Iakushin |
28 | Heat perturbation spectrum of incompressible fluid flows : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 573-577 | Pages 601-604 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii, R. N. Rudakov |
29 | Thermocapillary convection in a fluid filling a half-space : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 577-580 | Pages 605-608 | Iu. K. Bratukhin, L. N. Maurin |
30 | On qualitative singularities of the flow of a viscoplastic medium in pipes : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 581-585 | Pages 609-613 | P. P. Mosolov, V. P. Miasnikov |
31 | On the general solution of equations of axisymmetrical motions of viscous fluids : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 586-589 | Pages 614-617 | Dan G. Ionescu |
32 | On the extremal properties of entropy on a critical streamline : PMM vol. 31, no. 3, 1967, pp. 590-592 | Pages 618-620 | E. G. Shifrin |
33 | Contents of next issue | Page 621 | |
34 | Transliteration table | Page 622 | |
Volume 31, Issue 4, Pages 623-792 (1967)
1 | Equilibrium of arbitrary steady flows at the transonic points : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 593-602 | Pages 623-630 | A. G. Kulikovskii, F. A. Slobodkina |
2 | The two-dimensional problem of fluidization : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 603-614 | Pages 631-641 | Iu. P. Gupalo, G. P. Cherenkov |
3 | Methodof Poincare in the theory of nonlinear oscillations cases of degeneration of the system : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 615-623 | Pages 642-648 | A. P. Proskuriakov |
4 | On the synthesis of optimal dampers : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 624-630 | Pages 649-654 | V. A. Troitskii |
5 | Synchronous motions in a system of objects with supporting constraints : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 631-642 | Pages 655-664 | R. F. Nagaev, K. Sh. Khodzhaev |
6 | Some problems of the mathematical theory of deformation and fracture of hard rocks : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 643-669 | Pages 665-686 | S. S. Grigorian |
7 | Moments formulation of some statistical problems in elasticity : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 670-677 | Pages 687-693 | V. A. Lomakin |
8 | Solution of some dual equations encountered in problems of the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 678-689 | Pages 694-704 | A. A. Babloian |
9 | Developmentof the theory of hypergeometric functions in connection with problems on elastic equilibrium of plates and shells : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 690-700 | Pages 705-715 | A. D. Kovalenko |
10 | On the determination of kinetic stress functions in elastodynamics problems : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 701-703 | Pages 715-718 | N. A. Kil'chevskii, E. F. Levchuk |
11 | Asymptoticsolution of a class of integral equations and its application to contact problems for cylindrical elastic bodies : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 704-710 | Pages 718-724 | V. M. Aleksandrov, A. V. Belokon' |
12 | The contact problem of an elastic layer compressed by two punches : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 711-715 | Pages 725-730 | Iu. N. Kuz'min, Ia. S. Ufliand |
13 | Onthe possibility of solving plate stability pboblems without a preliminary determination of the initial state of stress : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 716-722 | Pages 730-736 | N. A. Alfutov, L. I. Balabukh |
14 | Nonstiffness of spherical shells : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 723-729 | Pages 737-743 | L. S. Srubshchik |
15 | Lower and upper bounds for the torsional stiffness of a prismatic bar in steady creep : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 730-734 | Pages 744-748 | V. D. Vylekzhanin |
16 | Generalization of the Euler case of motion of a solid : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 735-736 | Pages 749-750 | V. A. Smol'nikov |
17 | Stabilityof circular satellite orbits in the earth's normal gravitational field with allowance for the dipole magnetic field : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967,pp. 737-743 | Pages 751-757 | V. G. Degtiarev |
18 | Estimatingthe existence domain of a limiting cycle of a class of dynamic systems with a cylindrical phase space : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 744-746 | Pages 758-760 | I. A. Nepomniashchaia, Iu. V. Savel'ev |
19 | Subharmonic resonance in a system with a randomly varying natural frequency : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 747-748 | Pages 761-762 | M. F. Dimentberg |
20 | Propagation of vibrations in a nonlinear dissipative medium : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 749-756 | Pages 763-769 | V. A. Pal'mov |
21 | Relaxation of a gas described by boltzmann kinetic equation : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 756-762 | Pages 770-775 | V. A. Rykov |
22 | Flowof an ideal gas in a spherically symmetrical gravitational field with allowance for radiant heat conduction and radiant pressure : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967, pp. 762-769 | Pages 776-783 | G. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan |
23 | The limiting moisture profile during infiltration in to a homogeneous soil : PMM vol. 31, no. 4, 1967. pp. 770-776 | Pages 783-789 | N. V. Khusnytdinova |
24 | Contents of next issue | Pages 790-791 | |
25 | Transliteration table | Page 792 | |
Volume 31, Issue 5, Pages 793-988 (1967)
1 | Thesecond approximation in the asymptotic theory op sonic flow op a real gas past bodies op revolution : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp.783-793 | Pages 793-802 | V. N. Diesperov, O. S. Ryzhov |
2 | The onset of shock waves in nonequilibrium flows : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp.794-803 | Pages 803-812 | A. N. Kraiko |
3 | Onuniformly exact equations of the plane laminar boundary layer for a body with a sharp local change in the curvature of its profile : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 804-811 | Pages 813-820 | B. M. Bulakh |
4 | On the theory of Rayleigh's instability : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 812-819 | Pages 821-828 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii, R. N. Rudakov |
5 | On some two-dimensional problems of the theory of filtration with a limiting gradient : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 820-833 | Pages 829-841 | V. M. Entov |
6 | On the problem of the game-interception of motions : PMM vol. 31. no. 5, 1967, pp. 834-840 | Pages 842-848 | A. I. Subbotin |
7 | Onthe bifurcations op stationary motions of conservative systems with twocyclic coordinates : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 841-847 | Pages 849-855 | V. I. Vozlinskii |
8 | Reflection and refraction of a plane plastic wave in the presence of a boundary plane : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 848-860 | Pages 856-868 | N. V. Zvolinskii |
9 | On the basic properties of a system of homogeneous solutions : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 861-869 | Pages 869-877 | I. I. Vorovich, V. E. Koval'chuk |
10 | Rolling of elastic bodies : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 870-876 | Pages 877-883 | V. I. Mossakovskh, I. I. Mishchishin |
11 | The self-similar problem of impact loading in a nonlinearly elastic material : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 877-882 | Pages 884-889 | E. M. Chernykh |
12 | Bending of shells with positive curvature under a concentrated load : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 883-886 | Pages 890-894 | G. N. Chernyshev |
13 | On strain theories of plasticity for singular loading surfaces : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 887-889 | Pages 895-897 | D. D. Ivlev |
14 | Internal stresses in media with microstructure : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 889-896 | Pages 898-906 | I. A. Kunin |
15 | Contact problems of creep theory : PMM vol.31, no.5, 1967, pp.897-906 | Pages 906-917 | N. Kh. Arutiunian |
16 | High frequency oscillations of a thin elastic layer of variable thickness : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 907-910 | Pages 917-921 | I. A. Molotkov, D. K. Ozerov |
17 | Oscillations of a cylindrical shell filled with a fluid and surrounded by an elastic medium : PMM vol.31, no.5, 1967, pp.910-913 | Pages 922-925 | L. A. Molotkov, P. V. Krauklis |
18 | Attenuationof waves propagating along a surface of a nonhomogeneous semispace witha waveguide : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 914-915 | Pages 926-928 | A. G. Alenitsyn |
19 | Motion of gas behind an expanding detonation wave in space with a cut-out cone : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 916-928 | Pages 928-941 | Ia. M. Kazhdan |
20 | Ananalytic solution of a system of equations for the axisymmetrical flow of an incompressible fluid : PMM vol. 1, no. 5, 1967, pp. 928-931 | Pages 941-944 | G. I. Nazarov, A. A. Puchkov |
21 | Convergentdetonation waves under Chapman-Jouguet conditions in media with variable and constant initial densities : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 932-935 | Pages 945-948 | Ia. G. Sapunkov |
22 | A generalization of the invariant relation of Hess : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 935-936 | Pages 949-951 | A. Ia. Savchenko |
23 | A case where the Hamilton-Jacobi equation is integrable : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 937 | Pages 951-952 | L. G. Glikman, E. M. Iakushev |
24 | Cycles and quasi-indices of singular points of conservative systems : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 938-946 | Pages 952-961 | I. M. Belen'kii |
25 | Motionof a magnetized equatorial satellite about its center of mass in a circular orbit with interaction of the Earth's magnetic and gravitational fields : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 947-950 | Pages 962-966 | A. A. Khentov |
26 | Motion of a gyroscope in universal suspension on a uniformly rotating base : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 951-958 | Pages 967-976 | Kh. L. Smolitskii |
27 | Application of the Liapunov method to linear systems with lag : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 959-963 | Pages 976-980 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
28 | Stabilizinga nonlinear controlled system for steady-state motions in the critical case of a double zero root : PMM vol. 31, no. 5, 1967, pp. 963-968 | Pages 981-986 | N. V. Stoianov |
29 | Contents of next issue | Page 987 | |
30 | Transliteration table | Page 988 | |
Volume 31, Issue 6, Pages 989-1154 (1967)
1 | Author index to vol. 31 | Pages i-x | |
2 | Dynamictheory of continuously distributed dislocations. Its relation to plasticity theory : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 981-1000 | Pages 989-1006 | V. L. Berdichevskii, L. I. Sedov |
3 | On some contact problems for composite half-spaces : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1001-1008 | Pages 1007-1013 | B. L. Abramian, N. KH. Arutrunian |
4 | On some problems with unknown boundaries for the heat conduction equation : PMM, vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1009-1020 | Pages 1014-1024 | S. N. Kruzhkov |
5 | Stability in the first approximation for stochastic systems : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1021-1027 | Pages 1025-1030 | R. Z. Khas'minskii |
6 | Two-dimensional transonic gas flow in the presence of a normal shock wave : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1028-1034 | Pages 1031-1036 | G. D. Sevost'ianow |
7 | Onperturbations associated with the creation of lift acting on a body in atransonic stream of a dissipative gas : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1035-1049 | Pages 1037-1049 | O. S. Ryzhov, E. D. Terent'ev |
8 | Supersonic flow past triangular wings with ribs on their surface : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1050-1056 | Pages 1050-1056 | A. L. Gonor |
9 | Equations of turbulent motion : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1057-1068 | Pages 1057-1068 | A. S. Monin |
10 | Onthe probability distribution of the difference of velocities at two distinct points of a homogeneous, isotropic turbulent flow : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1069-1072 | Pages 1069-1073 | V. R. Kuznetsov |
11 | Stability of Couette flow of the anomalous Grad fluid : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1073-1076 | Pages 1074-1078 | Nguen Van D'ep |
12 | The hodograph method in electrodynamics of continuous nonlinearly conducting media : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1077-1080 | Pages 1079-1083 | Iu. P. Emets |
13 | The stability of the steady - state solutions in the theory of thermal explosions : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1081-1085 | Pages 1083-1087 | S. A. Kaganov |
14 | On the principle of reduction : PMM vol. 31, no. 6. 1967, pp. 1086-1089 | Pages 1088-1091 | S. I. Gorshin |
15 | Determiningthe statistical characteristics of a linear dynamic system from measurements of its motion : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1089-1094 | Pages 1092-1097 | M. F. Dimentberg |
16 | Theeffect of external perturbing moments on the dynamics of a uniaxial single-flywheel attitude control system of a spacecraft : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1095-1103 | Pages 1098-1106 | A. A. Karymov, T. V. Kharitonova |
17 | Libration boundaries of a triaxial satellite in a gravitational field : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1104-1107 | Pages 1107-1111 | V. V. Beletskii |
18 | On periodic solutions of dynamic, second order, nearly piecewise analytic systems : PMM vol. 31, no. 6. 1967, pp. 1108-1110 | Pages 1112-1114 | N. N. Serebriakova |
19 | Useof the Hamilton-Ostrogradskii principle in problems of the theory of nonlinear oscillations : PMM vol. 31, no. 6. 1967, pp. 1110-1116 | Pages 1115-1121 | M. V. Mironov |
20 | Onthe approximate solution of some integral equations of the theory of elasticity and mathematical physics : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1117-1131 | Pages 1122-1136 | V. M. Aleksandrov |
21 | On some properties of the state of stress of a thin elastic layer : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1132-1140 | Pages 1137-1146 | M. I. Guesein-Zade |
22 | On the analysis of line-loaded cylindrical shells : PMM vol. 31, no. 6, 1967, pp. 1141-1146 | Pages 1147-1152 | E. I. Grigoliuk, V. M. Tolkachev |
23 | Contents of next issue | Page 1153 | |
24 | Transliteration table | Page 1154 | |
Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 1-171 (1968)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | Regularizing a problem on the encounter of motions in games theory : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 3-14 | Pages 1-11 | N. N. Krasovskii, V. E. Tret'iakov |
3 | Some problems of optimal control with a small parameter : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 15-26 | Pages 12-22 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
4 | Amodification to the theory of uniform distribution and its application to the theory of oscillations : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 27-35 | Pages 23-30 | M. V. Mironov |
5 | Resonant and nonresonant case in the problem of excitation of mechanical oscillations : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 36-45 | Pages 31-39 | K. Sh. Khodzhaev |
6 | Occurrence of space-periodic motions in hydrodynamics : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 46-58 | Pages 40-51 | Iu. B. Ponomarenko |
7 | Axially symmetric flows of ideal and viscous fluids filling the whole space : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 59-69 | Pages 52-62 | M. R. Ukhovskii, V. I. Iudovich |
8 | Onthe kinematics, nonequilibrium thermodynamics, and rheological relationships in the nonlinear theory of viscoelasticity : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 70-94 | Pages 62-84 | V. A. Gorodtsov, A. I. Leonov |
9 | On the statistical mechanics of particles suspended in a gas stream : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 95-105 | Pages 85-93 | Iu. A. Buevich |
10 | Onthe computation of statistical characteristics of pressure pulsations on the surface of a plate beneath a turbulent boundary layer : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 106-111 | Pages 94-100 | T. N. Krasil'nikova |
11 | Stabilityof flows of a weakly compressible fluid in a plane pipe of large, but finite length : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 112-114 | Pages 100-102 | A. G. Kulikovskii |
12 | On the stability of almost - Periodic motions : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 114-117 | Pages 103-106 | V. G. Veretennikov |
13 | Constructing the stability domain in the parameter space of a dynamic system : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1966, pp. 118-123 | Pages 107-113 | M. I. Feigin |
14 | Steady-stateperiodic and rotational motions in perturbed, significantly nonlinear and almost conservative systems with one degree of freedom, in the case of an arbitrary constant deviation of the argument : PMM vol. 32, no. 1,1968, pp. 124-130 | Pages 114-121 | L. L. Akulenko |
15 | Application of the method of associated fields to spatial self-contained systems : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 131-135 | Pages 122-126 | I. M. Belen'kii |
16 | Time-optimal pulse operation in linear systems : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 136-146 | Pages 127-137 | L. M. Markhashov |
17 | Application of linear programing to extremal problems of the control theory : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 147-153 | Pages 138-144 | V. I. Bondarenko, In. M. Filimonov |
18 | Variational methods for nonlinear equations of motion of shells : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 154-158 | Pages 145-150 | L. Ia. Ainola |
19 | Asymptoticbehavior of the solution of the problem in the theory of elasticity forthe spherical shell under uneven loadings : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 159-167 | Pages 151-159 | N. A. Poliakov, Iu. A. Ustinov |
20 | Mixed problems on torsion of an elastic half-space with a spherical inclusion : PMM vol. 32, no. 1, 1968, pp. 167-174 | Pages 160-166 | A. N. Rukhovets, Ia. S. Ufliand |
21 | On some dynamic phenomena in flexible fibers : PMM vol. 32, no. 1. 1968. pp. 174-176 | Pages 167-169 | M. A. Zak |
22 | Contents of next issue | Page 170 | |
23 | Transliteration table | Page 171 | |
Volume 32, Issue 2, Pages 173-354 (1968)
1 | Games-theoretical encounter of motions with bounded impulses : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 177-184 | Pages 173-179 | N. N. Krasovskii |
2 | Optimal combination of control and tracking : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 185-193 | Pages 180-187 | G. S. Shelement'ev |
3 | The problem of control with bounded phase coordinates : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 194-202 | Pages 188-195 | A. B. Kurzhanskii, Iu. S. Osipov |
4 | Optimum correction under active disturbances : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 203-208 | Pages 196-200 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
5 | On the analysis of the efficiency of a mass servicing system : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 209-216 | Pages 201-208 | V. V. Tokarev, V. G. Shumilkin |
6 | The kinematics of viscoelastic media with finite deformations : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 217-231 | Pages 209-221 | Iu. E. Buevich |
7 | On the derivation of a theory of bending of layered plates : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 232-243 | Pages 222-233 | M. I. Gusein-Zade |
8 | Processes of formation of hexagonal convective cells : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 244-255 | Pages 234-245 | Iu. B. Ponomarenko |
9 | Hydbodynamic and thermal instability of a steady convective flow : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 256-263 | Pages 246-252 | R. V. Birikh, G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii, R. N. Rudakov |
10 | Investigationof the free boundary neighborhood of a gas in motion behind a detonation wave propagating in a space with a conical cutout : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 264-275 | Pages 253-265 | Ia. M. Kazhdan |
11 | Thespectrum of perturbations and convective instability of a plane, horizontal fluid layer with permeable boundaries : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 276-281 | Pages 266-271 | D. D. Shvartsblat |
12 | Onthe stability of steady helical motions in a fluid of a body bounded bya multiply connected surface : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 282-285 | Pages 272-275 | Iu. M. Kovalev |
13 | On the three-dimensional sonic flow of an ideal gas past a body : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 285-290 | Pages 276-281 | V. N. Diesperov, O. S. Ryzhov |
14 | Stabilityof motion of a free solid with a cavity completely filled with a viscous liquid in the force field of two stationary attracting centers :PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 291-297 | Pages 282-289 | V. N. Rubanovskii |
15 | Kinematic interpretation of the motion of a body with a fixed point : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 298-305 | Pages 290-297 | E. I. Kharlamova |
16 | On the oscillatory and rotational resonant motions : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 306-313 | Pages 298-305 | L. D. Akulenko |
17 | Asymptotic stability of the equilibria of gyroscopic systems with partial dissipation : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 314-318 | Pages 306-311 | L. E. Sokolova |
18 | Solution of the problem of the diffraction of an acoustic wave by a cone : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 319-323 | Pages 312-316 | V. B. Poruchikov |
19 | On a spherical shock wave in a visco-elasto-plastic half-space : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 323-327 | Pages 317-321 | N. D. Verveiko |
20 | Onsolvability of nonlinear equations of reissner for nonshallow symmetrically loaded shells of revolution : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 328-332 | Pages 322-326 | L. S. Srubshchik |
21 | Stability of a nonshallow spherical dome : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 332-338 | Pages 327-334 | I. I. Vorovich, N. I. Minakova |
22 | On equilibrium modes of a rubber spherical shell under internal pressure : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 339-344 | Pages 335-341 | V. I. Feodos'ev |
23 | Multi-moment theory of equilibrium of thick plates : PMM vol. 32, no. 2, 1968, pp. 344-352 | Pages 342-351 | Iu. A. Gruzdev, V. K. Prokopov |
24 | Contents of next issue | Pages 352-353 | |
25 | Transliteration table | Page 354 | |
Volume 32, Issue 3, Pages 355-573 (1968)
1 | Solutionof the problem of current distribution in a magnetohydrodynamic channelwith permeable electrodes at tensor character of conductivity of the flowing medium : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 353-359 | Pages 355-361 | Iu. P. Emets |
2 | Optimizationof one-dimensional flows, when one of the characteristic velocities passes continuously through zero : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 360-368 | Pages 362-370 | F. A. Slobodkina |
3 | Some three-dimensional gas flows adjacent to regions of rest : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 369-380 | Pages 371-381 | A. F. Sidorov |
4 | Non - newtonian hydromechanics of disperse systems : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 381-392 | Pages 382-393 | Iu. A. Buevich |
5 | Fundamental solution of an unsteady transport equation in solid geometry : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 393-400 | Pages 394-401 | V. M. Kochetkov |
6 | Asymptoticsolution of a class of integral equations encountered in the investigation of mixed problems of the mathematical physics for regions with cylindrical boundaries : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 401-413 | Pages 402-413 | V. M. Aleksandrov, A. V. Belokon' |
7 | Construction of green's function in terms of green's function of lower dimension : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 414-420 | Pages 414-420 | V. L. Indenbom, S. S. Orlov |
8 | Expansionof an arbitrary function into an integral in terms of associated spherical functions : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 421-427 | Pages 421-427 | N. N. Lebedev, I. P. Skal'skaia |
9 | Correlation theory of precritical deformations of thin elastic shells : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 428-434 | Pages 428-434 | V. V. Bolotin, B. P. Makarov |
10 | Nonstiffness of a nonshallow spherical dome : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 435-444 | Pages 435-445 | L. S. Srubshchik |
11 | Motion of a rigid stamp on the boundary of a viscoelastic half-plane : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 445-453 | Pages 446-455 | L. A. Galin, A. A. Shmatkova |
12 | Bending of a strip : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 454-457 | Pages 456-460 | V. V. Kopasenko |
13 | Problem of extension of an elastic space containing a plane annular slit : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 458-462 | Pages 461-466 | B. I. Smetanin |
14 | Elasto-plasticproblem for a sheet weakened by a doubly periodic system of circular holes : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 463-467 | Pages 467-471 | L. M. Kurshin, I. D. Suzdal'nitskii |
15 | Asymptotic study of the two-dimensional problem of elastic impact of bars : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 467-471 | Pages 472-476 | M. A. Malkov |
16 | Therelations on surfaces of stress discontinuity in three-dimensional perfectly rigid-plastic bodies : PMM, vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 472-477 | Pages 477-483 | G. I. Bykovtsev, D. D. Ivlev, Iu. M. Miasniankin |
17 | Convective instability of horizontal fluid layers bound by thermal interaction : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 479-481 | Pages 484-488 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii |
18 | Exact solutions of certain convection problems : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 482-487 | Pages 489-495 | V. L. Katkov |
19 | On one pboblem of filtration with a limit gradient allowing an exact solution : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 487-492 | Pages 496-502 | V. M. Entov |
20 | Invarianttransformation of Euler equations for plane steady flows of a perfect compressible fluid : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 493-494 | Pages 503-505 | S. V. Pan'ko |
21 | Gas velocity variation in ionizing shock waves the problem of the conductive piston : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 495-499 | Pages 506-510 | A. A. Barmin, A. G. Kulikovskii |
22 | Axisymmetric detached flow past a solid of revolution with small captation numbers : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 499-501 | Pages 511-514 | Iu. L. Iakimov |
23 | On a plastic shear wave : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 502-504 | Pages 514-517 | A. M. Skobeev |
24 | On the stability of steadystate motions : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 504-508 | Pages 517-521 | V. V. Rumiantsev |
25 | Bifurcationsof the fixed points of a point transformation under which a root of thecharacteristic polynomial passes through the value ? = ?1: PMM vol. 32,no. 3, 1968, pp. 509-512 | Pages 522-526 | L. A. Komraz |
26 | Some laws of spacecraft orbit control : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 513-516 | Pages 527-531 | D. A. Mamatkazin |
27 | Group-invariantproperties of a nonlinear optimally controlled distrihuted-parameter process : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1960, pp. 517-521 | Pages 532-536 | V. G. Pavlov, V. P. Cheprasov |
28 | The equations of motion of a body of variable mass in the general theory of relativity : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 521-529 | Pages 537-545 | L. A. Rozenberg |
29 | The motion of conservative systems in harmonic force fields : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 530-534 | Pages 546-550 | I. M. Belen'kii |
30 | Motion of a body in the case of L.N. Sretenskii : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 535-542 | Pages 551-558 | A. M. Kovalev |
31 | Integrating the hamilton - jacobi equation for a certain class of hamiltonians : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, p. 543 | Pages 559-560 | L. G. Glikman |
32 | Two particular solutions of the problem of motion of a body with a fixed point : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 544-548 | Pages 561-565 | B. I. Konosevich, E. V. Pozdniakovich |
33 | Thestructure of the periodic solutions of a quasilinear self-contained system with several degrees of freedom in the case of differing, but partly noncommensurate frequencies : PMM vol. 32, no. 3, 1968, pp. 548-552 | Pages 566-570 | A. P. Proskuriakov |
34 | Contents of next issue | Pages 571-572 | |
35 | Transliteration table. Trignometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 573 | |
Volume 32, Issue 4, Pages 575-802 (1968)
1 | Motionof a gyroscope with a flexible axis acted on by gravity and elastic constraints for small angles of nutation. The stability of its vertical rotation : PMM vol.32, n4, 1968, pp.553-566 | Pages 575-588 | M. Ia. Kushul |
2 | Oscillations in nearly-Liapunov self-contained systems with lag : PMM vol.32, n4, 1968, pp.567-574 | Pages 589-596 | A. F. Kleimenov |
3 | The problem of convergence of controlled objects : PMM vol.32, n4, 1968, pp.575-586 | Pages 597-608 | N. N. Krasovskii, A. I. Subbotin |
4 | A minimax problem of one-time correction with measurement errors : PMM vol. 32, n4, 1968, pp.587-595 | Pages 609-617 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
5 | On the solution of variational problems of supersonic flows of gas with foreign particles : PMM vol. 32, n4, 1968, pp.596-605 | Pages 617-627 | A. N. Kraiko, A. A. Osipov |
6 | On the stability of a plane couette flow : PMM vol.32, n4, 1968, pp.606-614 | Pages 627-635 | Iu. B. Ponomarenko |
7 | Self-similar problems of mixing of a viscous fluid : PMM vol.32, n4, 1968, pp.615-622 | Pages 636-643 | P. P. Koriavov, Iu. N. Pavlovskii |
8 | On kinematic relationships on slip surfaces in ideal rigid-plastic bodies : PMM vol. 32, n4, 1968, pp.623-631 | Pages 644-651 | G. I. Bykovtsev, D. D. Ivlev, Iu. M. Miasniankin |
9 | Contact problem for a half-plane with elastic reinforcement : PMM vol.32, n4, 1968. pp.632-646 | Pages 652-665 | N. Kh. Arutiunian |
10 | First fundamental problem for a piecewise-homogeneous plane with a slit perpendicular to the line of separation : PMM vol.32, n4, 1968, pp.647-659 | Pages 666-678 | A. A. Khrapkov |
11 | Correlation functions of an elastic field of quasi-isotropic solid bodies : PMM vol.32. n4, 1968, pp.660-671 | Pages 679-690 | A. G. Fokin, T. D. Shermergor |
12 | Asymptotic methods in contact problems of elasticity theory : PMM vol.32, N4, 1968, pp.672-683 | Pages 691-703 | V. M. Aleksandrov |
13 | Methods for justifying and refining the theory of shells (Survey of recent results) : PMM vol. 32, n4, 1968, pp. 684-695 | Pages 704-718 | A. L. Gol'denveizer |
14 | Stability of a cylindrical shell in the bending state of stress : PMM vol.32, n4, 1968, pp.696-702 | Pages 719-726 | E. M. Koroleva |
15 | Energycriterion of the stability of elastic bodies which does not require thedetermination of the initial stress-strain state : PMM vol. 32, n4, 1968, pp. 703-707 | Pages 726-731 | N. A. Alfutov, L. I. Balabukh |
16 | On a mixed problem of elasticity theory for a wedge : PMM vol.32, n4, 1968, pp.708-714 | Pages 732-739 | B. P. Smetanin |
17 | Contact problem of elasticity theory for a half-strip : PMM vol. 32, n4, 1968, pp. 714-721 | Pages 739-746 | V. V. Kopasenko |
18 | On the buckling of flexible plates : PMM vol.32, n4, 1968, pp.721-727 | Pages 747-754 | L. S. Srubshchik, V. A. Trenogin |
19 | A dynamic system with a discontinuous characteristic : PMM vol. 32, n4, 1968, pp. 728-734 | Pages 754-762 | N. N. Skriabin |
20 | Steady rotational-oscillatory motions in a system whose unperturbed motion is stable : PMM vol. 32, n4, 1968. pp. 735-737 | Pages 762-765 | L. D. Akulenko |
21 | Stability of a canonical system with two degrees of freedom in the presence op resonance : PMM vol. 32, n4, 1968, pp. 738-744 | Pages 766-772 | A. P. Markeev |
22 | Effect of a nonholonomic constraint on the stabilizability of a mechanical system : PMM vol. 32. n4, 1968, pp. 744-747 | Pages 773-776 | E. G. Al'brekht, G. S. Shelement'ev |
23 | Equations of a fluid boundary layer with couple stresses : PMM vol. 32, n 4, 1968, pp. 748-753 | Pages 777-783 | Nguen van D'ep |
24 | Equilibrium figures of a rotating liquid cylinder : PMM vol. 32, n 4, 1968, pp. 754-756 | Pages 783-786 | Iu. K. Bratukhin, L. N. Maurin |
25 | Magnetoacoustic waves in two-component media : PMM vol. 32, n 4, 1968, pp. 7 57-761 | Pages 787-791 | L. Ia. Kosachevskii |
26 | On stability and evolution of the electric current distribution in a medium with nonlinear conductivity : PMM vol. 32, n 4, 1968. pp. 76-76 | Pages 792-794 | A. G. Kulikovskii, S. A. Regirer |
27 | Some possible motions of a heavy solid in a fluid : PMM vol. 32, n 4, 1968, pp. 763-768 | Pages 794-800 | V. N. Rubanovskii |
28 | Contents of next issue | Page 801 | |
29 | Transliteration table | Page 802 | |
Volume 32, Issue 5, Pages 803-993 (1968)
1 | Models of continuous media with internal degrees of freedom : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 771-785 | Pages 803-819 | L. I. Sedov |
2 | Static formations in the general theory of relativity and planckeons : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 786-792 | Pages 819-825 | V. G. Lapchinskii, K. P. Staniukovich |
3 | On the problem of games encounter of motions : PMM vol. 32. n5, 1968, pp. 793-803 | Pages 826-835 | N. N. Krasovskii |
4 | On the equations of motion of nonholonomic mechanical systems in Poincare-Chetaev variables : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 804-814 | Pages 836-845 | Fam Guen |
5 | Calculation of the invariant manifolds of the lie group using its defining equations : PMM vol. 32, n85, 1968, pp. 815-824 | Pages 846-854 | L. M. Markhashov |
6 | Synchronization of finite-dimensional -force- generators : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 825-833 | Pages 854-862 | R. F. Nagaev |
7 | Statistical mechanics of gaseous suspensions. Dynamic and spectral equations : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 834-843 | Pages 862-871 | Iu. A. Buevich |
8 | Solution of two-dimensional problems of filtration with a limiting gradient by the method of small parameter : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 844-857 | Pages 872-884 | V. M. Entov, R. L. Salganik |
9 | Analysis of secondary steady flow between rotating cylinders : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 858-868 | Pages 884-894 | S. N. Ovchinnikova, V. I. Iudovich |
10 | Braking of conductive clusters moving in channels in a nonuniform magnetic field : PMM vol. 32. n5, 1968, pp. 869-881 | Pages 895-906 | A. B. Vatazhin |
11 | Energy transfer from a radiating sphere into a medium with molecular heat conduction : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 882-893 | Pages 907-917 | O. V. Voinov, A. M. Golovin, A. G. Petrov |
12 | Infinite elastic layer and half-space under the action of a ring-shaped die : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 894-907 | Pages 917-930 | G. M. Valov |
13 | Influence of initial microstresses on the macroscopic strain of polycrystals : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 908-922 | Pages 931-944 | Iu. I. Kadashevich, V. V. Novozhilov |
14 | On St.venant flexure including couple stresses : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 923-929 | Pages 944-950 | E. Reissner |
15 | On the stability of three-dimensional elastic bodies : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 930-934 | Pages 950-955 | A. N. Guz' |
16 | Statistical determination of the tensor of viscosity coefficients : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 935-938 | Pages 955-959 | V. S. Vikhrenko, V. B. Nemtsov, L. A. Rott |
17 | On the formulation of the defining equations for a plane flow of a continuous medium with dry friction : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 939-941 | Pages 959-962 | V. N. Nikolaevskii |
18 | Certain singularities of the hydrodynamic equations of non-newtonian media : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 942-945 | Pages 962-966 | S. A. Regirer, I. M. Rutkevich |
19 | On the problem of two pistons : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 946-954 | Pages 967-976 | E. V. Ermolin, L. I. Rubina, A. F. Sidorov |
20 | Variation of gas velocity in a normal ionizing shock wave and the problem of the conductive piston : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 954-956 | Pages 976-979 | A. A. Barmin |
21 | On the evolutionarity of equations of magnetohydrodynamios taking the hall effect into account : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 957-959 | Pages 979-982 | K. V. Brushlinskii, A. I. Morozov |
22 | Simple wave in a conductive medium in a stationary gravitational field : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 960-962 | Pages 982-985 | K. Dzhusupov |
23 | Stabilization of a nonlinear control system in the critical case of a pair of purely imaginary roots : PMM vol. 32, n5, 1968, pp. 963-968 | Pages 985-991 | N. V. Stoianov |
24 | Contents of next issue | Page 992 | |
25 | Transliteration table | Page 993 | |
Volume 32, Issue 6, Pages 995-1170 (1968)
1 | Author index to vol.32 | Pages i-viii | |
2 | Regularizing the problem of games encounter of motions : PMM vol.32 n6. 1968, pp. 972-976 | Pages 995-999 | N. N. Krasovskii |
3 | Stability op motion over a finite time interval : PMM vol.32, n6, 1968, pp. 977-986 | Pages 999-1007 | K. A. Abgarian |
4 | On the final motions of conservative systems : PMM vol.32, n6, 1968, pp. 987-1004 | Pages 1008-1023 | I. M. Belen'kii |
5 | One-dimensional unsteady motions of gas displaced by a piston : PMM vol.32, n6, 1968, pp. 1005-1013 | Pages 1023-1031 | Iu. B. Lifshits, O. S. Ryzhov |
6 | On a form of steady waves of finite amplitude : PMM vol.32, n6, 1968, pp. 1014-1025 | Pages 1032-1042 | Ia. I. Sekerzh-Zen'kovic |
7 | Small torsional oscillations of an elastically constrained rigid circular cylinder filled with a viscous fluid : PMM vol.32. n6, 1968, pp. 1026-1033 | Pages 1042-1049 | A. B. Ivanov |
8 | On quasibrittle fracture : PMM vol. 32. n6, 1968, pp. 1034-1042 | Pages 1050-1058 | G. P. Cherepanov |
9 | Analysis of non-thin shells : PMM vol.32. n6, 1968. pp. 1043-1052 | Pages 1059-1067 | V. Visarion, K. Stanescu |
10 | Theory of elasticity for a semilinear material : PMM vol.32, n6, 1968, pp. 1053-1069 | Pages 1068-1085 | A. I. Lur'e |
11 | Asymptotic analysis of some plane problems of the theory op elasticity with couple stresses : PMM vol.32, n6, 1968, pp. 1070-1074 | Pages 1085-1090 | R. M. Bergman |
12 | Onthe error in determining the stress concentration at a free hole by plane elasticity theory methods : PMM vol. 32. no.6. 1968, pp. 1075-1083 | Pages 1091-1100 | O. S. Malkina |
13 | Representation of solutions op the green type for equations of shells by the small parameter method : PMM vol. 32. n6, 1968, pp. 1083-1089 | Pages 1100-1107 | G. N. Chernyshev |
14 | An algorithm op the solution of nonlinear boundary value problems : PMM vol.32, n6, 1968, P.P. 1089-1092 | Pages 1107-1110 | N. V. Valishvili |
15 | On the loss of stability of the shape of an ideally flexible string : PMM vol. 32, n6, 1968, pp. 1092-1096 | Pages 1110-1115 | M. A. Zak |
16 | On the unloading wave in materials with delayed yielding : PMM vol. 32, n6. 1968, pp. 1097-1099 | Pages 1115-1118 | Iu. P. Guliaev, V. S. Lenskii |
17 | Stability of steady helical motions of a rigid body in a fluid : PMM vol. 32, n6, 1968, pp. 1100-1105 | Pages 1118-1124 | N. S. Tsodokova |
18 | On the analysis of resonances in nonlinear systems : PMM vol. 32, n6, 1968, pp. 1106-1110 | Pages 1124-1129 | L. D. Akulenko |
19 | The moving angular velocity hodograph in Hess' solution of the problem of motion of a body with a fixed point : PMM vol. 32, n6, 1968, pp. 1111-1118 | Pages 1129-1137 | A. M. Kovalev |
20 | On the dynamos op a gas bubble in a viscous incompressible liquid : PMM vol. 32, n6, 1968, pp. 1118-1121 | Pages 1138-1141 | A. P. Frolov |
21 | Investigation op stability of solutions of some nonlinear systems of differential equations : PMM vol.32, n6, 1968, pp. 1122-1125 | Pages 1141-1144 | S. K. Persidskii |
22 | Surfacesof discontinuity separating two perfect media of different properties. Recombination waves in magnetohydrodynamics : PMM vol.32. n6, 1968, pp. 1125-1131 | Pages 1145-1152 | A. G. Kulikovskii |
23 | On the derivation of Grad's hydrodynamic equations (computation op transport coefficients of an arbitrary order) : PMM vol.32, n6, 1968, pp. 1132-1139 | Pages 1153-1161 | M. A. Chusov |
24 | On the application of the Enskog method to the Boltzmann equation : PMM vol.32. n6. 1968, pp. 1140-1142 | Pages 1161-1164 | E. M. Shakhov |
25 | Application of the least squares method to a model which is nonlinear with respect to the parameters : PMM vol. 32, n6, 1968, pp. 1143-1146 | Pages 1164-1168 | A. Z. Volynets, B. S. Darkhovskii, B. A. Kader |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 1169 | |
27 | Transliteration table | Page 1170 | |
Volume 33, Issue 1, Pages 1-200 (1969)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | Collision of jets emerging prom channels with parallel walls : PMM vol.33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 11-19 | Pages 1-10 | F. S. Vladimirov |
3 | Self-similarmotions of a radiation-heated gas behind the absorption-initiating shock wave front : PMM vol.33, no. 1, 1969, pp.20-29 | Pages 10-19 | V. M. Krol, I. V. Nemchinov |
4 | Statistical mechanics of gas suspensions. A quasi-isotropic model : PMM vol.33, no.1, 1969, pp. 30-41 | Pages 19-30 | Iu. A. Buevich |
5 | Some general properties op the equations op viscoelastic incompressible fluid dynamics : PMM vol.33, no.1, 1969, pp. 42-51 | Pages 30-39 | I. M. Rutkevich |
6 | Theintegral equation of certain dynamic contact problems of elasticity theory and mathematical physics : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 52-60 | Pages 40-49 | V. A. Babeshko |
7 | Asymptotic solution of the contact problem for a thin elastic layer : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 61-73 | Pages 49-63 | V. M. Aleksandrov |
8 | Onthe solvability op general problems for an elastic closed cylindrical shell in a nonlinear formulation : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 74-84 | Pages 64-76 | I. I. Vorovich, G. A. Kosushkin |
9 | Integralcriterion op stability for systems with quasicyclic coordinates and energy relations for oscillations of current-carrying conductors : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 85-100 | Pages 76-93 | K. Sh. Khodzhaev |
10 | On optimization op the tracking process : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 101-111 | Pages 93-104 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
11 | Onthe stability of the triangular libration points in the circular bounded three-body problem : PMM vol. 33. no. 1, 1969, pp. 112-116 | Pages 105-110 | A. P. Markeev |
12 | Theproblem of small motions op a body with a cavity partially pilled with aviscous fluid : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 117-123 | Pages 110-117 | S. G. Krein, Ngo Zui Kan |
13 | On thermoelastic stability with sliding friction : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 124-127 | Pages 117-121 | N. V. Slonovskii |
14 | On the steady motions op a gyrostat satellite : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 127-131 | Pages 121-126 | S. Ia. Stepanov |
15 | Remarks on the singularity of elastic solutions near corners : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 132-135 | Pages 127-131 | A. I. Kalandiia |
16 | Contactproblem on the interaction between an elastic disk and two different rigid stamps : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 136-142 | Pages 132-139 | A. V. Belokon |
17 | On propagation op shock waves in an elasto-plastic medium : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 143-147 | Pages 140-145 | A. D. Chernyshov |
18 | Equilibrium of a liquid film on a rotating sphere : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 148-152 | Pages 146-151 | L. N. Maurin |
19 | Exact solution op the Navier-Stokes equations for a compressible gas : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 152-157 | Pages 152-157 | A. P. Byrkin |
20 | Convexity of a shock wave in the subsonic segment in plane flow : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 158-162 | Pages 158-162 | E. G. Shifrin |
21 | Influenceof viscosity and heat conductivity on the propagation of sound impulsesin an inhomogeneous moving medium : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 162-168 | Pages 163-170 | G. M. Shefter |
22 | Three-dimensional running waves in a barotropic gas : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 169-174 | Pages 170-177 | A. F. Sidorov, O. B. Khairullina |
23 | Motion of a heat-conducting gas acted on by a heat-insulated expanding piston : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 175-179 | Pages 177-183 | Ia. G. Sapunkov |
24 | Calculatingthe effective diffusion coefficients in a laminar dissociated multicomponent boundary layer : PMM vol. 33, no. 1, 1969, pp. 180-192 | Pages 184-198 | G. A. Tirskii |
25 | Contents op next issue | Page 199 | |
26 | Transliteration table | Page 200 | |
Volume 33, Issue 2, Pages 201-375 (1969)
1 | On a necessary and sufficient criterion for brittle strength : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 212-222 | Pages 201-210 | V. V. Novozhilov |
2 | Diffusive mass transfer in a stationary layer of a granulated material : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 223-231 | Pages 211-217 | Iu. A. Berman, R. F. Nagaev |
3 | One-dimensional flows in electrohydrodynamics : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 232-239 | Pages 218-225 | V. V. Gogosov, V. A. Polianskii, I. P. Semenova, A. E. Iakubenko |
4 | Diffraction of a cylindrical hydroacoustic wave at the joint of two semi-infinite plates : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 240-250 | Pages 225-234 | D. P. Kouzov |
5 | On a certain motion correction problem : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 251-260 | Pages 235-244 | G. S. Shelement'ev |
6 | A modified criterion of instability of motion : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 261-268 | Pages 244-250 | E. Dahlberg |
7 | Solution of diffusion-type problems for expanding or contracting regions : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969. pp. 269-273 | Pages 251-255 | G. A. Grinberg |
8 | Periodic solutions of certain nonlinear autonomous systems : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 274-279 | Pages 255-260 | V. S. Nustrov |
9 | Axisymmetric elastic properties of a spherical shell : PMM vol. 33, n2. 1969, pp. 280-286 | Pages 261-267 | V. I. Feodos'ev |
10 | Outer dirichlet problem for a semi - infinite cylinder : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 287-290 | Pages 268-271 | Iu. N. Kuz'min |
11 | On a generalization of the method of elastic solutions : PMM vol. 33. n2, 1969. pp. 290-298 | Pages 272-280 | D. L. Bykov, V. A. Shachnev |
12 | Equilibrium states of a cylindrical shell with initial deflections in compression : PMM vol. 33. n2, 1969, pp. 299-303 | Pages 281-285 | L. M. Kurshin, V. L. Prisekin |
13 | Linearproblem of rotational oscillations of an elastically coupled rigid sphere in a viscous fluid, bounded by a concentric stationary sphere : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 303-307 | Pages 285-290 | A. B. Ivanov |
14 | Comparisonof results of an analysis of transient waves in shells and plates by elasticity theory and approximate theories : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 308-322 | Pages 290-309 | U. K. Nigul |
15 | Dynamic characteristics of an electromagnetically driven trigger regulator : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 323-328 | Pages 309-315 | L. A. Komraz |
16 | Perturbation of natural small vibration frequencies upon introduction of damping : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 328-330 | Pages 315-317 | A. G. Ram |
17 | Oscillations of systems with time - dependent parameters : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 331-337 | Pages 317-324 | I. I. Vul'fson |
18 | Steadystate motions in autonomous systems with a deviating argument : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 337-339 | Pages 324-326 | L. D. Akulenko |
19 | Qualitative investigation of an equation of the theory of phase automatic frequency control : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 340-344 | Pages 327-332 | B. N. Skriabin |
20 | An optimal terminal control problem : PMM Vol. 33, N2, 1969, pp. 345-354 | Pages 332-341 | Nguyen Than Bang |
21 | Using the hodograph method to investigate nonlinear effects in plasmas : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 355-358 | Pages 342-345 | O. M. Sapunkova |
22 | On the problem of an intense explosion at the boundary of a half-space containing a perfect gas : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 358-363 | Pages 346-351 | L. V. Shurshalov |
23 | Unsteady energy transfer from a radiating sphere in a medium with molecular heat conduction : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 364-367 | Pages 352-355 | O. V. Voinov, A. M. Golovin, A. G. Petrov |
24 | The effects of viscosity and heat conduction with weak Mach reflection : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 368-375 | Pages 356-364 | G. P. Shindiapin |
25 | On the generalized orthogonality relation of P.A.Schiff : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 376-383 | Pages 364-372 | B. M. Nuller |
26 | Note on the errors appearing in the book -Confluent hypergeometric functions- by L.J.Slater : PMM vol. 33, n2, 1969, pp. 383-384 | Pages 372-373 | M. E. Averbukh, L. E. Borukhov |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 374 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 375 | |
Volume 33, Issue 3, Pages 377-582 (1969)
1 | A games problem of correction of motion : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 386-396 | Pages 377-386 | N. N. Krasovskii |
2 | One form of the equations of motion of mechanical systems : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 397-402 | Pages 386-392 | Fam Guen |
3 | Periodic solutions of systems with lag closely related to liapunov systems : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 403-412 | Pages 392-401 | A. F. Kleimenov, S. N. Shimanov |
4 | A study of nonlinear systems oscillations : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 413-430 | Pages 401-418 | K. G. Valeev, R. F. Ganiev |
5 | Onthe motion of a hollow body pilled with viscous liquid about its centerof mass in a potential body-force field : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 431-440 | Pages 418-427 | A. I. Kobrin |
6 | Approximatesolutions and asymptotic expansions for the problem of boundary layer development during acceleration : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 441-455 | Pages 428-442 | O. A. Oleinik |
7 | Asymptotic method in the problem of oscillations of a strongly viscous fluid : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 456-464 | Pages 442-450 | S. G. Krein, Ngo Zui Kan |
8 | Onset of oscillation in the presence of detonation wave weakening : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 465-475 | Pages 451-461 | G. G. Chernyi |
9 | Stationary convection in a vertical channel with permeable boundaries : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 476-481 | Pages 461-466 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitske, D. L. Shvartsblat |
10 | A hydrodynamic model of disperse systems : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 482-494 | Pages 466-479 | Iu. A. Buevich |
11 | Analysisof the three-dimensional states of stress and strain of circular cylindrical shells. Construction of refined applied theories : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 495-510 | Pages 479-494 | N. A. Bazarenko, I. I. Vorovich |
12 | Onthe behavior of the solution of the first fundamental problem of the theory of elasticity for a long rectangular plate : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 511-518 | Pages 495-503 | V. E. Koval'chuk |
13 | On the method of orthogonal polynomials in contact problems of the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 518-531 | Pages 503-517 | G. Ia. Popov |
14 | Concentrated force in a transversally-isotropic half-space and in a composite space : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 532-537 | Pages 517-523 | V. A. Sveklo |
15 | Stress conditions in plates reinforced by stiffening ribs : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 538-543 | Pages 523-529 | A. I. Kalandiia |
16 | On the development of cavities in viscous bodies : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 544-547 | Pages 529-533 | G. P. Cherepanov |
17 | On the two-dimensional problem of propagation of elastic waves due to a point source in an anisotropic medium : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 548-555 | Pages 534-542 | I. O. Osipov |
18 | Propagation of random vibrations in a rod with nonlinear properties : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 556-562 | Pages 543-550 | V. A. Pal'mov |
19 | On the stability of a nonautonomous hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 563-569 | Pages 550-557 | A. P. Markeev |
20 | Concerning some spacecraft convergence control laws : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 570-573 | Pages 557-561 | D. A. Mamatkazin |
21 | Criterion of existence of an optimal control for a class of linear stochastic systems : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 573-577 | Pages 561-565 | M. B. Nevel'son |
22 | On a criterion of stability of solutions of an n-th order linear differential equation : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 578-579 | Pages 565-567 | V. N. Berezhnoi, Iu. S. Kolesov |
23 | On the instability of a plane tangential discontinuity : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 580-581 | Pages 567-569 | N. G. Kikina, D. G. Sannikov |
24 | A class of exact solutions of the navier-stokes equations for a compressible heat-conducting gas : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 582-584 | Pages 570-573 | V. V. Shchennikov |
25 | Steady flow of a viscoelastic fluid in a channel with permeable walls : PMM vol. 33, n3, 1969, pp. 585-591 | Pages 573-580 | I. M. Rutkevich |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 581 | |
27 | Transliteration table | Page 582 | |
Volume 33, Issue 4, Pages 583-758 (1969)
1 | Propagation of waves in multicomponent media : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 598-601 | Pages 583-586 | Kh. A. Rakhmatulin |
2 | Use of a variational principle for the study of propagation of surfaces of discontinuity in a continuous medium : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 602-608 | Pages 586-592 | M. V. Lur'e |
3 | Method of analyzing frontal discontinuities excited by a pressure wave in membranes and shells : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 609-621 | Pages 593-605 | M. E. Kutser, U. K. Nigul |
4 | Applying the explosion analogy to the calculation of hypersonic flows : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 622-630 | Pages 605-613 | O. S. Ryzhov, E. D. Terent'ev |
5 | Diffraction of a shock wave on a wedge moving at supersonic speed : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 631-637 | Pages 613-619 | K. A. Bezhanov |
6 | On the theory of electromagnetic wave diffraction in active media : PMM vol. 33. n4, 1969, pp. 638-647 | Pages 619-628 | S. S. Kalmykova, V. I. Kurilko |
7 | On composite steady gravitational waves of finite amplitude : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 648-658 | Pages 628-638 | Ia. I. Sekerzh-Zen?kovich |
8 | On the motion of two spheres in a perfect fluid : PMM vol. 33, n 4, 1969, pp. 659-667 | Pages 638-646 | O. V. Voinov |
9 | Approximate theory of buckling of thin plates of semilinear material in case of affine initial deformation : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 668-675 | Pages 647-654 | L. M. Zubov |
10 | On the correctness of certain problems of the membrane theory of shells of negative curvature : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 676-687 | Pages 654-665 | V. A. Shachnev |
11 | Complete systems of particular solutions in shallow-shell theory : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 688-697 | Pages 666-675 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
12 | Optimal strategies in a linear differential game : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 698-704 | Pages 675-682 | N. N. Krasovskii, A. I. Subbotin |
13 | On control problems with restricted coordinates : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 705-719 | Pages 682-695 | A. B. Kurzhanskii, Iu. S. Osipov |
14 | Optimizing the tracking process under random perturbations : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 720-729 | Pages 696-705 | A. I. Solianik, F. L. Chernous'ko |
15 | On the asymptotic character of the motion of a conservative system acted on by an aperiodic perturbing force : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 730-736 | Pages 706-713 | A. M. Ter-Krikorov |
16 | Onthe set op steady motions of a gyrostat satellite in a central Newtonian force field and the stability of these motions : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 737-744 | Pages 714-722 | S. Ia. Stepanov |
17 | Dynamics of an electromagnetic trigger regulator with two pulses per period : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 745-747 | Pages 722-727 | L. A. Komraz |
18 | Determining the coefficients of the Legendre polynomial expansion of the Earth's gravitational potential : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 749-752 | Pages 727-730 | V. D. Andreev, O. F. Malakhova |
19 | Solutionof diffusion type problems for expanding or contracting regions whose form varies with time without preserving similarity : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 753-756 | Pages 731-734 | G. A. Grinberg, V. A. Koss |
20 | Solution of two-dimensional doubly-periodic problems of the theory of steady vibrations of viscoelastic bodies : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 756-759 | Pages 734-737 | A. N. Guz', V. T. Golovchan |
21 | On the solvability of problems of the theory of elasticity of contact type : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 760-763 | Pages 738-742 | B. E. Pobedria |
22 | On the analysis of shells with holes : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969. pp. 764-768 | Pages 742-747 | Iu. S. Naishtut |
23 | On a model of a medium with complex structure : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 768-773 | Pages 747-753 | V. A. Pal'mov |
24 | Variational form of the equations of the theory of thermodiffusion processes in a deformable solid : PMM vol. 33, n4, 1969, pp. 774-776 | Pages 753-756 | Ia. S. Podstrigach, P. R. Shevchuk |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 757 | |
26 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 758 | |
Volume 33, Issue 5, Pages 759-925 (1969)
1 | The optimal guaranteeing control with single switching : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 777-783 | Pages 759-765 | A. P. Cherenkov |
2 | Boundary value problems in nonlocal theory op elasticity : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 784-796 | Pages 765-777 | A. M. Vaisman, I. A. Kunin |
3 | On the foundations of a theory of equilibrium cracks in elastic solids : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 797-812 | Pages 777-790 | V. V. Novozhilov |
4 | Periodic contact problem for a half-plane with elastic laps (cover plates) : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969. pp. 813-843 | Pages 791-819 | N. Kh. Arutiunian, S. M. Mkhitarian |
5 | Dual trigonometric series in crack and punch problems : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 844-849 | Pages 819-825 | B. A. Kudriavtsev, V. Z. Parton |
6 | Homogeneoussolutions of two-dimensional problems of the theory op elasticity for arectangular region of a Cosserat medium : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 850-854 | Pages 825-830 | L. N. Ter-Mkrtich'ian |
7 | Stability of plane-parallel convective motion with respect to spatial perturbations : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 855-860 | Pages 830-835 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii |
8 | Self-similar solutions of the second kind in nonlinear filtration : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 861-870 | Pages 836-845 | G. I. Barenblatt, G. I. Sivashinskii |
9 | On the perturbation of a filtration flow by a single crack : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 871-875 | Pages 845-849 | I. M. Abdurakhmanov |
10 | A viscoplastic boundary layer with a power-law velocity distribution along the outer boundary : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 875-879 | Pages 850-854 | L. Ia. Kosachevskii, I. A. Strochkov |
11 | Boundary value problems for turbulence model equations : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 879-886 | Pages 854-862 | I. I. Shmulev |
12 | Relation between the Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions of turbulence : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 887-888 | Pages 862-864 | E. A. Novikov |
13 | On the static theory of two-dimensional turbulence : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 889-891 | Pages 864-866 | V. I. Kliatskin |
14 | The shape of the detached shock wave in flow past a profile : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969. pp. 891-895 | Pages 867-871 | E. G. Shifrin |
15 | Flow of a rarefied gas past a sphere : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 895-898 | Pages 872-875 | I. N. Larina |
16 | Collision with an obstacle of a body containing a viscous fluid : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 899-904 | Pages 876-881 | B. N. Rumiantsev |
17 | Onthe Routh theorem and the Chetaev method for constructing the liapunov function from the integrals of the equations of motion : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 904-912 | Pages 882-890 | V. N. Rubanovskii, S. Ia. Stepanov |
18 | Periodic solutions of second order dynamic systems close to piece-wise Hamiltonian systems : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 912-915 | Pages 890-893 | N. N. Serebriakova |
19 | Reduction of Nielsen's equations for nonholonomic mechanical systems to Chaplygin's equations : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 916-917 | Pages 894-895 | Bl. Dolapchiev |
20 | On a model of continuous medium, taking into account the microstructure : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 917-923 | Pages 896-902 | E. A. Il'iushina |
21 | The propagation of weak discontinuities in the systems of equations of magnetogasdynamics : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969. pp. 923-927 | Pages 902-906 | L. I. Rubina |
22 | Forms of equilibrium of a rectangular plate in gas flow : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 928-932 | Pages 907-911 | N. V. Valishvili, V. B. Silkin |
23 | Investigationof the deformation of elastic membranes constrained by restrictions (ondisplacements) by the method of dynamic programing : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 933-935 | Pages 912-914 | V. A. Baranenko, Iu. M. Pochtman |
24 | Splitting of an infinite elastic wedge : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 935-940 | Pages 914-920 | B. I. Smetanin |
25 | A generalization of Fourier's integral theorem and its applications : PMM vol. 33, n5, 1969, pp. 941-944 | Pages 920-923 | I. T. Efimova, Ia. S. Ufliand |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 924 | |
27 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 925 | |
Volume 33, Issue 6, Pages 927-1105 (1969)
1 | Author index to vol. 33 | Pages i-vii | |
2 | On the motion and stability of an elastic body with a cavity containing fluid : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 946-957 | Pages 927-937 | V. V. Rumiantsev |
3 | Stability of the steady convective motion of a fluid with a longitudinal temperature gradient : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 958-968 | Pages 937-947 | R. V. Birikh, G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii, R. N. Rudakov |
4 | On approximations and the coarseness of the parameter space of a dynamic system : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 969-988 | Pages 947-965 | N. N. Bautin |
5 | Optimization of processes with difference arguments : PMM vol. 33, n 6, 1969, pp. 989-995 | Pages 965-971 | Iu. V. Kozhevnikov |
6 | Boundary layer and its interaction with the interior state of stress of an elastic thin shell : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 996-1028 | Pages 971-1001 | A. L. Gol'denveizer |
7 | On the effect of an axisymmetric normal loading on an elastic sphere : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1029-1033 | Pages 1001-1005 | V. F. Bondareva |
8 | Certain type of integral equations appearing in contact problems of the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1034-1041 | Pages 1005-1012 | V. A. Babeshko |
9 | Anintegral equation and its application to contact problems in the theoryof elasticity with friction and cohesion forces : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1042-1050 | Pages 1012-1020 | A. S. Solov'ev |
10 | Onthe temperature or concentration fields produced inside an infinite or finite domain by moving surfaces at which the temperature or concentration are given as functions of time : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1051-1060 | Pages 1021-1029 | G. A. Grinberg |
11 | Thesolution of one class of dual integral equations connected with the Mehler-Fock transform in the theory of elasticity and mathematical physics : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1061-1068 | Pages 1029-1036 | N. N. Lebedev, I. P. Skal'skaia |
12 | On magnetoplastic flow : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1069-1075 | Pages 1036-1041 | V. P. Demutskii, R. V. Polovin |
13 | Equation of the elastoplastic mode of filtration : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1076-1084 | Pages 1042-1049 | S. L. Kamenomostskaia |
14 | Unsteady waves in a rotating channel of constant depth : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1085-1090 | Pages 1049-1054 | V. V. Musatov |
15 | Self-similar spectra of decaying turbulence at large Reynolds and Peclet numbers : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1091-1093 | Pages 1054-1057 | S. Panchev |
16 | On the compatibility equations in terms of strains and stresses : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1094-1104 | Pages 1058-1068 | V. D. Bondar' |
17 | On fundamental solutions in the theory of circular cylindrical shells : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1105-1111 | Pages 1068-1075 | V. G. Nemirov |
18 | Resonance oscillations of a special double pendulum : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1112-1118 | Pages 1075-1082 | B. I. Cheshanov |
19 | Some steady motions of a gravitating gyrostat and spheroid and their stability : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1119-1125 | Pages 1083-1090 | R. S. Sulikashvili |
20 | On the construction of solutions of quasilinear nonautonomous systems in resonance cases : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1126-1134 | Pages 1090-1099 | V. G. Veretennikov |
21 | On the libration boundaries of a satellite in circular orbit under the action of potential perturbing forces : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, pp. 1135-1138 | Pages 1099-1102 | S. Ia. Stepanov |
22 | Note on a theorem proposed by S.K.Persidskii : PMM vol. 33, n6, 1969, p. 1138 | Page 1103 | E. Dahlberg |
23 | Contents of next issue | Page 1104 | |
24 | Transliteration table | Page 1105 | |
Volume 34, Issue 1, Pages 1-188 (1970)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | Solvingthe cauchy problem for the laplace equation in the three-dimensional case with special reference to the problem of shaping of intense charged-particle beams : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 4-16 | Pages 1-12 | V. A. Syrovoi |
3 | Motion of a gas with a specified three-dimensional pressure distribution : PMM vol. 34. n1, 1970, pp. 17-23 | Pages 13-19 | V. E. Neuvazhaev |
4 | Statistical equations of turbulent motion in lagrangian variables : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 24-31 | Pages 20-26 | B. Ia. Liubimov, F. R. Ulinich |
5 | Diffraction of surface waves at a dock of finite width : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 32-40 | Pages 27-35 | V. F. Vitiuk |
6 | The propagation of small perturbations in a viscoelastic fluid : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 41-56 | Pages 35-50 | I. M. Rutkevich |
7 | On some one-dimensional motions of soft soil : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 57-66 | Pages 51-59 | E. F. Khairetdinov |
8 | Therelation between mathematical expectations of stress and strain tensorsin statistically isotropic homogeneous elastic bodies : PMM vol. 34, nl, 1970, pp. 67-74 | Pages 59-66 | V. V. Novozhilov |
9 | On properties of the stress potential of elastic bodies : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 75-83 | Pages 67-75 | B. S. Tursunov |
10 | On the formulation of boundary conditions op the simplified equations of shells of revolution : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 84-94 | Pages 76-85 | V. M. Kornev |
11 | Approximate calculation of optimal control problems : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 95-104 | Pages 86-94 | Iu. G. Evtushenko |
12 | Stability of the periodic solutions of quasilinear autonomous systems with several degrees of freedom : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 105-114 | Pages 94-103 | A. P. Proskuriakov |
13 | Stabilityof periodic solutions of quasilinear elastic gyroscopic systems with distributed and concentrated parameters : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 115-126 | Pages 103-115 | M. Ia. Kushul' |
14 | Problems of optimization with constraints imposed on the phase coordinates : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 127-131 | Pages 115-120 | A. S. Semenov, V. A. Troitskii |
15 | Some properties of plane and three-dimensional bodies : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 132-134 | Pages 120-123 | V. P. Sdobyrev |
16 | The instant of formation of a shock wave in a two-way traffic flow : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 135-137 | Pages 123-125 | G. P. Soldatov |
17 | Gas flow past nonaxisymmetric bodies at small angles of attack : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 137-140 | Pages 126-129 | V. N. Mikhailov |
18 | Magnetoacoustic waves in heterogeneous media : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 141-144 | Pages 130-134 | L. Ia. Kosachevskii |
19 | On equations of three-dimensional laminar boundary layer of bodies of revolution : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 145-149 | Pages 134-139 | B. M. Bulakh, M. S. Simkin |
20 | Convective instability spectrum in a vertical channel with permeable boundaries : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp.150-152 | Pages 140-143 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii, D. L. Shvartsblat |
21 | Applicationof the stationary phase method in some problems of the theory of waves on the surface of a viscous liquid : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 153-161 | Pages 143-153 | E. N. Potetiunko, L. S. Srubshchk, L. B. Tsaariuk |
22 | Analogybetween equations of plane filtration and equations of longitudinal shear of nonlinearly elastic and plastic solids : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 162-171 | Pages 153-164 | V. M. Entov |
23 | The action of a stamp on an elastic anisotropic half-space : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 172-178 | Pages 165-171 | V. A. S Veklo |
24 | Axisymmetric loading of a space with a spherical cut : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 179-183 | Pages 172-177 | V. A. Ziuzin, V. I. Mossakovskii |
25 | On the problem of vibrations op a slightly cambered plate : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 184-188 | Pages 177-182 | D. S. Tsel'nik |
26 | Live load on an inelastic half-plane : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970, pp. 189-192 | Pages 183-186 | A. M. Skobeev, L. M. Flitman |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 187 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 188 | |
Volume 34, Issue 2, Pages 189-370 (1970)
1 | On the theory of differential games : PMM vol.34, n2, 1970, pp. 197-207 | Pages 189-198 | N. N. Krasovskii |
2 | On the problem of encounter in second-order systems with impulsive and nonparallel controls : PMM vol.34. n2, 1970, pp. 208-218 | Pages 199-208 | G. K. Pozharitskii |
3 | Investigating the stability of solutions of systems of differential equations : PMM vol. 34. n2, 1970. pp. 213-226 | Pages 209-215 | S. K. Persidskii |
4 | On the stability of triangular libration points in the elliptic restricted three-body problem : PMM vol. 34, n2, 1970. pp. 227-232 | Pages 215-221 | A. P. Markeev |
5 | An optimal problem of satellite guidance by means of a gyroscope : PMM vol.34. n2, 1970, pp. 233-240 | Pages 221-227 | V. S. Mileva |
6 | The stationary principle of complementary work in nonlinear theory of elasticity : PMM vol.34, n2. 1970, pp. 241-245 | Pages 228-232 | L. M. Zubov |
7 | On plane contact problems of the theory of elasticity in the presence of adhesion or friction : PMM vol. 34. n2, 1970, pp. 246-257 | Pages 232-243 | V. M. Aleksandrov |
8 | Boundary value problems of the theory of shallow shells : PMM vol. 34, n2, 1970, pp. 258-269 | Pages 244-255 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
9 | On the optimal distribution of the resistivity tensor of the working substance in a magnetohydrodynamic channel : PMM vol. 34, n2. 1970, pp. 270-291 | Pages 255-274 | K. A. Lur'e |
10 | Investigation of the effect of a transverse electric field on one-dimensional electrohydrodynamic flow : PMM vol. 34, n2, 1970, pp. 292-301 | Pages 275-283 | I. P. Semenova |
11 | Stability of Couette flow in the case of a wide gap between rotating cylinders : PMM vol. 34. n2. 1970, pp. 302-307 | Pages 283-288 | S. N. Ovchinnikova |
12 | The Euler approximation for collisionless polydisperse suspensions : PMM vol.34, n2, 1970, pp. 308-317 | Pages 288-297 | Iu. A. Buevich |
13 | Diffusion of a vortex and conservation of moment of momentum in dynamics of nonpolar fluids : PMM vol.34, n2, 1970, pp. 318-323 | Pages 297-302 | R. I. Nigmatulin, V. N. Nikolaevskii |
14 | Lift and side force acting on a body in a transonic flow : PMM vol. 34, n2, 1970, pp. 324-325 | Pages 303-304 | E. D. Terent'ev |
15 | Criteria of occurrence of free convection in a compressible viscous heat-conducting fluid : PMM vol.34, n2, 1970, pp. 325-331 | Pages 305-311 | M. Sh. Giterman, V. A. Shteinberg |
16 | Equilibrium equations of a plate of variable thickness : PMM vol. 34, n2, 1970, pp. 332-338 | Pages 312-319 | Ts. A. Gotlib, V. K. Prokopov |
17 | Contact problem for an elastic infinite cone : PMM vol. 34, n2, 1970, pp. 339-348 | Pages 319-329 | B. M. Nuller |
18 | Torsion of a truncated hyperboloid : PMM vol. 34, n2, 1970, pp. 349-354 | Pages 329-335 | N. A. Belova, Ia. S. Ufliand |
19 | Contact problem for an elastic half-plane and a semi-infinite elastic rod adhering to it : PMM vol. 34, n2, 1970, pp. 354-359 | Pages 335-341 | V. L. Vorob'ev, G. Ia. Popov |
20 | Amethod for the construction op the approximate solution of the mixed axisymmetric problem in the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 34, n2, 1970, pp. 360-365 | Pages 341-347 | V. S. Protsenko, V. L. Rvachev |
21 | Two slits in a strip op finite thickness : PMM vol.34, n2, 1970, pp. 366-369 | Pages 348-352 | B. I. Smetanin |
22 | Convergence of the problem of limit equilibrium : PMM vol. 34, n2, 1970, pp. 370-372 | Pages 352-355 | A. M. Protsenko |
23 | Programing the trajectories of a spacecraft : PMM vol. 34, n2, 1970. pp. 373-379 | Pages 356-363 | D. A. Mamatkazin |
24 | On the autooscillations of gyroscopic stabilizers : PMM vol. 34, n2. 1970. pp. 380-384 | Pages 363-368 | Iu. N. Bibkov, A. M. Lestev |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 369 | |
26 | Transliteration table | Page 370 | |
Volume 34, Issue 3, Pages 371-550 (1970)
1 | Onthe solvability of the general problem for an anisotropic laminar shellwithin the framework of medium deflection theory : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 392-400 | Pages 371-379 | G. A. Kosushkin |
2 | Equations of perturbed motion of a body with a thin-walled elastic shell partially pilled with a liquid : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 40-411 | Pages 379-389 | E. I. Grigoliuk, F. N. Shkliarchuk |
3 | On the contact problem for a half-plane with finite elastic reinforcement : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 412-421 | Pages 389-399 | G. A. Morar', G. Ia. Popov |
4 | Local inhomogeneities in an elastic medium : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 422-428 | Pages 399-405 | I. A. Kunin, E. G. Sosnina |
5 | On the duality of optimal control and tracking problems : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 429-439 | Pages 406-415 | A. B. Kurzhanskii |
6 | On the optimal stabilization of controlled systems : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 440-456 | Pages 415-430 | V. V. Rumiantsev |
7 | On the precision of optimal control of the final state : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 457-469 | Pages 430-441 | E. M. Moshkov |
8 | On convective stability in the presence of periodically varying parameter : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 470-480 | Pages 442-452 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii, Iu. S. Iurkov |
9 | Hypersonic flow past a delta wing : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 481-490 | Pages 452-461 | A. L. Gonor |
10 | On the entropy layer in hypersonic flows with shock waves whose shape is described by a power function : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 491-507 | Pages 461-477 | O. S. Ryzhov, E. D. Terent'ev |
11 | Analysis of transonic flows past solids of revolution : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 508-513 | Pages 477-482 | Iu. M. Lipnitskii, Iu. B. Lifshits |
12 | Nonsymmetric mechanics of turbulent flows : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 514-525 | Pages 482-493 | V. N. Nikolaevskii |
13 | Asymptotic stability of the solutions of boundary layer equations : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 526-531 | Pages 494-499 | N. V. Khusnutdinova |
14 | Dual integral equations arising in limiting gradient filtration problems : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 532-542 | Pages 500-511 | V. M. Entov |
15 | Diffraction of a plane wave by a fine periodic grid placed at the interface of two media : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 543-547 | Pages 512-517 | V. M. Astapenko |
16 | On the existence and velocity of propagation of nonlinear steady waves : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970. pp. 548-552 | Pages 517-522 | V. M. Eleonskii, L. G. Oganes'iants |
17 | On deformation models of the theory of plasticity and complex media : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970. pp. 553-557 | Pages 523-528 | I. A. Berezhnoi, D. D. Ivlev, E. V. Makarov |
18 | Dynamics of free systems of material points with elastic constraints : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 558-563 | Pages 528-535 | S. A. Alekseev |
19 | Onthe stability op rotational motion of a variable composition body with agyroscope in a newtonian force field : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 564-566 | Pages 535-538 | S. Buralkhiev |
20 | Kinematic interpretation of the motion of a body in the hess' solution : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 567-570 | Pages 538-542 | A. M. Kovalev |
21 | On the geometric structure of an elementary charge : PMM vol. 34, n3, 1970, pp. 571-575 | Pages 543-547 | Iu. A. Buevich |
22 | Correctionto the paper by A.L.Gol'denveizer -boundary layer and its interaction with the interior state of stress of an elastic thin shell- : PMM vol.33, n 6, 1969 | Page 548 | |
23 | Contents of next issue | Page 549 | |
24 | Transliteration table. Trogonometry and hyperbolic function | Page 550 | |
Volume 34, Issue 4, Pages 551-747 (1970)
1 | On the convergence of quasilinear objects : PMM vol. 34, n 4, 1970, pp. 577-586 | Pages 551-559 | E. G. Al'brekht |
2 | On the stability of first-order nonlinear equations of neutral type : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 587-594 | Pages 560-567 | V. B. Kolmanovskii, V. R. Nosov |
3 | The motion of a nonsymmetric self-exciting gyrostat : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 595-602 | Pages 567-574 | B. A. Smol'nikov, M. V. Stepanova |
4 | On integral equations of the theory of elasticity with difference and summation kernels : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 603-619 | Pages 575-590 | G. Ia. Popov |
5 | Contact problems for an elastic semi-infinite cylinder : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 620-631 | Pages 590-601 | B. M. Nuller |
6 | Buckling of plates made of a neo-hookean material in the case of affine initial deformation : PMM vol. 34, n4. 1970, pp. 632-642 | Pages 601-611 | L. M. Zubov |
7 | On the method of orthogonal polynomials in plane mixed problems of elasticity theory : PMM vol. 34. n4, 1970, pp. 643-652 | Pages 612-621 | V. M. Aleksandrov, V. A. Kucherov |
8 | Nonlinear problems on the deformation of elastic bodies by a magnetic field : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 653-671 | Pages 622-641 | K. Sh. Khodzhaev |
9 | Propagationof a shock wave in a channel when shock-compressed gas interacts with anonhomogeneous magnetic field : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 672-684 | Pages 641-654 | A. B. Vatazhin |
10 | Self-similar solutions of the second kind in the problem of propagation of intense shock waves : PMM vol.34, n4. 1970, pp. 685-692 | Pages 655-662 | G. I. Barenblatt, G. I. Sivashinskii |
11 | On the diffraction of shock waves : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 693-699 | Pages 662-668 | G. M. Arutiunian |
12 | On the stability of steady convective motion generated by internal heat sources : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 700-705 | Pages 669-674 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii, A. A. Iakimov |
13 | Averaged equations of radiation transfer and their utilization in the solution of gasdynamic problems : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 706-721 | Pages 675-690 | I. V. Nemchinov |
14 | Discontinuity surfaces in disperse systems : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 722-734 | Pages 690-701 | Iu. A. Buevich, Iu. P. Gupalo |
15 | Self-similar solutions of problems of the theory of filtration and heat transfer in nonhomogeneous media : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 735-740 | Pages 702-707 | T. F. Ivanov |
16 | On the invariance of an optimal process with distributed parameters : PMM vol.34, n4, 1970, pp. 741-744 | Pages 708-711 | V. G. Pavlov |
17 | On the stabilization of a nonlinear controlled system in the critical case of zero and purely imaginary roots : PMM vol. 34. n4, 1970, pp. 745-750 | Pages 712-717 | N. V. Stoianov |
18 | Linear integrals of a holonomic mechanical system : PMM vol.34, n4, 1970, pp. 751-755 | Pages 718-722 | I. Iliev |
19 | On the theory of hamiltonian systems : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 756-761 | Pages 723-728 | I. M. Belen'kii |
20 | On the theory of rayleigh type waves in an anisotropic half-space : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 762-764 | Pages 729-731 | I. O. Osipov |
21 | On a contact problem for a viscoelastic half-plane : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 765-767 | Pages 732-734 | I. G. Mitkevich |
22 | Onthe correspondence between the energy criterion of fracture and mathematical modelling of strain phenomena at the end of cracks : PMM vol. 34, n4, 1970, pp. 768-776 | Pages 735-745 | E. M. Morozov |
23 | Contents of next issue | Page 746 | |
24 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 747 | |
Volume 34, Issue 5, Pages 749-940 (1970)
1 | Sufficient conditions of encounter in a differential game : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 777-784 | Pages 749-755 | N. N. Krasovskii |
2 | Determining the smallest number of controls necessary to stabilize the equilibrium position : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 785-795 | Pages 756-764 | L. K. Lilov |
3 | On continuous evasion strategies in game problems on the encounter of motions : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 796-803 | Pages 765-772 | N. N. Barabanova, A. I. Subbotin |
4 | On a certain convergence game : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 804-811 | Pages 772-778 | A. G. Pashkov |
5 | Differential games with information lag : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 812-819 | Pages 779-785 | B. N. Sokolov, F. L. Chernous'ko |
6 | On the bellman function for the time-optimal process problem : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 820-826 | Pages 785-791 | N. N. Petrov |
7 | Optimal control of systems with lag by suitable choice of the initial conditions : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 827-835 | Pages 791-799 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
8 | The time-optimal control problem in systems with controlling forces of bounded magnitude and impulse : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 836-849 | Pages 799-811 | A. M. Formal'skii |
9 | Qualitative study of a certain equation of the theory of phase automatic frequency control : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 850-860 | Pages 812-821 | N. N. Bautin |
10 | Doubling of the oscillation period with C-bifurcations in piecewise-continuous systems : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 861-869 | Pages 822-830 | M. I. Feigin |
11 | Qualitative investigation of the stress-strain state of a sandwich plate : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 870-876 | Pages 830-836 | I. I. Vorovich, I. G. Kadomtsev |
12 | On the stability of compressed bars : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 877-884 | Pages 836-843 | G. S. Markman, V. I. Iudovich |
13 | On shockwave propagation in an elastic space with finite deformations : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 885-890 | Pages 843-848 | A. D. Chernyshov |
14 | Asymptotic analysis of wave motions of a viscous fluid with a free boundary : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 891-910 | Pages 848-868 | E. N. Potetiunko, L. S. Srubshchik |
15 | The asymptotic behavior of a vortex far away from a body in a plane flow of viscous fluid : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970. pp. 911-925 | Pages 869-881 | K. I. Babenko |
16 | Expansion of a gas cloud in vacuum : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 926-929 | Pages 882-885 | S. I. Anisimov, Iu. I. Lysikov |
17 | Certain similarity relationships for the motion of a granular compacting medium : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 930-935. | Pages 885-890 | Iu. S. Vakhrameev |
18 | On the problem of gliding of a plate on the surface of a heavy ideal liquid of finite depth : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 934-941 | Pages 890-898 | A. V. Belokon', R. A. Gruntfest |
19 | On the plasticity limit of composite materials : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970. pp. 942-944 | Pages 899-902 | V. V. Dudukalenko, V. A. Minaev |
20 | Extended orthogonality relationships for some problems of elasticity theory : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 945-951 | Pages 902-909 | A. V. Kostarev, V. K. Prokopov |
21 | On the frequency distribution density of oscillations of a thin shell : PMM vol. 34. n5, 1970, pp. 952-956 | Pages 910-915 | A. L. Gol'denveizer |
22 | On -pumping transfer of energy- between nonlinearly coupled oscillators in third-order resonance : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 957-962 | Pages 916-922 | F. Kh. Tsel'man |
23 | The action-angle variables in the Euler-Poinsot problem : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 962-964 | Pages 922-925 | Iu. A. Sadov |
24 | Optimal stabilization of rotation of a gyrostat in the Newtonian force field : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 965-972 | Pages 925-934 | V. V. Krementulo |
25 | On the motion of the Hess gyroscope : PMM vol. 34, n5, 1970, pp. 973-976 | Pages 934-938 | Iu. A. Arkhangel'skii |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 939 | |
27 | Transliteration table | Page 940 | |
Volume 34, Issue 6, Pages 941-1109 (1970)
1 | Author index to vol. 34 | Pages i-vii | |
2 | On the problem of stability of equilibrium positions of hamiltonian systems : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 997-1004 | Pages 941-948 | A. P. Markeev |
3 | An alternative for the game problem of convergence : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1005-1022 | Pages 948-965 | N. N. Krasovskii, A. I. Subbotin |
4 | The accuracy of certain nonlinear control systems with restrictions and lag : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1023-1035 | Pages 965-976 | L. S. Gnoenskii |
5 | A particular case of the method of small parameter in the problem of synchronization : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1036-1047 | Pages 977-987 | M. V. Ulitskaia |
6 | Uniquenessand stability of the solution of the small perturbation problem of a flexible filament with a free end : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1048-1052 | Pages 988-992 | M. A. Zak |
7 | On the application of nonstationary analogy for the determination of hypersonic flows past blunt bodies : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1053-1057 | Pages 992-996 | M. N. Kogan, V. V. Mikhailov |
8 | Particular stream surfaces in conical gas flows : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1058-1066 | Pages 996-1004 | A. I. Golubinskii |
9 | Onthe determination of the shape of a supersonic nozzle taking into consideration the variation of aircraft flight conditions : PMM vol. 34,n6, 1970, pp. 1067-1075 | Pages 1005-1013 | A. N. Kraiko, A. A. Osipov |
10 | Reflection of a wave from a boundary composed of arcs of variable curvature : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1076-1084 | Pages 1014-1023 | A. F. Filippov |
11 | On a form of steady capillary-gravitational waves of finite amplitude : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1085-1096 | Pages 1023-1033 | Ia. I. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich |
12 | Methods of mechanics of a continuous medium for the description of multiphase mixtures : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1097-1112 | Pages 1033-1049 | R. I. Nigmatulin |
13 | Onthe bifurcation of the equilibrium state of a three-dimensional isotropic elastic solid under large subcritical deformations : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1113-1125 | Pages 1050-1061 | A. N. Guz' |
14 | On the membrane theory of anisotropic shells : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1120-1135 | Pages 1062-1071 | S. A. Ambartsumian |
15 | On elasticity relationships in the linear theory of thin elastic shells : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1136-1138 | Pages 1071-1074 | E. M. Zveriaev |
16 | On a certain motion of a heavy solid in the Goriachev-Chaplygin case : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1139-1143 | Pages 1075-1080 | G. V. Gorr |
17 | On a certain solution of the problem of motion of a gyroscope on gimbals : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1144-1149 | Pages 1080-1086 | L. N. Avdonin |
18 | On a certain class of exact particular solutions of the short-wave equations : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970, pp. 1150-1158 | Pages 1087-1096 | B. G. Kleiner, G. P. Shindiapin |
19 | Formation of a -hanging- compression shock in the flow past a body with a discontinuity in its generatrix : PMM vol. 34, n6, 1970. pp. 1159-1167 | Pages 1097-1107 | E. G. Shifrin |
20 | Contents of next issue | Page 1108 | |
21 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 1109 | |
Volume 35, Issue 1, Pages 1-164 (September 1971)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | Yield lag in the dynamics of rigid-plastic media : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 20-30 | Pages 1-10 | Iu. N. Rabotnov, Iu. V. Suvorova |
3 | On macroscopic measures of plastic work and deformation in micro-heterogeneous media : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 31-39 | Pages 11-17 | R. Hill |
4 | An exact solution to an elastic-plastic stress-concentration problem : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 40-48 | Pages 18-25 | Bernard Budiansky |
5 | On a model of a hereditarily elastic solid differently resistive to tension and compression : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 49-60 | Pages 26-36 | S. A. Ambartsumian |
6 | Contact problems for an elastic sphere : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 61-70 | Pages 37-45 | V. F. Bondareva |
7 | Reflection of a plane-polarized wave from a free surface in a strain-hardening elastic-plastic medium : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 71-79 | Pages 46-53 | V. A. Baskakov, G. I. Bykovtsev |
8 | On an effective method of solving nonclassical mixed problems of the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 80-87 | Pages 53-60 | V. M. Aleksandrov, B. I. Smetanin |
9 | Integralequations of convolution of the first kind on a system op segments occurring in the theory of elasticity and mathematical physics : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 88-99 | Pages 61-71 | V. A. Babeshko |
10 | Theelectrohydrodynamic flow of a perfect incompressible fluid in flat and circular channels with zero mobility of charged particles : PMM vol. 35,n1, 1971, pp. 100-109 | Pages 72-80 | I. P. Semenova, A. E. Iakubenko |
11 | On the structure of game problems op dynamics : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 110-122 | Pages 81-91 | N. N. Krasovskii, A. I. Subbotin |
12 | A differential guidance game for systems with aftereffect : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 123-131 | Pages 92-99 | Iu. S. Osipov |
13 | On a game problem of program control : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 132-137 | Pages 100-104 | V. S. Patsko |
14 | On asymptotic stability and instability of motion with respect to a part of the variables : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 138-143 | Pages 105-110 | V. V. Rumiantsev |
15 | Influence of resistance forces on existence of subharmonic oscillations of quasilinear systems : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 144-147 | Pages 111-113 | A. P. Proskuriakov |
16 | Dynamic models of the Hipp pendulum regulator : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 147-162 | Pages 114-129 | L. A. Komraz |
17 | Regions of stability in a case close to the critical one : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 162-164 | Pages 129-131 | V. G. Veretennikov |
18 | Stability in the critical case of three pairs of pure imaginary roots in the presence of internal resonance : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 164-167 | Pages 132-135 | A. L. Kunitsyn |
19 | Onthe justification of the principle of potential energy minimum in problems of equilibrium stability of nonlinearly elastic membranes : PMMvol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 168-171 | Pages 135-139 | A. M. Slobodkin |
20 | On a periodic contact problem for a half-plane with elastic coverings : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 172-178 | Pages 140-147 | G. A. Morar', G. Ia. Popov |
21 | Effectof shearing force and tilting moment on a cylindrical punch attached toa transversely isotropic half-space : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 178-182 | Pages 147-151 | V. I. Fabrikant |
22 | Equations of the theory of perfect plasticity in terms of the components of displacement velocities : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 183-185 | Pages 151-154 | D. D. Ivlev, A. D. Chernyshov |
23 | On the approximate solution of problems of linear viscoelasticity : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 185-189 | Pages 154-158 | A. B. Efimov, V. I. Malyi |
24 | On self-similar solutions of the second kind in the theory of unsteady filtration : PMM vol. 35, n1, 1971, pp. 189-192 | Pages 158-162 | V. I. Kerchman |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 163 | |
26 | Transliteration table, Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 164 | |
Volume 35, Issue 2, Pages 165-347 (1971)
1 | State of stress in unconstrained shells of zero curvature : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 194-205 | Pages 165-175 | A. L. Gol'denveizer, E. M. Zveriaev |
2 | On bifurcation of the equilibrium modes of an elastoplastic rod and annulus under prolonged loading conditions : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 206-215 | Pages 175-184 | L. A. Shapovalov |
3 | On the three-dimensional problem of magnetoelastic plate vibrations : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 216-228 | Pages 184-195 | S. A. Ambartsumian, G. E. Bagdasarian, M. V. Belubekian |
4 | The problem of electric current eddies at entry of an anisotropically conducting medium to a magnetic field : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 229-237 | Pages 196-204 | Iu. P. Emets |
5 | Diffraction of a plane wave by a wedge moving with supersonic speed : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 238-247 | Pages 204-213 | S. M. Ter-Minasiants |
6 | On the stability of convective motion of a binary mixture in a plane thermal diffusion column : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 248-254 | Pages 214-220 | B. I. Nikolaev, A. A. Tubin |
7 | On mass and heat transfer prom a spherical particle in a laminar stream of viscous fluid : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 255-265 | Pages 221-230 | Iu. P. Gupalo, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
8 | Intermittency and scale similarity in the structure of a turbulent plow : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 266-277 | Pages 231-241 | E. A. Novikov |
9 | Three-parameter lie groups adjacent to the Galilean and Euclidean groups : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 278-289 | Pages 242-252 | L. M. Markhashov |
10 | On certain dimension properties of a control stabilizing a mechanical system : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 290-299 | Pages 252-261 | L. K. Lilov |
11 | On the theory of differential games of systems with aftereffect : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 300-311 | Pages 262-272 | Iu. S. Osipov |
12 | Optimization of the tracking process with information lag : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 312-320 | Pages 272-280 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
13 | On the stationary states of controlled systems : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 321-332 | Pages 281-291 | A. M. Formal'skii |
14 | Self-similar solutions of the bellman equation for optimal correction of random disturbances : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 333-342 | Pages 291-300 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
15 | On subharmonic oscillations of a pendulum : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 343-348 | Pages 301-306 | B. I. Cheshankov |
16 | On synthesis of stability of systems by the method of nonlinear programing : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 348-351 | Pages 306-309 | V. N. Makeev |
17 | On a theorem of existence of a periodic solution to the Lienard equation : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 351-353 | Pages 309-312 | E. D. Zhitel'zeif |
18 | A particular solution of the Prandtl-Reuss equation : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 354-358 | Pages 312-317 | A. M. Skobeev |
19 | On the inverse problem of natural vibrations of elastic shells : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 358-364 | Pages 317-323 | L. Ia. Ainola |
20 | On the density of eigenvalues in problems of stability of thin elastic shells : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 364-368 | Pages 323-328 | N. N. Bendich, V. M. Kornev |
21 | On extremal stresses in the plane problem of the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 369-375 | Pages 328-334 | S. A. Kas'ianiuk, T. I. Tkachuk |
22 | Convective instability of a binary mixture, particularly in the neighborhood of the critical point : PMM vol. 35, n2, 1971, pp. 375-384 | Pages 335-345 | V. A. Shteinberg |
23 | Contents of next issue | Page 346 | |
24 | Transliteration table, Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 347 | |
Volume 35, Issue 3, Pages 349-519 (1971)
1 | On classes of strategies in differential games of evasion of contact : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1971, pp. 385-392 | Pages 349-356 | N. N. Barabanova, A. I. Subbotin |
2 | Optimization of the behavior of distributed systems with random properties : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1971, pp. 393-405 | Pages 357-368 | N. N. Golub' |
3 | Variational principles of the nonlinear theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 35. n3, 1971, pp. 406-410 | Pages 369-373 | L. M. Zubov |
4 | On the statistical theory of viscoelastic properties of asymmetric media : PMM vol. 35. n3, 1971, pp. 411-419 | Pages 373-381 | V. B. Nemtsov |
5 | Classification of linear integrals of a holonomic mechanical system with two degrees of freedom : PMM vol. 35. n3, 1971, pp. 420-422 | Pages 381-383 | Il. Iliev |
6 | On the stability of hamiltonian systems in the presence of resonances : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1971, pp. 423-431 | Pages 384-391 | L. G. Khazin |
7 | Relations between the components of the correlation functions of an elastic field : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1971, pp. 432-437 | Pages 392-397 | T. D. Shermergor |
8 | On the lower portion of the spectrum of natural axisymmetric vibrations of a thin elastic shell of revolution : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1971, pp. 438-445 | Pages 397-404 | N. V. Khar'kova |
9 | Electromechanical vibrations of centrosymmetric cubic crystal plates : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1971, pp. 446-450 | Pages 404-408 | R. D. Mindlin |
10 | Small-scale flows and surface effects in the hydromechanics of multiphase media : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1971, pp. 451-463 | Pages 409-420 | P. I. Nigmatulin |
11 | Successive approximations in hydromechanics of disperse systems : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1971, pp. 464-481 | Pages 421-437 | Iu. A. Buevich |
12 | Disruption of potential gas flows adjacent to the region of rest : PMM Vol. 35, N3, 1971, pp. 482-491 | Pages 438-446 | A. F. Sidorov |
13 | On nonlinear diffraction of weak shock waves : PMM Vol. 35, N3, 1971, pp. 492-498 | Pages 447-452 | L. I. Mogilevich, G. P. Shindiapin |
14 | Problems in variations for plane transonic gas flow : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1971, pp. 499-511 | Pages 453-464 | A. A. Orel |
15 | Optimumdistribution of the working medium resistivity tensor in a magnetohydrodynamic channel (the case of nonlocal variations) : PMM vol.35 n3, 1971, pp. 512-531 | Pages 465-482 | K. A. Lur'e |
16 | Solutionof certain problems of hydromechanics of filtration of a homogeneous liquid in a thin layer with macrocracks : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1971, pp. 532-544 | Pages 483-494 | V. P. Pilatovskii |
17 | Motion of a parabolic contour on the surface of heavy ideal liquid of finite depth : PMM vol. 35 n3, 1971, pp. 545-549 | Pages 495-499 | A. V. Belokon', R. A. Gruntfest |
18 | Investigation of axisymmetric transonic flow by means of a special hodograph plane : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1971, pp. 549-558 | Pages 500-509 | E. G. Shifrin |
19 | Approximation of optimal game strategies by continuous functions : PMM vol. 35, n3, 1970, pp. 558-565 | Pages 509-517 | S. I. Tarlinskii |
20 | Contents of next issue | Page 518 | |
21 | Transliteration table | Page 519 | |
Volume 35, Issue 4, Pages 521-715 (1971)
1 | On the contact of quasilinear objects in the regular case : PMM Vol. 35. No. 4, 1971, pp. 569-574 | Pages 521-526 | E. G. Al'brekht |
2 | Evasion game problem with information lag : PMM Vol. 35, No. 4, 1971, pp. 575-583 | Pages 527-534 | V. S. Shishmakov |
3 | On a second-order differential game : PMM Vol. 35, No. 4. 1971. pp. 584-597 | Pages 535-547 | V. S. Patsko |
4 | Onthe problem of the analytical design of regulators for distributed-parameter systems under boundary-function control : PMM Vol.35, No. 4, 1971. pp. 598-608 | Pages 548-558 | V. P. Khatskevich |
5 | Optimal combination of control and observation : PMM vol. 35, no. 4, 1971, pp. 609-618 | Pages 559-568 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
6 | Solution of the variational problem of constructing the contour of a compound nozzle : PMM Vol. 35, No. 4, 1971, pp.619-632 | Pages 569-582 | A. N. Kraiko, N. I. Tilliaeva |
7 | Onone type of interaction of the boundary layer and the outer (inviscid) stream at supersonic speeds : PMM Vol. 35, No. 4, 1971, pp. 633-637 | Pages 582-587 | B. M. Bulakh |
8 | The onset of auto-oscillations in a fluid : PMM Vol. 35. No. 4. 1971. pp.638-655 | Pages 587-603 | V. I. Iudovich |
9 | Approximatesolution of Cauchy's problem for laplace's equation applicable to the problem of shaping of dense spatially inhomogeneous beams of charged particles : PMM vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 656-668 | Pages 604-616 | V. N. Danilov, V. A. Syrovoi |
10 | Pressureof a plane circular stamp on an elastic half-space with an indentation or inclusion : PMM vol. 35, no. 4, 1971, pp. 669-676 | Pages 616-624 | V. G. Bogovoi, B. M. Nuller |
11 | Certaincases of the elastic equilibrium of an infinite wedge with a nonsymmetric notch at the vertex, subjected to concentrated forces : PMMvol. 35, no. 4, 1971, pp. 677-689 | Pages 625-637 | A. A. Khrapkov |
12 | Algorithmof the method of characteristics for the analysis of nonlinear one-dimensional wave processes of conical and cylindrical shell deformation : PMM vol. 35, no. 4, 1971, pp.690-700 | Pages 637-648 | A. Ia. Lakhe, U. K. Nigul |
13 | Spectrum of the system describing oscillations of a shell of revolution : PMM vol. 35, no. 4, 1971, pp. 701-717 | Pages 648-664 | A. G. Aslanian, V. B. Lidskii |
14 | Conservationof integrals of motion for small changes of Hamilton's function in somecases of integrability of the equations of motion of a gyrostat : PMM vol. 35. no. 4, 1971, pp. 718-722 | Pages 664-669 | A. M. Kovalev |
15 | Propertiesof symmetric tensors of valence two and the structure of the elastic potential : PMM vol. 35, no. 4, 1971, pp. 723-728 | Pages 670-676 | V. B. Orlov, K. F. Chernykh |
16 | Theelastic equilibrium of a hyperboloid of revolution of one sheet with prescribed displacements at the boundary : PMM vol. 35. no. 4, 1971. pp.729-734 | Pages 677-682 | B. A. Vasil'ev |
17 | Action of sharp dies on a cylindrical shell of infinite length : PMM vol. 35, no. 4, 1971, pp. 734-739 | Pages 683-688 | V. M. Tolkachev |
18 | Exactsolutions of some problems concerned with oscillations of fluid contained in an elastic momentless shell : PMM vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 739-744 | Pages 689-694 | G. I. Pshenichnov |
19 | Therelation between mathematical expectations of stress and strain tensorsin elastic microheterogeneous media : PMM vol.35, no.4, 1971, pp. 744-750 | Pages 694-701 | V. M. Levin |
20 | Representationof the resolvents of operators of viscoelasticity in terms of spectral distribution functions : PMM vol.35, no.4, 1971, pp. 750-759 | Pages 701-711 | V. G. Gromov |
21 | On certain exact solutions of the Fourier equation for regions varying with time : PMM vol. 35, no. 4, 1971, pp.759-760 | Pages 711-713 | G. A. Grinberg, V. A. Koss |
22 | Contents of next issue | Page 714 | |
23 | Transliteration table, trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 715 | |
Volume 35, Issue 5, Pages 717-900 (1971)
1 | Discontinuities in electrohydrodynamics : PMM vol. 35, no. 5, 1971, pp. 761-772 | Pages 717-729 | V. V. Gogosov, V. A. Polianskii |
2 | Vortex regions in a potential stream with a jump of Bernoulli's constant at the boundary : PMM vol. 35, no. 5, 1971, pp. 773-779 | Pages 729-735 | V. S. Sadovskii |
3 | On the approximations and bifurcations of a dynamic system : PMM vol. 35, no. 5, 1971, pp. 780-796 | Pages 735-751 | N. N. Bautin |
4 | On a problem on the impulse contact of motions : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 797-810 | Pages 752-766 | G. K. Pozharitskii |
5 | Necessary optimality conditions in a linear pursuit problem : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 811-818 | Pages 766-773 | P. B. Gusiatnikov |
6 | Controllability region for systems with two and three constraints on the control : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 819-830 | Pages 774-785 | L. B. Pachepskaia, A. M. Formal'skii |
7 | Contact problem for a semi-infinite cylindrical shell : PMM, vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 831-839 | Pages 785-794 | E. I. Grigoliuk, V. M. Tolkachev |
8 | Post-buckling behavior of a closed spherical shell : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 840-847 | Pages 794-802 | M. Iu. Zhukov, L. S. Srubshchik |
9 | Variationalprinciples of the nonlinear theory of elasticity. Case of superpositionof a small deformation on a finite deformation : PMM, vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 848-852 | Pages 802-806 | L. M. Zubov |
10 | On the theory of elasticity of inhomogeneous media : PMM, vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 853-860 | Pages 806-813 | V. P. Plevako |
11 | Periodic convolution equations on segments which occur in elasticity theory and mathematical physics : PMM, vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 861-868 | Pages 814-820 | V. A. Babeshko |
12 | Onthe mathematical content of Volterra's principle in the boundary value problem of viscoelasticity : PMM vol. 35, no. 5, 1971, pp. 869-878 | Pages 821-831 | V. G. Gromov |
13 | Equations of motion of nematic liquid-crystal media : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 879-891 | Pages 831-843 | E. L. Aero, A. N. Bulygin |
14 | Periodic motions of a vibrating striker including a slippage region : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 892-898 | Pages 844-850 | Iu. S. Fedosenko, M. I. Feigin |
15 | Stability of a curvilinear motion of a vehicle on wheels with pneumatic tires : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 899-907 | Pages 851-859 | Iu. I. Neimark, N. A. Fufaev |
16 | On a perturbation method in the short-blow problem : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 908-918 | Pages 860-871 | A. I. Derzhavina, O. S. Ryzhov |
17 | Reductionof the three-dimensional axisymmetric problems of the theory of elasticity to the boundary value problems for the analytic functions of acomplex variable : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 918-925 | Pages 871-878 | Iu. I. Solov'ev |
18 | Stress and rate of strain discontinuities in the three-dimensional case of a compressible rigid-plastic body : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 926-929 | Pages 879-882 | I. S. Degtiarev |
19 | Investigation of the motion of a space vehicle by the methods of similarity theory : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 930-932 | Pages 883-886 | E. E. Ivanova |
20 | On dissipative behavior of an equation of nonlinear oscillations : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 933-937 | Pages 886-890 | Iu. N. Bibikov, K. D. Sanovskii |
21 | Bifurcations in the vicinity of a -fused focus- : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 937-941 | Pages 890-895 | N. A. Gubar' |
22 | On the theory of two-way traffic flow : PMM vol. 35, n 5, 1971, pp. 941-944 | Pages 895-898 | G. P. Soldatov |
23 | Contents of next issue | Page 899 | |
24 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 900 | |
Volume 35, Issue 6, Pages 901-1067 (1971)
1 | Author index to vol. 35 | Pages i-v | |
2 | Minimax absorption in a game of encounter : PMM vol. 35, n6, pp. 945-951, 1971 | Pages 901-906 | N. N. Krasovskii |
3 | Certain minimax control problems with incomplete information : PMM Vol. 35, N6, 1971, pp. 952-961 | Pages 907-916 | A. A. Melkian, F. L. Chernous'ko |
4 | Sufficient optimality conditions in differential games : PMM vol.35, n6, pp. 962-969, 1971 | Pages 916-923 | M. Baibazarov |
5 | On investigating the stability of nearly-critical systems : PMM vol. 35, n6, pp. 970-977, 1971 | Pages 923-930 | V. G. Veretennikov |
6 | On the asymptotic behavior of solutions of certain nonlinear problems of hydrodynamics : PMM vol. 35, n6, pp. 978-985, 1971 | Pages 930-937 | N. M. Kochina |
7 | Model description of roll-waves : PMM vol. 35. n6, 1971, pp. 986-999 | Pages 938-951 | O. B. Novik |
8 | On convection onset in a self-gravitating fluid sphere with internal heating : PMM vol. 35, n6, pp. 1000-1014, 1971 | Pages 951-965 | V. G. Babskii, I. L. Sklovskaia |
9 | Diffraction by a circular island of long waves produced by a riparian source : PMM vol. 35, n6, pp. 1015-1022, 1971 | Pages 965-972 | S. Ia. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich |
10 | Nonlinear acoustics of chemically active media : PMM vol. 35, n6, 1971, pp. 1023-1037 | Pages 972-986 | O. S. Ryzhov |
11 | On a certain nonlinear equation of electrohydrodynamics and magnetoelasticity : PMM vol. 35, n6, 1971, pp. 1038-1046 | Pages 986-994 | K. Sh. Khodzhaev |
12 | On the maximum value of the radius of the contact area between a punch and a layer : PMM vol. 35, n6, 1971, pp. 1047-1052 | Pages 995-999 | V. D. Lamziuk, A. K. Privarnikov |
13 | Thesolution of the boussinesq problem for a half-space whose modulus of elasticity is a power function of the depth : PMM vol. 35, n6, 1971, pp. 1053-1061 | Pages 1000-1009 | N. A. Rostovtsev, I. E. Khranevskaia |
14 | Closedform solutions of problems on the elastic equilibrium of an infinite wedge with nonsymmetric notch at the apex : PMM vol. 35, n6, 1971, pp. 1062-1069 | Pages 1009-1016 | A. A. Khrapkov |
15 | Governing equations of plastic deformation of a granular medium : PMM vol. 35, n6, 1971, pp. 1070-1082 | Pages 1017-1029 | V. N. Nikolaevskii |
16 | On shock wave propagation in an elastoplastic medium with hardening : PMM vol. 35, n6, 1971, pp. 1083-1088 | Pages 1030-1035 | A. E. Limarev, A. D. Chernyshov |
17 | A theorem on the instability of equilibrium : PMM.vol. 35, n6, 1971, pp. 1089-1090 | Pages 1036-1038 | L. N. Avdonin |
18 | On the oscillations of a system of coupled oscillators with one third-order resonance : PMM vol. 35, n6, 1971, pp. 1091-1096 | Pages 1038-1044 | F. Kh. Tsel'man |
19 | On the relation between radial and vertical oscillations of particles in cyclotrons : PMM vol. 35, n6, 1971, pp. 1096-1100 | Pages 1044-1049 | V. M. Starzhinskii |
20 | Motion of a gas behind a plane detonation wave orthogonal to the free surface : PMM vol. 35, n6, 1971, pp. 1100-1108 | Pages 1049-1057 | V. A. Suchkov |
21 | Asymptotic analysis of a solution of the problem of the theory of elasticity for a shallow cone : PMM vol. 35. n6, 1971, pp. 1108-1115 | Pages 1058-1065 | M. F. Mekhtiev, Iu. A. Ustinov |
22 | Contents of next issue | Page 1066 | |
23 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 1067 | |
Volume 36, Issue 1, Pages 1-166 (1972)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | On conditions at second-order discontinuities in the theory of gravitation : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 3-14 | Pages 1-11 | L. I. Sedov |
3 | Extremal strategies in differential games with integral constraints : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 15-23 | Pages 12-19 | V. N. Ushakov |
4 | Optimizing functional in combined controls of dynamic plants : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 24-32 | Pages 20-28 | G. A. Kryzhanovskii, V. A. Solodukhin |
5 | On the normal configuration of conservative systems : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 33-42 | Pages 28-37 | I. M. Belen'kii |
6 | On the stability of certain motions of a rigid body with elastic rods and liquid : PMM vol. 36, n 1, 1972, pp. 43-59 | Pages 38-53 | V. N. Rubanovskii |
7 | On the stability of a plain hollow vortex : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 60-64 | Pages 53-57 | N. S. Kozin |
8 | On one exact solution of equations of plain nonstationary motion of gas : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 65-70 | Pages 57-62 | O. F. Men'shikh |
9 | Method of averaging and the generalized variational principle for nonsinusoidal waves : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972. pp. 71-78 | Pages 63-70 | L. A. Ostrovskii, E. N. Pelinovskii |
10 | On nonlinear transverse resonant oscillations in an elastic layer and a layer of perfectly conducting fluid : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 79-87 | Pages 70-78 | N. R. Sibgatullin |
11 | On the pressure on an elastic half-space by a wedge-shaped stamp : PMM. vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 88-93 | Pages 78-83 | V. M. Aleksandrov, V. A. Babeshko |
12 | Plane problem of bending of a semi-infinite beam resting on a linearly deformable foundation : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 94-105 | Pages 84-94 | A. A. Paskalenko, G. Ia. Popov |
13 | Shock wave propagation in elastic-plastic media : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 106-116 | Pages 94-103 | G. I. Bykovtsev, L. D. Kretova |
14 | The axially symmetric temperature problem for the space with a disk-shaped crack : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 117-124 | Pages 104-111 | V. Z. Parton |
15 | Classification of linear integrals of a holonomic mechanical system withn degrees of freedom : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 125-129 | Pages 112-116 | I. Iliev |
16 | Resonance oscillations of a compound torsion pendulum : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 129-138 | Pages 116-125 | B. I. Cheshankov |
17 | On the motion of Kowalewska's gyroscope in the Delone case : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 138-141 | Pages 126-129 | Iu. A. Arkhangel'skii |
18 | Algebraic criterion for stochastic stability of linear systems with parametric action of the white noise type : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 142-148 | Pages 130-136 | M. V. Levit, V. A. Iakubovich |
19 | Waves at the fluid surface during the motion of a submerged ellipsoid of revolution : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 148-152 | Pages 137-141 | A. I. Smorodin |
20 | Convective instability of a fluid layer in a modulated external force field : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 152-157 | Pages 141-146 | G. S. Markman |
21 | Some contact problems for an elastic infinite wedge : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 157-163 | Pages 146-152 | B. M. Nuller |
22 | Integration of dynamic equations with constraint multipliers : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 163-171 | Pages 153-162 | A. S. Sumbatov |
23 | Plane perturbed motion of a material point of variable mass : PMM vol. 36, n1, 1972, pp. 172-174 | Pages 162-164 | L. N. Grudtsyn |
24 | Contents of next issue | Page 165 | |
25 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 166 | |
Volume 36, Issue 2, Pages 167-365 (1972)
1 | Optimal control by certain observation processes : PMM vol.36, n2, 1972, pp.181-188 | Pages 167-173 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
2 | On the existence of the value of a differential game of specified duration : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp.189-200 | Pages 174-184 | M. I. Alekseichik |
3 | Game problem of the -soft- impulse contact of two material points : PMM vol. 36, 2, 1972, pp.201-210 | Pages 185-194 | G. K. Pozharitskii |
4 | Reduction of the differential equations of nonholonomic mechanics to Lagrange form : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp. 211-217 | Pages 194-201 | A. S. Sumbatov |
5 | On the stability of linear systems with random parameters : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp. 218-224 | Pages 201-207 | U. Z. Kolovskii, Z. V. Troitskaia |
6 | Multiple synchronization in a system of weakly-coupled objects with one degree of freedom : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp. 225-231 | Pages 208-213 | O. P. Barzukov |
7 | Flow past a profile in a magnetic field perpendicular to the stream plane : PMM vol. 36. n2, 1972, pp. 232-238 | Pages 214-220 | V. I. Legeida, I. E. Taranov |
8 | Three-dimensional sub- and supersonic flows in nozzles and channels of varying cross section : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp.239-247 | Pages 220-229 | U. G. Pirumov |
9 | Free oscillations of liquid in rigid vessels : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp.248-252 | Pages 229-236 | G. I. Pshenichnov |
10 | Noteson the three-dimensional flow pattern of a perfect fluid in the presence of a small perturbation of the initial velocity field : PMM vol.36, n2, 1972, pp.255-262 | Pages 236-242 | V. I. Arnol'd |
11 | On the nonlinear theory of stability of periodic flows : PMM vol.36, n2. 1972. pp.263-271 | Pages 243-250 | V. I. Kliatskin |
12 | Construction of refined applied theories for a plate on the basis of the eqations of the theory of elasticity : PMM vol.36, n2, 1972, pp.272-281 | Pages 251-260 | O. K. Aksentian, Iu. A. Ustinov |
13 | The boundary value problem of asymmetric elasticity theory in quasi-classical approximation : PMM vol.36, n2, 1972, pp.282-290 | Pages 261-269 | E. L. Aero |
14 | On the density of the vibration frequencies of thin shells of revolution : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp. 291-300 | Pages 270-278 | P. E. Tovstik |
15 | On the frequency spectra of natural vibrations of shells of revolution : PMM vol.36, n2, 1972, pp.301-305 | Pages 279-283 | V. N. Moskalenko |
16 | Onthe thermodynamic interpretation of the evolutionary conditions of the equations of the mechanics of finitely deformable viscoelastic media of maxwell type : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp. 306-319 | Pages 283-295 | I. M. Rutkevich |
17 | Simple waves and collapse of a discontinuity in an elastic-plastic medium with mises condition : PMM vol.36, n2, 1972, pp. 320-329 | Pages 296-305 | Ia. A. Kameniarzh |
18 | Asymptotic methods of solving nonlinear partial differential equations : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp. 330-343 | Pages 305-318 | M. I. Rabinovich, A. A. Rozenblium |
19 | Liapunov systems with damping : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp. 344-348 | Pages 318-323 | V. M. Starzhinskii |
20 | Periodic solutions of quasi-linear systems with several degrees of freedom in presence of arbitrary frequencies : PMM vol.36, n2, 1972. pp. 349-357 | Pages 324-332 | A. P. Proskuriakov |
21 | Discontinuous variational problem of the optimization of control processes : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp.357-360 | Pages 333-336 | V. G. Veretennkov, V. A. Sinitsyn |
22 | On the accuracy of a nonlinear closed servomechanism : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp. 361-364 | Pages 337-340 | P. I. Ziniukov |
23 | The method of liapunov functions in the stability problem for motion with respect to a part of the variables : PMM vol. 36, n2, 1972, pp.364-384 | Pages 341-362 | A. S. Oziraner, V. V. Rumiantsev |
24 | Contents of next issue | Pages 363-364 | |
25 | Transliteration table | Page 365 | |
Volume 36, Issue 3, Pages 367-543 (1972)
1 | On the possible types of critical cases for lagrange equations of second kind : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 390-395 | Pages 367-372 | A. N. Veissenberg |
2 | On certain theorems of liapunov's second method : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 396-404 | Pages 373-381 | A. S. Oziraner |
3 | Relationsbetween the first integrals of a nonholonomic mechanical system and of the corresponding system freed of constraints : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 405-412 | Pages 381-388 | II. Iliev, Khr. Semerdzhiev |
4 | Qualitative investigation of a dynamic system : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 413-419 | Pages 388-394 | N. N. Bautin |
5 | Evasion conditions in a second-order linear differential game : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 420-425 | Pages 394-400 | V. S. Patsko |
6 | Methodof solution of certain boundary value problems for nonlinear hyperbolicequations and propagation of weak shock waves : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 426-434 | Pages 401-408 | A. F. Sidorov |
7 | Propagation of weak discontinuities for quasi-linear systems : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 435-443 | Pages 409-417 | L. I. Rubina |
8 | On certain classes of quasi-stationary flows of a perfect incompressible fluid : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 444-449 | Pages 417-423 | N. N. Gorbanev |
9 | Investigation of auto-oscillations of a continuous medium, occurring at loss of stability of a stationary mode : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 450-459 | Pages 424-432 | V. I. Iudovich |
10 | Time-periodic solution of the system of boundary layer equations : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 460-470 | Pages 433-443 | D. A. Silaev |
11 | On the plane-parallel symmetric boundary layer generated by sudden motion : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 471-474 | Pages 443-447 | V. N. Samokhin |
12 | Diffusion on a particle in the shear flow of a viscous fluid. Approximation of the diffusion boundary layer : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 475-479 | Pages 447-451 | Iu. P. Gupalo, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
13 | Rheology of concentrated mixtures of fluid with small particles, parameters of phase interaction : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 480-493 | Pages 452-464 | Iu. A. Buevich, V. G. Markov |
14 | Mixed problems of the mechanics of continuous media associated with hankel and mehler-fock integral transforms : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 494-504 | Pages 465-474 | V. M. Aleksandrov, M. I. Chebakov |
15 | The method of perturbations in the boundary value problem of thermoviscoelasticity : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 505-513 | Pages 475-483 | V. G. Gromov |
16 | On the imbedding of a thin rigid body in a plastic medium with hardening : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 514-518 | Pages 483-487 | V. V. Durov, D. D. Ivlev |
17 | Onthe convergence of the method of homogeneous linear approximations in problems of the theory of plasticity of inhomogeneous bodies : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 519-527 | Pages 488-496 | G. L. Brovko, V. S. Lenskii |
18 | Estimateof the time of occurrence of discontinuities in the solution of a boundary value problem for a second order quasilinear hyperbolic system :PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 528-532 | Pages 497-501 | Iu. K. Engel'brekht |
19 | Criterion of stability of linear systems with variable coefficients and time lag : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 533-536 | Pages 502-506 | N. I. Krupnova, S. N. Shimanov |
20 | Mean square stability of linear systems under the action of a markov chain : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 537-545 | Pages 506-515 | G. N. Mil'shtein |
21 | Algebraiccriterion for the stochastic stability of linear systems with the parametric action of correlated white noise : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 546-551 | Pages 516-522 | M. V. Levit |
22 | On a phase automatic frequency control equation with a lag and a rectangular phase detector characteristic : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 551-555 | Pages 522-526 | B. N. Skriabin |
23 | Problemof an electrohydrodynamic probe which does not disturb the distributionof current density and volume charge : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 555-559 | Pages 527-532 | V. A. Buchin |
24 | Exactsolution of the problem of an infinitely conducting sphere with an arbitrary varying radius in an external magnetic field : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 560-561 | Pages 532-533 | V. K. Bodulinskii, Iu. A. Medvedev, B. M. Stepanov |
25 | On the convergence of the method of finite elements in the analysis of membrane dynamics : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 561-565 | Pages 533-538 | V. P. Kandidov, E. P. Khlybov |
26 | Torsional vibrations of a viscoelastic half-space : PMM vol. 36, n3, 1972, pp. 565-568 | Pages 538-541 | V. P. Ten |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 542 | |
28 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 543 | |
Volume 36, Issue 4, Pages 545-726 (1972)
1 | Variational optimization problems for equations of hyperbolic type : PMM vol. 36, n 4, 1972. pp. 578-588 | Pages 545-555 | L. V. Petukhov, V. A. Troitskii |
2 | Onthe stabilization of relative equilibrium and steady-state motion of a mechanical system by partial dissipation forces : PMM vol. 36, n 4, 1972, pp. 589-597 | Pages 556-564 | L. E. Sokolova |
3 | On a game problem of conflicting control : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 598-605 | Pages 564-571 | N. N. Subbotina |
4 | One-dimensionalelectrohydrodynamic flows with variable mobility coefficient. Evaporation and condensation jumps : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972. pp. 606-616 | Pages 572-581 | V. V. Gogosov |
5 | The periodic structure of an electric field in stratified plasma with tensor conductivity : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 617-625 | Pages 582-590 | Iu. P. Emets |
6 | Explosion in a variable-density medium in the presence of variable counterpressure : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 626-635 | Pages 590-600 | N. S. Mel'nikova |
7 | Waves generated by perturbations of the bottom of a tank with a dock : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 636-640 | Pages 600-604 | V. F. Vitiuk |
8 | Small perturbations in a stream issuing from a slit : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 641-646 | Pages 605-610 | N. S. Kozin |
9 | Certain solutions of the equations of laminar boundary layer with large blowing : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 647-658 | Pages 610-621 | V. N. Filimonov |
10 | Analysis of the problem of thermal flame propagation by the method of matched asymptotic expansions : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 659-666 | Pages 622-628 | V. S. Berman, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
11 | Approximatereduction of the equations of the theory of elasticity and electrodynamics for inhomogeneous media to the Helmholtz equations : PMMvol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 667-671 | Pages 629-633 | I. V. Mukhina |
12 | On the reduction of integral equations of the theory of elasticity to infinite systems : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 672-681 | Pages 633-642 | G. Ia. Popov |
13 | Doubly-periodicproblem of the theory of elasticity for an isotropic medium weakened bycongruent groups of arbitrary holes : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 682-690 | Pages 643-651 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
14 | On the existence of solutions of the nonlinear theory of shallow shells : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 691-704 | Pages 652-665 | I. I. Vorovich, L. P. Lebedev |
15 | Asymptotic method of determining the critical buckling loads of shallow strictly convex shells of revolution : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 705-716 | Pages 665-677 | L. S. Srubshchik |
16 | On optimal thickness of a cylindrical shell loaded by external pressure : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 717-725 | Pages 677-685 | L. V. Andreev, V. I. Mossakovskii, N. I. Obodan |
17 | Hydrodynamic theory of the action of explosion and the assumption of incompressibility : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 726-731 | Pages 686-691 | N. V. Zvolinskii |
18 | On the stability of gyroscopic stabilization systems : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 732-736 | Pages 692-697 | L. K. Kuz'mina |
19 | Determination of dynamic characteristics of nonlinearity of a self-oscillating system : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 737-740 | Pages 698-701 | V. Iu. Rozenshtein |
20 | Program and position absorption in differential games : PMM vol. 36, n 4, 1972, pp. 740-743 | Pages 701-704 | A. I. Subbotin |
21 | Turbulence invariants in incompressible magnetohydrodynamics : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 743-745 | Pages 705-706 | E. A. Kuznetsov |
22 | On oscillatory instability of plane-parallel convective motion in a vertical channel : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 745-748 | Pages 707-710 | R. V. Birikh, G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii, R. N. Rudakov |
23 | Remark on the approximate solution of the problems of linear viscoelasticity : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 749-753 | Pages 711-715 | E. I. Gol'dengershel' |
24 | On some optimal design criteria of inhomogeneous anisotropic bodies : PMM vol. 36, n4, 1972, pp. 753-760 | Pages 716-723 | G. I. Bryzgalin |
25 | Contents of next issue | Pages 724-725 | |
26 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic function | Page 726 | |
Volume 36, Issue 5, Pages 727-911 (1972)
1 | Certain contact problems for a half-space reinforced by elastic gussets : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 770-787 | Pages 727-743 | N. Kh. Arutiunian, S. M. Mkhitarian |
2 | Variational methods of constructing models of shells : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 788-804 | Pages 743-758 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
3 | On the normalization of a Hamiltonian system of linear differential equations with periodic coefficients : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 805-810 | Pages 758-763 | A. P. Markeev |
4 | Steady-state solutions of a dispersive system of nonlinear waves : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 811-821 | Pages 764-774 | A. Z. Averbukh, E. V. Venitsianov |
5 | On the stability of the equilibrium positions of a solid body with a cavity containing a liquid : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 822-828 | Pages 774-780 | A. S. Oziraner |
6 | Approximate synthesis method for optimal control of a system subjected to random perturbations : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 829-839 | Pages 780-791 | A. I. Solianik, F. L. Chernous'ko |
7 | On the theory of the slipping state in dynamical systems with collisions : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 840-850 | Pages 791-801 | Iu. S. Fedosenko, M. I. Feigin |
8 | The structure of electrohydrodynamic shock waves : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 851-865 | Pages 802-815 | V. V. Gogosov, V. A. Polianskii |
9 | One-dimensional electrohydrodtnamk flows with shock waves : PMM vol. 36. n5, 1972, pp. 866-873 | Pages 816-823 | I. P. Semenova, A. E. Iakubenko |
10 | One-dimensional electro-gasdynamic flow with shock waves and a small electrohydraulic interaction parameter : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 874-879 | Pages 823-828 | V. I. Gribovskii |
11 | Flow past a strongly heated sphere by a gas with low Reynolds numbers : PMM vol. 36, n5. 1972, pp. 880-885 | Pages 829-833 | V. S. Galkin, M. N. Kogan, O. G. Fridlender |
12 | Onthe possibility of using harmonic functions for solving problems of thetheory of elasticity of nonhomogeneous media : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 886-894 | Pages 834-842 | V. P. Plevako |
13 | Some optimal problems of the theory of longitudinal vibrations of rods : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 895-904 | Pages 842-851 | L. V. Petukhov, V. A. Troitskii |
14 | Pressure of a stamp on a half-plane with inclusions : PMM vol. 36, n5. 1972. pp. 905-912 | Pages 851-859 | Iu. A. Amenzade |
15 | Integrals of relative motion of a system of particles of identical mass : PMM vol.36, n5, 1972, pp. 913-916 | Pages 860-863 | A. P. Machil'skii |
16 | On the information available to players in a differential game : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 917-924 | Pages 864-871 | P. B. Gusiatnikov |
17 | Regions of asymptotic stability of Lienard's equation : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 924-926 | Pages 872-874 | V. M. Zavarykin, B. I. Shakhtarin |
18 | On wave fields and acute-angled edges on wave fronts in an anisotropic medium from a point source : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 927-934 | Pages 874-882 | I. O. Osipov |
19 | Motion of an almost ideal gas in the presence of a strong point explosion : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 935-938 | Pages 883-887 | S. I. Anisimov, O. M. Spiner |
20 | Characteristics of trajectories of a field generated by randomly distributed sources : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 939-941 | Pages 887-889 | A. A. Alekseev, B. M. Strunin |
21 | Note on variational problems of transonic gas flows : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972. pp. 941-943 | Pages 890-891 | A. A. Orel |
22 | On the theory of mixed problems for the three-dimensional wedge : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972. pp. 943-947 | Pages 892-896 | V. A. Babeshko, V. N. Berkovich |
23 | Exterior axisymmetric mixed problem for a transversely isotropic half-space : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 947-951 | Pages 897-901 | V. I. Fabrikant |
24 | On a boundary value problem of nonlinear magnetoelasticity : PMM vol. 36, n5, 1972, pp. 952-956 | Pages 902-907 | K. Sh. Khodzhaev, I. Z. Shtilerman |
25 | On general relationships of the theory of ideal plasticity and the statics of a friable medium : PMM vol. 36. n5, 1972, pp. 957-959 | Pages 907-909 | D. D. Ivlev |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 910 | |
27 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 911 | |
Volume 36, Issue 6, Pages 913-1073 (1972)
1 | Author index to vol. 36 | Pages i-viii | |
2 | On control and stabilization of systems with ignorable coordinates : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 966-976 | Pages 913-922 | V. V. Rumiantsev |
3 | On stabilization of steady-state motions of mechanical systems with respect to a part of the variables : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 977-985 | Pages 922-930 | L. K. Lilov |
4 | Extremal control in a nonlinear differential game : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 986-1006 | Pages 930-947 | N. N. Krasovskii |
5 | Point evasion conditions in a second-order differential game : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1007-1014 | Pages 948-955 | V. S. Patsko |
6 | On an estimate in a differential game of encounter : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1015-1021 | Pages 955-961 | A. G. Pashkov |
7 | Game problem of the hard contact of two points with an impulse thrust in a linear central field : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1022-1029 | Pages 961-968 | G. K. Pozharitskii |
8 | Analytic equivalence of second-order systems for arbitrary resonance : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1030-1042 | Pages 969-980 | L. M. Markhashov |
9 | On obtaining evolutionary equations for quasi-linear systems : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1043-1050 | Pages 981-987 | N. V. Vorob'ev |
10 | On periodic solutions close to rectilinear normal vibration modes : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1051-1058 | Pages 988-994 | L. I. Manevich, Iu. V. Mikhlin |
11 | Periodic solutions of piecewise-continuous systems with a small parameter : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1059-1069 | Pages 995-1004 | R. F. Nagaev |
12 | On steady capillary-gravitational waves of finite amplitude at the surface of fluid over an undulating bed : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1070-1085 | Pages 1004-1018 | Ia. I. Sekerzh-Zen'Kovich |
13 | Aversion of the couple stress theory of elasticity for a one-dimensionalcontinuous medium with inhomogeneous periodic structure : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1086-1093 | Pages 1019-1026 | E. A. Il'iushina |
14 | Torsion of an axisymmetric anisotropic body with mixed boundary conditions on the side surface : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1094-1099 | Pages 1026-1031 | G. I. Nazarov, A. A. Puchkov |
15 | On some properties of equations of a model of coupled termoplasticity : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1100-1107 | Pages 1031-1038 | Ia. A. Kamenlarzh |
16 | On the Hamilton-Jacobi method for nonholonomic systems : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1108-1114 | Pages 1038-1045 | E. Kh. Naziev |
17 | Periodic solutions for equations of certain autonomous systems : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1114-1117 | Pages 1045-1048 | E. D. Zhitel'zeif |
18 | On a dynamic problem in the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1118-1123 | Pages 1049-1054 | V. D. Kuliev |
19 | On the problem of the elastic stability of a locally loaded cylindrical shell : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1123-1129 | Pages 1055-1061 | L. M. Kurshin, L. I. Shkutin |
20 | Applicationof dual integral equations to the problem of torsion of an elastic space, weakened by a conical crack of finite dimensions : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1130-1135 | Pages 1062-1068 | I. N. Zlatina |
21 | On the use 0f rational approximating functions : PMM vol. 36, n6, 1972, pp. 1136-1138 | Pages 1068-1071 | B. E. Pobedria |
22 | Contents of next issue | Page 1072 | |
23 | Transliteration table | Page 1073 | |
Volume 37, Issue 1, Pages 1-182 (1973)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | Differential-difference game of encounter with a functional target set : PMM vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp.3-13 | Pages 1-10 | A. V. Kriazhimskii, Iu S. Osipov |
3 | On a linear differential game of encounter : PMM vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp.14-22 | Pages 11-18 | S. I. Tarlinskii |
4 | Control synthesis in a problem with phase constraints : PMM vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 23-31 | Pages 19-26 | B. E. Fedunov |
5 | On nonlinear perturbations under resonance : PMM vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 32-38 | Pages 27-32 | N. V. Vorob'ev |
6 | On an idea of chetaev : PMM vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 39-47 | Pages 33-41 | Iu. M. -L. Kostiukovskii |
7 | Some exact solutions of a system of equations of electrohydrodynamics : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 48-56 | Pages 41-49 | V. A. Buchin |
8 | The spreading of singly ionized jets in hydrodynamic streams : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 48-56 | Pages 49-57 | A. B. Vatazhin, V. I. Grabovskii |
9 | On the general theory of almost self-similar nonstationary flows : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 65-74 | Pages 57-66 | O. S. RyZhov, E. D. Terent'ev |
10 | Group classification of equations of hydrodynamics of a perfect fluid : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp 75-83 | Pages 66-74 | V. L. Katkov |
11 | Penetration of a cone into a compressible fluid : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 84-93 | Pages 74-83 | V. B. Poruchikov |
12 | Asymmetric mechanics of turbulent flows, energy and entropy : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 94-105 | Pages 83-94 | V. N. Nikolaevskii |
13 | The plane problem for a nonhomogeneous elastic circular domain : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 106-113 | Pages 95-102 | N. A. Rostovtsev, I. E. Khranevskaia |
14 | On the magnetoelasticity of thin shells and plates : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 114-130 | Pages 102-118 | S. A. Ambartsumian, G. E. Bagdasarian, M. V. Belubekian |
15 | On the loss of stability of nonsymmetric strictly convex thin shallow shells : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 131-144 | Pages 118-131 | L. S. Srubshchik |
16 | Ray method of solving dynamic problems in elastic-viscoplastic media : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 145-155 | Pages 132-141 | L. A. Babicheva, G. I. Bykovtsev, N. D. Verveiko |
17 | On a generalized form of lagrange equations of second kind : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 156-159 | Pages 142-145 | G. Diukich |
18 | On the stability of nonlinear systems with a transformed argument : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 159-162 | Pages 145-149 | V. P. Skripnik |
19 | On certain impulse observation laws : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 163-169 | Pages 149-156 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
20 | On the possibility of gasdynamic effects at the critical point of the phase equilibrium : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 169-171 | Pages 156-159 | V. I. Tsurkov |
21 | Explosions in detonating media of variable initial density : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp. 172-177 | Pages 159-164 | N. S. Mel'nikova |
22 | On the occurrence of doubly periodic convection in a horizontal layer : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp.177-184 | Pages 166-173 | G. K. Ter-Grigortants |
23 | Classicalsolutions of the second boundary value problem for equations of unsteady free convection : PMM Vol. 37, N-1, 1973, pp.184-190 | Pages 174-180 | P. S. Cherniakov |
24 | Contents of next issue | Pages 181-182 | |
Volume 37, Issue 2, Pages 185-369 (1973)
1 | Approximation in a differential game : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 197-204 | Pages 185-192 | N. N. Krasovskii, A. I. Subbotin |
2 | Necessary optimality condition for the time of first absorption : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 205-216 | Pages 192-203 | P. B. Gusiatnikov |
3 | Impulse tracking of a point with bounded thrust : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 217-227 | Pages 203-213 | G. K. Pozharitskii |
4 | Exact formulas in the control problem of certain systems with aftereffect : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 228-235 | Pages 213-220 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
5 | Plain self-similar motions of gas heated by radiation in the presence of strong re-emission : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 236-242 | Pages 221-227 | V. I. Bergel'son, I. V. Nemchinov |
6 | On external flows induced by jets in a viscous incompressible fluid : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 243-246 | Pages 227-231 | L. P. Gorbachev, N. V. Nikitin, E. P. Potanin |
7 | The behavior of a wing panel in a stream of gas under transient conditions : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 247-253 | Pages 231-237 | A. S. Vol'mir, A. T. Ponomarev, S. A. Popytalov |
8 | Plane contact problem for a unearly-deformable foundation in the presence of adhesion : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 254-261 | Pages 237-245 | G. Ia. Popov |
9 | On the theory of elastic nonhomogeneous media with a regular structure : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 262-273 | Pages 245-256 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
10 | Echo signal of a finite spherical pulse from an elastic cylindrical shell : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 274-284 | Pages 256-266 | Ia. A. Metsaveer |
11 | Generalized orthogonality relation in the problem of equilibrium of an elastic cylinder : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 285-290 | Pages 267-272 | S. I. Litovchenko, V. K. Prokopov |
12 | On acoustic wave diffraction by plates connected at a right angle : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 291-299 | Pages 273-281 | B. P. Belinskii, D. P. Kouzov, V. D. Chel'tsova |
13 | On the structure of shock waves in elastic-plastic media : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 300-305 | Pages 282-287 | Ia. A. Pachepskii |
14 | Stress concentration on an ellipsoidal inhomogeneity in an anisotropic elastic medium : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 306-315 | Pages 287-296 | I. A. Kunin, E. G. Sosnina |
15 | Torsion and extension of a cylinder with an external annular slit : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 316-325 | Pages 297-306 | B. A. Kudriavtsev, V. Z. Parton |
16 | A system of arbitrarily oriented cracks in elastic solids : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 326-332 | Pages 306-313 | A. P. Datsyshin, M. P. Savruk |
17 | Stresses in a symmetrically laminated plate weakened by a central crack : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 333-338 | Pages 313-318 | V. V. Kopasenko, M. K. Tuebaev |
18 | Elastic field correlation functions for the quasi-isotropic composite materials under anisotropic strain : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 339-345 | Pages 319-324 | A. G. Fokin, T. D. Shermergor |
19 | On a Liapunov function in the problem of motion of a rigid body : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 346-349 | Pages 325-328 | N. G. Apykhtin, A. A. Piontkovskii, V. M. Safrai |
20 | Equations of motion of systems with second-order nonlinear nonholonomic constraints : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 349-354 | Pages 329-334 | Duo San |
21 | Averaging of transport equations with respect to angles in the two-dimensional case : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 355-358 | Pages 335-339 | T. B. Maliavina |
22 | Integro-differential equation of the dynamic contact problem of viscoelasticity : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 359-363 | Pages 340-344 | M. I. Rozovskii |
23 | Compression of an elastic layer by girder plates : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 364-372 | Pages 345-353 | B. M. Nuller |
24 | Problemof stability of elastoplastic equilibrium of a centrally compressed rodof cruciform transverse cross section : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 372-377 | Pages 354-360 | Iu. A. Cherniakov, N. Iu. Shvaiko |
25 | Unsteady temperature field in a plane bounded within by a noncircular contour : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 378-382 | Pages 361-365 | I. A. Iabko |
26 | Determination of the frequency of the approximate solution of Hill's equation : PMM vol. 37, n2, 1973, pp. 382-383 | Pages 365-366 | V. K. Karpasiuk |
27 | Correctionsto the paper of V. M. Kornev, -on the formulation of boundary conditions of the simplified equations of shells of revolution- : PMM vol. 34, n1, 1970 | Page 367 | |
28 | Contents of next issue | Page 368 | |
29 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 369 | |
Volume 37, Issue 3, Pages 371-558 (1973)
1 | On the bifurcation and stability of the steady-state motions of complex mechanical systems : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 387-399 | Pages 371-382 | V. M. Morozov, V. N. Rubanovskii, V. V. Rumiantsev, V. A. Samsonov |
2 | Onthe stability of stationary motions of systems with quasi-ignorable coordinates and of mechanical equilibrium under the action of a magneticfield : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 400-406 | Pages 383-389 | K. Sh. Khodzhaev |
3 | A practical method for computing normal forms in nonlinear oscillation problems : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp.407-413 | Pages 389-396 | V. M. Starzhinskii |
4 | Approximate solution of Bellman's equation for a class of optimal terminal state control problems : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 414-425 | Pages 396-407 | A. S. Bratus' |
5 | On minimal observations in a game of encounter : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 426-433 | Pages 407-414 | A. A. Melikian |
6 | Deviationof the solution of a quasi-linear wave equation from the solution of a linear equation in the domain of continuous first derivatives : PMM vol.37. n3, 1973, pp. 434-447 | Pages 415-428 | U. K. Nigul |
7 | Continual mechanochemical model of muscular tissue : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 448-458 | Pages 428-439 | P. I. Usik |
8 | Electric field in a MHD channel of rectangular cross section in the presence of the hall effect : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 459-468 | Pages 439-449 | V. Kh. Kirillov |
9 | On constructing the contour of minimum wave drag in an inhomogeneous supersonic flow : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 469-487 | Pages 449-467 | A. N. Kraiko, N. I. Tilliaeva |
10 | Unsteady flow of incompressible fluid past a doubly periodic grid : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 488-496 | Pages 468-475 | V. M. Astapenko |
11 | The form of fresh-water lens for linear evaporation law : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 497-504 | Pages 475-482 | Iu. I. Kapranov |
12 | On the uniqueness of solution and certain approximate methods of solving linear viscoelasticity problems : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 505-514 | Pages 483-491 | L. P. Lebedev |
13 | On the bending of an elastic cylinder by rigid bands : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 515-523 | Pages 492-500 | S. I. Litovchenko, B. M. Nuller |
14 | An ellipsoidal crack and needle in an anisotropic elastic medium : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 524-531 | Pages 501-508 | I. A. Kunin, G. N. Mirenkova, E. G. Sosnina |
15 | Nonlinear theory and stability of thick sandwich shells : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 532-543 | Pages 509-520 | Iu. N. Novichkov |
16 | Smalloscillations of a heavy rigid body around a fixed point and certain cases of existence of -linear integrals- : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 544/2-547 | Pages 520-524 | F. Kh. Tsel'man |
17 | Regularreflection of an oblique shock in a plane flow of an ideally dissociating gas in the presence of a transverse magnetic field : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 547-552 | Pages 524-530 | R. Ram, V. D. Sharma |
18 | Self-similar flows behind the shock waves in a gravitational field : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 553-556 | Pages 531-535 | D. D. Malik, P. Singh |
19 | Note on the stability of three-dimensional flows of an ideal fluid : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 557-558 | Pages 536-537 | N. N. Bogdat'eva, L. A. Dikii |
20 | Notes on the mathematical theory of small oscillations of an inviscid gas : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 559-564 | Pages 538-543 | E. E. Shnol' |
21 | Two kinds of instability of stationary convective motion induced by internal heat sources : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 564-568 | Pages 544-548 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii, A. A. Iakimov |
22 | On a plane elasticity theory problem with mixed boundary conditions : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 569-572 | Pages 549-552 | G. Kh. Kirov, P. K. Pavlov, N. S. Raikov |
23 | Stationary motion of a crack in a strip : PMM vol. 37, n3, 1973, pp. 572-576 | Pages 553-556 | V. D. Kuliev |
24 | Contents of next issue | Page 557 | |
25 | Transliteration table. Trigonemetry and hyperbolic functions | Page 558 | |
Volume 37, Issue 4, Pages 559-731 (1973)
1 | Classification of integrals of the dynamic equations of the linear two-dimensional theory of shells : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 591-603 | Pages 559-571 | A. L. Gol'denveizer |
2 | Distribution of the natural frequencies of a thin elastic shell of arbitrary outline : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 604-617 | Pages 571-584 | A. G. Aslanian, Z. N. Kuzina, V. B. Lidskii, V. N. Tulovskii |
3 | Some dynamic problems of the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 618-639 | Pages 584-606 | E. F. Afanas'ev, G. P. Cherepanov |
4 | On equilibrium instability in holonomic mechanical systems with partial dissipation : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 640-646 | Pages 606-611 | P. Hagedorn |
5 | Stability of equilibria of mechanical systems including a flexible inextensible filament : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 647-658 | Pages 612-622 | G. K. Pozharitskii |
6 | On asymptotic stability and instability relative to a part of variables : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 659-665 | Pages 623-629 | A. S. Oziraner |
7 | On the optimal spacing of measurements in the method of least squares : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, n4 pp. 666-673 | Pages 629-638 | V. M. Rudakov |
8 | Theorem on 2n intervals in a time-optimal problem with magnitude- and impulse-constrained control : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 675-679 | Pages 638-642 | A. M. Formal'skii |
9 | Hydrodynamicinteraction between bodies in a perfect incompressible fluid and their motion in nonuniform streams : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 680-689 | Pages 642-651 | V. V. Voinov, O. V. Voinov, A. G. Petrov |
10 | On the asymptotic behavior of a steady flow of viscous fluid at some distance from an immersed body : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 690-705 | Pages 651-665 | K. I. Babenko, M. M. Vasil'ev |
11 | On the completeness of a system of elementary solutions of the biharmonic equation in a semi-strip : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 706-714 | Pages 665-674 | IU. A. Ustinov, V. I. Iudovich |
12 | Investigation of the algebraic system of infinite order occurring in solving the problem for a semi-strip : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 715-723 | Pages 674-682 | V. V. Kopasenko |
13 | On the state of stress and strain in a finite cylinder subjected to dynamic loads : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 724-730 | Pages 682-688 | G. A. Brusilovskaia, L. V. Ershov |
14 | Axisymmetric dynamic contact problem for a viscoelastic half-space in the presence of adhesion under the stamp : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 731-738 | Pages 689-697 | V. P. Ten |
15 | On the problem of the relationship between the schwarzschild and tolman metrics : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 739-745 | Pages 697-704 | K. P. Staniukovich, O. Sh. sharshekeev |
16 | On regular precessions of a heavy gyrostat : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 746-753 | Pages 704-712 | M. P. Guliaev |
17 | On the stability problem for the Lagrange solutions of the restricted three-body problem : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 753-757 | Pages 713-717 | A. P. Markeev |
18 | Stability of n-th order and degree of stability : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 758-762 | Pages 718-723 | R. Krystev |
19 | On the problem of impressing a thin rigid body into a medium with hardening : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 763-767 | Pages 723-727 | V. V. Durov |
20 | On the problem of integrals of relative motion of a system of particles possessing identical mass : PMM vol. 37, n4, 1973, pp. 767-768 | Pages 728-729 | V. S. Novoselov |
21 | Contents of next issue | Page 730 | |
22 | Transliteration table | Page 731 | |
Volume 37, Issue 5, Pages 733-915 (1973)
1 | On the optimal observation problems : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 771-786 | Pages 733-747 | I. Ia. Kats, A. B. Kurzhanskii |
2 | On a sufficient encounter condition in a differential game : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 787-793 | Pages 747-753 | S. I. Tarlinskii |
3 | On a generalization of the theory of error accumulation : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 794-802 | Pages 753-761 | I. Ia. Krichevskii, G. M. Ulanov |
4 | Use of the variational equation in the study of polarizable and magnetizable continuous media : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 803-812 | Pages 761-770 | A. G. Tsypkin |
5 | Simple waves in nonconducting magnetizable medium : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 813-821 | Pages 770-778 | I. E. Tarapov |
6 | Plane electrohydrodynamic flow with reverse current : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 822-829 | Pages 778-785 | V. I. Grabovskii |
7 | Waves of ionization and recombination in a weakly ionized magnetized plasma : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 830-836 | Pages 785-792 | O. A. Sinkevich |
8 | Two-dimensional problem of the motion of a snow avalanche along a slope with smoothly changing properties : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 837-848 | Pages 792-803 | A. G. Kulikovskii, M. E. Eglit |
9 | On the problem of flow of a heavy fluid with two free surfaces : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 849-856 | Pages 804-811 | O. M. Kiselev, L. M. Kotliar |
10 | Generalized similarity laws for flows around bodies in conditions of -localizability- law : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 857-863 | Pages 812-818 | A. I. Bunimovich, A. V. Dubinskii |
11 | Use of similarity hypotheses for solving the problem of homogeneous turbulence decay : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 864-881 | Pages 819-836 | A. I. Korneev |
12 | Continual mechanics of monodisperse suspensions. integral and differential laws of conservation : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 882-894 | Pages 836-848 | Iu. A. Buevich, V. G. Markov |
13 | Rayleigh waves in a nonhomogeneous layer resting on a half-space : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 895-899 | Pages 849-853 | A. G. Alenitsyn |
14 | On propagation of shock waves in an elastic medium under plane finite strain : PMM vol. 37. n5, 1973, pp. 900-904 | Pages 854-858 | A. A. Burenin, Nguen Khyu Tkhan', A. D. Chernyshov |
15 | Equilibrium of a nonhomogeneous half-plane under the action of forces applied to the boundary : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 905-913 | Pages 858-866 | V. P. Plevako |
16 | On asymptotically exact equations of thin plates of complex structure : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 914-924 | Pages 867-877 | B. A. Shoikhet |
17 | Contact problem of rolling of a viscoelastic cylinder on a base of the same material : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 925-933 | Pages 877-885 | I. G. Goriacheva |
18 | Equationsof the axisymmetric state of stress and strain of a nonshallow spherical shell of nonlinear elastic material under large deformations :PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 934-939 | Pages 886-891 | I. I. Vorovich, N. I. Minakova |
19 | An energy inequality in the theory of plate bending : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 940-944 | Pages 891-896 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
20 | Applicationof hankel transforms to the solution of axisymmetric problems when the modulus of elasticity is a power function of depth : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 945-948 | Pages 896-900 | A. E. Puro |
21 | Stability of cylindrical shells of oval cross section in the bending state of stress : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 949-951 | Pages 901-904 | E. M. Koroleva |
22 | Influence of the sign of shell curvature on the character of the state of stress : PMM vol. 37, n5, 1973, pp. 952-960 | Pages 904-913 | E. M. Zveriaev |
23 | Contents of next issue | Page 914 | |
24 | Transliteration table | Page 915 | |
Volume 37, Issue 6, Pages 917-1092 (1973)
1 | Author index to vol. 37 | Pages i-viii | |
2 | On some variational principles in mechanics of continuous media : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 963-973 | Pages 917-926 | V. V. Rumantsev |
3 | Methodof successive approximations for three-dimensional laminar boundary layer problems (locally self-similar case) : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 974-983 | Pages 926-935 | G. A. Tirskii, Iu. D. Shevelev |
4 | Certain qualitative investigation methods for dynamic systems connected with field rotation : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 984-989 | Pages 936-941 | N. N. Bautin |
5 | Case of a generating family of quasi-periodic solutions in the theory of small parameter : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 990-998 | Pages 941-949 | R. F. Nagaev |
6 | Forced oscillations with a sliding regime range of a two-mass system interacting with a fixed stop : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 999-1006 | Pages 949-956 | I. U. S. Fedosenko |
7 | On the correctness of the approximate investigation of synchronous machine rotor swinging : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1007-1014 | Pages 956-963 | V. I. Korolev, N. A. Fufaev, R. A. Chesnokova |
8 | Application of the Bubnov-Galerkin procedure to the problem of searching for selfoscillations : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1015-1019 | Pages 963-967 | V. V. Strygin |
9 | Ona particular form of stabilized capillary-gravitational waves of finiteamplitude at the surface of fluid over an undulating bed : PMM vol. 37,n6, 1973, pp. 1020-1034 | Pages 968-981 | Ia. I. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich |
10 | Self-similar problem of Cauchy-Poisson waves at an inclined shore : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1035-1039 | Pages 982-986 | B. N. Rumiantsev |
11 | Conditions for shockless state of the vortex flow in two-dimensional laval nozzles : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1040-1043 | Pages 986-990 | P. M. Gostev, I. A. Chernov |
12 | On stability of three-dimensional periodic motions in hydrodynamics : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1044-1048 | Pages 990-995 | Iu. B. Ponomarenko |
13 | Asymptotic analysis of stationary propagation of the front of a two-stage exothermic reaction in a gas : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1049-1058 | Pages 995-1004 | V. S. Berman, I. U. S. Riazantsev |
14 | Continualmechanics of monodisperse suspensions. rheological equations of state for suspensions of moderate concentration : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1059-1077 | Pages 1005-1022 | Iu. A. Buevich, V. G. Markov |
15 | A method of examining a pair of interdependent integral equations : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1078-1086 | Pages 1022-1030 | D. I. Sherman |
16 | On a method of solving dual integral equations : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1087-1097 | Pages 1031-1041 | V. M. Aleksandrov, M. I. Chebakov |
17 | On the game theory approach to problems of optimization of elastic bodies : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1098-1108 | Pages 1042-1052 | N. V. Banichuk |
18 | Axisymmetric contact problem for an elastic inhomogeneous half-space in the presence of cohesion : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1109-1116 | Pages 1052-1059 | G. Ia. Popov |
19 | On the Bubnov-Galerkin method in the nonlinear theory of vibrations of viscoelastic shells : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1117-1124 | Pages 1060-1067 | I. I. Vorovich, L. P. Lebedev |
20 | Investigation of the free vibrations of noncircular cylindrical shells : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1125-1134 | Pages 1068-1077 | R. M. Bergman |
21 | Generalized cyclic displacements : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1135-1137 | Pages 1077-1080 | A. A. Bogoiavlenskii |
22 | On the generalization of the Bonnet theorem : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1138-1141 | Pages 1081-1084 | L. N. Grudtsyn |
23 | On the membrane state of multiply-connected convex shells : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1141-1145 | Pages 1084-1088 | P. I. Kudrik |
24 | Addendum to the paper -on certain exact solutions of the fourier equation for regions varying with time- : PMM vol. 37, n6, 1973, pp. 1145-1146 | Pages 1088-1090 | G. A. Grinberg, V. A. Koss |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 1091 | |
26 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 1092 | |
Volume 38, Issue 1, Pages 1-180 (1974)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | Optimal systems of a combination of control and observation : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 12-24 | Pages 1-13 | A. B. Kurzhanskii |
3 | Generalized problem of the impulse pursuit of a point with bounded thrust : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 25-37 | Pages 13-25 | G. K. Pozharitskii |
4 | On the pursuit problem in nonlinear differential games : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 38-44 | Pages 26-32 | N. Satimov |
5 | On the estimation of certain performance indices in linear stationary controlled systems : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 45-48 | Pages 32-36 | V. G. Treivas |
6 | Numerical stability investigation of the lagrange solutions of an elliptic restricted three-body problem : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 49-55 | Pages 36-43 | A. P. Markeev, A. G. Sokol'skii |
7 | Certain stability questions in the presence of resonances : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 56-65 | Pages 43-51 | G. G. Khazina |
8 | Dynamics of asynchronous machine with a rotor of squirrel-cage type : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 66-77 | Pages 52-63 | Iu. I. Neimark, N. A. Fufaev |
9 | Shaping of a tubular beam of charged particles emitted with nonzero velocity and in a nonzero field strength : PMM vol. 38. n 1, 1974, pp. 78-83 | Pages 63-69 | V. N. Danilov, S. A. Pegov, V. A. Syrovoi |
10 | On the asymptotic behavior of velocity and on forces acting on a body in a stationary stream of viscous fluid : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 84-91 | Pages 70-77 | M. M. Vasil'ev |
11 | On the hypersonic flow past a lift airfoil : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 92-104 | Pages 77-89 | O. S. Ryzhov, E. D. Terent'ev |
12 | Irregular interaction of weak shock waves of different intensities : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 105-114 | Pages 89-99 | G. P. Shindiapin |
13 | Propagation of acoustic waves in a medium located in a gravitational field : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 115-120 | Pages 99-104 | A. I. Kuznetsov, V. F. Nelepin, K. P. Staniukovich |
14 | Approximate equations for waves in media with small nonlinearity and dispersion : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 121-124 | Pages 104-108 | L. A. Ostrovskii, E. N. Pelinovskii |
15 | Contact problem for a stamp with narrow rectangular base : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 125-130 | Pages 108-113 | N. M. Borodachev, L. A. Galin |
16 | Axisymmetricstrain of an elastic layer with a circular line of separation of the boundary conditions on both faces : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp.131-138 | Pages 113-121 | V. N. Zakorko |
17 | On the local axisymmetric compression of an elastic layer weakened by an annular or circular crack : PMM vol. 38. n 1, 1974, pp. 139-144 | Pages 121-127 | V. S. Nikishin, G. S. Shapiro |
18 | The effect of a stringer on the stress distribution around a hole : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 145-153 | Pages 127-134 | G. T. Zhorzholiani, A. I. Kalandiia |
19 | On the state of stress and strain of stochastically nonhomogeneous elastic bodies : PMM vol. 38. n 1, 1974, pp. 154-157 | Pages 135-139 | O. I. Ivanishcheva, V. A. Minaev |
20 | Comparison of stationary and quasi-stationary streams of perfect fluid : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 158-162 | Pages 139-144 | N. N. Gorbanev |
21 | Steady flow of a viscous incompressible fluid taking temperature dependence of viscosity into account : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 162-166 | Pages 144-148 | V. I. Naidenov |
22 | On the effect of injection on boundary layer separation : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 166-169 | Pages 148-152 | A. I. Suslov |
23 | On single-valued solution of the fundamental boundary-value problem in the theory of the thermal boundary layer : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 170-175 | Pages 152-158 | T. D. Dzhuraev |
24 | Indentation of a stamp in a half-plane with circular inclusions : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 175-177 | Pages 159-161 | Iu. a. Amenzade |
25 | On the solution of problems of the theory of elasticity by the method of factorization : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 178-183 | Pages 162-167 | G. Ia. Popov |
26 | Operator method of investigating the strain of a hollow sphere with different creep in tension and compression : PMM vol. 38. n 1, 1974, pp. 183-186 | Pages 167-171 | M. I. Rozovskii |
27 | On the euler's stability of a viscoelastic rod : PMM vol. 38, n 1, 1974, pp. 187-192 | Pages 172-178 | E. I. Goldengershel |
28 | Contents of next issue | Page 179 | |
29 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 180 | |
Volume 38, Issue 2, Pages 181-359 (1974)
1 | The effect of diffusion rate on the flow of gas mixtures : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 203-210 | Pages 181-188 | V. V. Struminskii |
2 | On encounter-evasion game problems : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 211-223 | Pages 189-201 | A. G. Chentsov |
3 | On periodic motions of a rigid body in a central Newtonian field : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 224-227 | Pages 201-204 | V. G. Demin, F. I. Kiselev |
4 | On the admissibility of application of precession equations of gyroscopic systems : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 228-232 | Pages 204-208 | D. R. Merkin |
5 | Invariants of multidimensional systems with one resonance relation : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 233-239 | Pages 208-214 | L. M. Markhashov |
6 | On the stability of motions of conservative mechanical systems under continually-acting perturbations : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 240-245 | Pages 214-220 | A. Ia. Savchenko |
7 | On the influence of structure of forces on the stability of motion : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 246-253 | Pages 220-227 | V. M. Lakhadanov |
8 | The structure of shock waves in hypersonic flows : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 254-263 | Pages 227-237 | E. D. Terent'ev |
9 | On a class of solutions of the nonlinear equation for the velocity potential : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 264-270 | Pages 237-244 | I. B. Gavrilushkin, A. F. Sidorov |
10 | On forces due to barnett stresses acting on bodies in a gas : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 271-283 | Pages 244-257 | V. S. Galkin, O. G. Fridlender |
11 | Convection in chemically active media : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 284-289 | Pages 257-262 | L. A. Abramov, L. S. Al'perovich |
12 | On necessary optimality conditions in problems of controlling transport processes : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 290-300 | Pages 263-273 | Iu. A. Kuznetsov, S. F. Morozov |
13 | Continualmechanics of monodisperse suspensions. on properties of spherical dipole suspensions in an external field : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 301-311 | Pages 274-283 | Iu. A. Buevich |
14 | Two-dimensional problem of the contact between a semi-infinite beam and an elastic wedge : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 312-320 | Pages 284-292 | G. Ia. Popov, L. Ia. Tikhonenko |
15 | On the dynamic contact problem for a half-plane reinforced by a finite elastic strip : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 321-330 | Pages 292-302 | E. Kh. Grigorian |
16 | Methodof orthogonal polynomials in plane antisymmetric mixed problems of elasticity theory with two contact sections : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 331-338 | Pages 302-309 | V. A. Kucherov |
17 | Onsome direct methods and the existence of solution in the nonlinear theory of elastic nonshallow shells of revolution : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp.339-348 | Pages 310-319 | I. I. Vorovich, L. P. Lebedev, Sh. M. Shlafman |
18 | Theory of a two-dimensional potential field in piecewise-nonhomogeneous anisotropic regular media : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 349-358 | Pages 319-329 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
19 | Correlation functions of the elastic field of multiphase polycrystals : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 359-363 | Pages 329-334 | A. G. Fokin, T. D. Shermergor |
20 | Onthe irreducibility of the equations of the restricted circular, three-body problem to the stackel type equations : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 364-366 | Pages 334-336 | E. A. Grebennikov, M. N. Kiosa |
21 | On stable motions : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 366-369 | Pages 337-340 | Iu. M. -L. Kostiukovskii |
22 | On the problem of studying exact solutions of a system of equations of kinetic moments : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 369-372 | Pages 340-344 | V. Ia. Rudiak |
23 | Some contact problems for a three-dimensional wedge with a finite number of contact regions : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 373-377 | Pages 344-350 | V. N. Berkovich |
24 | On the problem of the elastic stability of a locally loaded cylindrical shell (Supplement) : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 378-379 | Pages 350-352 | L. M. Kurshin, L. I. Shkutin |
25 | Solutionof the axisymmetric problem of the theory of elasticity for transversely isotropic bodies with the aid of generalized analytic functions : PMM vol. 38, n2, 1974, pp. 379-384 | Pages 352-357 | Iu. I. Solov'ev |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 358 | |
27 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 359 | |
Volume 38, Issue 3, Pages 361-539 (1974)
1 | Regular differential game : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 389-401 | Pages 361-373 | N. N. Krasovskii |
2 | On an encounter game problem under composite controls : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 402-408 | Pages 373-380 | V. F. Rossokhin |
3 | Stochastic optimal control problems with nonconvex constraints : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 409-416 | Pages 380-387 | F. Kh. Abashev, I. Ia. Kats |
4 | On thel-evasion of contact in a linear differential game : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 417-421 | Pages 387-392 | P. B. Gusiatnikov |
5 | Investigation of certain optimal systems by the averaging method : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 422-432 | Pages 392-401 | L. D. Akulenko |
6 | Solution of certain optimal correction problems with error of execution of the control action : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 433-440 | Pages 402-409 | A. S. Bratus' |
7 | Minimization of the integral estimate of the kinetic energy of a harmonic oscillator by an impulse control : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 441-450 | Pages 409-418 | S. T. Zavalishchin, A. N. Sesekin |
8 | Certain properties of precessional motions relative to the vertical of a heavy solid body with one fixed point : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 451-458 | Pages 418-425 | G. V. Gorr |
9 | Resonance modes of near-conservative nonlinear systems : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 459-464 | Pages 425-429 | Iu. V. Mikhlin |
10 | Structureof electrohydrodynamic shock waves in multicomponent and multiphase mixtures for the case of arbitrary interaction parameter : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 465-476 | Pages 430-441 | V. V. Gogosov, V. A. Naletova, N. L. Farber |
11 | Two-dimensional and axisymmbtric nonstationary gas flows with strong shock waves : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 477-483 | Pages 441-447 | V. I. Bogatko |
12 | Diffractionof a plane wave on a wedge moving at supersonic speed under conditions of sporadic shock interaction : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 484-493 | Pages 448-456 | L. E. Pekurovskii, S. M. Ter-Minasiants |
13 | On the unimportance of continuous spectrum in the problem of stability of plane-parallel flow of perfect fluid : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 494-501 | Pages 457-463 | N. N. Bogdat'eva |
14 | On the instability of plane-parallel flows of perfect fluid : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 502-506 | Pages 464-468 | E. E. Shnol' |
15 | Simulation of cascade processes in turbulent flows : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 507-513 | Pages 468-475 | V. N. Desnianskii, E. A. Novikov |
16 | Determination by test pumping of variable permeability of a stratum under conditions of radial symmetry : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 514-522 | Pages 475-484 | I. B. Basovich |
17 | Onthe motion of ground waters in a stratum between two slightly permeablestrata under conditions of pressure-no-pressure head : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 523-527 | Pages 484-489 | A. Begmatov |
18 | On an approximate method of solving integral equations of dynamic contact problems : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 528-533 | Pages 489-494 | V. A. Babeshko, V. V. Kalinchuk |
19 | Exact solution of the exterior fundamental mixed problem : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 534-538 | Pages 494-499 | V. I. Fabrikant |
20 | Some problems of the nonhomogeneous elasticity theory : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 539-550 | Pages 499-511 | O. V. Sotkilava, G. P. Cherepanov |
21 | Crack propagation at variable velocity : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 551-560 | Pages 511-519 | B. V. Kostrov |
22 | Dynamics of a hollow symmetrically loaded circular elastic cylinder : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 561-564 | Pages 520-523 | G. A. Brusilovskaia, L. V. Ershov |
23 | On the nature of the boundary layer at lines of discontinuity of a surface load on a plate : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 564-566 | Pages 524-526 | A. V. Kolos, M. D. Solodovnik |
24 | On existence theorem in linear shell theory : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 567-571 | Pages 527-531 | B. A. Shokhet |
25 | Criteria of the fixed sign property of higher order forms : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 511-514 | Pages 532-535 | A. N. Veissenberg |
26 | On logarithmic derivatives of the associated legendre functions of arbitrary complex degree : PMM vol. 38, n 3, 1974, pp. 575-576 | Pages 536-537 | A. D. Lizarev, N. B. Rostanina |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 538 | |
28 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic function | Page 539 | |
Volume 38, Issue 4, Pages 541-722 (1974)
1 | On an encounter-evasion differential game : PMM vol. 38. n 4, 1974, pp. 580-589 | Pages 541-549 | A. G. Chentsov |
2 | On a class of linear differential games with impulse controls : PMM vol. 38, n 4, 1974, pp. 590-598 | Pages 550-557 | V. I. Ukhobotov |
3 | Controllability of a nonlinear system in a linear approximation : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 599-606 | Pages 557-565 | E. L. Tonkov |
4 | Stability analysis of dynamic systems with couplings and integrals of motions : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 607-615 | Pages 565-573 | P. Willems |
5 | On bifurcation and stability of stationary motions in certain problems of dynamics of a solid body : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 616-627 | Pages 573-584 | V. N. Rubanovskii |
6 | On stabilization of the rotational motion of a solid with flywheels in a newtonian force field : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 628-635 | Pages 584-591 | V. V. Krementulo |
7 | Study of the dynamics of a synchronous motor by asymptotic methods : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 636-643 | Pages 591-599 | N. A. Fufaev, R. A. Chesnokova |
8 | Simulationof a viscous compressible multiconstituent fluid with allowance for polarization and magnetization effects : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 644-655 | Pages 599-610 | A. G. Tsypkin, A. A. Shtein |
9 | Character of the loss of stability in a nonequilibrium magnetized plasma : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 656-662 | Pages 610-616 | O. A. Sinkevich |
10 | Self-similar transonic flows with an oblique shock wave : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 663-665 | Pages 617-619 | A. P. Tsvetkov |
11 | On second order parameters which affect three-dimensional boundary layer separation : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 666-674 | Pages 620-627 | G. M. Bam-Zelikovich |
12 | Impact of a circular disk onto a liquid of shallow depth : PMM vol. 38. n4. 1974, pp. 675-681 | Pages 628-634 | M. I. Chebakov |
13 | Boundary layer in the problem of longitudinal motion of a cylinder in a viscoplastic medium : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 682-692 | Pages 634-644 | P. P. Mosolov, V. P. Miasnikov |
14 | Equationsof bifurcation of equilibrium of an elastic isotropic body in terms of rates of change of lagrangean coordinates : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 693-702 | Pages 645-653 | L. I. Balabukh, M. G. Iakovenko |
15 | On an approximate method of solution of the equations of the theory of ideal plasticity : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 703-711 | Pages 654-662 | M. Sh. Shtein |
16 | On plastic instability in some cases of simple flow : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 712-718 | Pages 662-667 | A. N. Sporykhin, V. G. Trofimov |
17 | Influence of a rigid inclusion on the stress intensity near the tips of a crack : PMM vol. 38. n4, 1974, pp. 719-727 | Pages 668-676 | G. T. Zhorzholiani, A. I. Kalandiia |
18 | Integral equations of the plane problem of crack theory : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 728-737 | Pages 677-686 | A. P. Datsyshin, M. P. Savruk |
19 | On a linear differential game of evasion : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 738-742 | Pages 686-691 | V. M. Reshetov |
20 | Qualitative investigation of a piecewise linear system : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974. pp. 742-749 | Pages 691-700 | A. N. Bautin |
21 | Two-frequency resonant oscillations of conservative systems : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 749-756 | Pages 700-708 | B. I. Cheshankov |
22 | On particular solutions of the problem of motion of a gyroscope in gimbal mount : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 757-760 | Pages 708-711 | A. A. Bogoiavlenskii |
23 | On the asymptotic value of the upper critical pressure of nonshallow spherical shells : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 760-765 | Pages 712-717 | M. Iu. Zhukov, L. S. Srubshchik |
24 | Problem of the optimum ski jump : PMM vol. 38, n4, 1974, pp. 765-767 | Pages 717-720 | I. A. Krylov, L. P. Remizov |
25 | Contents of next issue | Pages 720-721 | |
26 | Transliteration table | Page 722 | |
Volume 38, Issue 5, Pages 723-914 (1974)
1 | Encounter-evasion problems in systems with a small parameter in the derivatives : PMM vol. 38, n 5, 1974, pp. 771-779 | Pages 723-731 | N. N. Krasovskii, V. M. Reshetov |
2 | Linear pursuit problem under local convexity conditions. solution of the synthesis equation : PMM vol. 38, n5, 1974, pp. 780-787 | Pages 731-738 | P. B. Gusiatnikov |
3 | On the reduction of differential equations to the normal form by an analytic transformation : PMM vol. 38, n 5, 1974, pp. 788-790 | Pages 738-740 | L. M. Markhashov |
4 | Onthe stability of an autonomous hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom in the case of equal frequencies : PMM vol. 38, n5, 1974. pp. 791-799 | Pages 741-749 | A. G. Sokol'skii |
5 | On synchronization of dynamic systems : PMM vol. 38, n 5, 1974, pp. 800-809 | Pages 749-758 | A. S. Gurtovnik, Iu. I. Neimark |
6 | On the generation of sets of subharmonic modes in a piecewbe-continuous system : PMM vol.38, n5, 1974, pp. 810-818 | Pages 759-767 | M. I. Feigin |
7 | Constructionof solutions of nonlinear two-dimensional problems on current distribution in an anisotropically conducting medium : PMM vol. 38, n5. 1974. pp. 819-828 | Pages 767-777 | I. M. Rutkevich |
8 | On weber equations : PMM vol. 38, n 5, 1974, pp. 829-836 | Pages 778-784 | B. I. Mukoseev |
9 | The method of successive approximations in problems of three-dimensional laminar b : PMM vol. 38, n 5, 1974, pp. 837-846 | Pages 784-795 | N. N. Shakhov, Iu. D. Shevelev |
10 | Thermal stresses in the plane problem of the theory of elasticity caused by phase transformations : PMM vol. 38, n5, 1974, pp. 847-850 | Pages 795-799 | V. I. Goisa |
11 | On the proof of the saint-venant principle for bodies of arbitrary shape : PMM vol.38, n5, 1974. pp. 851-864 | Pages 799-813 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
12 | Inhomogeneous layer bonded to a half-space under the action of internal and external forces : PMM vol. 38, n 5, 1974, pp. 865-875 | Pages 813-823 | V. P. Plevako |
13 | Deformation of an elastic wedge reinforced by a beam : PMM vol. 38, n5. 1974, pp. 876-882 | Pages 823-829 | B. M. Nuller |
14 | Nonaxisymmetric problems of shallow shells of revolution under finite displacements : PMM vol.38, n5, 1974, pp. 883-892 | Pages 830-840 | N. V. Valishvili |
15 | Stochastic stability of forced nonlinear shell vibrations : PMM vol. 38, n5, 1974, pp. 893-898 | Pages 840-846 | A. S. Vol'mir, Kh. P. Kul'terbaev |
16 | The nonholonomic property of the elastoplastic state of a medium and the conditions at strong discontinuities : PMM vol. 38, n5, 1974, pp. 899-905 | Pages 846-852 | N. D. Verveiko, V. N. Nikolaevskii |
17 | Interaction of a doubly-periodic system of rectilinear cracks in an isotropic medium : PMM vol.38, n5, 1974, pp. 906-914 | Pages 853-861 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
18 | On the analysis of the macroscopic coefficients of stochastically inhomogbneous elastic media : PMM vol.38, n5, 1974. pp. 915-920 | Pages 862-867 | A. V. Chigarev |
19 | On the instability of a particular third-order unbar system : PMM vol. 38, n5, 1974, pp. 921-922 | Pages 868-869 | L. A. Kipnis |
20 | Existence of stationary solutions of the nonlinear wave equation : PMM vol. 38, n5, 1974, pp. 922-928 | Pages 870-876 | A. A. Kolokolov |
21 | Solution of nonhomogeneous problems of heat transfer theory by fractional differentiation : PMM vol.38, n5, 1974, pp. 929-931 | Pages 877-879 | Iu. I. Babenko |
22 | Conditions at discontinuities in polarizable media : PMM vol.38, n5, 1974, pp. 931-933 | Pages 880-882 | G. L. Sedova |
23 | On the stability of couette flow of a second-order fluid : PMM vol. 38, n5, 1974, pp. 934-937 | Pages 882-886 | E. Ia. Klimenkov, L. V. Poluianov |
24 | On the plane problem of the theory op elasticity for multiply-connected domains with cyclic symmetry : PMM vol. 3 8, n5. 1974, pp. 937-941 | Pages 886-891 | S. B. Vigdergauz |
25 | On a problem of nonlinear deformation of a cylindrical shell : PMM vol.38, n5, 1974, pp. 942-944 | Pages 891-894 | L. M. Kurshin, V. G. Shorokhov |
26 | On the solvability op nonlinear equations for a symmetrically loaded nonshallow spherical dome : PMM vol. 38, n5, 1974, pp. 944-946 | Pages 894-897 | I. I. Vorovich, Sh. M. Shlafman |
27 | Caught problem for a viscoelastic transversely isotropic medium : PMM vol. 38, n5, 1974, pp. 947-950 | Pages 897-900 | G. N. Goncharova, R. Ia. Suncheleev |
28 | On a method of studying nonlinear oscillations of viscoelastic systems : PMM vol.38, n5, 1974, pp. 950-953 | Pages 901-904 | A. U. Karimov |
29 | Pure shear of an elastic halfspace with a system of cracks : PMM vol. 38, n5, 1974, pp. 953-957 | Pages 904-909 | V. N. Berkovich |
30 | Note on the proof of convergence of the method of finite elements : PMM Vol. 38. n5, 1974. pp. 958-960 | Pages 909-912 | A. S. Kravchuk |
31 | Contents of next issue | Page 913 | |
32 | Transliteration table | Page 914 | |
Volume 38, Issue 6, Pages 915-1091 (1974)
1 | Author/title index to vol. 38 | Pages i-ix | |
2 | Inverse problems of the plane theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 963-979 | Pages 915-931 | G. P. Cherepanov |
3 | Stabilization of free rotation of an asymmetric top with cavities completely filled with a liquid : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 980-985 | Pages 931-935 | E. P. Smirnova |
4 | On a case of resonance for nonlinear systems : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 986-990 | Pages 936-939 | V. S. Nustrov |
5 | Explosive instability in nonlinear waves in media with negative viscosity : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 991-995 | Pages 940-944 | E. N. Pelinovskii, V. E. Fridman |
6 | On the stability of weakly inhomogeneous states with a small addition of white noise : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 996-1003 | Pages 944-951 | L. B. Aizin |
7 | On the -equivalence- rule for flows of perfect gas : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1004-1014 | Pages 951-962 | V. M. Dvoretskii, M. Ia. Ivanov, B. A. Koniaev, A. N. Kraiko |
8 | Theory of the hypersonic viscous shock layer at high Reynolds numbers and intensive injection of foreign gases : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1015-1024 | Pages 962-972 | E. A. Gershbein |
9 | Stability and bifurcation of couette flow in the case of a narrow gap between rotating cylinders : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1025-1030 | Pages 973-977 | S. N. Ovchinnikova, V. I. Iudovich |
10 | Stability of flow of a liquid crystal layer on an inclined plane : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1031-1040 | Pages 978-987 | S. P. Levitskii, A. T. Listrov |
11 | Nonstationary mass transfer of a reacting spherical particle in laminar stream of a viscous fluid : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1041-1047 | Pages 988-994 | A. B. Gol'dberg, Iu. P. Gupalo, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
12 | Fresh water lens produced by uniform infiltration : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1048-1055 | Pages 994-1001 | Iu. I. Kapranov |
13 | Optimum control of the forced motions of systems with continuously distributed parameters : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1056-1062 | Pages 1001-1008 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
14 | On the reissner-naghdi elasticity relationships : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1063-1071 | Pages 1008-1016 | N. N. Rogacheva |
15 | Asymptotic analysis of three-dimensional dynamic equations of a thin plate : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1072-1078 | Pages 1017-1023 | M. I. Gusein-Zade |
16 | Hertz problem on compression of anisotropic bodies : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1079-1083 | Pages 1023-1027 | V. A. Sveklo |
17 | Contact problem for a plane containing a slit of variable width : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1084-1089 | Pages 1027-1032 | L. T. Boiko, P. E. Berkovich |
18 | Dual integral equations related to the kontorovich-lebedev transform : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1090-1097 | Pages 1033-1040 | N. N. Lebedev, I. P. Skal'skaia |
19 | Onacceleration waves in anisotropic thermoelastic media taking account offiniteness of the heat propagation velocity : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1098-1104 | Pages 1040-1046 | V. L. Gonsovskii, Iu. A. Rossikhin |
20 | On dynamic effects in an elastic half-space under -thermal impact- : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1105-1113 | Pages 1046-1055 | N. V. Kotenko, M. P. Leniuk |
21 | On the existence of a field of stress rates in a hardening elastic-plastic medium : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1114-1121 | Pages 1055-1063 | Ia. A. Kameniarzh |
22 | Effectof interconvertibility of electromagnetic and gravitational waves in strong external electromagnetic fields and the propagation of waves in the field of a charged -black hole- : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1122-1129 | Pages 1063-1071 | G. A. Alekseev, N. R. Sibgatullin |
23 | On the determination of the sound field in a layer : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1129-1132 | Pages 1072-1075 | L. S. Metlov, V. G. Ponomarenko |
24 | Laminar mixing layer on the boundary of two flows in the presence of a longitudinal pressure gradient : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1133-1136 | Pages 1076-1079 | V. G. Bukovshin, G. I. Taganov |
25 | On a self-similar solution of a two-dimensional filtration problem in regions with moving boundaries : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1136-1139 | Pages 1080-1083 | M. V. Lur'e, M. V. Filinov |
26 | Separation of the elasticity theory equations with radial inhomogeneity : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974, pp. 1139-1144 | Pages 1083-1088 | A. E. Puro |
27 | Letter to the editor : PMM vol. 38, n 6, 1974 p. 1145 | Page 1089 | D. R. Merkin |
28 | Contents of next issue | Page 1090 | |
29 | Transliteration table | Page 1091 | |
Volume 39, Issue 1, Pages 1-184 (1975)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | Nonlinear problem of evasion of contact with a terminal set of complex structure : PMM vol.39, n1, 1975, pp.3-11 | Pages 1-9 | A. A. Chikrii |
3 | Escape of nonlinear objects of different types with integral constraints on the control : PMM vol.39, nl, 1975, pp.12-23 | Pages 9-20 | P. B. Gusiatnikov |
4 | Dynamic systems arising on the invariant tori of the Kowalewska problem : PMM vol. 39, n 1. 1975, pp. 24-29 | Pages 20-25 | V. V. Kozlov |
5 | On quantitative estimates of the indeterminacy of motion : PMM vol.39, n1, 1975, pp. 30-35 | Pages 25-30 | Iu. M. -L. Kostiukovskii, A. I. Nefelov |
6 | On the stability of periodic motions under resonance : PMM vol.39, n1, 1975, pp. 36-44 | Pages 31-38 | A. L. Kunitsyn |
7 | On the stability of nonlinear systems of the neutral type : PMM vol. 39, n 1, 1975, pp. 45-52 | Pages 38-45 | V. P. Skripnik |
8 | On stabilization op potential systems : PMM vol. 39, n1, 1975, pp.53-58 | Pages 45-50 | V. M. Lakhadanov |
9 | On vector-valued Liapunov functions and stabilization of interconnected systems : PMM vol. 39, n1, 1975, pp. 59-65 | Pages 51-57 | V. D. Furasov |
10 | Two-dimensional flows of a relaxing mixture and the structure of weak shock waves : PMM vol. 39, n1, 1975, pp. 66-79 | Pages 57-70 | A. L. Ni, O. S. Ryzhov |
11 | New analytic solutions of the wave equation and the problem of diffraction : PMM vol. 39, n 1, 1975, pp. 80-85 | Pages 70-76 | V. V. Tret'iakov |
12 | Model of an elastic plate of finite elements in supersonic flow : PMM vol. 39, n1, 1975, pp. 86-94 | Pages 76-84 | V. A. Vysloukh, V. P. Kandidov, S. S. Chesnokov |
13 | On the stability of flows appearing at the disintegration of an arbitrary discontinuity : PMM vol. 39, n1, 1975, pp. 95-102 | Pages 85-92 | G. Ia. Galin, A. G. Kulikovskh |
14 | On the problem of optimization of the shape of a body in a viscous fluid : PMM vol. 39, n1, 1975, pp.103-108 | Pages 92-98 | A. A. Mironov |
15 | Problem with discontinuous boundary conditions and the diffusion boundary layer approximation : PMM vol. 39, n1, 1975, pp. 109-117 | Pages 98-106 | D. A. Popov |
16 | Unsteady mass exchange between a bubble and medium in a reactor with fluidized layer : PMM vol.39, n1, 1975, pp.118-129 | Pages 107-118 | Iu. P. Gupalo, Iu. S. Riazantsev, Iu. A. Sergeev |
17 | Equations of kinetics for aggregation processes in suspensions : PMM vol.39, n1, 1975, pp.130-143 | Pages 118-131 | A. S. Popel, S. A. Regirer, N. Kh. Shadrina |
18 | On laminar steady flow of gas mixtures in pipes and channels : PMM vol.39, n1, 1975, pp. 144-148 | Pages 132-136 | V. V. Struminskii |
19 | Fracture mechanics of piezoelectric materials. Rectilinear tunnel crack on the boundary with a conductor : PMM vol. 39, n 1, 1975, pp. 149-159 | Pages 136-146 | B. A. Kudriavtsev, V. Z. Parton, V. I. Rakitin |
20 | On first integrals of a nonholonomic mechanical system : PMM vol.39, n1, 1975. pp. 160-162 | Pages 147-150 | H. Iliev |
21 | Multifrequency resonance oscillations under external perturbances : PMM vol.39, n1, 1975, pp. 163-171 | Pages 150-160 | B. I. Cheshankov |
22 | On certain indications op stability with two liapunov functions : PMM vol. 39, n 1, 1975, pp. 171-177 | Pages 160-166 | L. Hatvanyi |
23 | Motion of a highly viscous liquid in a rotating torus : PMM vol. 39, n 1, 1975, pp. 177-182 | Pages 166-171 | E. P. Smirnova |
24 | Adiabatic shock curve in magnetizable nonconducting media : PMM vol. 39, n1. 1975. pp. 181-185 | Pages 171-175 | G. A. Shaposhnikova |
25 | Longitudinal flow past a slender body of revolution with a free boundary : PMM vol. 39. n 1, 1975, pp. 185-188 | Pages 175-178 | O. G. Taits |
26 | On the problem of steady vibrations of a plane with a slit : PMM vol.39, n1, 1975, pp. 189-192 | Pages 179-182 | A. V. Velikotnyi, B. I. Smetanin |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 183 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 184 | |
Volume 39, Issue 2, Pages 185-365 (December 1975)
1 | Gameproblem of impulse -hard- contact in a position attraction field with an opponent who realizes a bounded thrust : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 195-206 | Pages 185-195 | G. K. Pozharitskii |
2 | On optimum selection of noise intervals in differential games of encounter : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 207-215 | Pages 195-203 | A. A. Melikian |
3 | Reduction problem with constraints on the total momenta of the controls : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 216-224 | Pages 204-211 | S. T. Zavalishchin, V. V. Ushakov |
4 | Problems of conflict control : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 225-234 | Pages 212-220 | A. F. Kleimenov |
5 | Methodfor the approximate solution of the bellman equation for problems of optimal control of systems subject to random perturbations : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 235-245 | Pages 221-230 | A. S. Bratus' |
6 | The effect of radiation on the flow of gas at a strong explosion for considerable time parameters : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 246-252 | Pages 231-237 | V. V. Aleksandrov, G. L. Stenchikov |
7 | Methodof solution of certain boundary value problems for hyperbolic systems of quasilinear equations of first order with two variables : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 253-259 | Pages 237-243 | M. In. Kozmanov |
8 | Variational problems of optimization for equations of the hyperbolic type in the presence of boundary controls : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 260-270 | Pages 244-253 | L. V. Petukhov, V. A. Troitskii |
9 | Unsteady flow of gas in laval nozzles with local supersonic zones : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp.271-279 | Pages 254-262 | P. A. Vel'misov, S. V. Fal'kovich |
10 | Wave excitation in a two-layered medium by an oscillating stamp : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 381-384 | Pages 259-362 | M. G. Seleznev |
11 | On the hodograph method for axisymmetric transonic flows of gas : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 280-289 | Pages 262-271 | Z. N. Dobrovol'skaia |
12 | On the drag of bodies of revolution at transonic speeds : PMM vol.39, n2, 1975, pp. 290-297 | Pages 271-278 | V. N. Diesperov, Iu. B. Lifshits |
13 | On steady composite capillary-gravitational waves of finite amplitude : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 298-305 | Pages 279-286 | Ia. I. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich |
14 | Asymptotic analysis of stationary propagation of the front of parallel exothermic reaction : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 306-315 | Pages 286-296 | V. S. Berman and, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
15 | Fluidization in the presence of an obstacle : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 316-323 | Pages 296-303 | Iu. P. Gupalo, G. P. Cherepanov |
16 | On a method of reducing dual integral equations and dual series equations to infinite algebraic systems : PMM vol. 39, n2. 1975, pp. 324-332 | Pages 303-311 | V. M. Aleksandrov |
17 | On a method of separating the state of stress in shells of negative curvature with asymptotic edges : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 333-341 | Pages 311-319 | N. N. Rogacheva |
18 | Asymptotic method of investigation op short-wave oscillations of shells : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 342-351 | Pages 319-328 | G. N. Chernyshev |
19 | Fracture mechanics of piezoelectric materials. Axisymmetric crack on the boundary with a conductor : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 352-362 | Pages 328-338 | B. A. Kudriavtsev, V. Z. Parton, V. I. Rakitin |
20 | On the escape problem with constraints of different types : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 363-366 | Pages 338-342 | A. V. Mezentsev |
21 | Stability of the lagrange solutions of the restricted three-body problem for the critical ratio of the masses : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 366-369 | Pages 342-345 | A. G. Sokol'skii |
22 | Note on the asymptotics of small self-oscillations of systems of differential equations : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 369-374 | Pages 346-351 | E. Ia. Zhuravleva, V. V. Strygin |
23 | Stress tensor and averaging in mechanics of continuous media : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 374-379 | Pages 351-356 | V. N. Nikolaevskii |
24 | On characteristic functionals of a random velocity field of helical motions of a viscous fluid : PMM vol. 39, n2, 1975, pp. 379-381 | Pages 357-359 | N. V. Derendiaev |
25 | Contents of next issue | Pages 363-364 | |
26 | Transliteration table | Page 365 | |
Volume 39, Issue 3, Pages 367-553 (1975)
1 | Alternative for an encounter-evasion differential game with integral constraints on the players'controls : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 387-396 | Pages 367-375 | A. I. Subbotin, V. N. Ushakov |
2 | Alternativefor the encounter-evasion differential game with constraints on the momenta of the players' controls : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 397-406 | Pages 376-385 | N. N. Subbotina, A. I. Subbotin |
3 | New periodic solutions for the problem of motion of a heavy solid body around a fixed point : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 407-414 | Pages 385-392 | V. V. Kozlov |
4 | On the stability of motion in critical cases : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 415-421 | Pages 392-399 | A. S. Oziraner |
5 | On stability of motion with respect to a part of variables in the critical case of a single zero root : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 422-426 | Pages 399-403 | V. P. Prokop'ev |
6 | On the stability of a laminar flow of a conducting fluid film in a transverse electric field : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 427-433 | Pages 403-409 | V. M. Korovin |
7 | Propagationof a plane two-phase electrohydrodynamic jet with low mobility of charged particles in a homogeneous turbulent flow : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 434-441 | Pages 410-417 | V. V. Ushakov |
8 | On the diffusion slip of a binary gas mixture : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 442-450 | Pages 418-427 | B. M. Markeev |
9 | Acceleration, compression and stability of a plane layer of matter irradiated by a laser : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 451-457 | Pages 427-433 | Iu. V. Afanas'ev, E. G. Gamalii, O. N. Krokhin, V. B. Rozanov |
10 | On space hypersonic flows : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 458-465 | Pages 434-441 | O. S. Ryzhov, E. D. Terent'ev |
11 | Analyticmethod for calculating aerodynamic forces in a three-dimensional problem in conditions of the -localizability law- : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 466-472 | Pages 442-448 | A. I. Bunimovich, V. G. Chistolinov |
12 | Investigation of the stability of perfect gas flow in a quasi-cylindrical channel : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 473-484 | Pages 449-460 | V. T. Grin', A. N. Kraiko, N. I. Tilliaeva |
13 | Methodsof continuous medium mechanics for defining polyphase multicomponent mixtures with chemical reactions and heat- and mass-transfer : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 485-496 | Pages 461-472 | I. N. Dorokhov, V. V. Kafarov, R. I. Nigmatulin |
14 | Diffusion on a particle in a homogeneous translational-shear flow : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 497-504 | Pages 472-479 | Iu. P. Gupalo, Iu. S. Riazantsev, V. I. Ulin |
15 | Static and dynamic contact problems with cohesion : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 505-512 | Pages 479-487 | V. A. Babeshko |
16 | On static and dynamic computations of one-dimensional regular systems : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 513-519 | Pages 487-493 | M. L. Buryshkin |
17 | Periodic problem for an elastic plane with thin-walled inclusions : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 520-529 | Pages 494-503 | D. V. Grilitskii, G. T. Sulim |
18 | Frequency spectra and modes of free vibrations of doubly periodic systems : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 530-536 | Pages 503-510 | V. N. Moskalenko |
19 | Theory of an elastic linearly reinforced composite : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 537-546 | Pages 510-519 | M. G. Gringauz, L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
20 | On the stability of a tangential discontinuity in a magnetizable medium : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 547-550 | Pages 520-524 | G. G. Sutyrin, N. G. Taktarov |
21 | Application of the Burgers' equation with a variable coefficient to the study of nonplanar wave transients : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 551-554 | Pages 524-528 | V. I. Rizun, Iu. K. Engel'brekht |
22 | On a dynamic problem for an infinite cylinder : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 555-559 | Pages 529-533 | V. V. Kalinchuk |
23 | Contact problems for bar-reinforced strips and rectangular plates : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 559-564 | Pages 534-539 | B. M. Nuller |
24 | Use of the operational method in solving the initial characteristic problem of the plane theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 564-567 | Pages 540-543 | A. Z. Zhuravlev, L. S. Urazhdina, V. I. Urazhdin |
25 | Karman hypotheses and power laws for the variation of energy and linear scale of turbulence : PMM vol. 39, n 3, 1975, pp. 567-573 | Pages 543-550 | A. I. Korneev |
26 | Contents of next issue | Pages 551-552 | |
27 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic function | Page 553 | |
Volume 39, Issue 4, Pages 555-742 (1975)
1 | Game problem of impulse encounter with an opponent limited in energy : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 579-589 | Pages 555-565 | G. K. Pozharitskii |
2 | Asymptotic solution of certain problems of time-optimal type : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 590-603 | Pages 565-578 | L. D. Akulenko |
3 | Liapunov canonic transformations and normal Hamiltonian forms : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 604-613 | Pages 578-587 | L. M. Shterenlikht |
4 | Synthesis of discrete vibrational systems with maximally compressed spectrum : PMM vol. 39, n 4. 1975, pp. 614-620 | Pages 587-593 | V. N. Mitin, L. I. Shteinvol'f |
5 | Passage through a separatrix in a resonance problem with a slowly-varying parameter : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 621-632 | Pages 594-605 | A. I. Neishtadt |
6 | Qualitative investigation of a particular nonlinear system : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 633-641 | Pages 606-615 | A. N. Bautin |
7 | Qualitative investigation of a system of three differential equations in the theory of phase synchronization : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 642-649 | Pages 615-622 | V. N. Belykh, V. I. Nekorkin |
8 | Stability of uniform rotations of a rigid body about a principal axis : PMM vol. 39. n 4. 1975, pp. 650-660 | Pages 623-633 | A. M. Kovalev, A. Ia. Savchenko |
9 | A method of studying the stability op autonomous systems : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 661-667 | Pages 633-639 | V. A. Kol'chinskii |
10 | Asymptotic method for multi-dimensional systems of partial differential equations : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 668-675 | Pages 639-646 | A. A. Rozenblium |
11 | Nonlinear theory of weakly perturbed space flow with an arbitrary number of nonequilibrium processes : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 676-685 | Pages 647-656 | R. A. Tkalenko |
12 | Method of derivation of the Korteweg - de Vries - Burgers equation : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 686-694 | Pages 656-664 | M. S. Ruderman |
13 | Small perturbations of a stable surface of capillary fluid : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975. pp. 695-702 | Pages 665-672 | A. D. Myshkis, L. A. Slobozhanin, A. D. Tiuptsov |
14 | Axisymmetricproblem of the penetration of a thin, rigid, smooth pile of finite length into an elastic half-space : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp.703-708 | Pages 672-677 | V. A. Sveklo, L. F. Shmoilov |
15 | On stress discontinuities and extremum theorems for a compressible plastic solid : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp.709-716 | Pages 678-685 | I. S. Degtiarev |
16 | System of arbitrarily oriented longitudinal shear cracks in an elastic solid : PMM vol. 39. n 4, 1975, pp. 717-723 | Pages 685-692 | M. P. Savruk |
17 | Optimal control of certain quasilinear stochastic systems : PMM vol.39, n 4, 1975, pp. 724-727 | Pages 692-696 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
18 | Stability of relative equilibrium of a body in a perturbed circular orbit : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 727-730 | Pages 696-699 | A. L. Kunitsyn, T. Myrzabekov |
19 | On the maximization of the degree of stability of a linear oscillating system : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 730-734 | Pages 699-704 | N. N. Bolotnik |
20 | Dynamics of unwinding a filament : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp.735-738 | Pages 704-708 | M. Iu. Ochan |
21 | Generalized similarity laws in flows past solid bodies : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 739-742 | Pages 709-713 | A. I. Bunimovich, A. V. Dubinskii |
22 | Proof of the numerical method of -discrete vortices- for solving singular integral equations : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 742-746 | Pages 713-718 | I. K. Lifanov, Ia. E. Polonskii |
23 | Dispersion phenomena in a boiling bed : PMM vol. 39. n 4, 1975. pp. 747-751 | Pages 718-723 | V. L. Golo, V. P. Miasnikov |
24 | Dynamic edge effects in orthotropic elastic shells : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 752-755 | Pages 723-726 | N. I. Zhinzher |
25 | Parametric vibrations of a viscoelastic bar with nonlinear hereditary characteristic : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 755-760 | Pages 726-732 | P. Kurbanov, Kh. Eshmatov |
26 | Highermathematics for beginners and its application in physics : Ia.B. Zel'dovich (in Russian), 5-th edition. -Nauka-, Gl.Red. Fiz. -Matem. Lit-ry. (Main Editorial Office for Physico-Mathematical Publications) Moscow, 1970 PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 761-763 | Pages 733-736 | A. A. Dorodnitsyn, L. S. Pontriagin, L. I. Sedov |
27 | Onthe teaching of higher mathematics and my book -higher mathematics for beginners and its application in physics- : PMM vol. 39, n 4, 1975, pp. 764-766 | Pages 736-740 | Ia. B. Zel'dovich |
28 | Contents of next issue | Page 741 | |
29 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 742 | |
Volume 39, Issue 5, Pages 743-928 (1975)
1 | DIfferential games of encounter for distributed-parameter systems : PMM vol. 39. no. 5, 1975, pp.772-779 | Pages 743-750 | I. F. Vaisburd, Iu. S. Osipov |
2 | The evasion problem in nonstationary differential games : PMM vol. 39, no.5, 1975, pp.780-787 | Pages 751-758 | A. A. Chikrii |
3 | Application of the perturbation method to some optimal control problems : PMM vol. 39, no. 5, 1975, pp.788-796 | Pages 758-766 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
4 | Optimal impulse correction under random perturbations : PMM vol. 39, no. 5, 1975. pp. 797-805 | Pages 767-775 | M. Iu. Borodovskii, A. S. Bratus', F. L. Chernous'ko |
5 | Optimum translation of a pendulum : PMM vol. 39, no. 5, 1975, pp. 806-816 | Pages 775-786 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
6 | Study of steady modes of disturbed autonomous systems in critical cases : PMM vol. 39, no. 5, 1975, pp. 817-826 | Pages 786-795 | L. D. Akulenko |
7 | On the theory of stability of processes over a specified time interval : PMM vol. 39, no. 5, 1975, pp. 827-834 | Pages 795-801 | K. A. Abgarian |
8 | Ona particular boundary value problem arising in the investigation of closed stationary separation zones in an incompressible fluid : PMM vol.39, no. 5, 1975, pp. 835-844 | Pages 802-811 | B. V. Kolosov, E. G. Shifrin |
9 | On the equations of motion of a liquid with bubbles : PMM vol. 39, no. 5, 1975, pp. 845-856 | Pages 811-822 | O. V. Voinov, A. G. Petrov |
10 | Contact problem of pressing a stamp into an elastic half-plane with a thin reinforcing covering : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 857-875 | Pages 823-841 | N. Kh. Arutiunian, S. M. Mkhitarian |
11 | Cylindrical bending of a plate by rigid stamps : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 876-883 | Pages 841-848 | E. L. Grigoliuk, V. M. Tolkachev |
12 | Wave excitation in a layer by a vibrating stamp : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 884-888 | Pages 848-853 | V. A. Babeshko, V. E. Veksler |
13 | Optimization of vibration frequencies of an elastic plate in an ideal fluid : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 889-899 | Pages 853-863 | N. V. Banichuk, A. A. Mironov |
14 | Elastic equilibrium of anisotropic shells reinforced by stiffener ribs : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 900-908 | Pages 863-872 | V. N. Maksimenko, L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
15 | Determination of the state of stress and strain of multiconnected transtropic plates : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 909-917 | Pages 873-881 | A. S. Kosmodamianskii, V. A. Shaldyrvan |
16 | Active stabilization of the rotary motion of a solid body : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 918-926 | Pages 882-890 | L. S. Saakian |
17 | On a class of periodic motions of a solid body about a fixed point : PMM Vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 927-929 | Pages 890-893 | E. A. Vagner, V. G. Demin |
18 | On the structure of forces : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 929-932 | Pages 893-896 | D. P. Merkin |
19 | On certain integral relationships in the kinetic theory of gases : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 932-934 | Pages 896-899 | S. P. Bakanov |
20 | A mathematical model of aircraft for the investigation of nonstationary aerodynamic characteristics : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 934-941 | Pages 899-906 | S. M. Belotserkovskii |
21 | Stress field of plane dislocation pile-ups in anisotropic theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 942-950 | Pages 907-916 | V. A. Solov'ev |
22 | Onthe closed solution of the first boundary value problem of elasticity theory for a space with a spherical cavity : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 951-955 | Pages 917-922 | V. A. Karpenko |
23 | On the equations of magnetoelastic thin plates : PMM vol. 39, n5, 1975, pp. 955-959 | Pages 922-926 | S. A. Ambartsumian, G. E. Bagdasarian, M. V. Belubekian |
24 | Contents of next issue | Page 927 | |
25 | Transliteration table | Page 928 | |
Volume 39, Issue 6, Pages 929-1101 (1975)
1 | Author index to vol. 39 | Pages i-viii | |
2 | On the influence of gyroscopic forces on the stability of steady-state motion : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 963-973 | Pages 929-938 | V. V. Rumiantsev |
3 | On stability of autonomous systems with internal resonance : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 974-984 | Pages 939-948 | Ia. M. Gol'tser, A. L. Kunitsyn |
4 | Time-optimal control synthesis for a fourth-order nonlinear system : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 985-994 | Pages 948-956 | Iu. I. Berdyshev |
5 | Optimal control of the motion of a quasilinear oscillatory system by small forces : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 995-1005 | Pages 957-967 | L. D. Akulenko |
6 | Small-parameter method for constructing approximate strategies in a class of differential games : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1006-1016 | Pages 967-977 | A. S. Bratus' |
7 | The nonlinear problem of unsteady filtration of heavy fluid with a free surface : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1017-1022 | Pages 977-982 | L. A. Galin |
8 | On stable composite capillary-gravitational waves of finite amplitude on the surface of a fluid of finite depth : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1023-1031 | Pages 982-989 | Ia. I. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich |
9 | The legendre condition in optimum problems of supersonic gasdynamics : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1032-1042 | Pages 990-1000 | A. V. Fedorov |
10 | On the behavior of solutions of equations for double waves in the neighborhood of the quiescent region : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1043-1050 | Pages 1000-1008 | S. V. Vershinin, A. F. Sidorov |
11 | Singular perturbations in one-dimensional unsteady motion of a real gas : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1051-1059 | Pages 1009-1017 | V. P. Shidlovskh |
12 | On integrals of equations of unstable nearly self-similar flows : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1060-1067 | Pages 1017-1023 | E. D. Terent'ev |
13 | Flows op a reacting mixture in laval nozzles under conditions op a quasi-frozen process : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1068-1072 | Pages 1023-1028 | A. L. Ni |
14 | On propagation op heat in one-dimensional disperse media : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1073-1081 | Pages 1028-1037 | V. G. Markov, O. A. Oleinik |
15 | On a variational problem with unknown boundaries and the determination of optimal shapes of elastic bodies : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1082-1092 | Pages 1037-1047 | N. V. Banichuk |
16 | On deformation of continuous media in a wedge-like region with smooth faces : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1093-1099 | Pages 1047-1053 | A. D. Chrnyshov |
17 | Exact solution op plane problems on the contact between semi-infinite beams and an elastic wedge : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1100-1109 | Pages 1054-1063 | G. Ia. Popov, L. Ia. Tikhonenko |
18 | On the stability of the natural unstressed state op viscoelastic bodies : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1110-1117 | Pages 1063-1070 | L. P. Lebedev |
19 | State of stress in a plat circular ring with a crack : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1118-1128 | Pages 1070-1081 | B. P. Belinskii, A. Z. Lokshin |
20 | On the determination op forces op constraint reaction : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1129-1134 | Pages 1081-1087 | Do Shan |
21 | On stability of equilibrium of nonholonomic systems : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1135-1140 | Pages 1088-1094 | A. V. Karapetian |
22 | Waves in an inhomogeneous fluid in the presence of a dock : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1140-1142 | Pages 1094-1097 | V. F. Vitiuk |
23 | Heat transfer into a semi-infinite region with a boundary moving according to an arbitrary law : PMM vol. 39, n 6, 1975, pp. 1143-1145 | Pages 1097-1099 | Iu. I. Babenko |
24 | Contents of next issue | Page 1100 | |
25 | Transliteration table | Page 1101 | |
Volume 40, Issue 1, Pages 1-177 (1976)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | Minimax synthesis in problems of pulse guidance and motion correction : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 3-13 | Pages 1-10 | B. I. Anan'ev, A. B. Kurzhanskii, G. S. Shelement'ev |
3 | A problem of evasion from many pursuers : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 14-24 | Pages 11-20 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
4 | On a problem ofl-escape: PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 25-37 | Pages 20-31 | P. B. Gusiatnikov |
5 | Noncanonical invariants of hamiltonian systems : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 38-43 | Pages 31-36 | L. M. Markhashov |
6 | Eventual stability of differential systems of neutral type : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 44-54 | Pages 36-45 | S. N. Sorokin |
7 | Stability of stationary rotation of a heavy solid body with two elastic rods : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 55-64 | Pages 46-55 | V. N. Rubanovskii |
8 | On two-dimensional electro-gasdynamic flows with allowance for the inertia of charged particles : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 65-73 | Pages 55-63 | A. B. Vatazhin, V. I. Grabovskii |
9 | On the propagation of small perturbations in a sonic stream and in a quiescent gas : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 74-78 | Pages 63-67 | P. A. Vel'misov |
10 | Axisymmetric contact problem on the impression of an elastic cylinder into an elastic layer : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 79-84 | Pages 67-72 | A. N. Zlatin, Ia. S. Ufliand |
11 | Theory of small deformations of prestresseo thin shells : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp.85-95 | Pages 73-82 | L. M. Zubov |
12 | Asymptotic analysis of the state of stress of am infinite circular cylindrical shell : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 96-103 | Pages 82-89 | D. I. Sherman |
13 | Diffraction of acoustic waves in a plane semi-infinite waveguide with elastic walls : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 104-111 | Pages 89-96 | D. P. Kouzov, V. A. Pachin |
14 | Determination op frequencies of natural vibrations of circular plates : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 112-119 | Pages 96-103 | O. K. Aksentian, T. N. Selezneva |
15 | On equations describing the transverse vibrations of elastic bars : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 120-135 | Pages 104-119 | V. L. Berdichevskii, S. S. Kvashnina |
16 | Equilibrium of a slope with a tectonic crack : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 136-151 | Pages 119-133 | G. P. Cherepanov |
17 | Some elastic-plastic problems for a plane weakened by a periodic system of circular holes : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 152-158 | Pages 133-139 | V. M. Mirsalimov |
18 | Problems of steady and unsteady creep : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 159-167 | Pages 140-147 | V. G. Osmolovskh, V. la. Rivkind |
19 | On a sufficient condition for nonlinear position games of encounter : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 168-171 | Pages 148-151 | A. G. Pashkov |
20 | Stability of permanent rotations of a symmetric solid : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 171-173 | Pages 152-154 | N. G. Apykhtin |
21 | Certain particular cases of stability in first approximation of difference systems : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 174-176 | Pages 154-157 | V. P. Silakov |
22 | On equivalence of the equations op motion of nonholonomic systems : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 176-179 | Pages 157-161 | Ia. P. Romanov |
23 | On a version of the nonlinear dynamical theory of thin multilayered shells : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 180-185 | Pages 161-167 | M. S. Gershtein |
24 | On the asymptotics of unsteady motion of gas subjected to a momentum : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 185-189 | Pages 167-171 | A. I. Derzhavina |
25 | On an exact solution of the problem of elastic wave diffraction by a wedge : PMM vol. 40, n1, 1976, pp. 190-192 | Pages 172-175 | S. M. Kapustianskii |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 176 | |
27 | Transliteration table | Page 177 | |
Volume 40, Issue 2, Pages 179-362 (1976)
1 | On control under incomplete information : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 197-206 | Pages 179-187 | N. N. Krasovskh |
2 | On the continuous dependence of a linear encounter game on a parameter : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 207-212 | Pages 188-192 | E. G. Al'brekht, M. I. Loginov |
3 | On the relation between the solvability conditions of differential games : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 213-221 | Pages 193-200 | V. D. Batukhtin |
4 | Linear differential encounter game with a functional target : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 222-229 | Pages 201-208 | V. I. Maksimov |
5 | On the precession equations of gyroscopic systems : PMM vol. 40, n 2, pp. 230-237 | Pages 208-215 | A. I. Kobrin, Iu. G. Martynenko, I. V. Novozhilov |
6 | The second liapunov method in the theory of phase synchronization : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 238-244 | Pages 215-222 | G. A. Leonov |
7 | On absence of asymptotic stability with respect to a part of the variables : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 245-251 | Pages 223-228 | L. Hatvanyi |
8 | Correctionof the paper by l. hatvanyi entitled -on certain indications of stability with two liapunov functions-, PMM vol. 39, n1, 1975 : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, p. 251 | Page 229 | |
9 | Minimax impulsive correction op perturbations of a linear damped oscillator : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 252-259 | Pages 230-237 | V. K. Gorbunov |
10 | Quasi-normal and normal oscillations in conservative systems : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 260-269 | Pages 237-246 | M. A. Pinskii |
11 | Dynamics of a gravitating gaseous ellipsoid : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 270-280 | Pages 246-256 | O. I. Bogoiavlenskii |
12 | On the principal resonance in mechanics op continuous media : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 281-288 | Pages 256-264 | Iu. B. Ponomarenko |
13 | On the determination of the shape of bodies formed by solidification of the fluid phase of the stream : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 289-297 | Pages 264-272 | V. A. Maksimov |
14 | Plate in the form of an infinite strip on an elastic half-space : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 298-305 | Pages 273-280 | V. S. Protsenko, V. L. Rvachev |
15 | Onthe deformation of an elastic wedge plate reinforced by a variable stiffness bar and a method of solving mixed problems : PMM vol.40, n2, 1976, pp. 306-316 | Pages 280-291 | B. M. Nuller |
16 | An energy identity in physically nonlinear elasticity and error estimates of the plate equations : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 317-326 | Pages 291-301 | B. A. Shodchet |
17 | Analytical investigation of the unloading wave : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 327-336 | Pages 301-310 | S. D. Algazin, V. S. Lenskii |
18 | State of stress and strain near the end of a growing crack in an elastic-plastic medium : PMM vol. 40, n 2,1976, pp. 337-345 | Pages 311-319 | V. A. Ibragimov |
19 | Covariant integrals in mechanics : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 346-351 | Pages 320-326 | V. A. Vuji i |
20 | On a problem of poincare: PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 352-355 | Pages 326-329 | V. V. Kozlov |
21 | Stabilization of controlled systems with respect to a part of the variables : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 355-359 | Pages 330-334 | V. G. Demin, V. D. Furasov |
22 | Laminar axisymmetric jet submerged in a rotating fluid : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 359-361 | Pages 334-336 | N. V. Derendiaev |
23 | On the nature of attenuation of a free surface elevation caused by an initial perturbation : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 362-366 | Pages 337-342 | E. N. Potetiunko, L. D. Filimonova |
24 | Applicationof the regular representation of singular integrals to the solution of the second fundamental problem of the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 366-371 | Pages 342-347 | P. I. Perlin |
25 | On the nature of the contact stress singularities under an annular stamp : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 372-376 | Pages 347-352 | N. M. Borodachev |
26 | Stability op circular cylindrical shells of variable thickness for a bending state of stress : PMM vol. 40, n 2, 1976, pp. 376-383 | Pages 352-360 | Kh. K. Seifullaev |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 361 | |
28 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 362 | |
Volume 40, Issue 3, Pages 363-532 (1976)
1 | The principle of least action and periodic solutions in problems of classical mechanics : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 399-407 | Pages 363-370 | V. V. Kozlov |
2 | On the stability of permanent rotation of a heavy solid body about a fixed point : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 408-416 | Pages 370-378 | V. S. Sergeev |
3 | Small oscillations and spherical motion of a gyrostat in pseudo-euclidean space : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 417-423 | Pages 379-385 | N. N. Makeev |
4 | Stability of unsteady motions in first approximation : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, 424-430 | Pages 385-391 | A. S. Oziraner |
5 | Normal form and stability of periodic systems with internal resonance : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 431-438 | Pages 392-398 | A. L. Kunitsyn |
6 | Stabilization in a linear differential game with integral constraints on the players' control resources : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 439-445 | Pages 398-404 | V. M. Reshetov, V. N. Ushakov |
7 | Synthesis of time-optimal control of a third-order object with a phase constraint : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 446-454 | Pages 404-412 | V. G. Getmanov, B. E. Fedunov |
8 | ISothermic shocks in electrohydrodynamics : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 455-468 | Pages 413-425 | V. V. Gogosov, V. M. Korovin, V. A. Polianskii, G. A. Shaposhnikova |
9 | Onthe stability of flow of perfect gas in a channel with a closing compression shock and simultaneous reflection of acoustic and entropy waves from the outlet cross section : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 469-478 | Pages 426-435 | V. T. Grin', A. N. Kraiko, N. I. Tilliaeva |
10 | On the boundary layer on a partly mobile surface : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 479-489 | Pages 435-445 | Ia. L. Ruderman |
11 | Three-dimensional boundary layer in a partly ionized multicomponent gas : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 490-500 | Pages 445-455 | S. N. Kazeikin, Iu. D. Shevelev |
12 | Boundary integrals for the wave equation in the problem of plane wave diffraction : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 501-508 | Pages 456-463 | V. V. Tret'iakov |
13 | Asymptoticsof the pressure field in a specific discontinuity for diffraction of a plane acoustic wave on an elastic cylindrical shell : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 509-519 | Pages 464-474 | N. D. Veksler, M. E. Kutser |
14 | Optimization problems for plates oscillating in an ideal fluid : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 520-527 | Pages 474-481 | N. V. Banichuk, A. A. Mirdnov |
15 | Stress functions and some a priori estimates in plate bending theory : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 528-535 | Pages 481-488 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
16 | On the completeness of a system of homogeneous solutions of the plates theory : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 536-543 | Pages 489-496 | Iu. S. Ustinov |
17 | On the nonstationary motion of an elastic space with a crack : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 544-553 | Pages 496-505 | A. N. Martirosian |
18 | Contact problem for a stamp with a rectangular base : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 554-560 | Pages 505-512 | N. M. Borodachev |
19 | On further development of the -method of large ?- in the theory of mixed prOBLEMS : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 561-565 | Pages 512-518 | M. I. Chebakov |
20 | Integral equation of the inverse problem of the plane theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 566-569 | Pages 518-522 | S. B. Vigdergauz |
21 | Maximum principle in problems of optimal design of reinforced shells for nonuniform loading : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 569-573 | Pages 522-526 | L. V. Andreev, V. I. Mossakovskh, N. I. Obodan |
22 | Generalized solutions of boundary value problems in the theory of elasticity for random loading : PMM vol. 40, n 3, 1976, pp. 573-576 | Pages 526-530 | V. M. Goncharenko |
23 | Contents of next issue | Page 531 | |
24 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic function | Page 532 | |
Volume 40, Issue 4, Pages 533-718 (1976)
1 | Investigation of flow stability in a channel with a closing shock at transonic flow velocity : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 579-586 | Pages 533-541 | A. N. Kraiko, V. A. Shironosov |
2 | Nonlinear propagation of waves in media with an arbitrary number of chemical reactions : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 587-598 | Pages 541-552 | A. L. Ni, O. S. Ryzhov |
3 | On the application of certain generalizations of the area theorem in systems with rolling of rigid bodies : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 599-605 | Pages 552-558 | A. S. Sumbatov |
4 | Generalization of the rayleigh theorem to gyroscopic systems : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 606-610 | Pages 558-563 | V. F. Zhuravlev |
5 | On the existence conditions for the particular jacobi integral : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 611-617 | Pages 563-569 | I. A. Keis |
6 | On the phase space structure and periodic motions of nonautonomous dynamic systems with collision interactions : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 618-629 | Pages 570-581 | Iu. S. Fedosenko |
7 | On the flow of a heavy fluid in a channel with a curvilinear floor : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 630-640 | Pages 581-591 | O. M. Kiselev |
8 | Thetwo-point boundary value problem with a small parameter in the theory of a reactor with a nonhomogeneous fluidized bed : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 641-647 | Pages 592-598 | B. M. Markeev |
9 | The echo signal of a finite spherical pulse from a fluid filled spherical shell : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 648-654 | Pages 599-605 | Ia. A. Metsaveer, Iu. P. Pikk |
10 | On a particular class of solutions of triple integral equations : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 655-661 | Pages 605-611 | N. M. Borodachev |
11 | Integral equations of contact problems for thin-walled elements : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 662-673 | Pages 612-623 | G. Ia. Popov |
12 | Matrix factorization method in mixed static problems of an elastic wedge : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 674-681 | Pages 623-631 | V. N. Berkovich |
13 | Some inverse problems for flexible plates : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 682-691 | Pages 631-640 | V. G. Litvinov |
14 | Axisymmetric problem for an elastic space with a spherical cut : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 692-698 | Pages 640-646 | N. L. Prokhorova, Iu. I. Solov'ev |
15 | Onthe existence of periodic solutions in the nonlinear theory of oscillations of shallow shells, taking damping into account : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 699-705 | Pages 646-652 | I. I. Vorovich, S. A. Solop |
16 | Plane short-wave oscillations in the vicinity of the convex boundary of an elastic body : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 706-714 | Pages 652-661 | A. L. Popov, G. N. Chernyshev |
17 | Inversion of relations of the theory of plastic flow for hardening bodies : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 715-719 | Pages 661-665 | A. N. Guz |
18 | Plastic rupture lines at the tip of a crack : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 720-728 | Pages 666-674 | G. P. Cherepanov |
19 | Dynamic deformation of quasi-isotropic composite media : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 729-735 | Pages 674-680 | B. N. Podbolotov, V. S. Polenov, A. V. Chigarev |
20 | Unbiased coordinate transformation : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 736-739 | Pages 681-684 | L. E. Shirokov |
21 | Green's functions for small perturbations of a plane incompressible couette flow : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 739-741 | Pages 685-687 | V. P. Lesnikov, I. Z. Fisher |
22 | Flow around a spherical drop at intermediate reynolds numbers : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 741-745 | Pages 687-691 | V. Ia. Rivkind, G. M. Ryskin, G. A. Fishbein |
23 | The effect of turbulent noise on a pressure receiver located in an elastic medium : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 746-751 | Pages 692-698 | L. A. Sheniavskii, V. I. Shmal'gauzen |
24 | Variational principles of the theory of elasticity with varying initial and perturbed states : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 752-755 | Pages 698-702 | L. Ia. Ainola |
25 | Solution of a homogeneous boundary value problem for the sector of a toroidal shell segment : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 755-759 | Pages 702-706 | V. M. Bogomol'nyi, R. D. Stepanov |
26 | Boundary value problems for an elastic anisotropic half-plane weakened by a circular hole : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 759-763 | Pages 706-711 | Iu. A. Amenzade, M. B. Akhundov |
27 | Axisymmetric impression of two stamps into an elastic sphere : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 763-766 | Pages 711-714 | V. A. Karpenko |
28 | New euler stability criterion for a viscoelastic rod : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 766-768 | Pages 714-716 | E. I. -G. Gol'dengershel |
29 | Contents of next issue | Page 717 | |
30 | Transliteration table | Page 718 | |
Volume 40, Issue 5, Pages 719-916 (1976)
1 | On the motion of controllable mechanical systems : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 771-781 | Pages 719-729 | V. V. Rumiantsev |
2 | On probability control of certain systems : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 782-789 | Pages 730-738 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
3 | Resonance motions in an essentially nonlinear system containing stable elements : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 790-799 | Pages 739-749 | L. D. Akulenko |
4 | On the optimal stabilization of the positions op a gyrostat-satellite's relative equilibrium : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 800-807 | Pages 750-758 | L. S. Saakian |
5 | Dynamics of a simplest model of a wheeled vehicle under random perturbations : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 808-812 | Pages 759-764 | R. A. Musarskii, N. A. Fufaev |
6 | On the construction of plane stationary solutions op equations for nonequilibrium magnetized plasma : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 813-822 | Pages 764-774 | V. I. Artemov, O. A. Sinkevich |
7 | Solution of the first order quasi-linear equation that defines the evolution of plasma turbulence : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 823-833 | Pages 774-785 | G. L. Stenchikov |
8 | On proper transonic flows of radiative gas in channels with slightly varying parameters : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 834-845 | Pages 785-797 | V. V. Aleksandrov, A. A. Frolova |
9 | On nonlinear damping of plane acoustic pulses in a radiative gas : PMM vol. 40, n 4, 1976, pp. 846-856 | Pages 797-808 | V. N. Koterov |
10 | Diffractionof a shock wave on a thin wedge moving at supersonic speed under the conditions of sporadic wave interaction : PMM vol. 40, no. 5, 1976, pp. 857-864 | Pages 808-816 | L. E. Pekurovskii |
11 | Disintegrationof an arbitrary discontinuity in a perfectly conducting magnetizable incompressible medium : PMM vol. 40, no. 5, 1976, pp. 865-875 | Pages 816-826 | V. A. Naletova, G. A. Shaposhnikova |
12 | One-dimensionalelectrohydrodynamic flows of a three-component medium in the presence of shock waves : PMM vol. 40, no. 5, 1976, pp. 876-885 | Pages 827-835 | N. L. Vasil'eva |
13 | On stability of secondary flows of a viscous fluid in unbounded space : PMM vol. 40, no. 5, 1976, pp. 886-891 | Pages 836-841 | A. A. Nepomniashchii |
14 | Convective diffusion to a reacting rigid sphere in stokes flow : PMM vol. 40, no. 5, 1976, pp. 892-897 | Pages 841-847 | Iu. A. Sergeev |
15 | Diffraction of a spherical elastic wave by a wedge : PMM vol. 40, no. 5, 1976, pp. 898-908 | Pages 847-858 | V. B. Poruchikov |
16 | Consolidation of an elastic porous multilayer medium under the pressure of a circular press : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 909-918 | Pages 859-869 | V. S. Nikishin, B. S. Pariiskii, G. S. Shapiro |
17 | Differential game of guidance for a system with slack and integral constraints : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 919-927 | Pages 869-877 | L. A. Plakhina, V. N. Ushakov |
18 | On a particular criterion of optimal pursuit time : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 928-935 | Pages 878-886 | P. B. Gusiatnikov |
19 | The most simple type of flows with formation of tangential discontinuities : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 936, 941 | Pages 887-892 | V. F. Molchanov |
20 | Diffusion to a particle at large peclet numbers in the case of arbitrary axisymmetric flow over a viscous fluid : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 941-945 | Pages 893-898 | Iu. P. Gupalo, A. D. Polianin, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
21 | Elastic equilibrium of an anisotropic cylinder with longitudinal cavities subjected to axial loads : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 946-947 | Pages 898-899 | G. M. Ivanov, A. S. Kosmodamianskii |
22 | Equations of lur'e in hilbert space and their solvability : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 947-956 | Pages 900-909 | V. A. Brusin |
23 | Onthe construction of general solutions of the elasticity theory equations for transversely isotropic inhomogeneous bodies : PMM vol. 40,n 5, 1976, pp. 956-958 | Pages 909-912 | R. M. Rappoport |
24 | On the problem of interaction of resonances : PMM vol. 40, n 5, 1976, pp. 959-960 | Pages 912-914 | G. G. Khazina |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 915 | |
26 | Transliteration table | Page 916 | |
Volume 40, Issue 6, Pages 917-1090 (1976)
1 | Author/subject index to vol. 40, 1976 | Pages i-viii | |
2 | On prospective trends and problems in mechanics of continuous media : PMM vol.40, n 6, 1976, pp. 963-980 | Pages 917-931 | L. I. Sedov |
3 | Contact problems of the theory of elasticity in the presence of wear : PMM vol.40, n 6, 1976, pp. 981-986 | Pages 931-936 | L. A. Galin |
4 | An alternative in the differential-difference game of approach - evasion with a functional target : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp.987-994 | Pages 936-943 | V. I. Maksimov |
5 | On a differential-difference game of escape : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 995-1002 | Pages 943-950 | A. A. Chikrii, G. Ts. Chikrii |
6 | The game problem on the dolichobrachistochrone : PMM vol.40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1003-1013 | Pages 950-960 | S. A. Chigir' |
7 | Maximum principle in the problem of time optimal response with nonsmooth constraints : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1014-1023 | Pages 960-969 | B. Sh. Mordukhovich |
8 | Approximatesolution of nonlinear problems of optimal control of oscillatory processes using the method of canonical separation of motions : PMM vol.40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1024-1033 | Pages 970-979 | L. D. Akulenko |
9 | Optimal stabilization of linear stochastic systems : PMM vol.40, n6, 1976, pp. 1034-1039 | Pages 979-983 | G. N. Mil'shtein, L. B. Riashko |
10 | On the stability of a satellite cylindrical precession in an elliptic orbit : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1040-1047 | Pages 984-991 | A. P. Markeev, T. N. Chekhovskaia |
11 | Asymptotic stability and smooth equivalence op ordinary equations : PMM vol.40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1048-1057 | Pages 991-1000 | L. M. Markhashov |
12 | Approximate calculation method for one-dimensional gas flows induced by nonmonotonic motion of a piston : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1058-1064 | Pages 1001-1007 | S. P. Bautin |
13 | Igniting a homogeneous reacting medium by a heat source with finite heat content : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1065-1069 | Pages 1008-1012 | V. S. Berman, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
14 | The representation of the displacement gradient of isotropic elastic body in terms of the piola stress tensor : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1070-1077 | Pages 1012-1019 | L. M. Zubov |
15 | Determination of the shapes of doubly-connected bar sections of maximum torsional stiffness : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1078-1084 | Pages 1020-1026 | L. M. Kurshin, P. N. Onoprienko |
16 | Application of the method of partitioning the state of stress to the analysis of thermoelastic shells : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1085-1092 | Pages 1027-1034 | N. N. Rogacheva |
17 | Asymptoticdetermination of the formation process of nonlinear distortion of one-dimensional pulses in a layered medium : PMM vol.40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1093-1103 | Pages 1034-1044 | U. K. Nigul |
18 | Vibration op two circular stamps in a layered medium : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1104-1112 | Pages 1045-1052 | V. A. Babeshko |
19 | An example of an irregular differential game : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1113-1116 | Pages 1053-1056 | A. G. Chentsov |
20 | Stability in first approximation of stochastic systems with after effect : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1116-1121 | Pages 1056-1062 | L. E. Shaikhet |
21 | On the self-similar solution of navier-stokes equations with volume sources and sinks of mass : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1121-1124 | Pages 1062-1065 | S. I. Alad'ev, L. I. Zaichik |
22 | On the problem of desalinization of soil containing readily soluble salts : PMM vol.40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1124-1126 | Pages 1065-1067 | V. I. Pen'kovskii |
23 | Fokker-planck equation for brownian motion of rotating spherical particles : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1127-1131 | Pages 1068-1072 | N. A. Slezkin |
24 | On the energy flux vector for bending vibrations of a plate : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1131-1135 | Pages 1073-1077 | D. P. Kouzov, V. D. Luk'ianov |
25 | Existence of a global liapunov functional for certain classes of nonlinear distributed systems : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1135-1142 | Pages 1077-1085 | V. A. Brusin |
26 | Pressure of a plane stamp of nearly circular cross section on an elastic half-space : PMM vol. 40, n 6, 1976, pp. 1143-1145 | Pages 1085-1088 | S. S. Golikova, V. I. Mossakovskii |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 1089 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 1090 | |
Volume 41, Issue 1, Pages 1-185 (1977)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | On an alternative in a differential evasion game with incomplete information : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 3-12 | Pages 1-9 | S. A. Chigir' |
3 | Asymptotic solutions of some probabilistic optimal control problems : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 13-23 | Pages 10-19 | A. S. Bratus' |
4 | On stability of an autonomous Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom under first-order resonance : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 24-33 | Pages 20-28 | A. G. Sokol'skii |
5 | On a model of continuous medium with electromagnetic effects taken into account : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 34-40 | Pages 29-34 | A. G. Tsypkin |
6 | Continual equations of electrodynamics of conducting suspensions moving in a magnetic field : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 41-52 | Pages 35-46 | I. M. Rutkevich |
7 | Interaction of discontinuities in magnetizable ideally-conducting incompressible media : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 53-58 | Pages 47-51 | V. A. Naletova, G. A. Shaposhnikova |
8 | Application of the methods of nonlinear programing to the solution of variational gas dynamics problems : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 59-64 | Pages 52-57 | V. G. Butov, I. M. Vasenin, A. I. Shelukha |
9 | Hypersonic axisymmetric flow with constant angular momentum : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 65-71 | Pages 58-64 | E. D. Terent'ev |
10 | Some asymptotic properties of macroparameters of rarefied gas expansion into vacuum : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 72-78 | Pages 65-71 | V. I. Zhuk |
11 | The Lagrange function for vortex flows and dynamics of deformed drops : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 79-94 | Pages 72-86 | A. G. Petrov |
12 | On Stefan's problem occurring in the theory of powder burning : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 95-101 | Pages 87-92 | A. I. Suslov |
13 | Limitexpressions for intermediate speeds of sound in nonequilibrium flows with an arbitrary number of chemical reactions : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 102-112 | Pages 93-102 | A. L. Ni, O. S. Ryzhov |
14 | Optimum control of the flow of non-Newtonian fluid between rotating cylinders : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 113-123 | Pages 103-114 | V. I. Elizarov, T. K. Sirazetdinov |
15 | On a plane problem of elasticity theory for a half-strip : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 124-133 | Pages 115-124 | M. I. Gusein-Zade |
16 | On the effect of a normal load moving at a constant velocity along the boundary of an elastic half-space : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 134-142 | Pages 125-132 | V. A. Churilov |
17 | Effective elastic moduli of inhomogeneous media in the case of potential and bivortical tensor fields : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 143-149 | Pages 133-138 | A. G. Fokin |
18 | Plane problem of the theory of elasticity for a medium with two families of equistressed fiber reinforcements : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 150-159 | Pages 139-147 | Iu. A. Bogan, Iu. V. Nemirovskii |
19 | Natural oscillations of a rectangular parallelepiped : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 160-165 | Pages 148-152 | S. P. Budanov, B. I. Orlov |
20 | Vibration of a stamp on a two-layer base : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 166-172 | Pages 153-159 | V. A. Babeshko, I. I. Vorovich, M. G. Seleznev |
21 | On complex structures of a nonautonomous periodic piecewise-linear system of a cylinder : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 173-178 | Pages 160-166 | V. N. Belykh, Iu. S. Chertkov |
22 | Nutation-free motions in a solution of the problem of motion of a gyrostat : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 179-181 | Pages 167-170 | P. M. Burlaka |
23 | Periodic motions of a rigid body with a fixed point in a Newtonian field : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 182-185 | Pages 171-175 | Iu. V. Barkin, V. G. Demin |
24 | On the theory of axisymmetric flow of a supersonic stream of gas past a pointed body of revolution : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 186-188 | Pages 176-178 | B. M. Bulakh |
25 | Ona constraint imposed by the condition of positive dissipation on the boundary conditions for plane deformation of a rigid-plastic body : PMM vol. 41, n 1, 1977, pp. 188-192 | Pages 179-183 | O. D. Grigor'ev |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 184 | |
27 | Transliteration table, trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 185 | |
Volume 41, Issue 2, Pages 187-383 (1977)
1 | Position control in parabolic systems : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 195-201 | Pages 187-193 | Iu. S. Osipov |
2 | Differential encounter-evasion game for a parabolic system under integral constraints on the player's controls : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 202-209 | Pages 194-201 | S. P. Okhezin |
3 | On the correction of a nonlinear controlled process : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 210-218 | Pages 202-209 | V. N. Lagunov |
4 | On the control of a rigid body rotational motion with incomplete information on the angular velocity vector : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 219-224 | Pages 210-215 | D. V. Lebedev |
5 | On the qualitative analysis of motion of a solid body in the Goriachev-Chaplygin problem : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 225-233 | Pages 216-224 | V. V. Kozlov |
6 | Hill's case of the averaged problem of three bodies and the stability of plane orbits : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 234-244 | Pages 225-235 | S. L. Ziglin, M. L. Lidov |
7 | Stabilization of a linear stochastic system subjected to -white noise- - type parametric disturbances : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 245-250 | Pages 236-241 | Iu. F. Kazarinov |
8 | On the strong stability of resonant systems under parametric perturbations : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 251-261 | Pages 242-252 | Ia. M. Gol'tser |
9 | Stability of solutions of Lotka-Volterra differential equations : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 262-270 | Pages 253-261 | Iu. A. Pykh |
10 | Modelsof polarizable media and the averaged relations which correspond to these in the case of high-frequency electromagnetic field : PMM vol. 41,n 2, 1977, pp. 271-281 | Pages 262-272 | A. A. Shtein |
11 | Uniqueglobal solution with respect to time of initial-boundary value problemsfor one-dimensional equations of a viscous gas : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 282-291 | Pages 273-282 | A. V. Kazhikhov, V. V. Shelukhin |
12 | On the shock wave in a flow past a convex corner : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977. pp. 292-297 | Pages 283-288 | A. I. Esin, I. A. Chernov |
13 | Motion of a viscous gas in a layer with an elastic boundary : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 298-306 | Pages 289-297 | V. G. Dvorianinov, N. R. Sibgatullin, N. A. Slezkin |
14 | Mass transfer in a diffusion trail of a drop in Stokes flow : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 307-311 | Pages 298-302 | Iu. P. Gupalo, A. D. Polianin, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
15 | Filtration toward drains with shielded slopes : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 312-321 | Pages 303-312 | Iu. I. Kapranov, V. N. Emikh |
16 | Discrete interaction of a plate with a semi-infinite stiffen er : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 322-328 | Pages 313-319 | L. S. Rybakov, G. P. Cherepanov |
17 | On the Hertz problem for linearly and nonlinearly elastic bodies of finite dimensions : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 329-337 | Pages 320-328 | A. S. Kravchuk |
18 | On the solution of an integral equation of the contact problem in the theory of elasticity for rough bodies : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 338-343 | Pages 329-334 | M. D. Martynenko, V. S. Romanchik |
19 | On the torison of a rigid-plastic cylinder : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 344-353 | Pages 335-344 | P. P. Mosolov |
20 | Differential game with impulsive control of one of the players : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 354-357 | Pages 345-349 | V. A. Korneev, A. A. Melikian |
21 | Construction of a stable bridge for a class of linear games : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 358-361 | Pages 350-354 | V. I. Ukhobotov |
22 | On periodic solutions of nonlinear differential equations of higher orders : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 362-365 | Pages 355-358 | L. A. Kipnis |
23 | Two families of periodic solutions in the Roze problem : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 365-367 | Pages 359-361 | V. G. Demin, A. I. Prokof'ev |
24 | On the stress tensor in a fluid containing disperse particles : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 368-369 | Pages 362-364 | O. V. Voinov, A. G. Petrov |
25 | Variational approach for plane problems of matching potential and vortical flows : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 370-372 | Pages 365-368 | O. V. Titov |
26 | Propagation op bending-torsional waves in thin-walled beams of open cross section : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 372-375 | Pages 369-372 | V. B. Meshcheriakov |
27 | Optimal structures of branching pipelines : PMM vol. 41, n 2, 1977, pp. 376-383 | Pages 373-381 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
28 | Contents of next issue | Page 382 | |
29 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 383 | |
Volume 41, Issue 3, Pages 385-600 (1977)
1 | Optimal control of processes described by equations of hyperbolic type : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 387-398 | Pages 385-396 | L. V. Petukhov |
2 | Invariant ?-integrals and some of their applications in mechanics : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 399-412 | Pages 397-410 | G. P. Cherepanov |
3 | On the stability of motion in linear approximation : PMM vol.41, n3, 1977, pp.413-421 | Pages 411-418 | A. S. Oziraner |
4 | On stability in the presence of several resonances : PMM vol. 41, n3, 1977, pp. 422-429 | Pages 419-426 | A. L. Kunitsyn, S. V. Medvedev |
5 | On stability of stochastic differential equations : PMM vol.41, n3, 1977, pp.430-435 | Pages 427-433 | G. S. Iudaev |
6 | Minimax quadratic problem of motion correction : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 436-445 | Pages 434-445 | B. I. Anan'ev |
7 | Optimal estimates of the state of a system and certain problems of control by equations with time lag : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 446-456 | Pages 446-458 | V. B. Kolmanovskii, T. L. Maizenberg |
8 | On combination resonances in hydrodynamics : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 457-463 | Pages 459-466 | Iu. B. Ponomarenko |
9 | The structure of a viscous fluid flow near a rotating disk edge : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 464-472 | Pages 467-476 | V. P. Shidlovskii |
10 | Unsteady nonlinear capillary wave in a layer of viscous liquid : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 473-479 | Pages 477-484 | O. V. Voinov |
11 | A class of solutions of nonstationary equations of the theory of combustion of condensed substances : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 480-485 | Pages 485-491 | V. S. Berman |
12 | Themethod of dual series in terms of bessel functions in mixed problems ofthe theory of elasticity for a circular plate : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 486-492 | Pages 492-499 | V. M. Aleksandrov, M. I. Chebakov |
13 | Torsion of finite elastic cylinders welded to circular plates or cylindrical shells : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp.493-500 | Pages 500-508 | V. B. Glagovskii, B. M. Nuller |
14 | Center of flexure of a hollow compound cantilever : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 501-508 | Pages 509-517 | Iu. A. Amenzade |
15 | On conditions on the contact surface of an elastic shell and an ideal fluid in the Lagrangean representation : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 509-519 | Pages 518-529 | M. A. Il'gamov |
16 | Stability of thin nonsymmetric piecewise-convex elastic shells : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 520-530 | Pages 530-542 | M. Iu. Zhukov, L. S. Srubshchik |
17 | Nonlinear elastic waves in rods : PMM vol. 41, n 3,1977, pp. 531-537 | Pages 543-549 | L. A. Ostrovskii, A. M. Sutin |
18 | Asymptotic theory of rigid plastic shells : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 538-552 | Pages 550-566 | P. P. Mosolov, V. P. Miasnikov |
19 | On a family of periodic motions of a heavy solid with a fixed point : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 553-556 | Pages 567-570 | E. A. Vagner |
20 | On periodic, almost stationary motions of a rigid body about a fixed point : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 556-558 | Pages 571-573 | Kh. M. Iakh'ia |
21 | Periodic motions of a rigid body with a fixed point in the gravity field of two centers : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 558-561 | Pages 574-578 | Iu. V. Barkin, V. E. Ievlev |
22 | Qualitative study of properties of motion of a satellite of a spheroidal planet : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 561-564 | Pages 579-581 | M. Kh. Khasanova |
23 | Stabilization of translational motion of a controlled rigid body : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 564-566 | Pages 582-585 | N. G. Apykhtin, A. A. Piontkovskii, T. M. Chikhladze |
24 | The stability of solutions of certain systems of differential equations with a small parameter at derivatives : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 567-573 | Pages 586-593 | L. K. Kuz'mina |
25 | On continuity of solution of the problem of a regulator analytic construction in singular perturbations : PMM vol. 41, n 3, 1977, pp. 573-576 | Pages 594-598 | V. Ia. Glizer, M. G. Dmitriev |
26 | Contents of the next issue | Page 599 | |
27 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 600 | |
Volume 41, Issue 4, Pages 601-793 (1977)
1 | Computation of value for certain differential games : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 588-595 | Pages 601-609 | E. G. Polishchuk |
2 | On the linear game problem of convergence with incomplete information : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 596-603 | Pages 610-616 | S. A. Chigir' |
3 | The differential game of evasion in a plane : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 604-608 | Pages 617-621 | V. S. Patsko |
4 | On the lower bounds of distance between bodies in the unrestricted three body problem : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 609-617 | Pages 622-631 | V. G. Golubev |
5 | The ring principle in problems of interaction between two self-oscillating systems : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 618-627 | Pages 632-641 | V. S. Afraimovich, L. P. Shil'nikov |
6 | On the behavior of dynamic systems in the vicinity of existence boundaries of periodic motions : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 628-636 | Pages 642-650 | M. I. Feigin |
7 | Analysisof one-dimensional flow stability in a channel with arbitrary variationof stationary flow parameters between the closing shock cross section and channel outlet : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 637-645 | Pages 651-659 | V. T. Grin', A. N. Kraiko, N. I. Tilliaeva, V. A. Shironosov |
8 | The flow of gas in a channel with a flexible skirt : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 646-650 | Pages 660-664 | I. L. Galina |
9 | Boundary value problems of the kinetic theory of gases and irreversible thermodynamics : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 651-659 | Pages 665-673 | S. P. Bakanov, V. I. Roldugin |
10 | On isothermal gas flow between parallel planes with arbitrary tangential momentum accommodation : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 660-666 | Pages 674-680 | B. M. Markeev |
11 | Diffusion to an absorbing particle with mixed kinetics : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 667-677 | Pages 681-691 | A. D. Polianin, Iu. A. Sergeev |
12 | Onthe stabilization of unstable steady operation mode of a displacement reactor with allowance for heat release : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 678-687 | Pages 692-701 | Iu. P. Gupalo, V. A. Novikov, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
13 | Two effective methods of solving mixed linear problems of mechanics of continuous media : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 688-698 | Pages 702-713 | V. M. Aleksandrov, E. V. Kovalenko |
14 | On a representation of solutions of the antiplane deformation problem of a physically nonlinear elastic medium : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 699-703 | Pages 714-719 | V. A. Ibragmov |
15 | Solutionof the first fundamental problem of elasticity theory for an infinite strip with several semi-infinite slits : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 704-710 | Pages 720-727 | V. N. Chigarev |
16 | Bending of a system of strip plates lying on an elastic half-space : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 711-715 | Pages 728-733 | V. S. Protsenko |
17 | Vibrations of a stamp adhering to an elastic layer over part of its surface : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 716-726 | Pages 734-744 | V. A. Babeshko, A. N. Rumiantsev |
18 | Contact problem with adhesion for an anisotropic layer : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 727-734 | Pages 745-752 | A. O. Vatul'ian |
19 | On the stress concentration in inclusions in composite materials : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 735-743 | Pages 753-761 | V. M. Levin |
20 | Stability and stabilization of periodic motions of autonomous systems : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 744-749 | Pages 762-768 | G. N. Mil'shtein |
21 | On interaction of acoustic and vortex perturbations in a bounded plane parallel viscous gas flow : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 750-751 | Pages 769-770 | K. I. Artamonov |
22 | One-dimensional motion of a magnetizable conducting gas : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 751-753 | Pages 771-773 | V. B. Gorskii |
23 | On motion of the separation boundary of fluids in nonlinear filtration : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 754-758 | Pages 774-779 | O. V. Golubeva, V. F. Piven' |
24 | Plane problem of the theory of viscoelasticity with moving boundaries of phase transformations : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 759-761 | Pages 780-783 | A. S. Lozovskii |
25 | Compression of a plane with a crack and an inclusion : PMM vol. 41, n4, 1977, pp. 762-768 | Pages 784-791 | A. Z. Averbukh |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 792 | |
27 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 793 | |
Volume 41, Issue 5, Pages 795-990 (1977)
1 | On differential evolution systems : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 774-782 | Pages 795-803 | N. N. Krasovskii |
2 | Boundary value problem of the theory of creep for a body with accretion : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 783-789 | Pages 804-810 | N. Kh. Arutiunian |
3 | Mechanics and engineering : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1377, pp. 790-801 | Pages 811-820 | A. Iu. Ishlinskii |
4 | Nonlinear perturbation development in two-dimensional laminar flows : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 802-806 | Pages 821-825 | B. Iu. Skobelev, V. V. Struminskii |
5 | Axisymmetric contact problem of the theory of elasticity in the presence of wear : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 807-812 | Pages 826-831 | L. A. Galin, I. G. Goriacheva |
6 | On an alternative in a several-person differential game : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 813-818 | Pages 832-837 | S. V. Lutmanov |
7 | On a class of differential games with an integral constraint : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 819-824 | Pages 838-844 | V. I. Ukhobotov |
8 | On solving pursuit game problems : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 825-832 | Pages 845-852 | S. V. Chistiakov |
9 | Forced periodic motions in non-Hamiltonian systems with one degree of freedom : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 833-843 | Pages 853-864 | L. D. Akulenko |
10 | On the theory of stability on a given time interval : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 844-849 | Pages 865-870 | K. A. Abgarian, V. T. Avanian |
11 | Over-all asymptotic stability of self-tuning systems with a reference model : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 850-858 | Pages 871-880 | V. R. Nosov, B. I. Prokopov |
12 | On adaptive stabilization of programed motions of mechanical systems : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 859-869 | Pages 881-892 | A. R. Ginzburg, A. V. Timofeev |
13 | Certain properties of d'Alambert functions of celestial mechanics : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 870-875 | Pages 893-900 | K. V. Kholshevnikov |
14 | On a modification of the averaging method and estimates of higher approximations : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 884-976 | Pages 901-909 | A. S. Mirkina |
15 | On the nonlocal application of the method of small parameter : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 885-894 | Pages 910-919 | A. N. Bautin |
16 | Bifurcation of concentration waves in filtration of binary suspensions : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 895-901 | Pages 920-926 | E. V. Venitsianov |
17 | On a case of the inverse problem of two-dimensional theory op elasticity : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 902-908 | Pages 927-933 | S. B. Vigdergauz |
18 | Bending of thick plates under an arbitrary load : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 909-914 | Pages 934-939 | Iu. A. Gruzdev |
19 | Bendingof a circular plate on a linearly- deformable foundation under a simultaneous action of the longitudinal and transverse forces : PMM vol.41, NO= 5, 1977, pp. 915-919 | Pages 940-945 | G. N. Pavlik |
20 | Optimality conditions in the problem of seeking the hole shapes in elastic bodies : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 920-925 | Pages 946-951 | N. V. Banichuk |
21 | Dynamic contact problem for a visco-elastic half-plane : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 926-934 | Pages 952-960 | V. P. Ten |
22 | Complex loading and certain problems of the birfurcation of the elastic-plastic process : PMM, vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 935-942 | Pages 961-969 | N. Iu. Shvaiko |
23 | Influence of deformational anisotropy on the state near the crack tip : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 943-948 | Pages 970-975 | V. A. Ibragimov, V. D. Kliushnikov |
24 | On a class of differential games of pursuit : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 949-951 | Pages 976-978 | A. P. Ponomarev |
25 | On a property of head- on collision of shock waves : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 951-953 | Pages 979-980 | G. M. Arutiunian |
26 | Diffraction by a wedge with a circular cap : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 953-956 | Pages 981-984 | A. P. Kiselev |
27 | On stress concentration in a transtropic plate with a cylindrical cavity : PMM vol. 41, n 5, 1977, pp. 957-960 | Pages 985-988 | A. S. Kosmodamianskii, I. Kh. Milishenskii, V. A. Shaldyrvan |
28 | Contents of next issue | Page 989 | |
29 | Transliteration table, Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 990 | |
Volume 41, Issue 6, Pages 991-1174 (1977)
1 | Author/title index | Pages I-VIII | |
2 | On a natural theory of continuous media : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 971-984 | Pages 991-1002 | L. I. Sedov |
3 | On the solution of the two-dimensional problem of gliding over a heavy fluid undulating surface : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 985-992 | Pages 1003-1009 | M. N. Nikolaev |
4 | On averaging of periodic systems : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 993-1006 | Pages 1010-1023 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
5 | On unsteady boundary layer with self- induced pressure : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1007-1023 | Pages 1024-1040 | O. S. Ryzhov, E. D. Terent'ev |
6 | Three-dimensional boundary layer in an ionized gas in chemical equilibrium : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1024-1032 | Pages 1041-1050 | S. N. Kazeikin, G. A. Tirskii, Iu. D. Shevelev |
7 | Investigationof the structure of electrohydrodynamic shock waves using the complete equation of motion for charged component instead of Ohm's law : PMM vol.41. n 6, 1977, pp. 1033-1052 | Pages 1051-1070 | V. V. Gogosov, V. M. Korovin, V. A. Polianskii |
8 | Irregular interaction of a moving shock wave with a tangential discontinuity : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1053-1061 | Pages 1071-1079 | K. A. Bezhanov |
9 | Propagation of weak shock waves in media with an arbitrary number of chemical reactions : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1062-1071 | Pages 1080-1089 | A. L. Ni |
10 | Determination of the flow field in a region adjacent to a streamlined body at small Reynolds number : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1072-1078 | Pages 1090-1096 | M. M. Vasil'ev |
11 | Approximate methods of investigating the free vibrations of thin shells : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1079-1094 | Pages 1097-1112 | A. L. Gol'denveizer |
12 | Renormalization method in the case of an unbounded medium in the absence of external forces : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1095-1098 | Pages 1113-1116 | A. G. Fokin |
13 | On the use of Markovian approximation in dynamics of stochastic media : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1099-1106 | Pages 1117-1124 | N. P. Bestuzheva, A. V. Chigarev |
14 | On statistics of longitudinal nonlinear random waves in an elastic body : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1107-1113 | Pages 1125-1131 | A. I. Saichev |
15 | Electroelastic equilibrium of a piezoceramic plate : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1114-1121 | Pages 1132-1140 | V. E. Zhirov |
16 | On boundaries of the growth region of multidimensional perturbations of unstable states : PMM vol.41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1122-1123 | Pages 1141-1142 | V. A. Kondrashev, A. G. Kulikovskh |
17 | Effect of the counterpressure in the one-dimensional unsteady flow of a viscous gas : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1123-1126 | Pages 1143-1146 | V. P. Shidlovskii |
18 | On the structure of the velocity field in the vicinity of a caustic : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1126-1130 | Pages 1147-1151 | V. A. Eremenko |
19 | On the motion of piston in a polytropic gas : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1130-1134 | Pages 1152-1156 | M. Iu. Kozmanov |
20 | On the stability of inhomogeneous steady states in a nonequilibrium magnetized plasma : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1134-1138 | Pages 1157-1161 | O. A. Sinkevich |
21 | On the analysis of the binary correlation function in a two-phase system : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977, pp. 1138-1144 | Pages 1162-1170 | A. M. Golovin, V. E. Chizhov |
22 | On the additivity of tensors of strains and displacements for finite elastoplastic deformations : PMM vol. 41, n 6, 1977. pp. 1145-1146 | Pages 1171-1172 | A. V. Skachenko, A. N. Sporykhin |
23 | Contents of next issue | Page 1173 | |
24 | Transliteration table | Page 1174 | |
Volume 42, Issue 1, Pages 1-204 (1978)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | Program constructions for position game control : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 3-14 | Pages 1-12 | N. N. Krasovskii |
3 | On the existence of a saddle point in a difference-differential encounter-evasion game : PMM vol. 42, n 1. 1978, pp. 15-22 | Pages 13-20 | V. I. Maksimov |
4 | Hierarchical differential game : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 23-27 | Pages 21-25 | I. S. Men'shikov |
5 | On theorems of dynamics : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 28-33 | Pages 26-31 | V. V. Kozlov, N. N. Kolesnikov |
6 | On the motion of a solid body with elastic and dissipative elements : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 34-42 | Pages 32-41 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
7 | On the problem of determining the existence of ignorable coordinates in conservative dynamic systems : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 43-51 | Pages 42-50 | A. S. Sumbatov |
8 | Method of constructing and investigating stability of periodic motions op autonomous hamiltonian systems : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 52-65 | Pages 51-64 | A. P. Markeev, A. G. Sokol'skii |
9 | Investigation of oscillations in nonlinear mechanical systems of arbitrary order : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 66-75 | Pages 65-74 | V. T. Grumondz |
10 | Asymptotic solution of certain nonlinear problems of time-optimal response : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 76-86 | Pages 75-87 | L. D. Akulenko |
11 | Motion of a thin blanket of heavy viscous fluid on a rotating planet in a circular orbit : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 87-95 | Pages 88-96 | M. V. Zavolzhenskii, A. Kh. Terskov |
12 | On certain gas flows in a gravitational field : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 96-104 | Pages 97-105 | A. F. Sidorov |
13 | On the determination of sedimentation rate of a homogeneous suspension : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 105-113 | Pages 106-115 | A. M. Golovin, V. E. Chizhov |
14 | Certain dynamic mixed problems of the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 114-121 | Pages 116-124 | V. M. Aleksandrov, V. G. Buriak |
15 | On a method of solving mechanics problems for domain with slits or thin inclusions : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 122-135 | Pages 125-139 | G. Ia. Popov |
16 | Energy methods in certain problems of damping of solutions : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 136-151 | Pages 140-156 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
17 | Variational method of solving a contact problem for a coupled cylinder and a layer : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 152-158 | Pages 157-164 | A. N. Zlatin |
18 | On the theory of diffraction of linear visco- elastic waves : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 159-167 | Pages 165-173 | I. G. Filippov |
19 | Diffraction of shock waves at small angles in a perfect compactible medium : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 168-174 | Pages 174-180 | I. V. Simonov |
20 | On the addition of motions relative to deformable reference systems : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 175-177 | Pages 181-184 | L. I. Sedov |
21 | On an averaging method in dynamics of a rigid body : PMM vol. 42, n 1. 1978, pp. 178-182 | Pages 185-190 | L. I. Konkina |
22 | Oncontinuous dependence of generalized solutions of the equation of unsteady filtration on a function determining the flow mode : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 183-185 | Pages 191-193 | A. S. Kalashnikov |
23 | On the question of formulating the problem of optimal design of freely oscillating structures : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 185-188 | Pages 194-197 | A. V. Cherkaev |
24 | Settling of a plane stamp acting on an orthotropic half-space : PMM vol. 42, n 1, 1978, pp. 189-192 | Pages 198-202 | V. A. Sveklo, N. S. Torubarova |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 203 | |
26 | Transliteration table | Page 204 | |
Volume 42, Issue 2, Pages 205-405 (1978)
1 | Generalized potentials in a differential game with a fixed termination instant : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 195-201 | Pages 205-211 | M. Baibazarov, A. I. Subbotin |
2 | Approximation in linear difference- differential games : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 202-209 | Pages 212-219 | A. V. Kriazhimskii, V. I. Maksimov |
3 | Impulse- differential encounter game : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 210-218 | Pages 220-228 | V. A. Kokneev, A. A. Melikian |
4 | Encounter- evasion problems in quasidynamic systems : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 219-227 | Pages 229-237 | G. V. Tomskii |
5 | On a class of singularly. perturbed problems of optimal control : PMM vol. 42. n2, 1978, pp. 228-232 | Pages 238-242 | M. G. Dmitriev |
6 | Principles of minimum in problems of optimal control of random processes : PMM vol. 42. n2, 1978, pp. 233-244 | Pages 243-255 | S. F. Morozov, I. P. Smirnov |
7 | Libration in systems with many degrees of freedom : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 245-250 | Pages 256-261 | S. V. Bolotin, V. V. Kozlov |
8 | Existence of periodic solutions of equations of motion of a solid body similar to the lagrange gyroscope : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 251-258 | Pages 262-269 | V. S. Elfimov |
9 | On the stability of points of equilibrium branching : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 259-267 | Pages 270-279 | V. I. Vozlinskii |
10 | On stability of motion of linear systems with respect to a part of variables : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 268-271 | Pages 280-283 | V. I. Vorotnikov, V. P. Prokop'ev |
11 | On optimal stabilization of motion with respect to a part of variables : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 272-276 | Pages 284-289 | A. S. Oziraner |
12 | The laminar hypersonic trail downstream of a lift airfoil : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 277-288 | Pages 290-302 | O. S. Ryzhov, E. D. Terent'bev |
13 | Derivation of higher approximations in the problem of special flows in plane laval nozzles : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 289-295 | Pages 303-309 | A. L. Brezhnev, I. A. Chernov |
14 | On convective instability op an inclined fluid layer equilibrium relative to spatial perturbations : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 296-300 | Pages 310-314 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskh, S. M. Iorshina |
15 | On diffusion interaction of solid particles at high peclet numbers : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 301-312 | Pages 315-326 | D. D. Polianin |
16 | On the solution of the two- point boundary value problem in the theory of continuous- flow reactors : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978. pp. 313-320 | Pages 327-334 | B. M. Markeev, A. A. Platonov |
17 | A heuristic method of solving nonlinear problems of the elliptic type for doubly connected regions : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 321-326 | Pages 335-340 | A. D. Chernyshov |
18 | Determinationop the geometric characteristics of shells of revolution satisfying finite strain compatibility conditions : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978. pp. 327-332 | Pages 341-346 | B. A Gorlach |
19 | On nonstationary vibrations of plates on an elastic foundation : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 333-339 | Pages 347-353 | Iu. A. Rossikhin |
20 | Uniqueness of the external problems solution in the theory of elastic vibrations of anisotropic media : PMM vol. 42 n2, 1978, pp. 340-349 | Pages 354-363 | V. S. Budaev |
21 | Edge crack at the boundary of different media : PMM vol. 42, n 2, 1978, pp. 350-354 | Pages 364-368 | L. A. Kipnis |
22 | Investigationof stability op the unperturbed motion of an axisymmetric solid when its center of mass moves spatially in the air : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 355-359 | Pages 369-373 | S. D. Beliaeva |
23 | Study op systems of differential equations near the boundaries of the stability region : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 359-361 | Pages 374-376 | Iu. V. Savel'ev |
24 | Secondary flows in a plane channel : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 361-367 | Pages 377-383 | B Iu.Skobelev |
25 | Sliding of a cylinder on a viscoelastic foundation : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 367-372 | Pages 384-389 | E. V. Teodorovich |
26 | New representation and method of solving fredholm integral equations : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 372-377 | Pages 390-395 | E. A. Za Gustina, R. E. Kalaba |
27 | On the theorem of uniqueness for two - mode elastoplastic processes : PMM vol. 42, n2, 1978, pp. 377-383 | Pages 396-403 | S. Nedzhesku-Klezha |
28 | Contents of next issue | Page 404 | |
29 | Transliteration table | Page 405 | |
Volume 42, Issue 3, Pages 407-608 (1978)
1 | On Hamilton's principle for nonholonomic systems : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 387-399 | Pages 407-419 | V. V. Rumiantsev |
2 | Nonexistence of univalued integrals and branching of solutions in solid body dynamics : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 400-406 | Pages 420-426 | V. V. Kozlov |
3 | On the stiffness property of motion : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 407-414 | Pages 427-434 | V. N. Skimel' |
4 | Themethod of two-sided transfer of parameters for solving boundary value problems of the theory of oscillations : PMM, vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp.415-424 | Pages 435-445 | M. V. Mirdnov |
5 | Stabilization of controlled systems by nonlinear control actions : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 425-430 | Pages 446-451 | V. I. Sokolov |
6 | On difference approximations of optimal control systems : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 43-440 | Pages 452-461 | B. Sh. Mordukhovich |
7 | On the unsteady mass transfer on a drop in a viscous fluid stream : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 441-449 | Pages 462-471 | Iu. P. Gupalo, A. D. Polianin, P. A. Priadkin, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
8 | Unsteady propagation of the combustion wave in a medium with slowly varying parameters : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 450-457 | Pages 472-479 | V. S. Berman |
9 | On a mathematical problem of the theory of elastic stability : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 458-465 | Pages 480-488 | V. S. Kolesov, Iu. S. Kolesov, A. N. Kulikov, I. I. Fedik |
10 | Formulation of the problem of contact between several deformable bodies as a nonlinear programming problem : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 466-474 | Pages 489-498 | A. S. Kravchuk |
11 | Interactionof a moving elastic stamp with an elastic half-plane through a stiffen er oe a thin ideal fluid layer : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 475-485 | Pages 499-509 | V. M. Aleksandrov, N. Kh. Arutiunian |
12 | Diffraction of a plane wave by a plate reinforced by a protruding stiffening rib : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp.486-493 | Pages 510-518 | B. P. Belinskii |
13 | Resonantphenomena accompanying the scattering of a plane wave on an inhomogeneous layer and on a pack of inhomogeneous layers : PMM vol. 42,n 3, 1978, pp.494-503 | Pages 519-527 | A. G. Alenitsyn, S. I. Chelkak |
14 | Influenceof physical and geometrical nonlinearity on the value of the upper critical pressure in buckling of a hollow sphere : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp.504-510 | Pages 528-534 | G. I. Volokitin |
15 | Optimization of elastic shells of revolution : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp.511-520 | Pages 535-544 | V. N. Solodovnikov |
16 | Generalized periodic problem of the theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 521-531 | Pages 545-555 | M. L. Buryshkin |
17 | Asymptotic solution of a three-dimensional problem of equilibrium of an elastic body with a cut : PMM vol. 42, n, 1978, pp.532-539 | Pages 556-563 | Ia. V. Shliapoberskii |
18 | Stress concentration at the boundary of a microinhomogeneous elastic half-space : PMM, vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 540-545 | Pages 564-569 | V. V. Podalkov, V. A. Romanov |
19 | Statistical properties of inhomogeneous solid media: Central moment functions of material characteristics : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 546-554 | Pages 570-578 | A. G. Fokin |
20 | On quadratic integrals of linear autonomous systems : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp.555-557 | Pages 579-581 | V. M. Lakhadanov |
21 | On instability of the position of equilibrium of a Hamiltonian system : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp.557-562 | Pages 582-587 | M. A. Balitinov |
22 | On imparting to a solid body a stable rotation mode with specified orientation of its axis of rotation : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 562-565 | Pages 588-591 | D. V. Lebedev |
23 | Investigation of time-optimal response of electromagnetic correction of a gyroscope : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 565-569 | Pages 592-596 | V. G. Getmanov |
24 | Convergence op the method op small parameter for weakly controllable optimal systems : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 569-573 | Pages 597-601 | A. A. Liubushin |
25 | The spherical centered compression wave : PMM vol. 42, n 3, 1978, pp. 573-576 | Pages 602-606 | I. E. Zababakhin, V. A. Simonenko |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 607 | |
27 | Transliteration table | Page 608 | |
Volume 42, Issue 4, Pages 609-825 (1978)
1 | Stochastic control in a differential game : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 579-592 | Pages 609-623 | L. T. Buslaeva |
2 | On a linear guidance game problem : PMM vol. 42. no. 4, 1978, pp. 593-598 | Pages 624-630 | M. I. Loginov |
3 | Approximation in problems of position control of parabolic systems : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 599-605 | Pages 631-637 | A. I. Korotkii, Iu. S. Osipov |
4 | On the control of a hyperbolic system under conditions of uncertainty : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 606-612 | Pages 638-645 | S. P. Okhezin |
5 | Time-optimal stabilization of a perturbed system with invariant norm | Pages 646-658 | L. D. Akulenko |
6 | Sufficientconditions of optimality in linear problems of the mathematical theory of optimal processes with phase constraints : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 623-632 | Pages 659-670 | Iu. P. Krivenkov |
7 | On a certain extension of the problem op the Maxwell toroidal vortex : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 633-639 | Pages 671-678 | Iu. V. Martynov |
8 | Development of ship waves : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 640-649 | Pages 679-690 | A. A. Zolotarev |
9 | On the stability of flow op weakly compressible gas in a pipe of modelroughness : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 650-655 | Pages 691-697 | L. B. Aizin, V. P. Maksimov |
10 | Thebarnett approximation of the distribution function and the super-barnett contributions to the stress tensor and the heat flux : PMMvol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 656-660 | Pages 698-702 | M. Sh. Shavaliev |
11 | Disintegrationof an arbitrary discontinuity of the electromagnetic field in ferromagnetics : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 661-667 | Pages 703-709 | G. L. Sedova |
12 | The motion of magnetizable fluid in a rotating homogeneous magnetic field : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 668-672 | Pages 710-715 | V. V. Kiriushin, V. A. Naletova, V. V. Chekanov |
13 | Certain peculiarities of transport phenomena in suspensions with internal rotations : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 673-678 | Pages 716-721 | A. O. Tseber |
14 | On the problem of continuous models of suspensions : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 679-688 | Pages 722-732 | S. A. Regirer |
15 | On the stability of compression shock in streams of spontaneously condensing vapor : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 689-694 | Pages 733-739 | F. A. Slobodkina, L. I. Seleznev |
16 | Constructionof green's functions and matrices for equations and systems of the elliptic type : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 695-700 | Pages 740-746 | I. M. Dolgova, Iu. A. Mel'nikov |
17 | Necessary and sufficient conditions for homogeneous simple strain : PMM, vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp 701-710 | Pages 747-757 | G. L. Brovko |
18 | Shock waves in an isotropic elastic space : PMM, vol. 42, no. 4, 1918, pp. 711-717 | Pages 758-765 | A. A. Burenin, A. D. Chernyshov |
19 | Action of a buried impulsive load on a viscoelastic layer covering an elastic half-space : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 718-723 | Pages 766-772 | S. K. Aslanov, A. S. Semenov |
20 | Complementary methods in the problems of the state of stress in shells of revolution : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978. pp. 724-730 | Pages 773-780 | V. G. Litvinov, N. G. Medvedev |
21 | Electroelasticequilibrium of a thin anisotropic layer with piezoelectric effects taken into account : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp 731-736 | Pages 781-786 | A. S. Kosmodamianskii, V. N. Lozhkin |
22 | On certain mathematical questions of the theory of incompressible viscoplastic media : PMM. vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 737-746 | Pages 787-799 | P. P. Mosolov |
23 | On reactions dm systems with one-sided supports : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 747-749 | Pages 800-802 | G. I. Iakovlev |
24 | Onoptimal stabilization of the equilibrium positions of a solid with a cavity containing a fluid : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 749-753 | Pages 803-808 | A. S. Oziraner |
25 | Relationsof the theory of thin timoshenko-type shells in terms of the curvilinear coordinates of the reference surface : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 753-758 | Pages 809-815 | V. N. Paimushin |
26 | Subcritical growth of cracks : PMM vol. 42, no. 4, 1978, pp. 758-764 | Pages 816-823 | M. P. Wnuk |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 824 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 825 | |
Volume 42, Issue 5, Pages 827-1053 (1978)
1 | Onthe variational method of derivation of equations of state for a material medium and a gravitational field : PMM vol 42, no. 5, 1978, pp.771-780 | Pages 827-838 | V. A. Zhelnorovich, L. I. Sedov |
2 | Equations of motion of mechanical systems with ideal onesided links : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978. pp 781-788 | Pages 839-847 | V. F. Zhuravlev |
3 | On the optimization of systems defined by stochastic differential equations : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp 789-800 | Pages 848-862 | V. A. Bodner, N. E. Roenishchev, E. P. Iurikov |
4 | On the stability of steady motions of Chaplygin's nonholonomic systems : PMM vol. 42. no. 5, 1978. pp 801-807 | Pages 863-870 | A. V. Karapetian |
5 | Qualitativestructures and bifurcations generated by a nonlinear third-order phase synchronization equation : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp 808-819 | Pages 871-884 | V. N. Belykh, V. I. Nekorkin |
6 | On the structure of C-bifurcation boundaries of piecewise-continuous systems : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 820-829 | Pages 885-895 | M. I. Feigin |
7 | Bifurcationsof the phase pattern of an equation system arising in the problem of stability loss of selfoscillations close to 1:4 resonance : PMM vol. 42,no. 5, 1978, pp. 830-840 | Pages 896-907 | A. I. Neishtadt |
8 | Equations of gas dynamics in a noninertial deformable coordinate system : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 841-847 | Pages 908-915 | V. I. Gnesin, V. L. Grodzinskii, G. A. Sokolovskii |
9 | The plane problem of the theory of convective heat and mass transfer : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 848-855 | Pages 916-924 | A. A. Borzykh, G. P. Cherepanov |
10 | On models of thixotropic fluids : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 856-865 | Pages 925-936 | S. A. Regirer, N. Kh. Shadrina |
11 | Onthe nonlinear integro-differential equation of the theory of unsteady filtration with unknown boundary : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 866-873 | Pages 937-946 | A. Begmatov |
12 | On the stabiliity of an aerostatic bearing with an elastic skirt : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp 874-882 | Pages 947-957 | N. R. Sibgatullin, N. A. Slezkin, E. A. Sorokin |
13 | Ray method of calculating the wave front intensity in nonlinearly elastic material : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 883-898 | Pages 958-977 | M. A. Grinfel'd |
14 | Asymptotic analysis of bouhdart and initial conditions in the dynamics of thin plates : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 899-907 | Pages 978-987 | M. I. Gusein-Zade |
15 | Solutionof dynamic problems of the theory of elasticity for wedge-like regions with mixed boundary conditions : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 908-919 | Pages 988-1002 | V. B. Poruchikov |
16 | Homogeneous solutions for a prestressed elastic plate : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 920-929 | Pages 1003-1013 | L. M. Zubov, A. N. Rudev |
17 | On the state of stress of a strip weakened by identical circular transverse openings : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 930-935 | Pages 1014-1020 | N. I. Mironenko |
18 | On the stability of elastic compressible bodies under all-around compression : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 936-945 | Pages 1021-1031 | A. N. Guz' |
19 | Algorithmfor the derivation of Liapunov's function in the form of a sum of squares of integrals : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978 pp. 946-949 | Pages 1032-1037 | A. N. Veissenberg |
20 | Unsafe stability boundaries of the Lorentz model : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp 950-952 | Pages 1038-1041 | N. V. Roshchin |
21 | The formation of a limit cycle at a -mkrged focus- : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp. 952-955 | Pages 1042-1045 | B. N. Skriabin |
22 | Calculation of hydrodynamic interaction between drops at low reynolds numbers : PMM vol. 42, no. 5, 1978, pp 955-959 | Pages 1046-1051 | A. Z. Zinchenko |
23 | Contents of next issue | Page 1052 | |
24 | Transliteration table | Page 1053 | |
Volume 42, Issue 6, Pages 1055-1263 (1978)
1 | Author/title alphabetical index to vol. 42, 1978 | Pages i-ix | |
2 | On stable position control in differential games : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp 963-968 | Pages 1055-1060 | A. V. Kriazhimskii |
3 | On the theory of differential games in systems with aftereffect : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978 pp.969-977 | Pages 1061-1069 | Iu. S. Osipov, V. G. Pimenov |
4 | Onthe approximate synthesis of the optimal control of stochastic quasilinear systems with aftereffect : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 978-988 | Pages 1070-1080 | V. B. Kolmanovskii, L. E. Shaikhet |
5 | Optimal synthesis in certain terminal control problems : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 989-999 | Pages 1081-1092 | L. D. Akulenko |
6 | On the weak control of slowly damped systems : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978. pp. 1000-1005 | Pages 1093-1099 | V. B. Larin |
7 | On the necessity of a sufficient optimality condition for pursuit time : PMM vol. 42, no. 6. 1978, pp. 1006-1015 | Pages 1100-1111 | P. B. Gusiatnikov |
8 | The problem of minimax mean square filtration in parabolic systems : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp, 1016-1025 | Pages 1112-1122 | A. Iu. Khapalov |
9 | On stability of constant laplace solutions of the unrestricted three-body problem : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1026-1032 | Pages 1123-1130 | V. N. Tkhai |
10 | On theasymptotic stability of resonance systems : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978 pp 1033-1038 | Pages 1131-1136 | A. L. Kunitsyn |
11 | Oscillationsof mechanical systems that do not become linear when the parameter vanishes : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1039-1048 | Pages 1137-1147 | V. T. Grumondz |
12 | Stability of steady flows of perfect incompressible fluid with a free boundary : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1049-1055 | Pages 1148-1155 | V. I. Sedenko, V. I. Iudovich |
13 | Qualitativeanalysis of unsteady heat and mass transfer modes in a boundary layer with chemical reactions and intensive detections : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1056-1067 | Pages 1156-1168 | V. M. Agranat, A. M. Grishin |
14 | Contact problem for a layer with two stamps : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1068-1073 | Pages 1169-1175 | V. N. Zakorko |
15 | Action of an elliptic stamp moving at a constant speed on an elastic half-space : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp 1074-1079 | Pages 1176-1182 | V. A. Churilov |
16 | Three-dimensional contact problem for a prestressed elastic body : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp 1080-1084 | Pages 1183-1188 | L. M. Filippova |
17 | Vibration of a stamp partially adhering to an elastic medium : PMM, vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1085-1092 | Pages 1189-1197 | V. A. Babeshko, A. N. Rumiantsev |
18 | On the theory of dynamic thermoelasticity : PMM, vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1093-1098 | Pages 1198-1204 | V. P. Baran, D. V. Grilitskii, R. I. Mokrik |
19 | Onthe solution of creep theory problems for ageing bodies with growing slits and cavities : PMM, vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1099-1106 | Pages 1205-1213 | L. P. Trapeznikov, B. A. Shoikhet |
20 | Nonlineargoverning equation of a hereditary medium and methodology of determining its parameters : PMM, vol.42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1107-1114 | Pages 1214-1222 | A. E. Osokin, Iu. V. Suvorova |
21 | On numerical realization of the function of the hereditary operator : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1115-1122 | Pages 1223-1231 | E. S. Sinaiskii |
22 | Theorem on the alternative for a nonstationary differential encounter-evasion game : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1123-1126 | Pages 1232-1236 | S. A. Vakhrameev |
23 | On a problem of correction of the controlled process : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1127-1131 | Pages 1237-1242 | L. G. Vasil'eva, V. N. Lagunov |
24 | On sufficient optimality conditions : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1131-1135 | Pages 1243-1247 | Iu. B. Seisov |
25 | Solution of one of Birkhoff's problems : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1136-1141 | Pages 1248-1254 | A. S. Sumbatov |
26 | Oscillationsof one-dimensional linear systems with mobile weights under the action of longitudinal impacts : PMM vol. 42, no. 6, 1978, pp. 1141-1145 | Pages 1255-1260 | L. A. Manashkin |
27 | Contents of next issue | Pages 1261-1262 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 1263 | |
Volume 43, Issue 1, Pages 1-212 (1979)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | Macroscopic introduction of entropy with relaxed assumptions about realizable processes : PMM vol. 43, no. 1. 1979, pp. 3-6 | Pages 1-4 | Ia. A. Kameniarzh, L. I. Sedov |
3 | Synthesis of optimal stochastic control systems by the method of successive approximations : PMM vol. 43, no. 1. 1979, pp. 7-16 | Pages 5-15 | G. E. Kolosov |
4 | On the existence of the solution of an optimal control problem for time-lag systems : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 17-23 | Pages 16-23 | R. T. Ianushevskii |
5 | Themethod of singular perturbations in the problem of stream flow over a right circular cone : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 24-29 | Pages 24-30 | N. N. Kortikov, L. B. Novikova |
6 | Asymptoticinvestigation of nonlinear effects in the problem of unsteady supersonic flow past a profile : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp.30-37 | Pages 31-38 | P. A. Vel'misov |
7 | The mode of attached compression shock at edges of a V-shaped wing : PMM, vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 38-44 | Pages 39-45 | A. V. Grishin, E. G. Shifrin |
8 | Onthe degeneration of supersonic flow due to interaction of centered compression and rarefaction waves : PMM, vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 45-50 | Pages 46-52 | A. I. Rylov |
9 | Onperturbations associated with the final momentum in the problem of strong point explosion : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 51-56 | Pages 53-59 | E. D. Terent'ev |
10 | Simple waves and strong discontinuities in a magnetizable medium : PMM. vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 57-64 | Pages 60-68 | N. F. Patsegon, R. V. Polovin, I. E. Tarapov |
11 | Convective diffusion to a particle in a fluid with linear kinetics : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 65-74 | Pages 69-78 | A. D. Polianin, Iu. A. Sergeev |
12 | On igniting a reacting gas by a heat source of finite heat capacity : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp.75-82 | Pages 79-87 | V. S Berman, Iu. S. Riazantsev, V. M. Shevtsova |
13 | Thestream flow scheme for investigating the equilibrium forms of elastic plates in a stream of fluid and problems of optimization : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979 pp. 83-90 | Pages 88-95 | N. V Banichuk, A. A. Mironov |
14 | Flow from a channel with a flexible barrier : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 91-98 | Pages 96-103 | I. L. Galina |
15 | Plane and axisymmetric contact problems for rough elastic bodies : PMM vol. 43, no. l, 1979, pp. 99-105 | Pages 104-111 | I. G. Goriacheva |
16 | Contact problem with semiunknown boundary of the contact region : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979. pp. 106-111 | Pages 112-118 | A. B. Kovura, V. L Mossakovskii |
17 | On exact solutions of the static problem of complex shear : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 112-115 | Pages 119-123 | V. A. Ibragimov |
18 | Dynamicproblems on the bending of a rectangular plate with mixed fixing conditions on the outline : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 116-123 | Pages 124-131 | V. M. Aleksandrov, V. B. Zelentsov |
19 | Existenceand uniqueness of solutions of chtan classes of dynamic problems of nonlinear elastictty thory : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 124-132 | Pages 132-140 | V. G. Vil'ke |
20 | Approximate method of solution of dynamic problems for linear viscoelastic media : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 133-137 | Pages 141-146 | I. G. Filippov |
21 | Two-dimensionalboundary value problem of electroelasticity for a piezoelectric medium with cuts : PMM vol. 43 no. 1 1979, pp. 138-143 | Pages 147-153 | L. V. Belokdpytova, L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
22 | On the asymptotic behavior of an unloading wave : PMM vol. 43 no. 1, 1979, pp. 144-152 | Pages 154-163 | G. A. Dombrovskii |
23 | Elastic equilibrium of a wedge with a crack : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp 153-159 | Pages 164-170 | L. A. Kipnis |
24 | Plastic deformation at the tip of an edge crack : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 160-166 | Pages 171-178 | V. D. Kuliev |
25 | On control accuracy under conditions of perturbations with bounded amplitude spectrum : PMM, vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 167-171 | Pages 179-184 | V. M. Kein, A. N. Parikov |
26 | On a statement of a stability problem on a finite interval : PMM vol. 43, no. 1. 1979, pp. 172-175 | Pages 185-188 | K. A. Abgarian |
27 | Periodic motions of a gyrostat with a fixed point in a newtonian field : PMM, vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 175-178 | Pages 189-192 | M. P. Tsopa |
28 | Boundary conditions in the vlasov theory of cylindrical shells : PMM vol. 43, no.1, 1979, pp. 178-181 | Pages 193-197 | N. N. Rogacheva |
29 | On the bending of a plane inhomogenbous curved beam : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 182-183 | Pages 198-200 | S. G. Lekhnitskii |
30 | On the method of discrete vortices : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979, pp. 184-188 | Pages 201-206 | I. K. Lifanov |
31 | On a case of explicit solution of a nonstationary inverse problem : PMM vol. 43, no. 1, 1979. pp. 188-190 | Pages 207-209 | A. S. Blagoveshchenskii |
32 | Contents of next issue | Pages 210-211 | |
33 | Transliteration table. Trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 212 | |
Volume 43, Issue 2, Pages 213-417 (1979)
1 | Differential escape games with information lag : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 195-203 | Pages 213-221 | P. B. Gusiatnikov, Iu. S. Lediaev, A. V. Mezentsev |
2 | Game problems on encounter withm target sets : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 204-208 | Pages 222-226 | M. S. Gabrielian, A. I. Subbotin |
3 | Stability of neutral systems with a deviating argument : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 209-218 | Pages 227-236 | V. B. Kolmanovskii, V. R. Nosov |
4 | Approximationof nonstationary processes on an infinite time interval for exponentialstability of slow motions : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 219-228 | Pages 237-246 | A. S. Mirkina, K. Sh. Khodzhaev |
5 | On the stability of autonomous systems in the presence of several resonances : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 229-234 | Pages 247-253 | V. E. Zhavnerchik |
6 | Examplesof approximate investigation of the neighborhood of stationary modes ofoscillating mechanical systems with a small parameter : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 235-249 | Pages 254-269 | L. M. Markhashov |
7 | Forced periodic oscillations of the simple pendulum : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 250-261 | Pages 270-281 | V. A. Zlatoustov, V. V. Sazonov, V. A. Sarychev |
8 | On periodic solutions of the euler - poisson equations : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 262-266 | Pages 282-286 | V. S. Sergeev |
9 | Motionof a solid body with a cavity partly filled with a viscous fluid under conditions of total weightlessness : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1919, pp. 267-273 | Pages 287-293 | Ngo Zui Kan |
10 | Axisymmetmc waves on the surface of viscous fluid : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 274-280 | Pages 294-301 | M. V. Zavolzhenskii, A. Kh. Terskov |
11 | Flame free convection generated by a local heat source in a stably stratified medium : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 281-287 | Pages 302-308 | A. S. Kabanov |
12 | Onthe analysis of electric effects in an ionized multicomponent gas around conducting bodies. The method of separation : PMM vol. 43, no. 2,1979, pp. 288-304 | Pages 309-326 | M. S. Benilov, G. A. Tirskii |
13 | Onthe accoustic field of a point source in a rectangular space bounded bythin elastic walls : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 305-313 | Pages 327-335 | D. P. Kouzov |
14 | The pattern of sound wave scattering on a convex shell : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 314-320 | Pages 336-342 | A. P. Kachalov |
15 | On a dual variational principle in geometrically nonlinear elasticity theory : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 321-329 | Pages 343-352 | V. L. Berdichevskii, V. A. Misiura |
16 | Contact problem for a circular plate on an elastic foundation : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 330-334 | Pages 353-358 | S. N. Karasev |
17 | High-frequency long wave vibrations of elastic rods : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 335-341 | Pages 359-366 | S. S. Kvashnina |
18 | State of stress of a strip (beam) with a rectilinear thin-walled inclusion : PMM, vol. 43, no. 2, 1979 pp 342-348 | Pages 367-373 | M. S. Dragan, V. K. Opanasovich |
19 | On the initial development of slip lines from the free boundary of a solid : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 349-359 | Pages 374-384 | V. D. Kuliev, G. P. Cherepanov |
20 | Steady oscillations with potential energy harmonic in space and periodic in time : PMM vol, 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 360-363 | Pages 385-389 | V. I. Arnol'd |
21 | Equationsof perturbed motion of an equatorial satellite in the -action - angle- variables : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 364-366 | Pages 390-393 | M. Kh. Khasanova |
22 | On the existence of flow of a heavy perfect fluid in a channel with a sloping bottom : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 366-369 | Pages 394-397 | I. L. Gurevich |
23 | On certain properties of the equations of the three-dimensional boundary layer : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 369-371 | Pages 398-400 | O. V. Titov |
24 | Planeproblem of the theory of elasticity in multiply-connected domains with cyclic and mirror symmetry : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 371-374 | Pages 401-404 | V. N. Mikhailov |
25 | Theory of spatially curvilinear elastic beams : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 374-380 | Pages 405-411 | B. A. Gordienko |
26 | On stability of nonlinear oscillations of a membrane : PMM vol. 43, no. 2, 1979, pp. 380-383 | Pages 412-415 | V. G. Vil'ke |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 416 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 417 | |
Volume 43, Issue 3, Pages 419-624 (1979)
1 | Onthe construction of models of continuous media interacting with an electromagnetic field : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 387-400 | Pages 419-432 | L. I. Sedov, A. G. Tsypkin |
2 | Plane resonance rotations of a satellite in an elliptic orbit : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 401-410 | Pages 433-443 | V. V. Beletskii, D. Iu. Pogorelov |
3 | Onsteady rotations of a rigid body in a periodic orbit near the collinearlibration point : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 411-418 | Pages 444-451 | A. P. Markeev |
4 | Bifurcationset and integral manifolds of the problem concerning the motion of a rigid body in a linear force field : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 419-428 | Pages 452-462 | T. I. Pogosian, M. P. Kharlamov |
5 | Bifurcationsand stability of neutral systems in the neighborhood of third order resonance : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 429-440 | Pages 463-475 | Ia. M. Gol'tser |
6 | Onthe stability of motion relative to part of the variables for certain nonlinear systems : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 441-450 | Pages 476-485 | V. I. Vorotnikov |
7 | Quasilinear encounter problem with participation of several persons : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 451-455 | Pages 486-491 | A. A. Chikrii |
8 | On a problem of evading many pursuers : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1978, pp. 456-465 | Pages 492-501 | V. L. Zak |
9 | Convergenceof the solution of the linear singularly perturbed problem of time-optimal response : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 466-474 | Pages 502-511 | T. R. Gichev, A. L. Donchev |
10 | On obtaining a solution of the equation for an airfoil : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 475-479 | Pages 512-516 | V. V. Dykhta |
11 | Neighborhood of the leading edge of a plane pointed profile in supersonic flow : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 480-488 | Pages 517-526 | Iu. B. Radvogin |
12 | On the construction of models of polarizable disperse and multicomponent media : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 489-499 | Pages 527-538 | V. V. Gogosov, V. A. Naletova, G. A. Shaposhnikova |
13 | On discontinuity surfaces in a medium devoid of -proper- pressure : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 500-510 | Pages 539-549 | A. N. Kraiko |
14 | Dynamics of the closing of pores at the shock wave front : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 511-518 | Pages 550-558 | S. Z. Dunin, V. V. Surkov |
15 | On some types of singular integral equations occurring in applications : PMM vol. 43, no.3, 1979, pp. 519-530 | Pages 559-570 | D. I. Sherman |
16 | Some general theorems of the mechanics of a deformable solid : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 531-541 | Pages 571-581 | B. E. Pobedria |
17 | Stress distribution in a strip with a thin elastic inclusion : PMM, vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 542-549 | Pages 582-589 | D. V. Grilitskii, A. A. Evtushenko, G. T. Sulim |
18 | Axisymmetric contact problem taking account of adhesion and slip : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 550-558 | Pages 590-598 | N. I. Vorob'eva, S. G. Koblik, L. I. Manevich |
19 | The plane remote turbulent wake in the light of the generalized karman theory : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 558-563 | Pages 599-605 | V. V. Novozhilov |
20 | On the -condition at the edge- in the linear theory of long surface waves : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp.564-566 | Pages 606-608 | V. I. Plis |
21 | On unsteady modes of operation of an isothermal reactor with longitudinal mixing : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp.566-569 | Pages 609-613 | V. A. Novikov |
22 | Linear mechanics of spiral pipelines : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1919, pp. 569-574 | Pages 614-619 | B. A. Gordienko |
23 | Magnetic suspensions as micropolar fluids : PMM vol. 43, no. 3, 1979, pp. 574-576 | Pages 620-622 | V. M. Suiazov |
24 | Contents of next issue | Page 623 | |
25 | Transliteration table | Page 624 | |
Volume 43, Issue 4, Pages 625-828 (1979)
1 | On the Lagrange and Jacobi principles for nonholonomic systems : PMM vol.43, no.4, 1979, pp. 583-590 | Pages 625-632 | V. V. Rumiantsev |
2 | On the problem of standing of a pacing apparatus : PMM vol. 43, no.4, 1979, pp. 591-601 | Pages 633-643 | V. V. Beletskii, E. K. Lavrovskii |
3 | On auto-oscillations in two-dimensional near-Hamiltonian dynamic systems : PMM vol. 43, no. 4, 1979, pp. 602-611 | Pages 644-654 | A. D. Morozov, E. L. Fedorov |
4 | Stabilization of linear stochastic systems with state and control dependent perturbations : PMM vol.43, no.4, 1979, pp. 612-620 | Pages 655-663 | L. B. Riashko |
5 | Optimal control of a dynamic system with random parameters under incomplete information : PMM vol. 43, no. 4, 1979, pp. 621-628 | Pages 664-672 | I. P. Smirnov |
6 | Methodof exact linearization of nonlinear autonomous differential equations of second order : PMM vol.43, no.4, 1979, pp. 629-638 | Pages 673-683 | L. M. Berkovich |
7 | On the diffraction of a surface gravitational wave over a small irregularity of the bottom : PMM vol.43, no.4, 1979, pp. 639-646 | Pages 684-692 | S. F. Dotsenko, L. V. Cherkesov |
8 | Onthe mass transfer in a moving chain of absorbing drops with allowance for the saturation effect : PMM vol.43, no.4, 1979, pp. 647-656 | Pages 693-702 | A. D. Polianin |
9 | On the interaction between a particle and a spherical bubble at low stokes numbers : PMM vol.43, no.4, 1979, pp. 657-663 | Pages 703-710 | E. B. Kremer, R. F. Nagaev |
10 | Variational-asymptotic method of constructing a theory of shells : PMM vol. 43, no.4, 1979, pp. 664-687 | Pages 711-736 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
11 | Methodof orthogonal expansions on the domain boundary in three-dimensional problems of the linear theory of elasticity : PMM vol. 43, no. 4, 1979, pp. 688-697 | Pages 737-746 | V. Ia. Tereshchenko |
12 | Biorthogonal expansions in problems of mechanics : PMM vol. 43, no. 4, 1979, pp. 698-708 | Pages 747-757 | G. Ia. Popov |
13 | On the stability of nonuniformly aging viscoelastic rods : PMM vol. 43, No. 4, 1979, pp. 709-721 | Pages 758-770 | N. Kh. Arutiunian, V. B. Kolmanovskii |
14 | Self-similar problem of impact loading of an elastic half-space : PMM vol. 43, no. 4 1979, pp. 722-729 | Pages 771-779 | A. A. Burenin, V. V. Lapygin |
15 | Theperiodic problem of reinforcement of a plate weakened by a system of cuts using stringers : PMM vol. 43, no. 4, 1979, pp. 730-736 | Pages 780-787 | I. D. Suzdal'nitskii |
16 | Steady-state oscillations of an elliptic plate : PMM vol. 43, no. 4, 1979, pp. 737-745 | Pages 788-797 | O. K. Aksentian, T. N. Selezneva |
17 | Propagationof surface waves through a stochastic inhomogeneous elastic medium (themarkovian approximation) : PMM vol. 43, no. 4, 1979, pp. 746-752 | Pages 798-805 | N. P. Bestuzheva, A. V. Chigarev |
18 | On the dynamics of a vehicle on pneumatic tires : PMM vol.43, no.4, 1979, pp. 753-757 | Pages 806-811 | L. G. Lobas |
19 | Small steady perturbations behind the front of an oblique shock wave : PMM vol. 43, no. 4, 1979, pp.757-760 | Pages 812-815 | I. V. Simonov |
20 | Stressdistribution in the zone of abrupt change of elastic properties of an inhomogeneous material : PMM vol. 43, no. 4, 1979, pp. 760-764 | Pages 816-820 | V. P. Plevako |
21 | Analysisof stress intensity factors in an oscillating plate with a crack by themethod of finite elements : PMM vol. 43, no. 4, 1979, pp. 764-768 | Pages 821-826 | V. G. Boriskovskii |
22 | Contents of next issue | Page 827 | |
23 | Transliteration table | Page 828 | |
Volume 43, Issue 5, Pages 829-1040 (1979)
1 | Perturbed motions of a rigid body, close to the Lagrange case : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 771-778 | Pages 829-837 | L. D. Akulenko, D. D. Leshchenko, F. L. Chernous'ko |
2 | On optimal stabilization of gyrostat rotary motion : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 779-786 | Pages 838-845 | A. V. Gorshkov |
3 | Investigationof stability of constant lagrange solutions of the plane unrestricted three-body problem : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 787-795 | Pages 846-854 | A. P. Ivanov |
4 | Asymptotic stability and instability of nonautonomous systems : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 796-805 | Pages 855-865 | A. S. Andreev |
5 | On the theory of practical stability : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 806-816 | Pages 866-877 | R. Z. Abdullin, L. Iu. Anapol'skii |
6 | Investigationof a three-dimensional hypersonic viscous shock layer in the stagnationpoint neighborhood in the presence of injection or suction : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 817-828 | Pages 878-891 | E. A. Gershbein, S. A. Iunitskii |
7 | Intensiveinjection of fluid into a hypersonic stream from the surface of a finite length plate : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 829-838 | Pages 892-902 | I. I. Vigdorovich |
8 | Nonlinear effects in a magnetizable fluid with inner moment of momentum : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 839-845 | Pages 903-909 | V. V. Kiriushin |
9 | Plane problem of elasticity theory in a multiconnbcted domain : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 846-858 | Pages 910-924 | A. I. Kalandiia |
10 | Asymptoticintegration of static equations of the theory of elasticity in cartesian coordinates with automated search of integration parameters : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 859-868 | Pages 925-934 | A. D. Shamrovskii |
11 | The resonance frequencies of shells oscillating in an infinite fluid : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 869-876 | Pages 935-942 | A. L. Popov, G. N. Chernyshev |
12 | On excitation of normal and associated waves in an infinite laminar elastic strip : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 877-886 | Pages 943-953 | P. E. Krasnushkin |
13 | Duality in contact problems : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 887-892 | Pages 954-960 | A. S. Kravchuk |
14 | Onthe variational method in the theory of contact problems for nonlinearly elastic laminated bodies : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 893-901 | Pages 961-970 | V. I. Kuz'menko |
15 | Contactproblems on the forced stationary vibrations of beams on an elastic strip, half-strip, and rectangle : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 902-910 | Pages 971-980 | E. Iu. Baten'kova, A. S. Zil'bergleit, B. M. Nuller |
16 | A crack along the continuation of the face of a wedge enveloping a half-space : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 911-915 | Pages 981-986 | L. A. Kipnis |
17 | Computationof the dynamic green's tensor of a stochastically inhomogeneous elasticmedium : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 916-922 | Pages 987-994 | A. V. Chigarev |
18 | On the theory of inhomogeneous electroelastic plates : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 923-932 | Pages 995-1005 | I. P. Getman, Iu. A. Ustinov |
19 | Applicationof the second asymptotic approximation of pulse distortion in acoustic diagnostics of a layer on a half-space : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 933-939 | Pages 1006-1013 | U. K. Nigul, A. A. Ravasoo |
20 | Monocyclicity and acyclicity of second order dynamic systems : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 940-945 | Pages 1014-1020 | I. A. Konovalov |
21 | Oscillations of a solid about the permanent steady-state rotations : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 945-948 | Pages 1021-1024 | N. G. Apykhtin |
22 | Decomposition in the dynamic problems with control : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 949-953 | Pages 1025-1030 | V. I. Tsurkov |
23 | Granule formation in cryogenic fluids : PMM vol. 43, no. 5, 1979, pp. 954-959 | Pages 1031-1038 | V. K. Safonov, V. F. Fedoseev |
24 | Contents of next issue | Page 1039 | |
25 | Transliteration table | Page 1040 | |
Volume 43, Issue 6, Pages 1041-1230 (1979)
1 | Corrigendum | Page i | |
2 | Author/ title alphabetical index | Pages I-IX | |
3 | On stability in one critical case : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 963-969 | Pages 1041-1048 | S. V. Medvedev, V. N. Tkhai |
4 | On instability in the presence of several resonances : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 970-974 | Pages 1049-1053 | V. E. Zhavnerchik |
5 | On a Malkin - Massera theorem : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979 pp. 975-979 | Pages 1054-1059 | A. S. Oziraner |
6 | Onthe investigation of oscillations of quasilinear systems with almost-periodic coefficients : PMM vol.43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 980-991 | Pages 1060-1072 | V. G. Veretennikov, V. N. Seregin |
7 | Existence of periodic solutions of the generalized burgers system : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979. pp. 992-997 | Pages 1073-1079 | V. V. Shelukhin |
8 | Onthe stability of space-periodic convective flows in a vertical layer with sinuous boundaries : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 998-1007 | Pages 1080-1090 | L. P. Vozovoi, A. A. Nepomniashchii |
9 | Determination of the equilibrium boundaries of a two-layer system convection stability : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1008-1013 | Pages 1091-1097 | G. I. Bourde, L. B. Simanovskii |
10 | Calculationof pressure in the linear problem of vibrator in a supersonic boundary layer : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1014-1028 | Pages 1098-1113 | E. D. Terent'ev |
11 | Electrohydrodynamicflow in a retarding electric field with allowance for charged particle inertia : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1029-1039 | Pages 1114-1124 | A. B. vatazhin, V. I. Grabovskii |
12 | Asymptotic properties of one-component model in the theory of sorption dynamics : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1040-1045 | Pages 1125-1130 | E. V. Venitsianov |
13 | On some hydrodynamic models of drainage : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1046-1057 | Pages 1131-1142 | V. N. Emikh |
14 | Stratification method in the theory of thin shells : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1058-1064 | Pages 1143-1150 | O. D. Tananaiko |
15 | State of stress of nonuniformly heated plates loaded along the boundary surfaces : PMM vol. 43. no. 6, 1979, pp. 1065-1072 | Pages 1151-1159 | V. N. Maksimovich |
16 | Method of homogeneous solutions in the mixed problem for a finite circular cylinder : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1073-1081 | Pages 1160-1169 | M. I. Chebakov |
17 | Contact problem for two microinhomogeneous half-spaces : Pmm vol. 43, no. 6. 1979. pp. 1082-1088 | Pages 1170-1177 | Z. V. Amelina, V. A. Romanov |
18 | Influenceof geometrical nonlinearity on the waves propagating through a thin, free plate : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1089-1094 | Pages 1178-1184 | L. A. Sheniavskii |
19 | Onthe oscillations of a thin-walled structure containing a fluid, in the presence of a hydrodynamic damper : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1095-1101 | Pages 1185-1192 | V. A. Buzhinskii |
20 | Sommerfeld-typeconditions and uniqueness of the solution of exterior problems of the theory of elastic vibrations of aneotropic media : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1102-1110 | Pages 1193-1202 | V. S. Budaev |
21 | Oncertain cases of determination of trajectories of plane conservative motion of a particle : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979 pp. 1111-1113 | Pages 1203-1206 | Iu. K. Golikov, A. A. Matyshev |
22 | On the carnot theorem in the theory of impulsive motion of mechanical systems : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1114-1116 | Pages 1207-1210 | V. A. Sinitsyn |
23 | On the problem of shock wave formation within a local supersonic zone : PMM vol. 43. no. 6, 1979, pp. 1117-1118 | Pages 1211-1213 | V. A. Ivanov, I. A. Chernov |
24 | Onintegration of the unsteady equation of heat exchange between bodies moving in fluid : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1119-1122 | Pages 1214-1218 | Iu. P. Gupalo, A. D. Polianin, P. A. Priadkin, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
25 | Solutionof three-dimensional problems of the theory of elasticity for a picewise homogeneous medium with constant poisson's ratio : PMM vol. 43,no. 6, 1979, pp. 1122-1125 | Pages 1219-1222 | M. L. Lazarev, P. I. Perlin |
26 | Onthe stability of elastic bodies with random in homogeneities under finite deformations : PMM vol. 43, no. 6, 1979, pp. 1125-1129 | Pages 1223-1228 | A. V. Skachenko, A. N. Sporykhin, A. I. Sumin |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 1229 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 1230 | |
Volume 44, Issue 1, Pages 1-139 (1980)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | Controlled search of a moving object | Pages 1-6 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
3 | On control of time for reaching a domain by random motion | Pages 7-12 | V. B. Kolmanovskii, T. L. Maizenberg |
4 | On the control of systems with elastic elements | Pages 13-18 | L. D. Akulenko, N. N. Bolotnik |
5 | On integration of kinematic equations of a rigid body's screw-motion | Pages 19-23 | Iu. N. Chelnokov |
6 | On stability of mechanical systems under the action of position forces | Pages 24-29 | V. N. Tkhai |
7 | The slow asymmetric motion of two drops in a viscous medium | Pages 30-37 | A. Z. Zinchenko |
8 | The transonic flow of gas over a convex corner | Pages 38-44 | V. N. Diesperov |
9 | Diffraction of Kelvin waves at the open end of a plane-parallel channel | Pages 45-50 | A. I. Plis, V. I. Plis |
10 | On nonlinear acoustics approximation in problems of gas oscillations in pipes | Pages 51-59 | A. N. Kraiko, A. L. Ni |
11 | Asymptotic analysis of the process of igniting a combustible gas mixture by thermal inhomogeneity | Pages 60-64 | V. S. Berman, Iu. S. Riazantsev, V. M. Shevtsova |
12 | Stability of stationary solutions of the system of equations of the combustion theory | Pages 65-69 | V. S. Baushev, V. N. Viliunov, A. M. Timokhin |
13 | The Stefan type problem occurring in the investigation of salt dissolution and transport process in soil | Pages 70-75 | V. E. Klykov, V. L. Kulagin, V. A. Morozov |
14 | Calculation of the limit-equilibrium of retained viscoplastic oil extracted from a nonuniform stratified layer by water | Pages 76-82 | V. M. Entov, T. A. Malakhova, V. N. Pankov, S. V. Pan'ko |
15 | On the theory of contact problems taking account of friction on the contact surface | Pages 83-88 | A. S. Kravchuk |
16 | On expansion of the possibilities of the integral transformation method in solving problems of mechanics | Pages 89-97 | G. Ia. Popov |
17 | Torsion of a spherical layer by a spherical annular stamp | Pages 98-103 | V. M. Aleksandrov, V. A. Karpenko |
18 | Bending of wedgelike plates with elastically-fastened or reinforced edges | Pages 104-110 | V. V. Reut, L. Ia. Tikhonenko |
19 | On equilibrium of a free nonlinear plate | Pages 111-114 | L. P. Lebedev |
20 | Two-dimensional dynamic processes in anisotropic media | Pages 115-118 | O. V. Golubeva |
21 | On stability of systems of gyroscopic stabilization in the presence of perturbations | Pages 119-122 | L. K Kuz'mina |
22 | On stability of certain nonstationary systems | Pages 123-124 | I. P. Koval'skii, G. I. Kudin |
23 | Relations between forces acting on bodies of different shapes moving in a gas | Pages 125-127 | A. V. Dubinskii |
24 | Plane problem of convective heat transfer in a nonlinear medium | Pages 128-131 | L. K. Martinson |
25 | On the convex functionals analogous to the generalized trefftz functionals in variational problems of the theory of elasticity | Pages 132-133 | V. Ia. Tereshchenko |
26 | Onthe existence of periodic solutions in the nonlinear theory of oscillations of nonshallow reissner shells of revolution, accounting fordecay | Pages 134-137 | S. A. Solop |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 138 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 139 | |
Volume 44, Issue 2, Pages 141-274 (1980)
1 | Nineteenthannual meeting of the society of engineering science : October 27-29, 1982 university of Missouri-Rolla Rolla, Missouri, U.S.A. | Page i | |
2 | Ondescription of dynamic properties of the gravitational field in vacuum :Report presented at the conference dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the birth of A. Einstein, Berlin, GDR, March 2, 1979 | Pages 141-146 | L. I. Sedov |
3 | On stability of motion relative to a part of the variables for linear systems with constant or almost-constant matrices | Pages 147-150 | Iu. A. Krivosheev, A. V. Lutsenko |
4 | On first approximation stability relative to a part of variables | Pages 151-157 | Wu Tuan |
5 | On instability of equilibrium when the force function is not a maximum | Pages 158-162 | E. A. Liubushin |
6 | Equilibrium stability conditions under 1:3 resonance | Pages 163-169 | L. G. Khazin, E. E. Shnol' |
7 | Periodic oscillations of a composite pendulum | Pages 170-173 | V. V. Kozlov |
8 | On the stability of uniform rotations of a rigid body around the principal axis | Pages 174-179 | A. N. Chudnenko |
9 | Upper estimate for the value of a linear differential game | Pages 180-182 | E. G. Polishchuk |
10 | Shock wave diffraction on a thin wedge moving with a slip relative to the wave front with irregular shock interaction | Pages 183-190 | L. E. Pekurovskii |
11 | On the free expansion of two-dimensional streams of perfect gas | Pages 191-197 | A. N. Kraiko, V. V. Shelomovskii |
12 | Asymptotic theory of chemically unstable layer close to a perfectly catalytic wall | Pages 198-203 | M. S. Benilov, G. A. Tirskii |
13 | Diffusion and multivelocity models of two-phase media in an electric field | Pages 204-210 | V. V. Gogosov, V. A. Naletova, G. A. Shaposhnikova |
14 | Diffraction of a plane hydroacoustic wave on the open end of a plane, semi-infinite waveguide with thin elastic walls | Pages 211-216 | L. A. Levitskii |
15 | Propagation of ultrasonic waves in polycrystals of cubic symmetry with allowance for multiple scattering | Pages 217-223 | O. A. Grigor'ev, T. D. Shermergor |
16 | On the generation of waves in a prestressed layer | Pages 224-228 | V. V. Kalinchuk, I. B. Poliakova |
17 | Precritical equilibrium of a thin shallow shell of revolution and its stability | Pages 229-235 | L. S. Srubshchik |
18 | The temperature field and the thermoelastic state in a plate containing a thin-walled elastic inclusion | Pages 236-240 | D. V. Grilitskii, M. S. Dragan, V. K. Opanasovich |
19 | The external neumann problem for a semi-infinite cylinder | Pages 241-245 | S. Iu. Beliaev, Iu. N. Kuz'min |
20 | Transformation of the Gil'den-Meshcherskii problem to its stationary form and the laws of mass change | Pages 246-249 | L. M. Berkovich |
21 | On periodic almost doubly asymptotic solutions of the bounded circular three-body problem | Pages 250-251 | S. L. Ziglin |
22 | On the solution of diffraction problems for perfectly rigid and perfectly soft wedge-shaped screens | Pages 252-254 | V. B. Poruchikov |
23 | Contact problem in the presence of wear for a piston ring inserted into a cylinder | Pages 255-257 | I. G. Goriacheva |
24 | Construction of Green's function for an anisotropic hereditary-elastic medium | Pages 258-259 | A. E. Osokin, Iu. V. Suvorova |
25 | Illegitimate tendencies in the use of the concept of self-similar phenomena | Pages 260-266 | V. V. Markov |
26 | Self-similarity: Dimensional analysis, and intermediate asymptotics | Pages 267-272 | G. I. Barenblatt |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 273 | |
28 | Transliteration table | Page 274 | |
Volume 44, Issue 3, Pages 275-419 (1980)
1 | Steady-state and periodic motions in the attraction field of a rotating triaxial ellipsoid | Pages 275-279 | S. G. Zhuravlev |
2 | Motion of a visco-elastic sphere in a central newtonian force field | Pages 280-284 | V. G. Vil'ke |
3 | On periodic motions of a gyrostat in a newtonian force field | Pages 285-287 | M. P. Tsopa |
4 | On stability under constantly acting perturbations | Pages 288-294 | V. I. Vozlinskii |
5 | On the problem of steady motions stability of nonholonomic systems | Pages 295-300 | A. V. Karapetian |
6 | On the motion of dynamically controlled systems with variable masses | Pages 301-305 | N. G. Apykhtin, V. F. Iakovlev |
7 | On a means of optimal control by the extremal aiming method | Pages 306-310 | V. M. Kein, A. N. Parikov, M. Iu. Smurov |
8 | On stability conditions for the nonisothermic couette flow | Pages 311-315 | V. V. Kolesov |
9 | On a corollary of the noether theorem for the two-dimensional problem of the Mayer type | Pages 316-320 | K. G. Garaev |
10 | On the asymptotic theory of sonic flow over bodies of revolution | Pages 321-328 | A. L. Brezhnev, I. A. Chernov |
11 | Propagation of electromagnetic waves for arbitrary dependence of magnetic permeability on magnetic induction | Pages 329-331 | G. L. Sedova |
12 | Effect of longitudinal dispersion on the dynamic characteristics of a continuous-flow chemical reactor | Pages 332-335 | Iu. P. Gupalo, V. A. Novikov, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
13 | The method of virtual absorption in plane dynamic problems | Pages 336-341 | V. A. Babeshko, O. D. Priakhina |
14 | On the flexure of a strip with a transverse series of circular holes or absolutely rigid inclusions | Pages 342-349 | M. L. Buryshkin |
15 | On uniqueness conditions in the small for the state of hydrostatic compression of a solid | Pages 350-356 | L. M. Zubov |
16 | Asymptotic analysis of wave problems for a cylindrical shell | Pages 357-362 | A. M. Protsenko |
17 | Free thermoelastic shells | Pages 363-366 | N. N. Rogacheva |
18 | On shock wave propagation in stressed isotropic nonlinearly elastic media | Pages 367-374 | A. G. Kulikovskii, E. I. Shaposhnikova |
19 | The contact problem for a heavy half-plane | Pages 375-378 | V. M. Aleksandrov, L. M. Filippova |
20 | On integral inequalities of the theory of elastico- plastic body | Pages 379-385 | I. A. Berezhnoi, D. D. Ivlev |
21 | On determining the relation between the mean stress and deformation tensors in structurally inhomogeneous elastic media | Pages 386-390 | A. V. Chigarev |
22 | On the simulation of a seismic center | Pages 391-395 | A. S. Bykovtsev, G. P. Chernov |
23 | The two-point boundary value problen in geometrical mechanics with discontinuous forces | Pages 396-399 | B. D. Gel'man, Iu. E. Gliklikh |
24 | Resonantmotions of a spacecraft relative to the center of mass situated at the triangular libration point of the system earth-moon | Pages 400-402 | Iu. V. Barkin, Iu. G. Markov |
25 | Self-similar solution of the problem of gas flow through a porous medium under the conditions of turbulent filtration | Pages 403-406 | A. G. Bondarenko, V. M. Kolobashkin, N. A. Kudriashov |
26 | On the convergence of the method of variable elasticity parameters | Pages 407-410 | S. E. Umanskii |
27 | Method of solution Fredholm's integral equation of the first kind | Pages 411-414 | S. N. Vorob'ev |
28 | On G. I. Barenblatt's response about the paper -illegitimate tendencies in the use of the concept of self-similar phenomena- | Pages 415-417 | V. V. Markov |
29 | Contents of next issue | Page 418 | |
30 | Transliteration table | Page 419 | |
Volume 44, Issue 4, Pages 421-546 (1980)
1 | On a guidance game problem with incomplete information | Pages 421-424 | V. D. Batukhtin |
2 | On minimax position control | Pages 425-430 | A. N. Krasovskii |
3 | On position control in distributed-parameter systems | Pages 431-435 | A. I. Korotkii, Iu. S. Osipov |
4 | Onl?-escape in a linear many-person differential game with integral constraints | Pages 436-440 | P. B. Gusiatnikov, E. Z. Mokhon'ko |
5 | On strategies in differential games | Pages 441-445 | G. V. Tomskii |
6 | Asymptotic solution of two-point boundary value problems | Pages 446-451 | L. D. Akulenko |
7 | Stability of periodic oscillations in systems with mild and strict nonlinearity | Pages 452-458 | A. A. Zevin |
8 | On stability of periodic motions in a particular critical case | Pages 459-465 | S. V. Medvedev |
9 | On the possibility of resonance stabilization of a system of oscillators | Pages 466-470 | L. G. Khazin, G. G. Khazina |
10 | On the investigation of three-dimensional flows of perfect gas in -narrow- ducts | Pages 471-477 | A. N. Kraiko, V. A. Shironosov |
11 | The flow of electrogasdynamic stream over a conducting sphere | Pages 478-483 | O. K. Varentsov |
12 | Charging of weakly conducting particles of a suspension on collision with bounding surfaces | Pages 484-490 | L. T. Chernyi |
13 | Stationary distributions of particles by size in finite coagulating systems with disintegration | Pages 491-494 | E. R. Domilovskii, A. A. Lushnikov, V. N. Piskunov |
14 | The unsteady modes of radical polymerization | Pages 495-500 | P. L. Gusika, V. G. Zhizhin |
15 | Existence and uniqueness theorem for solutions of dynamic problems of the nonlinear theory of elasticity | Pages 501-507 | V. G. Vil'ke |
16 | Thin curvilinear beams of minimum weight | Pages 508-512 | L. V. Petukhov |
17 | Construction of refined applied theories for a shell of arbitrary shape | Pages 513-519 | N. A. Bazarenko |
18 | High-frequency long-wave shell vibration | Pages 520-525 | V. L. Berdichevskii, Le Khan' Chau |
19 | Shear waves in hardening rigidly plastic bodies | Pages 526-530 | B. A. Druianov |
20 | On contact of the crack edges | Pages 531-536 | V. B. Pen'kov, L. A. Tolokonnikov |
21 | On an exact solution of the equations of relativistic gas dynamics | Pages 537-538 | V. B. Borzov, Ts. I. Gutsunaev |
22 | Stress fields of dislocation configurations in an isotropic plate | Pages 539-543 | G. V. Bushueva, A. A. Predvoditelev, R. D. Frolova, S. M. Khzardzhian |
23 | Contents of next issue | Page 544 | |
24 | Transliteration table | Page 545 | |
25 | Corrigendum | Page 546 | |
Volume 44, Issue 5, Pages 547-685 (1980)
1 | A simple quasi-linear pursuit problem | Pages 547-554 | P. B. Gusiatnikov, E. S. Polovinkin |
2 | Game problem of the design of a multi-impulse motion correction | Pages 555-560 | A. A. Melikian |
3 | Equations for moments and stability conditions of linear systems with scalar parametric perturbation by markov chain | Pages 561-567 | E. N. Berezina, M. V. Levit |
4 | On the qualitative investigation of motions using asymptotic methods of nonlinear mechanics | Pages 568-573 | K. Sh. Khodzhaev, S. D. Shatalov |
5 | On the stability of a nonautonomous hamiltonian system under second-order resonance | Pages 574-581 | A. P. Ivanov, A. G. Sokol'skii |
6 | On stability of a plane-parallel convective flow of a binary mixture | Pages 582-586 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii, L. E. Sorokin |
7 | On certain singularities in solutions of equations of boundary layer on a moving surface | Pages 587-591 | Vik. V. Sychev |
8 | Asymptotic theory of the unbalanced ionization layer near a catalytic wall in plasma of molecular gases | Pages 592-596 | M. S. Benilov, G. A. Tirskii |
9 | On the analysis of retained residual viscoplastic petroleum | Pages 597-603 | V. M. Entov, V. N. Pankov, S. V. Pan'ko |
10 | Vibration of a circular crack under three-dimensional loading | Pages 604-610 | V. A. Babeshko, G. V. Tkachev |
11 | Solution of fundamental problems of the theory of elasticity for incompressible media | Pages 611-616 | M. I. Lazarev |
12 | Elastic equilibrium of a composite plane containing an arbitrarily oriented thin elastic inclusion | Pages 617-621 | A. A. Evtushenko |
13 | Asymptotic theory of elastic plate buckling under lateral compression | Pages 622-628 | A. N. Rudev |
14 | Influence of initial imperfections on the buckling of elastic shells under multiple critical loads | Pages 629-637 | L. S. Srubshchik |
15 | On the problem of reinforcement of the hole outline in a plate by a momentless elastic rod | Pages 638-645 | L. M. Kurshin, G. I. Rastorguev |
16 | Magnetothermoelastic field in a body with a semi-infinite cut | Pages 646-650 | B. A. Kudriavtsev, V. Z. Parton, B. D. Rubinskii |
17 | Certain dynamic and static contact problems of the theory of elasticity for a circular cylinder of finite size | Pages 651-658 | M. I. Chebakov |
18 | On the construction of stable bridges | Pages 659-662 | V. I. Ukhobotov |
19 | On the bifurcation of separatrices in the problem of stability loss of auto-oscillations near 1:4 resonance | Pages 663-667 | F. S. Berezovskaia, A. I. Khibnik |
20 | Group analysis of the generalized korteweg-devries-burgers equations | Pages 668-671 | N. S. Zakharov, V. P. Korobeinikov |
21 | Note on the formulation of the problem of flow through a bounded region using equations of perfect fluid | Pages 672-674 | A. V. Kazhikhov |
22 | An example of transonic flow past a body with discontinuity in the body profile curvature | Pages 675-676 | V. A. Ivanov, I. A. Chernov |
23 | The singular problem of the theory of elasticity for a semi-infinite rectangular cutout | Pages 677-680 | V. D. Kuliev |
24 | On improving the convergence of the homogeneous solution method | Pages 681-683 | G. S. Bulanov, V. A. Shaldyrvan |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 684 | |
26 | Transliteration table | Page 685 | |
Volume 44, Issue 6, Pages 687-824 (1980)
Volume 45, Issue 1, Pages 1-144 (1981)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | On observation problems in discrete systems | Pages 1-6 | B. N. Pshenichnyi, V. G. Pokotilo |
3 | Ellipsoidal estimates of a controlled system's attainability domain | Pages 7-12 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
4 | Alternative conditions for the solvability of an encounter-evasion differential game | Pages 13-17 | S. A. Vakhrameev |
5 | On libration points near a gravitating and rotating triaxial ellipsoid | Pages 18-23 | I. I. Kosenko |
6 | On a method for the uniformization of solutions in central motion problems | Pages 24-29 | I. M. Belen'kii |
7 | On realizing nonholonomic constraints by viscous friction forces and celtic stones stability | Pages 30-36 | A. V. Karapetian |
8 | Forced subharmonic oscillations of the simple pendulum | Pages 37-44 | V. A. Zlatoustov, V. V. Sazonov, V. A. Sarychev |
9 | Optimal parametric stabilization of an inverted pendulum | Pages 45-50 | G. H. Rozenblat |
10 | Projection method of solving a problem of forced unsteady oscillations in nonlinear systems with slowly varying parameters | Pages 51-57 | M. R. Merkin, V. M. Fridman |
11 | On the accuracy of conservation of the adiabatic invariant | Pages 58-63 | A. I. Neishtadt |
12 | A family of axisymmetric vortex flows with a surface discontinuity of the bernoulli constant | Pages 64-68 | L. A. Kozhuro |
13 | High-frequency asymptotics of solution of the nonlinear problem near a caustic | Pages 69-76 | S. M. Manukian |
14 | On the concentration field of an orderly system of reacting plates distributed along a stream | Pages 77-84 | A. D. Polianin, Iu. A. Sergeev |
15 | On the kinetic theory of thermal hydrodynamic fluctuations in inhomogeneous gas | Pages 85-93 | O. A. Grechannyi, V. V. Tokarchuk |
16 | Analysis of steady solutions of invariant quasi-linear third order equations | Pages 94-100 | M. Ia. Ivanov, F. A. Slobodkina |
17 | Expansion in problems of control of systems with equations of the parabolic type | Pages 101-106 | V. I. Tsurkov |
18 | Acoustic wave diffraction by an ideal screen in a plane waveguide with thin elastic walls | Pages 107-113 | L. A. Levitskii, V. D. Luk'ianov |
19 | Some representations of the solutions of boundary value problems of two-dimensional static thermoelasticity | Pages 114-121 | V. A. Shachnev |
20 | Rigid ellipsoidal disc and needle in an anisotropic elastic medium | Pages 122-126 | G. N. Mirenkova, E. G. Sosnina |
21 | On discrete interaction of a plate and a damaged stringer | Pages 127-133 | L. S. Rybakov |
22 | Asymptotic formula for the natural frequencies of noncircular cylindrical fluid-filled shells | Pages 134-138 | E. A. Dain |
23 | On the best position of elastic symmetry planes in an orthotropic body | Pages 139-142 | G. A. Seregin, V. A. Troitskii |
24 | Contents of next issue | Page 143 | |
25 | Transliteration table | Page 144 | |
Volume 45, Issue 2, Pages 145-298 (1981)
1 | Quasi-static problem of mechanics in stresses of a deformable solid | Pages 145-152 | B. E. Pobedria |
2 | Optimal control of a system with intermediate conditions | Pages 153-158 | L. T. Ashchepkov |
3 | On positional control under aftereffect in the controlling forces | Pages 159-163 | Iu. S. Osipov, V. G. Pimenov |
4 | On fixed-duration dynamic games | Pages 164-168 | G. V. Tomskii |
5 | On the construction of a stable bridge in a retention game | Pages 169-172 | V. I. Ukhobotov |
6 | Certain identification problems for linear discrete systems with quadratic constraints | Pages 173-178 | A. I. Isakov |
7 | Asymptotic behavior of the Bellman function in a stochastic optimal control problem | Pages 179-183 | A. I. Ovseevich |
8 | Variational principles for perfect gas flows with strong discontinuities expressed in Euler variables | Pages 184-191 | A. N. Kraiko |
9 | Construction of the fundamental solution for the operator of internal waves | Pages 192-198 | S. Ia. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich |
10 | Wind-induced perturbations of the surface of a viscous fluid | Pages 199-207 | M. V. Zavolzhenskii |
11 | On convective motions of viscoplastic fluid in a porous medium | Pages 208-212 | T. P. Liubimova, D. V. Liubimov |
12 | Continuous-flow system with fractional order chemical reaction in the presence of axial dispersion | Pages 213-216 | Iu. P. Gupalo, V. A. Novikov, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
13 | On stability of the plane flame front | Pages 217-222 | S. P. Chikova |
14 | Antiplane problem for a system of linear inclusions in an isotropic medium | Pages 223-230 | G. T. Sulim |
15 | On the propagation of elastic vibrations from a point source within an anisotropic half-space | Pages 231-237 | I. O. Osipov |
16 | Asymptotic methods of solving two-dimensional dynamic problems of a viscoelastic layer with mixed boundary conditions | Pages 238-243 | V. M. Aleksandrov, V. B. Zelentsov |
17 | The dynamic problem of interaction between an elastic punch and a fluid through a thin cover | Pages 244-251 | E. V. Kovalenko |
18 | A three-dimensional self-similar problem of supersonic wedging of an elastic body | Pages 252-257 | A. A. Borzykh |
19 | State of stress in a plane circular ring weakened by a system of curvilinear cuts | Pages 258-261 | E. M. Borshchuk, V. V. Panasiuk, M. P. Savruk |
20 | On the problem of a three-dimensional crack in an an isotropic elastic medium | Pages 262-269 | S. K. Kanaun |
21 | On control of the process of material machining leading to reduction in the residual stresses | Pages 270-273 | Iu. I. Niashin |
22 | On the theory of stability of cylindrical thin-walled shells under the action of external pressure | Pages 274-278 | A. N. Guz' |
23 | A formula for the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues problem concerning a shell oscillation in a compressible fluid | Pages 279-281 | I. V. Simonov |
24 | On the excitation of a prestressed cylinder | Pages 282-285 | V. V. Kalinchuk, I. B. Poliakova |
25 | Impact of a cone on a deformable string | Pages 286-290 | D. G. Agalarov, B. R. Nuriev, Kh. A. Rakhmatulin |
26 | On Danilovskaia problem for the case of a boundary of an elastic half-space moving with constant velocity | Pages 291-292 | B. V. Semkin, A. V. Iushin |
27 | Homogeneous problem for a wedge with a symmetric crack at the apex | Pages 293-296 | L. A. Kipnis |
28 | Contents of next issue | Page 297 | |
29 | Transliteration table | Page 298 | |
Volume 45, Issue 3, Pages 299-424 (1981)
Volume 45, Issue 4, Pages 425-574 (1981)
1 | Stochastic programmed design for a deterministic positional differential game | Pages 425-430 | A. N. Krasovskii, N. N. Krasovskii, V. E. Tret'iakov |
2 | Degenerate periodic motions in the case of the generating set of quasi-periodic solutions | Pages 431-436 | P. S. Gol'dman, R. F. Nagaev |
3 | On the stability of the equilibrium position in critical and near-critical cases | Pages 437-444 | L. G. Khazin, E. E. Shnol' |
4 | Domain of feasible motions in certain mechanical systems | Pages 445-448 | T. I. Pogosian, M. P. Kharlamov |
5 | On equilibrium patterns of fluid bodies situated at libration points | Pages 449-453 | Iu. V. Barkin |
6 | Qualitative investigations of plane and similar motions of a solid about a fixed point | Pages 454-458 | H. M. Yahya |
7 | The method of moving coordinates in problems of continuous medium mechanics | Pages 459-463 | A. E. Medvedev, V. M. Fomin |
8 | Stability of flow of a viscous incompressible fluid along an elastic wall | Pages 464-467 | M. P. Miasnikov |
9 | On the structure of the phase space and bifurcations in the discrete Lorenz model of convective turbulence | Pages 468-473 | Z. S. Batalova, I. A. Dubrovina, Iu. I. Neimark, E. E. Orlova |
10 | On the linear problem of a supersonic flow of a viscous gas past a vibrator | Pages 474-477 | E. V. Bogdanova |
11 | Transonic rarefaction flow in the neighborhood of a convex corner | Pages 478-485 | V. N. Diesperov |
12 | On the formation of shock waves in laval nozzles | Pages 486-493 | A. L. Brezhnev, I. A. Chernov |
13 | Shock wave diffraction at normal incidence on the free surface of liquid containing a wedge with its tip at the interface | Pages 494-499 | K. A. Bezhanov |
14 | Igniting a plane wedge by a glowing surface | Pages 500-504 | V. S. Berman, V. M. Shevtsova |
15 | Hydrodynamics of the process of foam formation from a viscous fluid with bubbles | Pages 505-511 | O. V. Voinov |
16 | Resonance properties of vapor bubbles | Pages 512-517 | N. S. Khabeev |
17 | On the energy of an elastic rod | Pages 518-529 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
18 | Analytic solution in complex form for a class of elastic moduli for a two-dimensional inhomogeneity of a body | Pages 530-534 | G. I. Nazarov, N. G. Puchkova |
19 | Method of fictitious absorption in plane contact problems of the theory of elasticity in the presence of adhesion | Pages 535-541 | V. A. Babeshko, O. D. Priakhina |
20 | Stamp motion on the surface of a thin covering on a hydraulic foundation | Pages 542-549 | V. M. Aleksandrov, E. V. Kovalenk |
21 | Two classes of motion of the Kovalevskaia top | Pages 550-554 | A. I. Dokshevich |
22 | Periodic solutions of the problem of motion of a heavy rigid body about a fixed point in the Kovalevskaia case | Pages 555-556 | F. M. El'-Sabaa |
23 | On the stability in the large of nonlinear systems in the critical case of two zero roots | Pages 557-560 | G. A. Leonov |
24 | Self-oscillations of a wheel on self-orientating strut of an undercarriage with nonlinear damper | Pages 561-563 | L. G. Lobas |
25 | Calculation of close interaction between drops, with internal circulation and slip effect taken into account | Pages 564-567 | A. Z. Zinchenko |
26 | Diffusion to a particle in a shear gas flow in the case of arbitrary kinetics of the surface reaction | Pages 568-570 | A. D. Polianin |
27 | Cylindrical shell subjected to lateral dynamic pressure | Pages 571-572 | F. A. Sokolov |
28 | Contents of next issue | Page 573 | |
29 | Transliteration table | Page 574 | |
Volume 45, Issue 5, Pages 575-726 (1981)
Volume 45, Issue 6, Pages 727-870 (1981)
1 | Obituary | Page i | |
2 | Author / title alphabetical index | Pages I-VI | |
3 | Theforms of energy and their transformations : Plenary report of the 5-th All-Union Congress on theoretical and applied mechanics. Alma-Ata, May 27, 1981 | Pages 727-741 | L. I. Sedov |
4 | Passing from mechanics of the special theory of relativity to newtonian mechanics, and the relativistic effects | Pages 742-748 | L. T. Chernyi |
5 | Construction of a game's value in certain fixed-time differential games | Pages 749-754 | V. I. Ukhobotov |
6 | Mixed strategies and their application in the encounter-evasion differential games | Pages 755-760 | S. A. Vakhrameev |
7 | Extremal properties of stable resonance motions | Pages 761-765 | G. V. Kasatkin |
8 | Estimates in the kolmogorov theorem on conservation of conditionally periodic motions | Pages 766-772 | A. I. Neishtadt |
9 | Determination of the normal forms of the hamiltonian matrices | Pages 773-777 | T. N. Titova |
10 | Formation of a jet in case of non-stationary flow of a perfect fluid from a slit | Pages 778-784 | S. K. Betiaev |
11 | Propagation of kelvin waves from a channel into a semibounded tank | Pages 785-790 | V. I. Plis |
12 | The linear problem of a vibrator in a subsonic boundary layer | Pages 791-795 | E. D. Terent'ev |
13 | Expansion into vacuum of a gaseous ellipsoid with repulsion between the particles | Pages 796-800 | Iu. I. Lysikov |
14 | Nonisothermic flow of gas mixture in a channel at intermediate Knudsen numbers | Pages 801-808 | V. M. Zhdanov, V. A. Zaznoba |
15 | On friction resistance to motion of an aerostatic carrier with elastic diaphragm | Pages 809-813 | V. G. Dvorianinov, E. I. Sveshnikova, N. R. Sibgatullin |
16 | Evolution of the long wave finite perturbations during nonsteady combustion of powder | Pages 814-820 | V. S. Berman |
17 | Deformation of a composite elastic plane weakened by a periodic system of the arbitrarily loaded slits | Pages 821-826 | E. L. Nakhmein, B. M. Nuller, M. B. Ryvkin |
18 | Reduction of an elastic system to a prescribed state by use of a boundary force | Pages 827-833 | L. D. Akulenko |
19 | Problemof optimal control by the natural frequency of oscillations of an orthotropic shell of revolution and its finite-dimensional approximation | Pages 834-838 | N. G. Medvedev |
20 | On the stability of inhomogeneously viscoelastic reinforced bars | Pages 839-847 | N. Kh. Arutiunian, V. B. Kolmanovskii |
21 | On fracture of viscoelastic bodies | Pages 848-853 | V. N. Nikolaevskii |
22 | Electroelasticwaves in polarizing media : Report to the fifth all-union congress on theoretical and applied mechanics. Alma-Ata, 27 May 1981 | Pages 854-860 | V. A. Zhelnorovich |
23 | Carnot-ostrogradskii theorems for the systems with nonstationary constraints | Pages 861-864 | V. A. Sinitsyn |
24 | Filtration of fluid in curvilinear layers of variable thickness | Pages 865-868 | I. A. Amiraslanov, G. P. Cherepanov |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 869 | |
26 | Transliteration table | Page 870 | |
Volume 46, Issue 1, Pages 1-138 (1982)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | On integral principles for nonholonomic systems, | Pages 1-8 | V. V. Rumiantsev |
3 | On the integrability of the hamilton-jacobi equation in generalized coordinates, | Pages 9-15 | A. S. Sumbatov |
4 | On asymptotic stopping in the presence of viscous friction | Pages 16-21 | I. Tereki, L. Khatvani |
5 | On the periodic resonant solutions of the Hamiltonian systems generating from the position of equilibrium | Pages 22-27 | A. P. Markeev, T. N. Chekhovskaia |
6 | Flow of gas in the neighborhood of an axisymmetric vertex | Pages 28-33 | Iu. B. Radvogin |
7 | Flow past a convex corner with a free streamline under large subsonic velocities | Pages 34-40 | V. N. Diesperov |
8 | Collapse of a one-dimensional cavity | Pages 41-48 | S. P. Bautin |
9 | Free convection from a point heat source in a stably stratified medium | Pages 49-53 | A. S. Kabanov, S. N. Netreba |
10 | On stability of convective flow of a binary mixture with thermal diffusion | Pages 54-57 | G. Z. Gershuni, E. M. Zhukhovitskii, L. E. Sorokin |
11 | Calculation of the effectiveness of gravitational coagulation of drops with allowance for internal circulation | Pages 58-65 | A. Z. Zinchenko |
12 | Onthe hyperbolicity, stability and correctness of the cauchy problem for the system of equations of two-speed motion of two-phase media | Pages 66-74 | L. A. Klebanov, A. E. Kroshilin, B. I. Nigmatulin, R. I. Nigmatulin |
13 | The two-fluid model of flow of gas with particles dispersed in it | Pages 75-82 | A. N. Kraiko |
14 | Electrohydrodynamics of two-phase media with particles of the dispersed phase charged by an electric field | Pages 83-89 | N. L. Vasil'eva, L. T. Chernyi |
15 | On an approach to the investigation of the signorini problem using the idea of duality | Pages 90-96 | V. Ia. Tereshchenko |
16 | On the state of stress of an orthotropic elastic plane region in the neighborhood of a corner point | Pages 97-104 | V. A. Shachnev |
17 | On the motion of a rigid stamp along the boundary of an orthotropic viscoelastic half-plane | Pages 105-109 | A. A. Shmatkova |
18 | Contact problem of elasticity theory for a wedge | Pages 110-115 | L. A. Kipnis, G. P. Cherepanov |
19 | Asymptotic solutions of contact problems of elasticity theory for media inhomogeneous in depth | Pages 116-124 | S. M. Aizikovich |
20 | Example of solving transonic equations for a shock-free flow past a symmetric profile | Pages 125-128 | V. A. Ivanov, I. A. Chernov |
21 | Stability of thermocapillary convection in a fluid filling a half-space | Pages 129-131 | Iu. K. Bratukhin, L. N. Maurin |
22 | On integrability of the Gil'den-Meshcherskii problem | Pages 132-133 | L. M. Berkovich |
23 | On stability of the equilibrium position of vibrational systems with variable coefficients | Pages 134-135 | A. O. Ignat'ev |
24 | Contents of next issue | Page 137 | |
25 | Transliteration table | Page 138 | |
Volume 46, Issue 2, Pages 139-276 (1982)
1 | Problemsof mechanics in the light of resolutions of the 26-th congress of the communist party of the Soviet Union : Plenary address to the 5-th All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Alma-Ata, 27 May 1981 | Pages 139-149 | A. Iu. Ishlinskii |
2 | Properties of a differential game's potential | Pages 150-155 | A. I. Subbotin, N. N. Subbotina |
3 | On a linear object observation problem | Pages 156-160 | B. N. Pshenichnyi, V. G. Pokotilo |
4 | Method of moments in problems of dynamics of systems with randomly varying parameters | Pages 161-166 | M. F. Dimentberg |
5 | On regular reflection of a shock wave from a rigid wall | Pages 167-174 | V. M. Teshukov |
6 | The inversion of a spherical compression wave in fluid | Pages 175-179 | V. N. Likhachev |
7 | Wave adiabat1c curves for media with arbitrary state equation | Pages 180-184 | A. D. Sidorenko |
8 | Slow motion of a sphere through an anisotropic, viscoelastic fluid | Pages 185-189 | V. S. Volkov |
9 | Influence of the transport processes on the dynamic characteristics of a continuous-flow chemical reactor | Pages 190-196 | Iu. P. Gupalo, V. A. Novikov, Iu. S. Riazantsev |
10 | Plane dynamic problems for elastic incompressible bodies with initial stresses | Pages 197-204 | S. Iu. Babich, A. N. Guz' |
11 | Sources of stress in two half-spaces | Pages 205-209 | V. P. Kochurov |
12 | Optimality conditions in axisymmetric problems of elasticity theory | Pages 210-213 | S. B. Vigdergauz |
13 | Solution of contact problems with known green's function | Pages 214-218 | A. S. Kravchuk |
14 | Stability of a nonlinearly elastic cylinder under side pressure and axial compression | Pages 219-224 | G. I. Volokitin |
15 | Oscillations of an elastic inhomogeneous strip caused by moving loads | Pages 225-230 | A. V. Belokon' |
16 | Oscillations of plates under the action of concentrated loads in an acoustic medium | Pages 231-236 | V. A. Golovanov, A. L. Popov, G. N. Chernyshev |
17 | Small oscillations of an orthotropic cylindrical shell containing a liquid covered by rigid endplates | Pages 237-243 | R. A. Marchuk, R. N. Shvets |
18 | Dispersion of nonlinear waves in a rod | Pages 244-249 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
19 | Dispersion of nonlinear spatial waves in a rod | Pages 250-255 | A. Iu. Beliaev |
20 | Problemsof controlling by the right-hand sides of elliptical systems and their application to control of the stress-strain state in shells | Pages 256-260 | V. G. Litvinov, Iu. I. Rubezhanskii |
21 | On the theory of coupled loss of stability in stiffened thin-walled structures | Pages 261-267 | A. I. Manevich |
22 | Optimal control of periodic motions of linear systems with impulsive action | Pages 268-270 | V. V. Anisovich, B. I. Kriukov |
23 | Spherically-symmetric shock wave in a dilatant medium | Pages 271-274 | S. G. Artyshev, E. K. Bokovaia, V. A. Bokovoi |
24 | Contents of next issue volume 46, issue 3, 1982 | Page 275 | |
25 | Transliteration table trigonometry and hyperbolic functions | Page 276 | |
Volume 46, Issue 3, Pages 277-419 (1982)
1 | Asymptotic expansions of the Liapunov index for linear stochastic systems with small noise | Pages 277-283 | E. I. Auslender, G. N. Mil'shtein |
2 | On optimal stabilization of controlled systems | Pages 284-289 | A. P. Blinov |
3 | On the dimension of attractors for a class of dissipative systems | Pages 290-295 | Iu. S. Il'iashenko, A. N. Chetaev |
4 | On certain properties of solutions of singularly perturbed systems in a particular critical case | Pages 296-300 | L. K. Kuz'mina |
5 | Point resonance in a system of two oscillators | Pages 301-307 | Iu. P. Gubin, S. A. Lomov, V. F. Safonov |
6 | A new class of asymptotically uniform motions of a heavy solid body with a fixed point | Pages 308-310 | Iu. P. Varkhalev, G. V. Gorr |
7 | Integral constraints on the controls in an encounter game | Pages 311-320 | G. K. Pozharitskii |
8 | The branching of equilibrium states of an isolated rotating liquid mass | Pages 321-326 | L. A. Slobozhanin |
9 | On correctness of the cauchy problem for a two-fluid model of a gas flow containing particles | Pages 327-333 | A. N. Kraiko |
10 | The problem of a piston in stratified gas with weakly changing parameters | Pages 334-338 | I. S. Men'shov |
11 | Qualitative analysis of electro-hydrodynamic characteristics of weakly conducting fluids | Pages 339-346 | V. V. Gogosov, G. A. Shaposhnikova, Iu. D. Shikhmurzaev |
12 | Asymptotic behavior of the solution of elasticity theory problem for shell of positive curvature and small thickness | Pages 347-355 | N. A. Bazarenko |
13 | On variational inequality for an operator of dynamics of elastic rod | Pages 356-359 | A. M. Khludnev |
14 | On essentially nonlinear dynamics of arches and rings | Pages 360-364 | V. N. Pilipchuk |
15 | On the almost chebyshevian approximation to certain operators of the hereditary theory of elasticity | Pages 365-368 | E. S. Sinaiskii |
16 | Plane crack of an arbitrary discontinuity in a bounded elastic body | Pages 369-377 | R. V. Gol'dshtein, E. I. Shifrin |
17 | Interaction of stress waves with curvilinear tunnel cracks of longitudinal shear in a half-space | Pages 378-382 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
18 | On an analytic approach to three-dimensional contact problems of elasticity theory | Pages 383-387 | M. A. Sumbatian |
19 | Methodof numerical solution of the problem of impressing a moving stamp into an elastic half-plane, taking heat generation into account | Pages 388-394 | I. K. Lifanov, A. V. Saakian |
20 | On thermoelastic stresses in composite media | Pages 395-398 | V. M. Levin |
21 | On appel's equations in nonlinear quasi-accelerations and quasi-velocities | Pages 399-400 | Iu. G. Ispolov |
22 | Analytic symmetries and the properties of phase trajectories | Pages 401-402 | L. M. Markhashov |
23 | On the motion of the kovalevskaia gyroscope in a particular degeneration case | Pages 403-404 | M. Iu. Arkhangel'skaia |
24 | On the stability of motion of a gyroscope in gimbals and the evaluation of deflections | Pages 405-407 | I. V. Shmeleva |
25 | On computing a flow of a binary gas mixture | Pages 408-410 | M. N. Safarian, A. A. Chernov |
26 | Exact solution of a nonlinear boundary value problem of the theory of chemical reactors | Pages 411-414 | V. S. Berman, V. V. Vostokov |
27 | Equilibrium state of a cut along a circumferential arc in complex stress state | Pages 415-418 | Iu. V. Zhitnikov, B. M. Tulinov |
28 | Contents of next issue : Volume 46, issue 4, 1982 | Page 419 | |
Volume 46, Issue 4, Pages 421-564 (1982)
1 | On models of biological continuous media, | Pages 421-429 | S. A. Regirer |
2 | Stability of steady motions of a rigid body with an elastic shell partially filled with fluid, | Pages 430-437 | V. N. Rubanovskii |
3 | On the motion of a heavy homogeneous ellipsoid on a fixed horizontal plane | Pages 438-449 | A. P. Markeev |
4 | On the regular precession of a body of revolution on a horizontal plane with friction | Pages 450-453 | A. V. Karapetian |
5 | Asymptotic solutions of equations of classical mechanics | Pages 454-457 | V. V. Kozlov |
6 | On the stability of steady rotation of a cylinder partly filled with a viscous incompressible fluid | Pages 458-464 | N. V. Derendiaev, V. M. Sandalov |
7 | On controlled rotation of an elastic rod | Pages 465-471 | L. D. Akulenko, N. N. Bolotnik |
8 | Second-order differential game of kind | Pages 472-477 | V. S. Patsko |
9 | Program design of a differential game with integral payoff | Pages 478-484 | A. N. Krasovskii, V. E. Tret'iakov |
10 | Optimal pursuit on a plane in the presence of an obstacle | Pages 485-490 | L. S. Vishnevetskii, A. A. Melikian |
11 | Orbital and pericentric reference systems in the schwarzschild field | Pages 491-496 | Iu. P. Vyblyi, N. N. Kostiukovich |
12 | The regular case of shock wave diffraction on a wedge partly submerged in fluid | Pages 497-502 | K. A. Bezhanov |
13 | Thermal waves in a supersonic boundary layer with self-induced pressure | Pages 503-508 | A. I. Derzhavina |
14 | Simple waves in nonlinearly elastic media | Pages 509-512 | E. I. Sveshnikova |
15 | Method of averaging in the problems of stability of elastic plates possessing fine periodic structure | Pages 513-519 | S. I. Boiarchenko, L. M. Zubov |
16 | The effective field method in linear problems of statics of composite media | Pages 520-528 | S. K. Kanaun |
17 | Effective rigidities of composite plates | Pages 529-535 | A. G. Kolpakov |
18 | Contact problem for a two-layer aging viscoelastic foundation | Pages 536-542 | E. V. Kovalenko, A. V. Manzhirov |
19 | Strength optimization of the shape of a viscoelastic inhomogeneously-aging reinforced rod | Pages 543-549 | L. V. Genkin, V. B. Kolmanovskii |
20 | Approximate computation of the least guaranteed estimate in linear differential games with a fixed duration | Pages 550-552 | M. S. Nikol'skii |
21 | On a problem of escape along a prescribed curve | Pages 553-555 | A. Azamov |
22 | Optimization of a quadratic performance index on solutions of nonlinear two-point boundary-value problems | Pages 556-558 | V. V. Anisovich |
23 | Two problems with mixed boundary conditions for an incompressible isotropic hyperelastic material | Pages 559-563 | V. M. Aleksandrov, S. R. Brudnyi |
24 | Contents of next issue | Page 564 | |
Volume 46, Issue 5, Pages 565-707 (1982)
Volume 46, Issue 6, Pages 709-850 (1982)
1 | Author / title alphabetical index | Pages I-VI | |
2 | On stochastic programmed design of strategies in a differential game | Pages 709-714 | N. N. Krasovskii |
3 | On a method of extremal control | Pages 715-720 | M. I. Loginov |
4 | On the asymptotic properties of a priori minimax estimates | Pages 721-725 | V. G. Pokotilo |
5 | Group pursuit under bounded evader coordinates | Pages 726-732 | A. A. Chikrii |
6 | On stability and stabilization of motion with respect to a part of the variables | Pages 733-740 | V. I. Vorotnikov |
7 | Stochastic auto-oscillations of a nonlinear oscillator with impact energy absorber | Pages 741-745 | T. Iu. Druzhilovskaia, Iu. I. Neimark |
8 | Certain cases of loss of control over the motion of symmetrical systems | Pages 746-752 | M. I. Feigin |
9 | Investigation of a solid body rotary motion as a whole | Pages 753-757 | V. I. Klokov, K. V. Kholshevnikov |
10 | Cauchy problem for equations of internal waves | Pages 758-764 | S. Ia. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich |
11 | Convergence of approximate solutions for waves in a stratified fluid with approximated density distribution | Pages 765-770 | V. F. Sannikov, L. V. Cherkesov |
12 | On the problem of dynamic contact angle | Pages 771-779 | V. V. Pukhnachev, V. A. Solonnikov |
13 | On behavior of two-dimensional non-plane parallel turbulent flows of inviscid gas | Pages 780-785 | A. N. Kraiko |
14 | On behavior of the small perturbations of one-dimensional steady transonic flows | Pages 786-793 | A. G. Kulikovskii, F. A. Slobodkina |
15 | Solution of the bending problem of a circular plate with a free edge by using paired equations | Pages 794-797 | A. A. Samodurov, A. S. Tikhomirov |
16 | Elastic state of a plate with a circular plug and a rectilinear thin elastic inclusion | Pages 798-804 | D. V. Grilitskii, V. K. Opanasovich, L. O. Tisovskii |
17 | Sound radiation by a plate reinforced by a set of projecting stiffener ribs subjected to a periodic system of forces | Pages 805-813 | B. P. Belinskii |
18 | Numerical solution of the plate bending and free vibrations problems | Pages 814-818 | S. D. Algazin, K. I. Babenko |
19 | Three-dimensional contact problem of the motion of a stamp with friction | Pages 819-824 | L. A. Galin, I. G. Goriacheva |
20 | On a method of obtaining spectral relationships for integral operators of mixed problems of mechanics of continuous media | Pages 825-832 | V. M. Aleksandrov, E. V. Kovalenko, S. M. Mkhitarian |
21 | Structure of tensor fields of the second rank generated by an incompatibility operator | Pages 833-838 | S. E. Bugaenko |
22 | The Liapunov function for the second order difference systems | Pages 839-841 | S. S. Shimanov |
23 | Evolution of a regular precession of a solid body carrying a visco-elastic disk | Pages 842-845 | V. G. Vil'ke |
24 | Deformation of a drop in a viscous stream and conditions of existence of its equilibrium form | Pages 846-849 | V. G. Butov, I. M. Vasenin, G. R. Shrager |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 850 | |
Volume 47, Issue 1, Pages 1-146 (1983)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | On a dynamic management decentralization problem | Pages 1-8 | A. N. Ermolov |
3 | On the liapunov exponents of a linear system with markov coefficients | Pages 9-13 | S. M. Khrisanov |
4 | Continuous normal form of a class of nonautonomous parametrically-perturbed systems and its application | Pages 14-21 | Ia. M. Gol'tser |
5 | Qualitative analysis of motion of a heavy solid body on a smooth horizontal plane | Pages 22-26 | A. P. Markeev, N. K. Moshchuk |
6 | A sphere rolling on a horizontal rotating plane | Pages 27-29 | N. A. Fufaev |
7 | Hamilton's principle and certain problems of dynamics of perfect fluid | Pages 30-36 | A. G. Petrov |
8 | Hydrodynamic interaction of two identical liquid spheres in linear flow field | Pages 37-43 | A. Z. Zinchenko |
9 | On free oscillations of a viscous incompressible fluid in semi-infinite channel | Pages 44-50 | E. V. Bogdanova, O. S. Ryzhov |
10 | On stationary conditions of work of chemical reactors with longitudinal and transverse mixing | Pages 51-58 | Iu. P. Gupalo, V. M. Ostrik |
11 | On generation of auto-oscillations during fibers formation | Pages 59-64 | A. L. Iarin |
12 | On the kolosov-muskhelishvili analog for the three-dimensional state of stress | Pages 65-69 | O. G. Goman |
13 | Energy distribution of a surface source in an inhomogeneous half-space | Pages 70-75 | E. V. Glushkov |
14 | An approach to the solution of geometrically nonlinear problems of applied shell theory | Pages 76-81 | V. G. Troshin |
15 | Mixed problems for a strip partially coupled to a rigid base | Pages 82-87 | S. I. Gritsenko, V. B. Zelentsov |
16 | On a method of studying steady-state oscillations of an elastic half-space containing a cavity | Pages 88-93 | V. A. Babeshko, M. G. Seleznev, T. N. Selezneva, V. P. Sokolov |
17 | Onsingularities of the stress function at the corner points of the transverse cross-section of a twisted bar with a thin reinforcing layer | Pages 94-103 | N. Kh. Arutiunian, S. A. Nazarov |
18 | On the theory of viscoelasticity of structurally inhomogeneous media, | Pages 104-109 | B. E. Pobedria |
19 | Problem on the contact of two elastic plates | Pages 110-115 | A. M. Khludnev |
20 | Certain plane contact problems of elasticity theory for strongly anisotropic media | Pages 116-120 | Iu. A. Bogan |
21 | Axisymmetric contact problem in the presence of a wedge | Pages 121-125 | V. A. Sveklo |
22 | Inverse problem of plane plasticity theory | Pages 126-129 | M. Ia. Leonov, E. B. Nisnevich |
23 | Periodic motions of a heavy, rigid, dynamically almost symmetric body with a fixed point | Pages 130-133 | V. S. Sergeev |
24 | An exceptional case of motion of the kovalevskaia gyroscope | Pages 134-135 | V. M. Starzhinskii |
25 | Effect of the small forced oscillations on the stability of the steady motion of fluid | Pages 136-138 | A. G. Bershadskii |
26 | Solution of a transcendental equation encountered in diffraction problems | Pages 139-141 | N. P. Aleshin, V. S. Kamenskii, L. Iu. Mogil'ner |
27 | On the theory of berger plates | Pages 142-144 | I. V. Andrianov |
28 | Corrigendum | Page 145 | |
29 | Contents of next issue | Page 146 | |
Volume 47, Issue 2, Pages 147-301 (1983)
1 | On the dynamic properties of gravitational fields | Pages 147-161 | L. I. Sedov |
2 | Asymptotics near the tip of a crack of the state of stress and strain of inhomogeneously aging bodies | Pages 162-170 | V. P. Zhuravlev, S. A. Nazarov, B. A. Shoikhet |
3 | Plastic flow of cone-shaped bodies | Pages 171-179 | M. A. Zadoian |
4 | On certain spectral relationships associated with the carleman integral equation and their applications to contact problems | Pages 180-187 | S. M. Mkhitarian |
5 | Statically admissible stress fields in incompressible media | Pages 188-196 | Ia. A. Kameniarzh |
6 | Problem of an equivalent rod in nonlinear theory of springs | Pages 197-205 | V. L. Berdichevskii, V. G. Sutyrin |
7 | State of stress of plate with a thin-walled inclusion along the arc of a circle | Pages 206-213 | I. I. Bernar, V. K. Opanasovich |
8 | On the application of the method of symbolic integration in the theory of piezoceramic shells | Pages 214-219 | V. Z. Parton, N. A. Senik |
9 | On boundary conditions in the theory of piezoceramic shells polarized along coordinate lines | Pages 220-226 | N. N. Rogacheva |
10 | On the regularity of one-dimensional elastic waves in an incompressible isotropic material | Pages 227-231 | L. G. Volkov |
11 | Variationalmethod of investigation of three-dimensional mixed problems of a plane cut in an elastic medium in the presence of slip and adhesion of its surfaces | Pages 232-239 | R. V. Gol'dshtein, A. A. Spector |
12 | On the effect of initial stresses on the opening of a circular crack | Pages 240-243 | L. M. Filippova |
13 | On motion stability relative to a part of the variables under persistent perturbations | Pages 244-252 | V. I. Vorotnikov |
14 | On the stabilization of steady-state motions of mechanical systems | Pages 253-259 | E. M. Krasinskaia |
15 | On the motion of an ellipsoid on a rough surface with slippage | Pages 260-268 | A. P. Markeev |
16 | Asymptotic solution of the equations of motion for a celtic stone | Pages 269-276 | M. Pascal |
17 | Existence of solutions of the hamilton- jacobi equation in the neighborhood of nondegenerate equilibrium position | Pages 277-280 | R. M. Bulatovich |
18 | On investigating resonant almost-periodic systems for stability with respect to a part of the variables | Pages 281-284 | M. M. Khapaev, V. N. Shinkin |
19 | On stability of steady motions of a dynamically symmetric solid body at a triangular point of libration | Pages 285-287 | V. N. Ruzanova |
20 | Notes on steady vortex motions of continuous medium | Pages 288-289 | V. V. Kozlov |
21 | The unstable plane motion of the poiseuille type for rivlin- eriksen fluid | Pages 290-292 | A. Georgesku, S. S Chetti |
22 | On the optimal control of a sorption process | Pages 293-295 | M. P. Galanin |
23 | Approximate analytical method of calculating the trajectories of an aircraft in the atmosphere | Pages 296-300 | M. N. Ivanov, A. I. Martynov, N. L. Sokolov |
24 | contents of next issuet subcircular speed | Page 301 | |
Volume 47, Issue 3, Pages 303-449 (1983)
1 | A necessary optimality condition in a game of encounter at a prescribed instant | Pages 303-308 | S. I. Tarlinskii |
2 | Asymptotic solution of one class of singularly perturbed optimal control problems | Pages 309-315 | G. A. Kurina |
3 | On the stability of the permanent rotations of an asymmetric heavy rigid body | Pages 316-320 | D. V. Andreev |
4 | On the stability of stationary motions of rotating rotor axis mounted on nonlinear bearings | Pages 321-326 | D. R. Merkin |
5 | On nonconservative periodic systems close to two-dimensional hamiltonian | Pages 327-334 | A. D. Morozov, L. P. Shil'nikov |
6 | On the existence of separatrix loops in four-dimensional systems similar to the integrable hamiltonian systems | Pages 335-340 | L. M. Lerman, Ia. L. Umanskii |
7 | On mixed convection modes in a vertical layer with unsteadily deformable boundaries | Pages 341-347 | G. V. Levina, A. A. Nepomniashchii |
8 | Optimization of control parameters of flows with transition through the speed of sound | Pages 348-355 | F. A. Slobodkina, E. K. Ianovskaia |
9 | On hypersonic flow past of a lift airfoil | Pages 356-361 | O. S. Ryzhov, E. D. Terent'ev |
10 | On the free expansion of three-dimensional streams of perfect gas | Pages 362-365 | Iu. B. Lifshits, N. A. Marevtseva |
11 | Two-dimensional discharge into vacuum of a moving inhomogeneous gas | Pages 366-370 | S. P. Bautin |
12 | Dynamics of a solid with an ellipsoidal cavity filled with a magnetic fluid | Pages 371-375 | O. I. Bogoiavlenskii |
13 | Problemof filtration from a system of channels at the border zone separating fresh waters from saline waters lying below, with evaporation | Pages 376-382 | E. N. Bereslavskii, V. N. Emikh |
14 | Deformation of an elastic anisotropic micro-inhomogeneous half-space | Pages 383-388 | V. V. Podalkov, V. A. Romanov |
15 | On solving external boundary value problems of the theory of elasticity using the method of boundary integral equations | Pages 389-394 | M. I. Lazarev |
16 | Nonsymmetric bending of a plate reinforced by a symmetric system of radial ribs | Pages 395-402 | B. M. Nuller, M. B. Ryvkin |
17 | Reaction of a piezoceramic shell to concentrated effects | Pages 403-407 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii, L. A. Khizhniak |
18 | On wave excitation by a vibrating stamp in a medium with inhomogeneous initial stresses | Pages 408-413 | I. V. Anan'ev, V. V. Kalinchuk, I. B. Poliakova |
19 | On formulations of the problem of the theory of plasticity | Pages 414-419 | Ia. A. Kameniarzh |
20 | On subsonic propagation of the edge of shear displacement with friction along a boundary separating elastic materials | Pages 420-427 | I. V. Simonov |
21 | Contour invariants in the theory of fracture of thermoelastic bodies | Pages 428-431 | V. N. Nikolaevskii |
22 | On subsonic laminar separation from the discontinuity edge of a profile | Pages 432-435 | V. N. Diesperov |
23 | The motion of ions and chemical compounds in soil solutions | Pages 436-439 | E. V. Mironenko, Ia. A. Pachepskii |
24 | Similarity in the problem of contact between elastic bodies | Pages 440-442 | F. M. Borodich |
25 | Singular approximation in the theory of elastoplastic media with microstructure | Pages 443-445 | L. A. Saraev |
26 | On the effect of the internal viscosity mechanism on the perfectly plastic behavior of materials | Pages 446-448 | M. A. Artemov, D. D. Ivlev |
27 | Contents of next issue | Page 449 | |
Volume 47, Issue 4, Pages 451-577 (1983)
Volume 47, Issue 5, Pages 579-708 (1983)
1 | Periodic solutions of sets of ordinary differential equations with a large parameter | Pages 579-588 | V. V. Sazonov |
2 | The Hamilton-Jacobi equation in domains of possible motions with a boundary | Pages 588-593 | R. M. Bulatovich |
3 | On the stability of periodic poincare solutions of Hamiltonian systems in the degenerate case | Pages 594-600 | A. A. Saitbattalov |
4 | On the impulsive motion of a rigid body after impact with a rough surface | Pages 600-605 | V. A. Sinidyn |
5 | Relaxation in dissipative mechanical systems | Pages 605-612 | L. D. Eskin |
6 | On two types of swirling gas flows | Pages 612-617 | A. F. Sidorov |
7 | On the propagation of non-steady perturbations in a boundary layer with selfinduced pressure | Pages 618-624 | V. B. Gurin, E. D. Terent'ev |
8 | Unsteady convection mass transfer inside a drop in the presence of volume chemical reaction | Pages 625-632 | A. M. Golovin, A. F. Zhivotiagin |
9 | The method of discrete singularities in plane problems of the theory of elasticity | Pages 632-638 | S. M. Belotserkovskii, I. K. Lifanov, M. M. Soldatov |
10 | On the method of homogeneous solutions in mixed problems of the theory of elasticity for a truncated wedge and a ring sector | Pages 639-645 | V. M. Aleksandrov, M. I. Chebakov |
11 | Vibration of a cylinder on an elastic layer partly fixed to a rigid base | Pages 645-650 | S. P. Pel'ts |
12 | Design of circular cylindrical shells of minimum weight with fixed natural oscillation frequencies | Pages 650-657 | A. S. Bratus' |
13 | Some problems of the stability of cylindrical and conical shells | Pages 657-663 | P. E. Tovstik |
14 | Acoustic wave interaction with bodies covered by a thin compressible layer | Pages 663-668 | L. E. Pekurovskii, V. B. Poruchnikov, Iu. A. Sozonenko |
15 | Fracture mechanics of multilayered shells. Theory of delamination cracks | Pages 669-678 | G. P. Cherepanov |
16 | Unsteady propagation of a disk crack in a transversely isotropic medium | Pages 679-683 | E. V. Lobanov |
17 | Fracture of brittle bodies with plane internal and edge cracks | Pages 683-689 | V. K. Vostrov |
18 | On the global stability of the lorentz system | Pages 690-692 | G. A. Leonov |
19 | The laws of variation of energy and momentum for one-dimensional systems with moving mountings and loads | Pages 692-695 | A. I. Vesnitski, L. E. Kaplan, G. A. Utkin |
20 | On the law of angular momentum variation of a sphere rolling on a stationary surface | Pages 695-698 | A. S. Sumbatov |
21 | Evolution of a contact discontinuity in the barotropic flow of a viscous gas | Pages 698-700 | V. V. Shelukhin |
22 | Amethod of calculating the aerodynamic characteristics of bodies on the basis of invariant relations of the theory of local interaction | Pages 700-702 | A. V. Antonets, A. V. Dubinskii |
23 | Equilibrium in a cut along an arc of a circle in the case of inhomogeneous interaction of the edges | Pages 702-707 | Iu. V. Zhitnikov, B. M. Tulinov |
24 | Contents of next issue | Page 708 | |
Volume 47, Issue 6, Pages 709-838 (1983)
Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages 1-125 (1984)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | The boundary value problem of the theory of viscoelastic plasticity of a growing body subject to aging | Pages 1-10 | N. Kh. Arutyunyan, V. E. Naumov |
3 | The deformation theory of plasticity of anisotropic media | Pages 10-17 | B. E. Pobedrya |
4 | Some mathematical problems of the batdorf-budiansky-malmeister theory of plasticity | Pages 18-22 | S. B. Kuksin |
5 | Thesolution of boundary value problems for the generalized creep equationswith conditions in the form of inequalities on the boundary | Pages 23-27 | A. M. Khludnev |
6 | Non-linear deformations and limit equilibrium of three-dimensional curvilinear rods | Pages 27-33 | I. V. Shirko |
7 | An approximate method of optimizing the shape of reinforcement rods in non-uniformly aging materials | Pages 33-40 | A. D. Drozdov, V. B. Kolmanovskii |
8 | Rational schemes for reinforcing laminar plates from composite materials | Pages 40-49 | V. M. Kartvelishvili, V. V. Kobelev |
9 | On singular models of a thin inclusion in a homogeneous elastic medium | Pages 50-58 | S. K. Kanaun |
10 | A method of making impedance measurements of the viscoelastic properties of a medium by oscillating plates and shells | Pages 58-62 | B. R. Vainberg, V. M Krutin |
11 | Representation in terms ofp-analytic functions of the general solution of equations of the theory of elasticity of a transversely isotropic body | Pages 62-67 | O. G. Goman |
12 | Spectralrelationships for the integral operators generated by a kernel in the form of a weber-son in integral, and their application to contact problems | Pages 67-74 | S. M. Mkhitarian |
13 | Transonic flow of an elastic medium past a thin solid | Pages 74-81 | I. V. Simonov |
14 | Integral estimate of the pressure in an incompressible medium | Pages 81-89 | Ia. A. Kameniarzh |
15 | The inverse problem of acoustic-wave scattering for thin acoustically rigid bodies | Pages 89-92 | V. F. Emets |
16 | A class of exact solutions with a uniform deformation in gas dynamics | Pages 92-96 | S. A. Poslavskii, I. S. Shikin |
17 | Relativistic Prandtl- Meyer flow | Pages 96-98 | N. I. Kolosnitsyn, K. P. Stanyukovich |
18 | Evolution of a discontinuity of a vortex sheet | Pages 99-102 | S. K. Betyaev, I. A. Solntsev |
19 | The first fundamental problem of the theory of elasticity for a symmetric lune | Pages 102-104 | P. V. Kerekesha, E. I. Lemper, O. V. Mederos |
20 | Stability of the equilibrium of an elastic ring in the presence of radial shear | Pages 105-107 | S. I. Moiseenko |
21 | Effect of a small deviation in the form of the shells of revolution from axial symmetry on their state of stress | Pages 107-111 | A. Iu. Popov, G. N. Chernyshev |
22 | Slip lines at the vertex of a wedge-like cut | Pages 112-114 | L. A. Kipnis, G. P. Cherepanov |
23 | On a star-like system of propagating dislocation discontinuities | Pages 114-117 | A. S. Bykovtsev, Zh. S. Tavbaev |
24 | Integral form of the general solution of equations of steady-state Thermoelasticity | Pages 117-119 | Iu. D. Kopeikin, V. P. Shishkin |
25 | Theasymptotic form of the solutions of the integral equations of potentialtheory in the neighbourhood of the corner points of a contour | Pages 120-124 | S. S. Zargaryan, V. G. Maz'ya |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 125 | |
Volume 48, Issue 2, Pages 127-242 (1984)
1 | Comparability of the motion of gravitating systems with respect to its recurrence in time | Pages 127-133 | Zh. S. Erzhanov, A. A. Kalybaev |
2 | The separation of motions in systems with rapidly rotating phase | Pages 133-139 | A. I. Neishtadt |
3 | Hamiltonian systems with a specified invariant manifold and some of their applications | Pages 140-145 | A. A. Melikyan, A. I. Ovseevich |
4 | On the stability of poincare periodic solutions of harmiltonian systems | Pages 146-150 | A. A. Saitbattalov |
5 | Investigation of stability in certain problems of non-linear mechanics | Pages 151-154 | O. A. Azarova, I. V. Kuznetsova, M. M. Khapaev |
6 | On the asymptotic stability and instability of the zeroth solution of a non-autonomous system | Pages 154-160 | A. S. Ahdreev |
7 | The motion of a heavy symmetrical body with flexible rods about a fixed point | Pages 160-164 | V. G. Vil'ke |
8 | On the controlled rotation of a system of two rigid bodies with elastic elements | Pages 164-170 | V. E. Berbyuk |
9 | On the asymptotic theory of laminar separation on a moving surface | Pages 171-176 | Vik. V. Sychev |
10 | A three-dimensional hypersonic viscous shock layer in two-phase flow | Pages 176-183 | S. V. Peigin |
11 | The linear problem of a vibrator performing harmonic oscillations at supercritical frequencies in a subsonic boundary layer | Pages 184-191 | E. D. Terent'ev |
12 | The effective thermal conductivity of a suspension | Pages 191-198 | A. M. Golovin, V. E. Chizhov |
13 | Effect of hydrodynamic interactions between the particles on the rheological properties of dilute emulsions | Pages 198-206 | A. Z. Zinchenko |
14 | On the mathematical description of spiral waves in distributed chemical systems | Pages 206-213 | G. A. Denisov |
15 | On Saint-Venant type conditions in the theory of piezoelastic shells | Pages 213-216 | N. N. Rogacheva |
16 | On certain contact problems for reinforced plates | Pages 217-223 | O. V. Onishchuk, G. Ya. Popov, Yu. S. Protserov |
17 | A non-stationary dynamical periodic contact problem for a homogeneous elastic half-plane | Pages 223-230 | V. M. Fomin |
18 | Thermophoresis and the interaction of uniformly heated spherical particles in a gas | Pages 230-233 | A. Yu. Boris |
19 | On spatially homogeneous relaxation in the domain of high molecular velocities | Pages 233-234 | A. A. Abramov |
20 | Ona selfsimilar solution of the problem of non-linear diffusion kinetics of a topochemical reaction with a surface of varying activity | Pages 235-238 | D. A. Kazenin, G. A. Fastykovskii |
21 | Scattering of a longitudinal wave by a spherical cavity with a fluid in an elastic porous saturated medium | Pages 238-241 | V. N. Krutin, M. G. Markov, A. Yu. Yumatov |
22 | Contents of next issue | Page 242 | |
Volume 48, Issue 3, Pages 243-374 (1984)
1 | The conditions for even forms to have fixed sign and for the stability as a whole of non-linear homogeneous systems | Pages 243-249 | A. B. Aminov, T. K. Sirazetdinov |
2 | On the stability of invariant manifolds of mechanical systems | Pages 249-254 | V. D. Irtegov |
3 | The effect of singularities of the potential energy on the integrability of mechanical systems | Pages 255-260 | S. V. Bolotin |
4 | On the stability of a solid rotating around the vertical and colliding with a horizontal plane | Pages 260-265 | A. P. Markeev |
5 | On vibrational stabilization of the lagrange gyroscope | Pages 266-270 | G. M. Rozenblat |
6 | Hypersonic flow past a delta wing at large angles of attack | Pages 270-275 | V. N. Golubkin |
7 | A variational principle in the hydromechanics of an isotropically magnetizable medium | Pages 275-279 | I. E. Tarapov |
8 | Hydrodynamics of surface phenomena | Pages 280-286 | V. V. Gogosov, V. A. Naletova, N. G. Taktarov, Chyong Za Bin', G. A. Shaposhnikova |
9 | Models of polarizable continua with internal mechanical moments | Pages 286-291 | A. V. Filippov, L. T. Chernyi |
10 | Non-linear equations of the dynamics of an elastic micropolar medium | Pages 291-299 | V. I. Kondaurov |
11 | Onthe stability of one-dimensional stationary solutions of hyperbolic systems of differential equations containing points at which one characteristic velocity becomes zero | Pages 299-302 | A. G. Kulikovskii, F. A. Slobodkina |
12 | On Hooke's law | Pages 303-314 | J. Rychlewski |
13 | A method of solving problems of the linear theory of elasticity | Pages 315-323 | A. G. Fokin |
14 | On a periodic mixed problem for a strip | Pages 323-327 | N. I. Mironenko |
15 | On singularities in the solution of a problem for an elastic half-plane with a rod emerging orthogonally on the boundary | Pages 328-331 | L. Ya. Tikhonenko |
16 | Extension of an elastic space with an isolated stiff rod | Pages 332-335 | G. P. Nikishkov, G. P. Cherepanov |
17 | The problem of the boundedness of the contact pressures on the outline of an elliptical stamp interacting with an elastic layer | Pages 336-341 | V. S. Poroshin |
18 | Contact problems of the theory of plasticity for complex loading | Pages 341-347 | V. I. Kuz'menko |
19 | On the steady motion of a crack with slip and separation sections along the interface of two elastic materials | Pages 347-353 | I. V. Simonov |
20 | Asymptotically pendulum-like motions of the hess-appel'rot gyroscope | Pages 353-356 | Yu. P. Varkhalev, G. V. Gorr |
21 | Interaction of third-order resonances in problems of the stability of hamiltonian systems | Pages 356-360 | L. G. Khazin |
22 | Domains of attraction in the problem of the plane motion of systems with rolling | Pages 361-365 | V. G. Verbitskii, L. G. Lobas |
23 | The motion of a system of vortex rings in an incompressible fluid | Pages 365-368 | M. A. Brutyan, P. L. Krapivskii |
24 | Exact solution of the heat propagation equations in a radiative medium | Pages 369-370 | B. V. Putyatin |
25 | On the stability of non-linear stationary waves | Pages 371-373 | A. L. Zhupiev, Yu. V. Mikhlin |
26 | Contents of next issue | Page 374 | |
Volume 48, Issue 4, Pages 375-507 (1984)
Volume 48, Issue 5, Pages 509-642 (1984)
1 | Onthe asymptotic stability and instability of the zero solution of a non-autonomous system with respect to part of the variables | Pages 509-514 | A. S. Andreyev |
2 | The use of lyapunov's second method to estimate regions of stability and attraction | Pages 514-522 | V. G Veretennikov, V. V. Zaitsev |
3 | On the stability of systems with non-retaining constraints | Pages 523-528 | A. P. Ivanov |
4 | The application of asymptotic methods to certain stochastic problems of the dynamics of vibropercussive systems | Pages 528-532 | A. S. Kovaleva |
5 | On the precessional - screw motions of a solid immersed in liquid | Pages 532-537 | V. N. Rubanovskii |
6 | Onthe existence of additional integrals of the equations of motion of a magnetizable solid in an ideal fluid, in the presence of a magnetic field | Pages 538-541 | A. A. Burov, G. I. Subkhankulov |
7 | Steady multilayer flows of an ideal incompressible fluid over an uneven bottom | Pages 542-550 | K. A. Bezhanov, A. M. Ter-Krikorov |
8 | On vorticity-induced waves in a homogeneous incompressible fluid | Pages 550-555 | I. M. Mindlin |
9 | On the theory of a three-dimensional, viscous hypersonic shock layer in the neighbourhood of the plane of symmetry | Pages 556-562 | E. A. Gershbein, S. A. Yunitskii |
10 | On free perturbations in hypersonic laminar flow behind a profile | Pages 562-566 | S. V. Manuilovich |
11 | The effect of breakup and coalescence of bubbles on mass transfer in a fluidized bed | Pages 567-574 | N. N. Bobkov, Yu. P. Gupalo |
12 | Some properties of the shock adiabat of quasitransverse elastic waves | Pages 575-578 | A. G. Kulikovskii, E. I. Sveshnikova |
13 | The contact-hydrodynamic problem of lubrication theory for elastic bodies with cracks | Pages 578-585 | I. I. Kudish |
14 | An asymptotic approach to the problems of the theory of elasticity of bodies of finite dimensions | Pages 585-589 | G. I. Romenskaya, M. A. Sumbatyan |
15 | An axisymmetric problem for a layer with a system of thin elastic inclusions | Pages 590-594 | V. P. Silovanyuk, M. M. Stadnik |
16 | The standard equation method in the dynamics of structurally inhomogeneous elastic media | Pages 594-600 | A. V. Chigarev |
17 | Application of duality methods in problems of optimizing the shape of elastic bodies | Pages 600-606 | L. V. Petukhov, S. I. Repin |
18 | Ona method of solving a two-dimensional integral equation of the first kind with a power-law kernel and its application to contact problems | Pages 607-611 | A. N. Borodachev |
19 | A special relationship in spheroidal wave functions and its application to contact problems | Pages 611-618 | S. M. Mkhitaryan |
20 | Asymptotic solution of three-dimensional problems of the theory of elasticity of extended plane separation cracks | Pages 618-626 | R. V. Gol'dshtein, A. V. Kaptsov, L. B. Korel'shtein |
21 | Stationary motions of a gyrostat with an elastic annular plate and their stability | Pages 626-630 | M. K. Nabiullin |
22 | On an integral equation of contact problems of elasticity theory in the presence of abrasive wear | Pages 630-634 | E. V. Kovalenko |
23 | The method of -functions in computing fields for bodies whose physical characteristics have first-order discontinuities | Pages 635-638 | V. L. Rvachev, T. I. Sheiko |
24 | State of stress of a plane with a periodic system of parallel pairs of longitudinal shear cracks | Pages 638-641 | V. G. Novikov, B. M. Tulinov |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 642 | |
Volume 48, Issue 6, Pages 643-774 (1984)
1 | Author/title alphabetical index | Pages I-VI | |
2 | Stochastic programmed synthesis in a differential game with integral payoff | Pages 643-649 | A. N. Krasovskii, V. E. Tret'yakov |
3 | On the problem of terminating a game at the first instance of absorption | Pages 650-654 | V. I. Ukhobotov |
4 | Singular perturbations in a class of problems of optimal control with integral convex criterion | Pages 654-659 | T. R. Gichev |
5 | On the definition of variations in the mechanics of continuous media | Pages 659-664 | A. G. Tsypkin |
6 | On the structure of generalized solutions of the one-dimensional equations of a polytropic viscous gas | Pages 665-672 | V. V. Shelukhin |
7 | Localization of gas-dynamic processes and structure when the material is compressed adiabatically, in the peaking mode | Pages 672-678 | A. P. Mikhailov, V. V. Stepanova |
8 | On the optimal control of viscous incompressible fluid flow | Pages 678-682 | M. A. Brutyan, P. L. Krapivskii |
9 | On the stability of mixed convective motions in a vertical layer with wave-like boundaries | Pages 683-688 | L. P. Vozovoi, A. A. Nepomnyashchii |
10 | Weakly supercritical dissipative structures on curved surfaces | Pages 688-694 | B. A. Malomed, I. E. Starosel'skii |
11 | The thermal problem for a submerged stream | Pages 694-699 | M. A. Gol'dshtik, N. I. Yavorskii |
12 | On the non-linear Maxwell-type defining equations for describing the motions of polymer liquids | Pages 699-706 | A. N. Prokunin |
13 | Variational formulation of the problem of retained viscoplastic oil | Pages 707-712 | V. M. Entov, S. V. Pan'ko |
14 | Onthe joint application of cartesian and bipolar coordinates to solve boundary value problems of potential theory and elasticity theory | Pages 712-720 | V. S. Protsenko, A. I. Solov'ev |
15 | On the solution of certain integral equations of mixed problems of plate bending theory | Pages 721-727 | V. B. Zelentsov |
16 | Variational formulations of certain problems of the theory of the flow of rigid-plastic media | Pages 728-731 | G. A. Seregin |
17 | On the stability of inhomogeneously ageing viscoelastic plates | Pages 732-738 | A. D. Drozdov, V. B. Kolmanovskii |
18 | The solution of contact problems of creep theory for combined ageing foundations | Pages 739-745 | E. V. Kovalenko |
19 | Contact interaction with friction of two elastic wedge-shaped bodies of different materials | Pages 746-749 | L. A. Kipnis, G. P. Cherepanov |
20 | Spatial contact problems for rough elastic bodies under elastoplastic deformations of the unevenness | Pages 750-757 | B. A. Galanov |
21 | Equilibrium of an elastic layer weakened by plane cracks | Pages 757-764 | B. I. Smetanin, B. V. Sobol' |
22 | A class of motions of a top in the Goryachev-Chaplygin case | Pages 764-767 | A. I. Dokshevich |
23 | On a modification of the averaging method for seeking higher approximations | Pages 767-769 | V. V. Strygin |
24 | Homogeneous solutions of the problem of steady vibrations of a piezoceramic cylinder | Pages 770-773 | A. A. Matrosov, Yu. A. Ustinov |
25 | Contents of next issue | Page 774 | |
Volume 49, Issue 1, Pages 1-133 (1985)
1 | Shock waves in an isothermal gas in the presence of reaction forces | Page CO3 | Yu. N. Gordeyev, N. A. Kudryashov, V. V. Murzenko |
2 | Editorial Board | Pages 1-5 | |
3 | New integrable cases of euler's equations | Pages 6-10 | O. I. Bogoyavlenskii |
4 | Topological analysis of natural systems with quadratic integrals | Pages 10-16 | V. I. Orekhov |
5 | Non-linear analysis of the stability of the libration points of a triaxial ellipsoid | Pages 17-24 | I. I. Kosenko |
6 | Evolution of the rotational motion of a viscoelastic sphere in a central Newtonian force field | Pages 24-30 | V. G. Vil'ke, S. A. Kopylov, Yu. G. Markov |
7 | The problem of the optimum rapid braking of an axisymmetric solid rotating around its centre of mass | Pages 30-41 | M. Z. Borshchevskii, I. V. Ioslovich |
8 | The Poincare and Poincare - Chetayev equations | Pages 41-49 | L. M. Markhashov |
9 | Theory of the motion of systems with rolling | Pages 49-53 | N. A. Fufaev |
10 | Motion of a heavy rigid body on a horizontal plane with viscous friction | Pages 53-57 | N. K. Moshchuk |
11 | The stability of neutral systems in the case of a multiple fourth-order resonance | Pages 57-63 | A. L. Kunitsyn, A. A. Perezhogin |
12 | Small vibrations of one-dimensional moving bodies | Pages 63-69 | V. V. Popov |
13 | The dynamics of the collision between a rigid body and a flexible string and membrane | Pages 69-75 | S. S. Grigorian, Sh. M. Mutallimov |
14 | On the theory of long waves in an inclined channel | Pages 76-79 | A. M. Ter-Krikorov |
15 | Couette gas flow for a configuration with side walls | Pages 79-85 | V. P. Shidlovskii |
16 | An electrohydrodynamic method of retarding the transition of a boundary layer | Pages 85-88 | A. P. Kuryachii |
17 | On certain conservation properties in gas dynamics | Pages 88-95 | A. I. Golubinskii, V. N. Golubkin |
18 | Compatibility equations, stress functions, and variational principles in the theory of prestressed shells | Pages 95-100 | L. M. Zubov |
19 | The existence of an optimal solution in problems of determining the shape of an elastic line | Pages 100-105 | E. A. Nikolaeva, L. V. Petukhov |
20 | On symmetric and non-symmetric contact problems of the theory of elasticity | Pages 106-110 | V. M. Aleksandrov, B. I. Smetanin |
21 | Vibration of a system of massive stamps on a linearly deformable foundation | Pages 110-116 | E. V. Glushkov |
22 | Stability of annular plates of inhomogeneously ageing viscoelastic material | Pages 116-120 | D. M. Zhukovitskii |
23 | Post-critical behaviour of a longitudinally compressed rod for rigid limitations on the deflection | Pages 120-122 | E. I. Mikhailovskii, V. N. Tarasov, D. V. Kholmogorov |
24 | Evolution of a weak signal in a magnetic material | Pages 123-125 | G. L. Sedova |
25 | An exact estimate for the coefficients of attached masses | Pages 125-129 | S. B. Vigdergauz |
26 | On certain features of the flows of viscous compressible fluids in cylindrical pipes | Pages 129-133 | V. N. Belonenko, O. Yu. Dinariev |
Volume 49, Issue 2, Pages 135-272 (1985)
1 | Deterministic strategy and stochastic programs | Pages 135-143 | N. N. Krasovskii |
2 | The construction of universal surfaces in extremal problems of dynamics | Pages 144-149 | A. A. Melikyan, B. N. Sokolov |
3 | Stabilizability of trivial steady motions of gyroscopically coupled systems with pseudo-cyclic coordinates | Pages 150-153 | A. S. Klokov, V. A. Samsonov |
4 | Normal oscillations of a string with concentrated masses on non-linearly elastic supports | Pages 153-159 | E. G. Vedenova, L. I. Manevich, V. N. Pilipchuk |
5 | On a new particular solution of the equations of motion of a heavy solid in a liquid | Pages 160-165 | V. N. Rubanovskii |
6 | The problem of breakdown of a vortex line | Pages 166-171 | V. N. Trigub |
7 | Stationarymodel of the generalized prandtl equations and the passage to the limitwith respect to longitudinal viscosity in the Navier-Stokes equations | Pages 171-178 | V. M. Solopenko |
8 | On the configuration of shock waves enclosing a local supersonic zone | Pages 179-184 | A. N. Kraiko |
9 | Profile of a cylindrical shock wave and the -peak- approximation | Pages 185-190 | V. N. Likhachev |
10 | Diffraction of a single plane wave by a V-shaped wing | Pages 190-195 | P. V. Tret'yakov |
11 | The Cauchy problem for a quasilinear system when there are characteristic points on the initial surface | Pages 195-199 | V. A. Kulikovskii |
12 | Generalized periodic problem of elasticity theory for a cracked half-plane | Pages 200-207 | M. L. Buryshkin, M. V. Radiollo |
13 | Brittle cleavage of a piecewise-homogeneous elastic medium | Pages 207-214 | I. V. Simonov |
14 | A selfsimilar problem on the action of a sudden load on the boundary of an elastic half-space | Pages 214-220 | A. G. Kulikovskii, E. I. Sveshnikova |
15 | On an effective algorithm for minimizing generalized Trefftz functionals of linear elasticity theory | Pages 220-225 | V. Ya. Tereshchenko |
16 | Stationary diffraction of waves by a circular aperture in an elastic half-plane | Pages 226-232 | L. A. Alekseyeva |
17 | Refraction of plane-polarized waves at the boundary of an elastic and elastoplastic half-space | Pages 232-238 | A. G. Bykovtsev |
18 | Elastic wave propagation in two-component media | Pages 239-242 | R. I. Mokrik, Yu. A. Pyr'ev |
19 | Contact between a moving stamp and an elastic half-plane when there is wear | Pages 243-246 | V. F. Komogortsev |
20 | Some properties of the motion of an artificial moon satellite near the libration point | Pages 247-251 | M. Kh. Khasanova |
21 | On the isolated character of solutions with a strong attached shock wave at the edges of a v-shaped wing and wedge | Pages 251-254 | A. V. Grishin |
22 | Two-velocity mechanics of granular porous media | Pages 254-256 | N. D. Musayev |
23 | Dynamic hysteresis during the reorientation of nematic liquid crystals in pulsed fields | Pages 257-260 | Yu. V. Vasil'ev |
24 | Non-linear problems of connecting composite spatial bodies and thin shells, and variational methods for their solution | Pages 261-264 | V. N. Paimushin |
25 | The solution of a thermoelasticity problem for inhomogeneous bodies in terms of stresses by the perturbation method | Pages 265-268 | P. A. Kuntashev, Iu. V. Nemirovskii |
26 | Equilibrium of a prestressed elastic body weakened by a plane elliptical crack | Pages 268-272 | V. M. Aleksandrov, B. V. Sobol' |
Volume 49, Issue 3, Pages 273-397 (1985)
1 | The stability of multidimensional hamiltonian systems | Pages 273-281 | V. N. Tkhai |
2 | Estimate of the stability of a dynamic system on the basis of the quasistationarity principle | Pages 281-289 | Yu. M. Volin |
3 | Application of the method of two-scale expansions to the single-frequency problem of the theory of non-linear oscillations | Pages 290-295 | V. D. Azhotkin, V. M. Babich |
4 | On the conditions for the existence of the reducing chaplygin factor | Pages 295-301 | Il. Iliyev |
5 | Flow of a multilayer ideal incompressible and heavy fluid past a body | Pages 301-308 | K. A. Bezhanov, A. M. Ter-Krikorov |
6 | Anisotropic turbulence in the flow of an incompressible fluid between parallel plane walls | Pages 308-311 | V. A. Babkin |
7 | Classification of two-dimensional isentropic gas flows of double-wave type | Pages 312-315 | S. V. Meleshko |
8 | On the stability conditions for stationary states or flows in regions extended in one direction | Pages 316-321 | A. G. Kulikovskii |
9 | General theory of the solutions of the equations of motion of an elastic medium of different moduli | Pages 322-336 | V. P. Maslov, P. P. Mosolov |
10 | General spatial static contact problem for a prestressed elastic half-space | Pages 337-342 | S. Yu. Babich, A. N. Guz |
11 | On the unloading process for contact interaction | Pages 342-348 | V. I. Kuz'menko |
12 | On the stability of the lining of a horizontal opening in a viscoelastic ageing medium | Pages 348-355 | N. Kh. Arutyunyan, A. D. Drozdov, V. B. Kolmanovskii |
13 | Theory of fast tectonic waves | Pages 356-362 | V. N. Nikolayevskii, T. K. Ramazanov |
14 | Generalized dynamic problem of thermoelasticity for a half-space heated by laser radiation | Pages 362-366 | M. S. Boiko |
15 | On some properties of optimal thermoelastic designs in the case of fixed stress and deformation fields | Pages 367-374 | P. A. Kuntashev, Yu. V. Nemirovskii |
16 | The plane problem of electroelasticity for a piezoelectric layer with a periodic system of electrodes at the surfaces | Pages 374-379 | V. A. Kokunov, B. A. Kudryavtsev, N. A. Senik |
17 | Singular problems of the theory of elasticity for cracks perpendicular to the boundary separating two media | Pages 380-386 | N. D. Zhekov, V. D. Kuliev |
18 | On the non-existence of the additional integral in the problem of the motion of a heavy rigid ellipsoid along a smooth plane | Pages 387-389 | A. A. Burov, A. V. Karapetyan |
19 | Perturbed motion of a kovalevskaya top | Pages 389-392 | N. N. Motorina |
20 | On the study of random oscillations in non-autonomous mechanical systems using the fokker-planck-kolmogorov equations | Pages 392-397 | Nguen Dong AN |
Volume 49, Issue 4, Pages 399-544 (1985)
1 | Sufficient conditions of finiteness of the pursuit time | Pages 399-404 | B. N. Pshenichnyi, N. B. Shishkina |
2 | Optimal control with a functional averaged along the trajectory | Pages 404-413 | A. I. Panasyuk, V. I. Panasyuk |
3 | A game of optimal pursuit of one non-inertial object by two inertial objects | Pages 413-422 | A. Yu. Levchenkov, A. G. Pashkov |
4 | The transformation of linear non-stationary observable and controllable systems into stationary systems | Pages 422-428 | N. B. Vavilova, V. I. Kalenova, V. M. Morozov |
5 | Fluctuation hydrodynamics of the brownian motion of a particle in a fixed dispersed layer | Pages 428-433 | A. G. Bashkirov |
6 | Kinetic theory and the principle of material frame-indifference in the mechanics of continuous media | Pages 434-440 | V. S. Galkin, V. I. Nosik |
7 | Dynamics of the space-time correlations of hydrodynamic fields in non-stationary gas flows | Pages 441-448 | O. A. Grechannyi, V. V. Tokarchuk |
8 | Asymptotic form of small density differences in the problem of coherent phase transformations | Pages 448-456 | M. A. Grinfel'd |
9 | Configurational forces in the mechanics of a solid deformable body | Pages 456-464 | G. P. Cherepanov |
10 | Certain variational problems with a small parameter in the theory of elasticity | Pages 465-468 | Yu. A. Bogan |
11 | The sufficient conditions for an extremum in problems of optimizing the shapes of elastic plates | Pages 468-474 | A. S. Bratus' |
12 | Stochastic bifurcation in the theory of the flexure of spherical shells and circular membranes | Pages 474-482 | S. I. Volkov |
13 | Asymptotic form of the stress intensity coefficients in quasistatic temperature problems for a domain with a cut | Pages 482-489 | V. A. Kozlov, V. G. Maz'ya, V. Z. Parton |
14 | On the accretion of inhomogeneous viscoelastic bodies under finite deformations | Pages 490-498 | V. V. Metlov |
15 | Stability of bodies made of non-homogeneously aging anisotropie viscoelastic material | Pages 498-503 | V. D. Potapov |
16 | Generalized solutions of the dynamic problem of perfect elastoplasticity | Pages 503-509 | S. B. Kuksin |
17 | The boundary layer in the flow of a plastic medium near a rough surface | Pages 509-514 | L. M. Flitman |
18 | On the theory of limit loads | Pages 515-518 | Ya. A. Kamenyarzh, A. G. Merzlyakov |
19 | Inverse problems for evolution equations of the integrodifferential type | Pages 519-524 | T. A. Tobias, Yu. K. Engel'brekht |
20 | On an irregular differential game | Pages 525-526 | A. M. Taras'ev |
21 | Natural convection in liquids caused by absorption of laser radiation | Pages 527-529 | R. S. Akopyan, B. Ya. Zel'dovich |
22 | Optimization of the boundary regime in the problem of the transfer and absorption of material in a porous medium | Pages 530-532 | N. A. Tikhonov |
23 | On the problem of the stability of one-dimensional unbounded elastic systems | Pages 533-537 | G. G. Denisov, E. K. Kugusheva, V. V. Novikov |
24 | Averaged description of the oscillations in a one-dimensional, randomly inhomogeneous medium | Pages 537-540 | A. Yu. Belyaev |
25 | The Bubnov-Galerkin method in the non-linear theory of hollow, flexible multilayer orthotropic shells | Pages 540-544 | V. F. Kirichenko, V. A. Krys'ko, N. S. Surova |
Volume 49, Issue 5, Pages 545-674 (1985)
1 | On the motion of a solid with an ideal non-retaining constraint | Pages 545-552 | A. P. Markeyev |
2 | The equations of motion of a non-holonomic system with a non-retaining constraint | Pages 552-557 | A. P. Ivanov |
3 | The problem of constructing a lyapunov function | Pages 557-560 | A. P. Blinov |
4 | The approximate synthesis of perturbed non-vibrating systems with one degree of freedom | Pages 561-567 | L. D. Akulenko |
5 | The joining of local expansions in the theory of non-linear oscillations | Pages 567-571 | Yu. V. Mikhlin |
6 | The calculation of strongly non-linear systems close to vibration impact systems | Pages 572-578 | V. N. Pilipchuk |
7 | A new class of exact solutions with shock waves in gas dynamics | Pages 578-582 | S. A. Poslavskii |
8 | The structure of electro-hydrodynamic discontinuities produced by charged grids | Pages 583-588 | N. L. Vasil'eva, L. T. Chernyi |
9 | Calculation of the forces acting on a poorly conducting fluid in an electric field | Pages 589-594 | I. L. Pankrat'eva, V. A. Polianskii |
10 | The two-dimensional inverse problem of elasticity theory for inhomogeneous media in polar coordinates | Pages 595-601 | V. P. Plevako |
11 | On an integral equation and its application to problems of thin detached inclusions in elastic bodies | Pages 602-607 | B. I. Smetanin |
12 | Relaxation-type equations for viscoelastic media with finite deformations | Pages 608-615 | V. I. Kondaurov |
13 | Dynamic problems for a plane and cylindrical viscoelastic layer partially adherent to a stiff ring | Pages 615-619 | S. I. Gritsenko |
14 | Transition surfaces for short-wave vibrations of an ellipsoidal shell in a fluid | Pages 620-624 | A. L. Popov, G. N. Chernyshev |
15 | Gulyaev-bleustein waves in piezoelectric media | Pages 625-629 | B. A. Kudryavtsev, V. Z. Parton |
16 | Interaction of displacement waves with curvilinear longitudinal shear cracks in a piezoelectric medium | Pages 630-633 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii, M. L. Fil'shtinskii |
17 | Themethod of boundary equations of the hammerstein-type for contact problems of the theory of elasticity when the regions of contact are notknown | Pages 634-640 | B. A. Galanov |
18 | Study of the axisymmetric contact problem of the wear of a pair consisting of an annular stamp and a rough half-space | Pages 641-647 | E. V. Kovalenko |
19 | High-frequency shear oscillations of a strip stamp on an elastic half-space | Pages 647-650 | A. S. Zil'bergleit, I. N. Zlatina, T. Yu. Simkina |
20 | Formulations of the problems of the theory of an ideally elastic-plastic body | Pages 651-659 | G. A. Seregin |
21 | One method of constructing positively invariant sets for a lorenz system | Pages 660-663 | G. A. Leonov |
22 | On the singularity of the stresses near the face of a thin elastic inclusion in a piecewise homogeneous plane | Pages 663-666 | D. V. Grilitskii, A. A. Evtushenko, Yu. I. Sorokatyi |
23 | A method of studying the excitation of steady harmonic oscillations in a composite, wedge-like region | Pages 667-670 | A. A. Lyapin, M. G. Seleznev |
24 | The scattering matrix in a waveguide with elastic walls | Pages 670-674 | Yu. A. Lavrov, V. D. Luk'yanov |
Volume 49, Issue 6, Pages 675-799 (1985)
1 | Author / title alphabetical index | Pages I-VI | |
2 | Lyapunov functions for investigating the global stability of non-linear systems | Pages 675-682 | A. B. Aminov, T. K. Sirazetdinov |
3 | Lyapunov functions of the mechanical energy type | Pages 683-687 | I. Tereki, L. Hatvani |
4 | On estimating the attraction regions of the equilibrium states of dynamic systems by the direct lyapunov method | Pages 688-694 | G. L. Komarova, G. A. Leonov |
5 | On approximate methods of analysing certain singularly-perturbed systems | Pages 694-699 | L. K. Kuz'mina |
6 | On the stability of the vertical rotation of a solid suspended on a rod | Pages 699-703 | V. N. Rubanovskii |
7 | On the optimal control of integral-functional equations | Pages 704-712 | L. E. Shaikhet |
8 | A generalized Cauchy problem for the linear differential equations of coupled physical - mechanical fields | Pages 713-719 | R. I. Mokrik, Yu. A. Pyr'ev |
9 | Reduction of three-dimensional dynamical elasticity theory problems with arbitrarily located plane slits to integral equations | Pages 719-724 | V. V. Mykhas'kiv, M. V. Khai |
10 | Onthe integrable case of a Riemann-Hilbert boundary value problem for twofunctions and the solutions of certain mixed problems for a composite elastic plane | Pages 725-732 | I. V. Simonov |
11 | On variations in the solutions of integro-differential equations of mixed problems of elasticity theory for domain variations | Pages 733-739 | I. S. Zakharevich |
12 | Determination of the average characteristics of elastic frameworks | Pages 739-745 | A. G. Kolpakov |
13 | Bending, extension, and torsion of naturally twisted rods | Pages 746-755 | V. L. Berdichevskii, L. A. Starosel'skii |
14 | Soft elastic shells undergoing large deformations | Pages 756-763 | K. M. Kylatchanov, K. F. Chernykh |
15 | On thermoelastic stresses in an asymmetrically heated half-space | Pages 763-770 | L. N. Germanovich, L. V. Ershov, I. D Kill |
16 | On using the more-accurate equations of thin coatings in the theory of axisymmetric contact problems for composite foundations | Pages 770-777 | V. I. Avilkin, V. M. Aleksandrov, E. V. Kovalenko |
17 | On a method of solving two-dimensional integral equations of axisymmetric contact problems for bodies with complex rheology | Pages 777-782 | A. V. Manzhirov |
18 | Continuous theory of dislocations and disclinations in a two-dimensional medium | Pages 782-786 | Yu. Z. Povstenko |
19 | Unsteady cavitational flow over a disk | Pages 787-789 | E. L. Amromin, V. A. Bushkovskii |
20 | The steady spectra of particles in dispersible systems with coagulation and fragmentation | Pages 789-793 | V. N. Piskunov |
21 | A dynamic contact problem for an elastic half-plane in the case of high frequency oscillations | Pages 793-796 | S. I. Boyev, M. A. Sumbatyan |
22 | Formation of cracks on compressing an unbounded brittle body with a circular opening | Pages 797-799 | A. N. Galybin |
Volume 50, Issue 1, Pages 1-129 (1986)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | Dynamically stable principles of optimality in cooperative differential games on quick action operation | Pages 1-11 | N. N. Danilov |
3 | The use of first integrals in problems of synthesizing optimal control systems | Pages 11-16 | V. E. Berbyuk |
4 | Optimal control of stepwise processes with periodic characteristics | Pages 16-22 | A. B. Piunovskii |
5 | On uniform linear invariant relations of the equations of dynamics | Pages 22-30 | A. S. Sumbatov |
6 | On the stability of stationary motions of non-conservative mechanical systems | Pages 30-35 | A. V. Karapetyan, V. N. Rubanovskii |
7 | Stability under constantly acting perturbations, and averaging in an unbounded interval in systems with impulses | Pages 35-39 | V. Sh. Burd |
8 | On the stability of unsteady motions | Pages 40-45 | A. I. Il'in |
9 | Non-local criteria for the existence and stability of periodic oscillations in autonomous hamiltonian systems | Pages 45-51 | A. A. Zevin |
10 | Stability of the uniform rotation of a gyrostat round the vertical main axis on an absolutely smooth horizontal plane | Pages 51-58 | S. A. Belikov |
11 | Transport phenomena in multivelocity, multitemperature gas mixtures | Pages 59-64 | V. V. Struminskii, M. Sh. Shavaliyev |
12 | Internal shock waves in supersonic ideal gas flows past wedge-plate and cone-cylinder configurations | Pages 65-70 | V. L. Grigorenko, A. N. Kraiko |
13 | On the shock polars in a gas with general equations of state | Pages 71-75 | V. M. Teshukov |
14 | On non-one-dimensional selfsimilar solutions with plane waves in gas dynamics | Pages 75-79 | S. A. Poslavskii, I. S. Shikin |
15 | Investigationof a three-dimensional hypersonic viscous shock layer on blunt bodies around which flow occurs at angles of attack and slippage | Pages 79-85 | E. A. Gershbein, V. G. Krupa, V. S. Shchelin |
16 | Effects of localization and formation of structures during the compression of a finite mass of gas in a peaking mode | Pages 85-92 | M. A. Demidov, A. P. Mikhailov |
17 | On the theory of regular piecewise-homogeneous structures with piezoceramic matrices | Pages 92-97 | O. A. Ivanenko, L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
18 | The theory of piezoelectric shells | Pages 98-105 | Le Khan' Chau |
19 | Classification of free piezoceramic shell vibrations | Pages 106-111 | N. N. Rogacheva |
20 | Differential games with variable structure, with a group of pursuers chasing a single target | Pages 111-115 | K. V. Demidov |
21 | On constructing a functional in the problem of optimal control | Pages 115-118 | Zh. Kh. Baimurzayeva |
22 | The use of quadratic forms to study the stability with respect to part of the variables | Pages 119-122 | A. S. Oziraner |
23 | On the non-existence of a supplementary integral in the problem of a heavy two-link plane pendulum | Pages 123-125 | A. A. Burov |
24 | Construction of simplified equations of non-linear dynamics of plates and shallow shells by the averaging method | Pages 126-129 | I. V. Andrianov |
Volume 50, Issue 2, Pages 131-254 (1986)
1 | The stability of rotation of a satellite ring | Pages 131-136 | V. V. Beletskii, E. M. Levin |
2 | On the rotational motion of a solid carrying a viscoelastic disc in a central field of force | Pages 136-141 | N. B. Bolotina, V. G. Vil'ke, Yu. G. Markov |
3 | On a power series expansion of the graviational potential of an inhomogeneous ellipsoid | Pages 142-146 | I. I. Kosenko |
4 | Approximate solution of some perturbed boundary value problems | Pages 146-154 | L. D. Akulenko, A. S. Shamayev |
5 | The technical stability of parametrically excitable distributed processes | Pages 154-160 | K. S. Matviichuk |
6 | Vibrations of a segment of a variable-length longitudinally-moving string | Pages 161-164 | V. V. Popov |
7 | New theorehs on forced periodic oscillations in non-linear control systems | Pages 165-170 | A. M. Krasnosel'skii |
8 | On optimal problems of the theory of elasticity with unknown boundaries | Pages 170-174 | L. V. Petukhov |
9 | On correct formulations of lekhnitskii problems | Pages 174-182 | N. Kh. Arutyunyan, A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov |
10 | Elastic equilibrium of a plate with a partially reinforced curvilinear hole | Pages 182-188 | A. A. Syas'kii |
11 | On the theory of thick slabs on an elastic foundation | Pages 189-194 | M. A. Sumbatyan, I. F. Khrdzhiyants |
12 | On singularities of the state of stress of an orthotropic half-strip | Pages 195-201 | V. V. Loboda |
13 | On the asymptotic solution of mixed three-dimensional problems for double-layer anisotropic plates | Pages 202-208 | L. A. Agalovyan, R. C. Gevorkyan |
14 | Stability of circular plates from ageing viscoelastic material | Pages 208-212 | A. D. Drozdov, D. M. Zhukhovitskii |
15 | A mathematical model of the problem of diagnosing a thermoelastic medium | Pages 212-218 | V. A. Lomazov, Yu. V. Nemirovskii |
16 | On the singularities of contact forces in the bending of plates with fine inclusions | Pages 219-226 | O. V. Onishchuk, G. Ya. Popov, P. G. Farshait |
17 | On the inverse problem of the scattering of elastic waves by a thin foreign inclusion | Pages 226-230 | V. F. Yemets |
18 | Propagation of elastic waves through media with thin crack-like inclusions | Pages 231-239 | S. K. Kanaun, V. M. Levin |
19 | Stress distribution near the edge of a crack in a prestressed elastic body | Pages 240-245 | L. M. Filippova |
20 | An iterative method of solving the problem of interaction between elastic bodies | Pages 246-249 | A. I. Aleksandrov, V. G. Boborykin, Yu. A. Mel'nikov |
21 | Neutral loading in the endochronic model of the theory of plasticity | Pages 249-251 | A. B. Mosolov |
22 | Apiecewise-homogeneous plane with a separating boundary in the form of the sides of an angle and a symmetrical cut originating from the vertex | Pages 252-254 | L. A. Kipnis |
Volume 50, Issue 3, Pages 255-404 (1986)
1 | Extremal strategies in non-linear differential games | Pages 255-260 | E. G. Al'brekht |
2 | The application of monomial lie groups to the problem of asymptotically integrating equations of mechanics | Pages 260-265 | V. F. Zhuravlev |
3 | Stability with respect to a specified number of variables | Pages 266-271 | V. I. Vorotnikov |
4 | On evolutionary motions of a particle in a gravitational field | Pages 271-278 | A. D. Morozov |
5 | Instability of steady flows with constant vorticity in vessels of elliptic cross-section | Pages 279-285 | V. A. Vladimirov, D. G. Vostretsov |
6 | Diffraction of kelvin waves in a rotating semibounded basin containing a semi-infinite wall | Pages 286-290 | V. I. Plis |
7 | Influence of dissipation on the propagation of a spherical explosion shock wave | Pages 290-297 | V. N. Likhachev |
8 | On laminar preseparation flow | Pages 297-303 | E. V. Bogdanova, O. S. Ryzhov |
9 | Investigation of selfsimilar solutions describing flows in mixing layers | Pages 303-312 | V. N. Diyesperov |
10 | Torsion of elastic bodies bounded by coordinate surfaces of toroidal and spherical coordinate systems | Pages 313-321 | V. S. Protsenko, A. I. Solov'yev, V. V. Tsymbalyuk |
11 | On the dynamic snap-through of a non-linear elastic system | Pages 322-329 | L. S. Srubshchik, V. I. Yudovich |
12 | The vibrations of a bounded plate in a fluid | Pages 330-335 | V. A. Golovanov, A. L. Popov, G. N. Chernyshev |
13 | High-frequency longitudinal vibrations of elastic rods | Pages 335-341 | Le Khan' Chau |
14 | Elastic waves in a material with chemomechanical reactions | Pages 341-349 | B. N. Klochkov |
15 | Non-stationary dynamic contact problem for a periodic system of stamps under arbitrary loading | Pages 350-357 | V. M. Fomin |
16 | On the non-linear boundary equations of the mechanics of the contact of rough elastic bodies | Pages 357-361 | B. A. Galanov |
17 | Inverse contact problems of the theory of plasticity | Pages 361-367 | V. I. Kuz'menko |
18 | Generalized solutions in the theory of plasticity | Pages 367-372 | B. A. Druyanov |
19 | The refraction of a shear wave in a non-linearly elastic awd elastoplastic half-space | Pages 373-379 | A. G. Bykovtsev |
20 | The motion of point defects in solids | Pages 380-388 | G. P. Cherepanov |
21 | Vortical flows and canonical equations of motion of a magnetizable, perfectly conducting fluid | Pages 388-391 | V. B. Gorskii |
22 | Slow motion of a particle in a weakly anisotropic viscous fluid | Pages 391-394 | V. N. Pokrovskii, A. A. Tskhai |
23 | On the stability of a vapour-liquid medium containing bubbles | Pages 394-399 | V. Sh. Shagapov |
24 | A general solution of the static problem of the theory of asymmetrical elasticity | Pages 399-401 | V. I. Olifer |
25 | A hole in a plate, optimal for its biaxial extension - compression | Pages 401-404 | S. B. Vigdergauz, A. V. Cherkayev |
Volume 50, Issue 4, Pages 405-541 (1986)
1 | Equations of the dynamics of sets of reachability in problems of optimization and control under conditions of uncertainty | Pages 405-415 | A. I. Panasyuk |
2 | Optimal estimates of the coordinates of systems with a time lag with respect to a set of continuous and discrete observations | Pages 415-420 | V. B. Kolmanovskii, A. V. Frolov |
3 | Comparison of the solutions of linear and non-linear positional differential games of encounter | Pages 421-428 | A. G. Pashkov |
4 | On an alternative for pursuit-evasion games in an infinite time interval | Pages 428-432 | A. A. Azamov |
5 | On the motion of a controlled system of variable mass | Pages 433-437 | A. G. Azizov |
6 | On submerged jets | Pages 438-445 | M. A. Gol'dshtik, N. I. Yavorskii |
7 | The restrictions of the parameters of cavitational flow | Pages 446-449 | I. G. Nesteruk |
8 | Asymptotic solution of boundary value problems for weakly perturbed wave equations | Pages 449-455 | A. L. Shtaras |
9 | Equations describing the propagation of non-linear quasitransverse waves in a weakly non-isotropic elastic body | Pages 455-461 | A. G. Kulikovskii |
10 | Spatial interaction of strong discontinuities in a gas | Pages 461-469 | V. M. Teshukov |
11 | On a method of solving problems of the bending of rods and plates of piecewise-constant stiffness | Pages 470-474 | V. I. Travush |
12 | Certain problems of an arbitrarily oriented stringer in a composite an isotropic plane | Pages 475-483 | A. F. Krivoi, G. Ya. Popov, M. V. Radiollo |
13 | Spherically layered inclusions in a homogeneous elastic medium | Pages 483-491 | S. K. Kanaun, L. T. Kudryavtseva |
14 | Integral equations of the problem of the torsion of an elastic body with a thin disc-like inclusion | Pages 492-497 | A. P. Poddubnyak |
15 | The three-dimensional problem of steady oscillations of an elastic half-space with a spherical cavity | Pages 497-501 | T. G. Rumyantseva, T. N. Selezneva, M. G. Seleznev |
16 | Plane contact problems for a physically non-linear prestressed elastic medium | Pages 502-506 | I. V. Vorotyntseva |
17 | Contact between an elastic half-plane and a partly separated stamp | Pages 507-515 | E. L. Nakhmein, B. M. Nuller |
18 | Lyapunov stability and sign definiteness of a quadratic form in a cone | Pages 515-520 | L. B. Rapoport |
19 | The use of the method of averaging to study non-linear oscillations of the celtic stone | Pages 520-522 | M. Paskal |
20 | The sufficient conditions for the existence of asymptotically pendulum-like motions of a heavy rigid body with a fixed point | Pages 522-525 | A. Z. Bryum, G. V. Gorr |
21 | Compression of a multilayered medium under the action of a variable external pressure | Pages 525-529 | M. Yu. Ivanov, V. K. Korobov, V. M. Nikolayenko, K. P. Stanyukovich |
22 | Forced oscillations in imperfect and statically loaded shells | Pages 529-532 | A. Yu. Popov |
23 | The problem of the flow of a plastic material along a surface | Pages 533-537 | S. B. Maksimov |
24 | Effective properties of multicomponent elastoplastic composite materials | Pages 537-541 | L. A. Sarayev |
Volume 50, Issue 5, Pages 543-685 (1986)
Volume 50, Issue 6, Pages 687-807 (1986)
Volume 51, Issue 1, Pages 1-138 (1987)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | On the stability of points of libration of an inhomogeneous triaxial ellipsoid | Pages 1-5 | I. I. Kosenko |
3 | The dynamics of a rigid body under impact | Pages 5-9 | V. A. Sinitsyn |
4 | The synchronization of oscillators which interact via a medium | Pages 9-13 | E. E. Shnol |
5 | On the stability of a stationary front of an exothermic reaction in cylindrical samples | Pages 14-20 | P. A. Avdeyev |
6 | On the theory of the filtration of a liquid in a porous medium under bulk heating by a high-frequency electromagnetic field | Pages 20-28 | Xuong Ngoc Hai, A. G. Kutushev, R. I. Nigmatulin |
7 | Isolationof singularities in the solution of two-dimensional problems of the theory of elasticity in irregular multiply connected domains | Pages 28-33 | A. M. Levin |
8 | An axisymmetric analogue of the keldysh-sedov problem | Pages 34-39 | S. Yu. Belyaev |
9 | Wave propagation in the cross-shaped connection of infinite elastic strips | Pages 40-44 | S. P. Pel'ts, V. M. Shikhman |
10 | Averaging in problems of the bending and oscillation of stressed inhomogeneous plates | Pages 44-49 | A. G. Kolpakov |
11 | The problem of a curved layer of composite material with wavy surfaces of periodic structure | Pages 50-56 | A. L. Kalamkarov, B. A. Kudryavtsev, V. Z. Parton |
12 | Variational methods in three-dimensional problems of non-stationary interaction of elastic bodies with friction | Pages 56-62 | A. A. Spektor |
13 | On the behaviour of solutions of dynamic problems near the edge of the contact domain of elastic bodies | Pages 63-71 | I. V. Simonov |
14 | Pressure of a stamp of almost annular planform on an elastic half-space | Pages 71-76 | A. B. Kovura, V. I. Samarskii |
15 | Certain contact problems of the theory of elasticity for an annular sector and a spherical layer sector | Pages 76-82 | M. I. Chebakov |
16 | Dynamic properties of an elastic semibounded medium in the presence of two massive stamps | Pages 82-88 | E. I. Vorovich, O. D. Pryakhina, O. M. Tukodova |
17 | The propagation of a complex fracture area, the exact three-dimensional solution | Pages 89-98 | A. S. Bykovtsev, D. B. Kramarovskii |
18 | Cracks with smoothly closing edges under plane deformation | Pages 99-107 | A. B. Movchan, N. F. Morozov, S. A. Nazarov |
19 | Study of crack opening using the weighting functions method | Pages 107-111 | O. G. Rybakina |
20 | Axisymmetric plastic flow of an ideally connected medium with friction | Pages 112-120 | M. Sh. Shtein |
21 | A generalization of the canonical form of poincare's equations | Pages 120-124 | L. M. Markhashov |
22 | The problem of the diffraction of internal waves at the edge of a semi-infinite film | Pages 124-127 | V. V. Varlamov |
23 | Wave suppression under the action of a viscous film on the surface of an ideal fluid | Pages 128-131 | P. A. Vislousov, E. N. Potetyunko |
24 | A hydrodynamic model of an intercepting vacuum drainage in a descending flow of ground water | Pages 131-134 | V. N. Emikh |
25 | The solution of boundary value problems of the theory of shells with an unknown boundary | Pages 135-137 | V. M. Bogomol'nyi |
26 | Vibration of an elastic rod with dry friction on its side surface | Pages 137-138 | E. M. Podgayetskii |
Volume 51, Issue 2, Pages 139-275 (1987)
1 | On the origins of the journal of applied mathematics and mechanics | Pages i-ii | George Herrmann |
2 | A type of linear game with mixed constraints on the controls | Pages 139-144 | V. I. Ukhobotov |
3 | Construction of mixed strategies on the basis of stochastic programs | Pages 144-149 | A. N. Krasovskii |
4 | The second player's strategy in a linear differential game | Pages 150-155 | M. A. Zarkh, V. S. Patsko |
5 | The problem of the nash equilibrium situation in a positional n-person game with a memory | Pages 156-161 | Yu. E. Chistyakov |
6 | Nash, pareto, and stackelberg solutions in non-antagonistic two-person games | Pages 162-166 | A. F. Kleimenov |
7 | On a computational algorithm for solving game control problems | Pages 167-172 | A. M. Taras'yev, V. N. Ushakov, A. P. Khripunov |
8 | Reducing the equations of motion of certain non-holonomic chaplygin systems to lagrangian and hamiltonian form | Pages 172-177 | N. K. Moshchuk |
9 | The hamilton-jacobi equation in the neighbourhood of a position of equilibrium | Pages 178-182 | R. M. Bulatovich |
10 | Periodic solutions of hamiltonian systems in certain degenerate cases | Pages 182-189 | Yu. V. Barkin, A. A. Pankratov |
11 | Averaging in a quasilinear system with a strongly varying frequency | Pages 189-196 | L. D. Akulenko |
12 | Investigation of partial asymptotic stability and instability based on the limiting equations | Pages 196-201 | A. S. Andreyev |
13 | The bifurcation and stability of permanent rotations of a heavy triaxial ellipsoid on a smooth plane | Pages 202-208 | A. V. Karapetyan, V. N. Rubanovskii |
14 | The effect of third-and fourth-order moments of inertia on the motion of a solid | Pages 208-212 | R. S. Sulikashvili |
15 | Bifurcation of solutions of statics problems of the non-linear theory of elasticity | Pages 213-218 | A. A. Zelenin, L. M. Zubov |
16 | The method of discrete singularities in plane problems of the theory of elasticity with non-smooth boundaries | Pages 219-226 | S. M. Belotserkovskii, I. K. Lifanov, M. M. Soldatov |
17 | Stationary waves in a homogeneous medium perturbed by an inclusion in the form of a curvilinear rod | Pages 227-236 | S. K. Kanaun |
18 | Waves caused by moving loads in an isotropic layer inhomogeneous through the thickness | Pages 237-243 | A. V. Belokon, A. V. Nasedkin |
19 | The two-dimensional loading problem of an elasto-plastic plane weakened by a hole | Pages 244-250 | G. I. Bykovtsev, Yu. D. Tsvetkov |
20 | Fracture of materials under compression along a periodic system of cracks under plane strain conditions | Pages 251-256 | A. N. Guz, V. M. Nazarenko |
21 | Fracture criteria for materials with defects | Pages 256-264 | L. N. Germanovich, G. P. Cherepanov |
22 | A geometrical model of brittle fracture under creep | Pages 265-268 | A. A. Vakulenko, V. Ya. Kreinovich |
23 | On a variational inequality for a shallow shell operator with a constraint on the boundary | Pages 269-272 | A. M. Khludnev |
24 | Multiple eigenvalues in optimization problems | Pages 272-275 | A. P. Seiranyan |
Volume 51, Issue 3, Pages 277-413 (1987)
1 | On motions asymptotic to triangular points of libration of the restricted circular three-body problem | Pages 277-282 | A. P. Markeyev, G. A. Shcherbina |
2 | Intersection of asymptotic surfaces of the perturbed euler-poinsot problem | Pages 283-288 | S. A. Dovbysh |
3 | On the dynamic impossibility of Grioli regular precession in the motion of a rigid body suspended by a rod | Pages 289-291 | G. V. Gorr, G. A. Kononykhin |
4 | On the stability of the stationary rotations of a symmetric rigid body in an alternating magnetic field | Pages 292-297 | Yu. A. Konyayev, Yu. G. Martynenko |
5 | Branching and stability of permanent rotations and relative equilibria of a body suspended from a rod | Pages 297-302 | V. N. Rubanovskii |
6 | Control of the motion of a pendulum in a game-theoretic situation | Pages 303-307 | V. V. Ostapenko |
7 | On the stabilization of certain non-linear systems | Pages 307-313 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
8 | On the analogues and generalizations of squire's theorem | Pages 314-319 | S. Ya. Belov, V. A. Vladimirov |
9 | Development of the Tollmin - Schlichting wave in a boundary layer, on a plate | Pages 319-325 | O. A. Yefremov |
10 | On forced oscillations in the boundary layer at frequencies near the upper branch of the neutral curve | Pages 325-331 | V. E. Zhuk |
11 | Separation of a flow from the corner point of a body | Pages 331-338 | E. V. Bogdanova, O. S. Ryzhov |
12 | Anomalous hydrodynamic fluctuations during the development of thermal convection | Pages 338-345 | O. A. Grechannyi, V. V. Tokarchuk |
13 | Finite strains of viscoelastic muscle tissue | Pages 346-353 | V. I. Kondaurov, L. V. Nikitin |
14 | Equilibrium and stability of non-linearly elastic bodies with cavities containing fluid | Pages 353-356 | V. A. Yeremeyev, L. M. Zubov |
15 | Solution of the problem of stress concentration around intersecting defects by using the riemann problem with an infinite index | Pages 357-365 | Yu. A. Antipov, G. Ya. Popov, S. I. Yatsko |
16 | State of thermal stress and strain of a plate weakened by a rectangular hole | Pages 365-370 | I. I. Verba, Yu. M. Kolyano |
17 | Actionof a uniformly variable moving force on a Timoshenko beam on an elasticfoundation. Transitions through the critical velocities | Pages 370-376 | Yu. D. Kaplunov, G. B. Muravskii |
18 | Solitary longitudinal waves in an inhomogeneous non-linearly elastic rod | Pages 376-381 | A. M. Samsonov, E. V. Sokurinskaya |
19 | On optimal plastic anisotropy | Pages 381-385 | N. V. Banichuk, V. V. Kobelev |
20 | On the shape of minimum-resistance solids of revolution moving in plastically compressible and elastic-plastic media | Pages 386-392 | A. I. Bunimovich, G. E. Yakunina |
21 | On the correspondence principle in the plane creep problem of ageing homogeneous media with developing slits and cavities | Pages 392-399 | S. A. Nazarov, L. P. Trapeznikov, B. A. Shoikhet |
22 | A method for the automatic extinction of directional forces by means of ball selfbalancers | Pages 399-401 | Yu. V. Agafonov |
23 | Control of the spectrum of multidimensional oscillatory objects | Pages 401-405 | V. A. Brusin |
24 | Analytical solution of a flow problem in the neighbourhood of the boundary layer separation point on a moving surface | Pages 405-407 | V. V. Sychev |
25 | Transport equations for a fibrous consolidatable material and the near-wall layer effect | Pages 407-410 | N. N. Kalinin, B. M. Nuller |
26 | On a dynamic contact problem for a single electrode | Pages 410-413 | T. V. Ryzhkova |
Volume 51, Issue 4, Pages 415-551 (1987)
Volume 51, Issue 5, Pages 553-691 (1987)
1 | The method of Lyapunov functions in problems of multistability of motion | Pages 553-558 | A. B. Aminov, T. K. Sirazetdinov |
2 | Study of practical stability problems by numerical methods and optimization of beam dynamics | Pages 559-564 | F. G. Garashchenko |
3 | On a remark of Poincare | Pages 564-573 | L. M. Markhashov |
4 | A consequence of the invariance of the Gauss principle | Pages 573-578 | V. A. Vujicic |
5 | Consequences of a non-integrable perturbation of the integrable constraints: Model problems of low dimensionality | Pages 579-586 | Ya. V. Tatarinov |
6 | On the change in the adiabatic invariant on crossing a separatrix in systems with two degrees of freedom | Pages 586-592 | A. I. Neishtadt |
7 | On the stability of stationary motions of bodies with spherical inertia tensor in a Newtonian force field | Pages 593-597 | R. S. Sulikashvili |
8 | Equations of motion of a carrier supporting dynamically unbalanced and asymmetric flywheels in an inertial medium | Pages 597-600 | V. A. Konoplev |
9 | An anisotropically elastic sphere in free motion | Pages 600-606 | V. V. Novikov |
10 | Estimation of the solutions of linear stochastic integral equations | Pages 607-612 | V. B. Kolmanovskii, L. E. Shaikhet |
11 | The problem of decentralized control with a discontinuous payoff function | Pages 613-618 | A. N. Ermolov |
12 | One selfmodelling solution of a problem on- a planar laminar jet | Pages 618-620 | G. I. Burde |
13 | Radiative instability of stratified shear flows in the Drazin model | Pages 621-626 | U. N. Makov, U. A. Stepaniants |
14 | Non-local non-linear equations of wind waves over an uneven bottom | Pages 626-634 | S. Yu. Dobrokhotov, P. N. Zhevandrov, V. M. Kuz'mina |
15 | On the selfoscillatory modes of motion of a gas in pipes | Pages 634-639 | A. L. Ni |
16 | On the formation of a wave packet in a boundary layer on a flat plate | Pages 640-644 | E. D. Terent'yev |
17 | Asymptotic theory of a wave packet in a boundary layer on a plate | Pages 644-651 | O. S. Ryzhov, I. V. Savenkov |
18 | The pressure on a sphere with a damping coating when a plane acoustic wave is incident on it | Pages 651-656 | L. E. Pekurovskii, V. B. Poruchikov, Yu. A. Sozonenko |
19 | Stationary vibrations of an elastic half-space with a circular cylindrical cavity subjected to a periodic load | Pages 656-663 | L. A. Alekseyeva |
20 | Harmonic oscillations of an electroelastic semi-infinite medium, caused by a periodic action in space | Pages 664-667 | V. A. Babeshko, A. B Finkel'shtein |
21 | Application of structural representations to the solution of boundary-value problems of ideal plasticity | Pages 667-670 | E. B. Nisnevich |
22 | Elastic equilibrium of circular piecewise-homogeneous media with a diametral crack | Pages 670-674 | A. I. Solov'yev |
23 | Asymptotic solution of elasticity theory problems on cracks extended along a space curve | Pages 675-681 | R. V. Gol'dshtein, L. B. Korel'shtein |
24 | Green's function for the bending of a plate on an elastic half-space | Pages 681-683 | V. P. Ol'shanskii |
25 | On certain methods of solving systems of integrodifferential equations encountered in viscoelasticity problems | Pages 683-686 | F. Badalov, Kh. Eshmatov, M. Yusupov |
26 | Fronts of stationary non-linear waves in media with a memory and factorization theorems | Pages 687-691 | A. A. Lokshin |
Volume 51, Issue 6, Pages 693-810 (1987)
1 | Author/title alphabetical index | Pages I-VI | |
2 | On the nature of time, space and gravitation | Pages 693-698 | L. I. Sedov |
3 | On complicated models of continuous media in the general theory of relativity | Pages 698-703 | A. G. Tsypkin |
4 | The problem of averaging random structures in terms of distribution functions | Pages 704-711 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
5 | On the structure of quasitransverse elastic shock waves | Pages 711-716 | A. G. Kulikovskii, E. I. Sveshnikova |
6 | A method of investigating weakly non-linear interaction between one-dimensional waves | Pages 716-722 | A. V. Krylov |
7 | Planar and axially symmetric configurations which are circumvented with the maximum critical mach number | Pages 723-730 | A. N. Kraiko |
8 | Stability of the one-dimensional motions of a viscous gas with a linear dependence of the velocity on the coordinates | Pages 731-735 | G. I. Burde |
9 | The principle of material frame-indifference and cylindrical couette flow of a rarified gas | Pages 736-739 | V. S. Galkin, V. I. Nosik |
10 | Free convection from a point heat source in a stratified fluid | Pages 740-744 | A. V. Kistovich, Yu. D. Chashechkin |
11 | Sedimentation of a suspension of spherical particles in a cylinder | Pages 745-748 | O. B. Gus'kov, A. V. Zolotov |
12 | Selfsimilar solutions of the problem of heat and mass transfer in a saturated porous medium with a volume heat source | Pages 749-757 | N. Kh. Zyong, N. D. Musayev, R. I. Nigmatulin |
13 | A divergent system of non-stationary equations of motion of viscoelastic media in euler coordinates | Pages 758-761 | A. L. Ni, V. E. Fortov |
14 | Asymptotic solution of a quasistatic thermoelasticity problem for a slender rod | Pages 761-769 | V. F. Butuzov, T. A. Urazgil'dina |
15 | Thermoelasticity of a regularly inhomogeneous curved layer with wavy surfaces | Pages 770-776 | A. L. Kalamkarov, B. A. Kudryavtsev, V. Z. Parton |
16 | Dynamics of non-equilibrium phase boundaries in a heat conducting non-linearly elastic medium | Pages 777-784 | L. M. Truskinovskii |
17 | On the algorithm of the solution of the signorini problem | Pages 785-792 | V. Ya. Tereshchenko |
18 | On the inversion of singular integral equations to which certain particular problems of potential theory reduce | Pages 793-797 | D. I. Sherman |
19 | On an integral equation of the problem for an elastic strip with a slit | Pages 797-802 | A. V. Boiko, L. N. Karpenko |
20 | Diffusion charging of particles in one-dimensional weakly ionized aerosol flows | Pages 802-805 | G. L. Sedova, A. V. Filippov, L. T. Chernyi |
21 | The problem of the filling of a limited volume by a viscous heat-conducting gas | Pages 805-807 | S. Ya. Belov |
22 | The problem of the structure of a discontinuity in a strain-hardening plastic medium | Pages 808-810 | B. A. Druyanov, E. A. Svyatova |
Volume 52, Issue 1, Pages 1-140 (1988)
1 | Onthe paper by Kirichenko V.F., Krys'ko V.A. and Surova N.S.: The bubnov-galerkin method in the non-linear theory of hollow flexible, orthotropic multilayered shells | Page CO3 | D. G. Peradze |
2 | Editorial Board | Pages 1-5 | |
3 | A problem of approach with two different pursuers and one evader | Pages 5-11 | A. Yu. Levchenkov |
4 | The problem of the stable synthesis of bounded controls for a certain class of non-steady systems | Pages 11-17 | G. A. Bessonov, V. I. Korobov, G. M. Sklyar |
5 | Exponential stabilization of non-linear stochastic systems | Pages 18-24 | V. A. Ugrinovskii |
6 | Stability of rotation of a deformable spacecraft | Pages 25-30 | L. V. Dokuchayev |
7 | Some invariant relations in the problem of the motion of a body on a smooth horizontal plane | Pages 30-34 | A. S. Sumbatov |
8 | Shock interaction between a concentrated object and a one-dimensional elastic system | Pages 35-41 | S. B. Malanov, G. A. Utkin |
9 | Separating the rapid and slow motions in the problems of the dynamics of systems of rigid bodies and gyroscopes | Pages 41-48 | S. V. Bogatyrev, V. A. Sobolev |
10 | Stability diagrams of the periodic motions of a pendulum with an oscillating axis | Pages 49-53 | Z. S. Batalova, G. V. Belyakova |
11 | On the axisymmetric screw motion of an incompressible viscous fluid | Pages 53-58 | A. B. Airapetov, E. M. Zhmulin |
12 | On strong transitions between structures of differing symmetry accompanying weakly supercritical convection | Pages 59-62 | B. A. Malomed, M. I. Tribel'skii |
13 | Elimination of edge rupture caused by the effect of flow pulsations | Pages 63-67 | S. N. Timoshin |
14 | Normal waves in a fluid-filled cylindrical cavity located in a saturated porous medium | Pages 67-74 | V. N. Krutin, M. G. Markov, A. Yu. Yumatov |
15 | On the state of stress and strain of layered plates of non-symmetric construction | Pages 75-85 | I. S. Zorin, Yu. A. Romashev |
16 | Dynamic snap-through of an elastic shell subjected to a pulsed load | Pages 86-90 | L. S. Srubshchik |
17 | Non-linear waves in slightly anisotropic elastic media | Pages 90-93 | A. G. Kulikovskii, E. I. Sveshnikova |
18 | Two approaches to the investigation of antiplane deformation of an isotropic solid with a thin elastic inclusion | Pages 94-99 | V. K. Opanasovich |
19 | Extension of a composite plane with a thin elastic inclusion emerging orthogonally on a straight material interfacial line | Pages 99-104 | A. A. Evtushenko, Yu. I. Sorokatyi |
20 | A variational method of solving an elastic-plastic problem for a body with a circular hole | Pages 105-110 | V. I. Kerchman, F. M. Erlikhman |
21 | A mathematical model of the deformation and failure of rock materials | Pages 110-113 | S. S. Grigoryan, S. V. Dzhanashiya, G. V. Rykov |
22 | Strength criteria of an anisotropic material | Pages 113-120 | B. E. Pobedrya |
23 | The spatial problem of the compression of a material along a periodic system of parallel circular cracks | Pages 120-125 | V. M. Nazarenko |
24 | Asymptotic solutions of integral equations of crack theory problems for thin plates | Pages 126-129 | V. B. Zelentsov |
25 | Comparison theorems for non-stationary pressure filtration problems | Pages 130-132 | A. N. Gaifutdinov, N. D. Yakimov |
26 | Hamiltonian formulation and fundamental conservation laws for a model of small elliptical vortices | Pages 133-136 | M. A. Brutyan, P. L. Krapivskii |
27 | On the global stability of the forced motions of a liquid within an ellipsoid | Pages 136-139 | G. A. Leonov, A. V. Morozov |
28 | Reaction of a piezoceramic shell to concentrated dynamical actions | Page 140 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii, L. A. Khizhnyak |
Volume 52, Issue 2, Pages 141-276 (1988)
1 | Semicontinuous solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations | Pages 141-146 | I. Rozyev, A. I. Subbotin |
2 | Conditions for a sum of forms to be of fixed sign and for stability of motion on manifolds | Pages 146-151 | A. B. Aminov, T. K. Sirazetdinov |
3 | The stability and stabilization of the equilibrium positions of non-holonomic systems | Pages 152-158 | A. Ya. Krasinskii |
4 | A qualitative analysis of the motion of a heavy solid of revolution on an absolutely rough plane | Pages 159-165 | N. K. Moshchuk |
5 | Diffusion spreading of localized hydrodynamic disturbances under the action of random forces | Pages 165-170 | V. A. Gorodtsov |
6 | The phenomena of turbulent transport and the renormalization-group method | Pages 170-175 | E. V. Teodorovich |
7 | Anisotropic turbulence in a flow of incompressible fluid between rotating coaxial cylinders | Pages 176-179 | V. A. Babkin |
8 | Long waves in shallow liquid under ice cover | Pages 180-183 | A. V. Marchenko |
9 | Excitation of low-frequency fields in a multimembrane chamber | Pages 184-191 | V. P. Ivanov |
10 | Ananalytical solution of the problem of convective diffusion in the neighbourhood of a discontinuity of the catalytic properties of a surface | Pages 191-197 | I. G. Brykina |
11 | The problem of a growing icicle | Pages 198-206 | N. Kh. Arutyunyan, S. S. Grigoryan, V. E. Naumov |
12 | On St. Venant's principle in the torsion problem for a laminated cylinder | Pages 207-210 | N. K. Akhmedov, Yu. A. Ustinov |
13 | Ona method of solving integral equations and its application to the problem of the bending of a plate with a cruciform inclusion | Pages 211-223 | O. V. Onishchuk |
14 | The pressure of a system of stamps on an elastic half-plane under general conditions of contact adhesion and slip | Pages 223-230 | E. L. Nakhmein, B. M. Nuller |
15 | A form of the particular solution of thermoelasticity equations for transversely isotropic bodies | Pages 231-236 | A. N. Borodachev |
16 | Continual fracture of non-linearly elastic bodies | Pages 237-243 | V. I. Kondaurov |
17 | Dynamics of normal separation crack growth during its cleavage by a flow gas | Pages 244-249 | Yu. N. Gordeyev, N. A. Kudryashov |
18 | Thermal shock in a domain with a crack | Pages 250-256 | V. A. Kozlov, V. G. Maz'ya, V. Z. Parton |
19 | Stability of a compressed elastic layer weakened by a circular crack | Pages 257-260 | L. M. Filippova |
20 | Gravitational acceleration in Minkowski space, | Pages 260-261 | L. I. Sedov |
21 | Afamily of exact solutions of the equations of the one-dimensional motion of a gas under the influence of monochromatic radiation | Pages 262-263 | A. N. Zheltukhin |
22 | The influence tensor for an elastic medium with poisson's ratio varying in one direction | Pages 263-266 | S. Ya. Makovenko |
23 | Use of the Roben principle in solving three-dimensional problems of the theory of elasticity | Pages 267-270 | P. I. Perlin |
24 | Solution of three-dimensional problems of the theory of elasticity using the Monte Carlo method | Pages 270-274 | B. E. Pobedrya, P. V. Chistyakov |
25 | On an error in the theory of the conformal mapping of similar regions and its application to the flow past a profile | Pages 274-276 | A. L. Gonor |
Volume 52, Issue 3, Pages 277-412 (1988)
Volume 52, Issue 4, Pages 413-550 (1988)
1 | On the symmetry groups of dynamic systems | Pages 413-420 | V. V. Kozlov |
2 | Stabilization of the steady-state motions of mechanical systems with cyclical coordinates | Pages 420-426 | A. Ya. Krasinskii, V. V. Ronzhin |
3 | On the construction of a bounded control in oscillatory systems | Pages 426-433 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
4 | On stability when a singular point is non-isolated | Pages 434-439 | Zh. A. Mamirov |
5 | The oscillations of a satellite probe towed on an inextensible line in an inhomogeneous atmosphere | Pages 440-444 | E. M. Shakhov |
6 | The solutions of the equations of motion of the kovalevskaya top in finite form | Pages 444-449 | A. I. Dokshevich |
7 | Analytical construction of viscous gas flows using the sequence of linearized navier - stokes systems | Pages 449-457 | S. P. Bautin |
8 | Non-stationary flows in channels with permeable walls | Pages 458-460 | N. M. Barashkov, F. F. Spiridonov |
9 | Conical rotational flow induced by tangential stresses on free plane surface | Pages 461-466 | V. V. Nikulin |
10 | The flow of liquid down an inclined plane at high reynolds numbers | Pages 466-473 | A. A. Makhmudov, E. D. Terent'yev |
11 | Problems of the interaction of a blunt body with an acoustic medium | Pages 473-479 | F. M. Borodich |
12 | The plane state of stress of an elastic plane with two intersecting slits | Pages 479-488 | Yu. A. Antipov, G. Ya. Popov |
13 | Aperturbation method for mixed three-dimensional problems of the theory of elasticity with a complex line of boundary-condition separation | Pages 488-493 | N. M. Borodachev |
14 | The non-linear dynamics of elastic rods | Pages 493-498 | V. V. Eliseyev |
15 | Behaviour of a thick circular slab after buckling | Pages 499-505 | A. A. Zelenin, L. M. Zubov |
16 | On a contact problem for an elastic wedge | Pages 506-511 | V. M. Aleksandrov, D. A. Pozharskii |
17 | Asymptotic integration of non-linear equations of cylindrical panel vibrations | Pages 511-518 | L. S. Srubshchik, A. M. Stolyar, V. G. Tsibulin |
18 | The method of asymptotic integration and the -method of springs- in problems of elastic plates with an elongated cut | Pages 518-525 | R. V. Gol'dshtein, L. B. Korel'shtein |
19 | Thermoelastic stresses in a half-space heated by a concentrated energy flux | Pages 525-533 | L. N. Germanovich, I. D. Kill, N. S. Tsodokova |
20 | On some special laws of non-linear filtration | Pages 533-536 | G. A. Dombrovskii |
21 | The field of the point source of internal waves in a half-space with a variable brunt-vaisala frequency | Pages 536-540 | V. A. Borovnikov |
22 | The formation of a selfsimilar solution for the problem of non-linear waves in an elastic half-space | Pages 541-545 | A. P. Chugainova |
23 | Transient antiplane vibrations of a rectangular elastic slab | Pages 545-547 | N. V. Boyev, M. A. Sumbatyan |
24 | An approach to solving the problem of a crack in a wedge-shaped part of a plane | Pages 547-550 | V. A. Sitnik |
Volume 52, Issue 5, Pages 551-689 (1988)
1 | On a new class of motions of a system of heavy hinged rigid bodies | Pages 551-555 | G. V. Gorr, V. N. Rubanovskii |
2 | The stability of the steady-state motions of a system with pseudocyclical coordinates | Pages 555-560 | V. A. Atanasov, L. K. Lilov |
3 | Periodic motions of gyroscopic systems | Pages 560-569 | A. A. Voronin, V. V. Sazonov |
4 | Algebraic operations compatible with the dynamics of a non-linear discrete control system | Pages 569-579 | A. I. Panasyuk |
5 | Dynamic modelling of unknown perturbations in parabolic variational inequalities | Pages 579-585 | V. I. Maksimov |
6 | Multilayer flows of an incompressible liquid over an uneven bottom under the action of surface pressure | Pages 585-592 | K. A. Bezhanov |
7 | Non-axisymmetric submerged jets | Pages 593-602 | N. I. Yavorskii |
8 | Diffraction of a supercompressed detonation wave regularly reflected from the wall of an obtuse wedge | Pages 603-611 | S. M. Ter-Minasyants, S. M. Urmambetov |
9 | The plane problem of hydroelastic stability for a hinge-supported plate | Pages 611-615 | B. Ya. Kantor, M. P. Kvitnitskii |
10 | Equilibrium of a homogeneous elastic medium bounded by a rectilinear stiff rod | Pages 616-624 | S. K. Kanaun |
11 | The compression of an unbounded body with semi-infinite cylindrical cavities | Pages 625-629 | V. K. Vostrov |
12 | On two mixed problems of antiplane strain of an elastic wedge with circular holes | Pages 629-635 | V. S. Protsenko |
13 | On the solvability of non-linear shallow shell equilibrium problems | Pages 636-641 | I. I. Vorovich, L. P. Lebedev |
14 | Forced vibrations of a piezoceramic cylindrical shell with longitudinal polarization | Pages 641-646 | N. N. Rogacheva |
15 | On the vibrations of a semi-infinite beam with internal and external friction | Pages 647-653 | V. N. Pivovarchik |
16 | Axisymmetric flexural oscillations of a thin disc | Pages 653-659 | V. A. Popov |
17 | Antiplane dynamical contact problem for an electroelastic layer | Pages 659-664 | O. D. Pryakhina, O. M. Tukodova |
18 | Asymptotic properties of the approximate solution of a class of dual integral equations | Pages 664-669 | S. M. Aizikovich, I. S. Trubchik |
19 | The action of a rigid stamp on a half-plane weakened by a regular system of cracks | Pages 670-673 | A. G. Boyadzhi, M. L. Buryshkin, M. V. Radiollo |
20 | Skew impact of a material point on an infinite string lying on an elastic support | Pages 674-676 | S. B. Malanov, G. A. Utkin |
21 | Spatially modulated convective motions in a vertical layer with curved boundaries | Pages 677-679 | A. A. Nepomnyashchii |
22 | On the critical filtration mode with evaporation at the border zone separating fresh waters from saline waters below | Pages 680-683 | E. N. Bereslavskii, V. N. Emikh |
23 | Isoperimetric inequality in the problem of the stability of a circular ring under normal pressure | Pages 683-685 | V. V. Kobelev |
24 | Electromechanical thermal diffusion processes in contacting bodies with point defects | Pages 686-689 | V. N. Yuzevich |
Volume 52, Issue 6, Pages 691-820 (1988)
1 | Author / title alphabetical index | Pages I-VI | |
2 | A constructive method of establishing the validity of the theory of systems with non-retaining constraints | Pages 691-699 | V. V. Kozlov |
3 | A constructive model of impact with friction | Pages 700-704 | A. P. Ivanov |
4 | Stabilization of the stationary motions of non-holonomic mechanical systems | Pages 705-710 | B. Atazhanov, E. M. Krasinskaya |
5 | On the relative equilibria of a satellite-gyrostat, their branchings and stability | Pages 710-714 | V. N. Rubanovskii |
6 | Admissibility of simplified equations in the dynamics of gyroscopic systems | Pages 715-720 | L. K. Kuz'mina |
7 | Continuous modal control of linear multicoupled objects | Pages 720-724 | V. A. Brusin, Yu. M. Maksimov |
8 | The problem of the time-optimal turning of a manipulator | Pages 725-731 | S. N. Osipov, A. M. Formal'skii |
9 | Modes with switchings of increasing frequency in the problem of controlling a robot | Pages 731-737 | V. F. Borisov, M. I. Zelikin |
10 | The connection between thermodynamic entropy and probability | Pages 738-746 | V. L. Berdichevskii |
11 | The asymptotic form of the stationary separated circumfluence of a body at high reynolds numbers | Pages 746-753 | S. I. Chernyshenko |
12 | The non-stationary invariant solution of the equations of gas dynamics describing the spreading of a gas into a vacuum | Pages 754-761 | S. V. Khabirov |
13 | Effect of spherically symmetric mass flow from the surface of a particle on the force of interaction with a plane surface | Pages 761-766 | A. M. Golovin, A. F. Rogovoi |
14 | Mass transfer in a pulsating bubble | Pages 766-773 | V. S. Berman, A. D. Polyanin |
15 | Determination of the equilibrium shape of the bodies formed during the solidification of filtration flow | Pages 773-778 | K. G. Kornev, V. A. Chugunov |
16 | Multimode bifurcations of elastic equilibria | Pages 778-785 | Yu. I. Sapronov |
17 | The decay of an arbitrary initial discontinuity in an elastic medium | Pages 786-790 | A. G. Kulikovskii, E. I. Sveshnikova |
18 | Construction of discontinuous solutions of the equations of plane elasticity theory by the method of generalized functions | Pages 790-796 | A. S. Kopets |
19 | On the instability of elastic shells as the manifestation of internal resonance | Pages 797-802 | V. V. Novikov |
20 | A group pursuit problem with phase constraints | Pages 803-806 | N. N. Petrov |
21 | On an integrable case of perturbed keplerian motion | Pages 806-808 | V. A. Kuz'minykh |
22 | On the use of extensions of the real number field to seek completely integrable hamiltonian systems | Pages 809-810 | A. A. Burov |
23 | Optimal synthesis in the problem of impulsive correction of motion | Pages 811-813 | V. A. Korneyev |
24 | Stability of a cylindrical shell in a stratified flow | Pages 814-816 | A. Ya. Tsionskii |
25 | Reflection and transmission of sound waves through the interfacial boundary of two joined elastic half-strips | Pages 816-820 | I. P. Getman, O. N. Lisitskii |
Volume 53, Issue 1, Pages 1-143 (1989)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | A method for continuing families of periodic solutions of Lagrangian systems | Pages 1-10 | S. R. Karimov, A. G. Sokol'skii |
3 | Non-holonomic Chaplygin systems | Pages 11-17 | S. V. Stanchenko |
4 | The construction of composite models for the mechanics of a support of a set of rigid bodies | Pages 18-24 | V. A. Konoplev |
5 | The mechanism of the hard appearance of a two-frequency oscillation mode in the case of Andronov-Hopf reverse bifurcation | Pages 24-28 | V. S. Afraimovich, L. P. Vozovoi |
6 | Limiting stationary modes of a rigid body on a string suspension | Pages 29-33 | S. A. Mirer, S. A. Odintsova, V. A. Sarychev |
7 | Solution of the problem of dynamic stability in a cooperative differential game with side payments | Pages 34-46 | N. N. Danilov |
8 | A differential game with a fuzzy target set and fuzzy starting positions | Pages 46-50 | V. A. Baidosov |
9 | On the small vibrations of a stratified capillary liquid | Pages 50-56 | S. T. Simakov |
10 | Aerodynamic characteristics of volume rod constructions in stationary free-molecular flow | Pages 57-61 | A. V. Shvedov |
11 | The effect of multicomponent diffusion on the stability of laminar flames | Pages 62-68 | A. M. Grishin, E. E. Zelenskii |
12 | Optimal elastic domains of maximum stiffness | Pages 69-75 | L. V. Petukhov |
13 | Piecewise-homogeneous plates of extremal stiffness | Pages 76-80 | S. B. Vigdergauz |
14 | Green's matrix of the plane problem of elasticity theory for an orthotropic strip | Pages 81-84 | I. M. Dolgova, Yu. A. Mel'nikov |
15 | Some approximate methods of solving integral equations of mixed problems | Pages 85-92 | E. V. Kovalenko |
16 | A new approach to the asymptotic integration of the equations of shallow convex shell theory in the post-critical stage | Pages 92-96 | A. Yu. Evkin |
17 | On the asymptotic method of -large ?- | Pages 97-101 | I. A. Lubyagin, M. I. Chebakov |
18 | On a variational formula and its application to contact problems of elasticity theory | Pages 102-107 | N. M. Borodachev |
19 | Onthe subsonic stationary motion of stamps and flexible cover-plates on the boundary of an elastic half-plane and a composite plane | Pages 108-117 | E. L. Nakhmein, B. M. Nuller |
20 | Contact problems of the mechanics of bodies with accretion | Pages 117-128 | N. Kh. Arutyunyan, A. V. Manzhirov |
21 | Application of the principle of choice to the problem of the initial development of slip lines from a corner point | Pages 128-133 | L. A. Kipnis, G. P. Cherepanov |
22 | On a Kelvin problem | Pages 133-135 | V. V. Kozlov |
23 | On retaining the property of uniform asymptotic stability with respect to some of the variables | Pages 136-139 | A. O. Ignat'yev |
24 | A new method of solving the optimal control problem for a partially observable stochastic Volterra process | Pages 140-143 | L. E. Shaikhet |
Volume 53, Issue 2, Pages 145-279 (1989)
1 | Non-linear dynamics of a conservative system degenerating into a system with a singular set | Pages 145-149 | R. F. Nagayev, V. N. Pilipchuk |
2 | An averaging theorem for distributed conservative systems and its application to von Karman's equations | Pages 150-157 | S. B. Kuksin |
3 | Stabilizing and destabilizing effects in non-conservative systems | Pages 158-164 | N. V. Banichuk, A. S. Bratus, A. D. Myshkis |
4 | Some new dynamical effects in the perturbed euler-poinsot problem, due to splitting of separatrices | Pages 165-173 | S. A. Dovbysh |
5 | Planar standing and marking-time regimes of a bipedal walking device | Pages 173-182 | V. V. Beletskii, M. D. Golubitskaya |
6 | Optimal control of some bilinear systems with aftereffect | Pages 183-188 | V. B. Kolmanovskii, N. I. Koroleva |
7 | Support and calibration functions of reachability regions of linear controlled systems | Pages 189-192 | A. M. Kovalev |
8 | Summation of ellipsoids in the guaranteed estimation problem | Pages 193-197 | Yu. N. Reshetnyak |
9 | On non-isentropic stationary spatial and planar non-stationary double-waves | Pages 198-202 | S. V. Meleshko |
10 | The weak non-linear fluctuations in the radius of a condensed drop in an acoustic field | Pages 203-211 | N. A. Gumerov |
11 | On the thermocapillary motion of a drop with homogeneous internal heat evolution | Pages 212-216 | A. E. Rednikov, Yu. S. Ryazantsev |
12 | An algorithm for shape optimization in elliptic systems | Pages 217-221 | I. N. Kandoba |
13 | Stability of heterogeneous systems with coherent interphase boundaries | Pages 222-229 | M. A. Grinfel'd, M. P. Lazarev |
14 | On fronts of strong and weak discontinuities in solutions of the equations of different-modulus elasticity theory | Pages 230-235 | A. G. Kulikovskii, L. A. Pekurovskaya |
15 | Singularities of the interaction of a vibrating stamp with an inhomogeneous heavy base | Pages 235-241 | V. V. Kalinchuk, I. V. Lysenko, I. B. Polyakova |
16 | The refraction of a pure shear shock wave into an elastic-plastic half-space | Pages 242-249 | A. G. Bykovtsev |
17 | On the form of the plasticity functional in endochronic inelasticity theories | Pages 250-260 | O. Yu. Dinariyev, A. B. Mosolov |
18 | Selfsimilar problems of star-shaped crack development under the action of a cleaving gas flow | Pages 261-265 | Yu. N. Gordeyev |
19 | Periodic solutions of the elliptical three-body problem near a triangular libration point | Pages 266-268 | V. P. Evteyev, E. M. Mukhamadiyev |
20 | Group-theoretical analysis of the equations of motion of a thixotropic fluid | Pages 268-270 | R. N. Bakhtizin |
21 | On the motion of fluid near a stretching circular cylinder | Pages 271-273 | H. I. Burde |
22 | On the problem of the collapse of cavitational voids | Pages 273-275 | A. V. Kononov |
23 | A dynamic contact problem for a bilayered half-space with a cavity | Pages 276-279 | T. G. Rumyantseva, M. G. Seleznev, M. V. Chepil |
Volume 53, Issue 3, Pages 281-410 (1989)
1 | On the motion of a particle over a rough rotating plane | Pages 281-288 | A. I. Grudev, A. Yu. Ishlinskii, F. L. Chernous'ko |
2 | On relativistic analogues of particle dynamics | Pages 289-300 | L. M. Markhashov |
3 | The entry of a wedge into an incompressible fluid | Pages 300-307 | B. S. Chekin |
4 | The penetration of star-shaped bodies into a compressible fluid | Pages 308-314 | A. L. Gonor, V. B. Poruchikov |
5 | On sonic flows impinging on wedge-shaped obstructions | Pages 315-319 | A. N. Kraiko, S. A. Munin |
6 | Analysis of the paradox of the interaction of a vortex filament with a plane | Pages 319-325 | M. A. Gol'dshtik, V. N. Shtern |
7 | The asymptotic form of the unevenly heated free boundary of a capillary fluid at large Marangoni numbers | Pages 325-331 | V. A. Batishchev |
8 | Thermocapillary drift of a drop in the case when the surface tension depends non-linearly on the temperature | Pages 332-339 | Yu. P. Gupalo, A. E. Rednikov, Yu. S. Ryazantsev |
9 | A hydrodynamic generalization of Ward's identity | Pages 340-344 | E. V. Teodorovich |
10 | The stability of Couette-Taylor electrohydrodynamic flow | Pages 345-349 | A. P. Kuryachii |
11 | The forcing out of saline water by fresh water during filtration from a mole irrigator | Pages 350-355 | E. N. Bereslavskii |
12 | Estimates of the flow rate characteristics in the theory of filtration and heat conduction | Pages 355-361 | M. M. Alimov, E. V. Skvortsov |
13 | Relaxation phenomena in saturated porous media, Linear theory | Pages 362-367 | O. Yu. Dinariyev, O. V. Nikolayev |
14 | Analysis of controlled rotations of an elastic rod around an arbitrary axis | Pages 368-374 | L. D. Akulenko, S. A. Mikhailov |
15 | Integral equations of elasticity theory for a multiconnected domain with inclusions | Pages 375-384 | D. Ya. Bardzokas, V. Z. Parton, P. S. Theocaris |
16 | Continual-discrete modelling of a multicomponent laminar body by using a system of two-dimensional continua | Pages 384-392 | T. A. Pribyleva |
17 | Conditions on surfaces of discontinuity in a rigid-plastic analysis | Pages 392-401 | Ya. A. Kamenyarzh |
18 | On asymptotic integration of the equations of motion of mechanical systems subjected to rapidly oscillating forces | Pages 401-403 | V. V. Strygin |
19 | On the Mitchell problem of the motion of a lubricant in a layer bounded by a moving plane and a fixed plate of finite sizes | Pages 403-405 | N. N. Slezkin |
20 | Estimation of growing perturbation parameters in shear flows of a viscous stratified fluid | Pages 406-409 | O. R. Kozyrev, Yu. A. Stepanyants |
21 | The passage of a non-stationary pulse through a layer with damping | Pages 409-410 | M. A. Sumbatyan, V. Ya. Sychava |
Volume 53, Issue 4, Pages 411-553 (1989)
Volume 53, Issue 5, Pages 555-683 (1989)
1 | The problem of stabilizing the steady motions of systems with cyclic coordinates | Pages 555-561 | V. I. Kalenova, V. M. Morozov, M. A. Salmina |
2 | A universal sequence of period-doubling bifurcations of the forced oscillations of a pendulum | Pages 561-565 | V. I. Gulyayev, A. L. Zubritskaya, V. L. Koshkin |
3 | Limit cycles and chaos in equations of the pendulum type | Pages 565-572 | A. D. Morozov |
4 | A supplement to Lawden's theory | Pages 572-578 | S. T. Zavalishchin |
5 | Analyticsolutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of an irreversible system in the neighbourhood of a non-degenerate potential energy maximum | Pages 578-581 | R. M. Bulatovich |
6 | A representation of the solutions of the generalized Cauchy-Riemann equations and its applications | Pages 581-589 | S. V. Pan'ko |
7 | Stabilization of a given position of an elastic rod | Pages 590-596 | E. K. Lavrovskii, A. M. Formal'skii |
8 | Forced oscillations and the radiation of sound by a circular plate interacting with a fluid | Pages 596-600 | S. N. Beshenkov |
9 | The diagnostic problem for elastic semibounded bodies | Pages 601-607 | V. A. Lomazov |
10 | The method of projection and decomposition of analytical functions in boundary-value problems of elasticity theory | Pages 607-613 | A. M. Tsalik |
11 | Green's function of the stationary dynamic problem for a viscoelastic half-space | Pages 614-618 | D. R. Atadzhanov, A. G. Sarkisyan, A. I. Tseitlin |
12 | The axisymmetric problem of transferring a load to a viscoelastic orthotropic body by means of an elastic rod | Pages 619-622 | T. S. Kagadii, A. V. Pavlenko |
13 | The combined problem of thermoelastic contact between two plates through a heat conducting layer | Pages 622-627 | V. V. Zozulya |
14 | Elastic and thermoelastic characteristics of composites reinforced with unidirectional fibre layers | Pages 628-636 | S. K. Kanaun, L. T. Kudryavtseva |
15 | The pressure exerted by a stamp of circular cross-section on an elastic half-space | Pages 636-638 | V. I. Mossakovskii, E. V. Poshivalova |
16 | The problem of the pressure of a rigid stamp on the boundary of a non-linearly elastic half-plane under finite deformations | Pages 639-643 | L. G. Dobordzhginidze |
17 | The construction of the dissipative plastic flow function on the basis of microscopic representations | Pages 643-649 | V. N. Lukerchenko |
18 | On limit surface loads in the theory of plasticity | Pages 649-654 | O. O. Barabanov |
19 | A crack on the interfacial boundary of prestressed elastic media | Pages 654-659 | V. B. Zelentsov, L. M. Filippova |
20 | Physico-geometric investigation of brittle fracture during creep | Pages 660-665 | A. A. Vakulenko, V. Ya. Kreinovich |
21 | Complete controllability of linear dynamic systems | Pages 665-668 | A. I. Ovseyevich |
22 | Some properties of the generalized solutions of one-dimensional two-phase porous flow problems | Pages 669-672 | A. V. Domanskii |
23 | The solution of problems of elasticity theory by the method of analytic functions | Pages 672-676 | S. A. Kuliyev |
24 | Anapproach to solving three-dimensional dynamic problems of the theory ofelasticity and visco-elasticity for bodies of complex shape | Pages 677-679 | K. S. Pustovoit, I. E. Troyanovskii, I. N. Shardakov |
25 | On the shape of a minimum resistance solid of rotation penetrating into plastically compressible media without detachment | Pages 680-683 | A. I. Bunimovich, G. E. Yakunina |
Volume 53, Issue 6, Pages 685-835 (1989)
1 | Author/title alphabetical index | Pages I-VI | |
2 | Qualitative analysis of systems with an ideal non-conservative constraint | Pages 685-689 | A. P. Markeyev |
3 | Orbital stability analysis using first integrals | Pages 689-695 | A. Z. Bryum |
4 | An algorithm for the asymptotic solution of a singularly perturbed linear time-optimal control problem | Pages 695-703 | A. I. Kalinin |
5 | Stabilization of weakly linear systems | Pages 703-707 | V. A. Kolosov |
6 | The Barnett approximation in the theory of hydrodynamic fluctuations | Pages 708-715 | V. V. Tokarchuk |
7 | Model of a weakly non-local relaxing compressible medium | Pages 715-720 | A. B. Roshchin, L. M. Truskinovskii |
8 | Elastic wave damping in thin-layered saturated porous media | Pages 721-727 | A. G. Egorov |
9 | Dispersion of internal waves by an obstacle floating on the boundary separating two liquids | Pages 727-730 | S. A. Gabov, A. G. Sveshnikov, A. K. Shatov |
10 | The diffraction of plane gravitational waves by the edge of an ice cover | Pages 731-736 | R. V. Gol'dshtein, A. V. Marchenko |
11 | High-frequency asymptotics of acoustic pressure for bounded wave beam scattering by an elastic sphere | Pages 736-742 | A. P. Poddubnyak |
12 | The problem of waves of discrete spectrum in shear flows with sign - constant curvature of the profile | Pages 743-749 | M. A. Mironov, I. A. Sazonov |
13 | Focusing of shock waves in a highly viscous fluid | Pages 750-756 | V. N. Likhachev |
14 | Approximate formulas for heat flows towards an ideally catalytic surface near a plane of symmetry | Pages 756-761 | I. G. Brykina, V. V. Rusakov, V. G. Shcherbak |
15 | Acomparison of the models of a thin and a complete viscous shock layer in the problem of the supersonic flow of a viscous gas past blunt cones | Pages 762-767 | G. A. Tirskii, S. V. Utyuzhnikov |
16 | Theeffect of conjugated and radiant heat exchange on the process of non-stationary combustion of the products of intense gasification of a solid in a stream of gas | Pages 767-772 | V. M. Agranat, D. A. Gubin |
17 | Asymptotic analysis of three-dimensional dynamic equations for thin two-layer elastic plates | Pages 772-778 | I. V. Simonov |
18 | Non-stationary supersonic motion of a complex discontinuity | Pages 779-786 | A. S. Bykovtsev, D. B. Kramarovskii |
19 | Moment theory of electromagnetic effects in anisotropic solids | Pages 786-790 | I. G. Teregulov |
20 | Useof an orthoexponential transformation in the study of the non-stationary equations of thermoelasticity and thermoviscoelasticity | Pages 791-797 | R. I. Mokrik, I. V. Oliyarnik |
21 | On the stability of rods for stochastic excitations | Pages 797-803 | V. D. Potapov |
22 | Elastoplastic torsion of a cylindrical rod for finite deformations | Pages 804-811 | N. Kh. Arutyunyan, Yu. N. Radayev |
23 | On the formulation of the contact problem of elastic plasticity | Pages 811-815 | Yu. I. Nyashin, S. A. Chernopazov |
24 | Slip lines at the corner of the interfacial boundary of different media | Pages 815-820 | L. A. Kipnis |
25 | Stability of motion of linear systems relative to some of the variables | Pages 820-821 | Lyao Syaosin |
26 | Effect of viscosity on the conditions for the formation of centrifugal solitons in the translational-rotational flow of a liquid | Pages 822-823 | R. A. Brazhe |
27 | On boundary integral equations in electroelasticity | Pages 824-827 | A. O. Vatul'yan, V. L. Kublikov |
28 | Two formulations of an elasto-plastic problem | Pages 828-830 | F. M. Erlikhman |
29 | Isoperimetric estimates of the solutions of a class of pseudodifferential equations and their application to crack problems | Pages 831-835 | E. I. Shifrin |
Volume 54, Issue 1, Pages 1-145 (1990)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
2 | The problem of time-optimal control with search for a target point | Pages 1-7 | A. A. Melikyan |
3 | Fuzzy differential inclusions | Pages 8-13 | V. A. Baidosov |
4 | Control of the motion of a solid rotating about its centre of mass | Pages 13-18 | D. B. Lebedev |
5 | Stability of a horizontal rotor in flexible rolling bearings with clearances | Pages 19-25 | A. S. Kel'zon, A. A Koval |
6 | Flow of a plane jet of liquid from a reservoir with flexible walls near a screen | Pages 25-29 | V. P. Zhitnikov |
7 | The oscillations of an oscillator near the interface between two liquids | Pages 30-38 | L. D. Akulenko, S. A. Mikhailov, S. V. Nesterov |
8 | The free oscillations of a viscous two-layer fluid in a closed vessel | Pages 39-45 | S. Ya. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich |
9 | The velocity of propagation of a signal in a fluid with relaxation | Pages 46-51 | O. Yu. Dinariyev |
10 | Firstand second fundamental axisymmetric problems of elasticity theory for doubly-connected domains bounded by the surfaces of a sphere and a spheroid | Pages 51-59 | A. G. Nikolayev, V. S. Protsenko |
11 | On seeking buckling modes of a circular plate | Pages 60-63 | A. A. Fonarev |
12 | Some mixed problems of the theory of the bending of plates on an elastic foundation | Pages 64-68 | V. M. Aleksandrov, D. A. Pozharskii |
13 | A version of a refined non-linear theory of thin elastic sandwich shells of iteration type | Pages 69-74 | V. N. Paimushin |
14 | Deformation of a viscoelastic cylinder fastened to a housing under non-isothermal dynamic loading | Pages 74-82 | L. Kh. Talybly |
15 | Wave propagation in an elastic longitudinally inhomogeneous cylinder | Pages 83-87 | I. P. Getman, Yu. A. Ustinov |
16 | The eigenfunction expansion method in dynamic electroelasticity problems | Pages 88-93 | O. Yu. Zharii |
17 | Hypersingular integrals in plane problems of the theory of elasticity | Pages 93-99 | A. M. Lin'kov, S. G. Mogilevskaya |
18 | On the stress-strain state near a three-dimensional crack in a two-sheeted surface | Pages 99-106 | V. V. Sil'vestrov |
19 | Stress intensity factors for parallel cracks lying close together in a plane region | Pages 105-115 | S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova |
20 | Extremal criteria of the stability of certain motions | Pages 115-133 | I. I. Blekhman, O. Z. Malakhova |
21 | Two solutions of the three-dimensional problem of limit waves on the surface of a ponderable fluid | Pages 134-137 | E. L. Amromin, M. A. Basin, V. A. Bushkovskii |
22 | Lowerestimates of the characteristic frequencies of the oscillations of a liquid with a free surface in channels of arbitrary cross-section | Pages 137-142 | V. I. Tarakanov |
23 | On statically possible fields in a simply connected volume | Pages 143-145 | M. A. Rvachev |
Volume 54, Issue 2, Pages 147-292 (1990)
1 | Some remarks on the relativistic concepts of velocities and acceleration | Pages 147-154 | L. I. Sedov |
2 | Inversion of lagrange's theorem for a rigid body with a cavity containing a viscous liquid | Pages 154-163 | V. A. Vladimirov, V. V. Rumyantsev |
3 | Oscillations of a rigid body with a toroidal cavity filled with a viscous liquid | Pages 164-168 | M. L. Pivovarov, F. L. Chernous'ko |
4 | Resonances and asymptotic trajectories in hamiltonian systems | Pages 169-173 | A. P. Markeyev |
5 | On stochastic non-holonomic systems | Pages 174-182 | N. K. Moshchuk, I. N. Sinitsyn |
6 | Perturbed rotational motions of a rigid body similar to regular precession | Pages 183-190 | D. D. Leshchenko, S. N. Sallam |
7 | Vortex drag of a plate during vibrations in a slightly viscous fluid | Pages 191-195 | V. A. Buzhinskii |
8 | Interaction of an unsteady-state wave with a rigid sphere immersed in a compressible viscous fluid | Pages 196-200 | A. S. Basmat, A. N. Guz |
9 | On the impossibility of regular reflection of a steady-state shock wave from the axis of symmetry | Pages 201-203 | A. I. Rylov |
10 | Problems in the spreading and extrusion of a layer of non-linearly viscous fluid | Pages 204-210 | V. I. Kerchman |
11 | The method of averaging in dynamic problems of the theory of the elasticity of structurally inhomogeneous media | Pages 211-218 | A. V. Chigarev |
12 | Non-steady waves in an acoustic medium with boundaries shaped like a parabolic cylinder | Pages 219-226 | A. G. Gorshkov, Yu. V. Rachinskii, D. V. Tarlakovskii |
13 | Inhomogeneous elastic structures optimal in stiffness | Pages 226-231 | L. V. Petukhov, K. E. Sokov |
14 | On the state of stress and strain near cone apices | Pages 231-242 | N. V. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov |
15 | On a class of exact solutions of a non-axisymmetric contact problem for an inhomogeneous elastic half-space | Pages 242-249 | A. N. Borodachev |
16 | Contact problems for systems of elastic half-planes | Pages 249-253 | B. M. Nuller |
17 | The plane contact problem for an elastic layer for high vibration frequencies | Pages 253-257 | M. A. Sumbatyan |
18 | Scattering of a bending wave by a finite rectilinear crack in an elastic plate | Pages 258-266 | I. V. Andronov |
19 | The boundary-layer method in the fracture mechanics of composites of periodic structure | Pages 266-271 | A. L. Kalamkarov, B. A. Kudriavtsev, V. Z. Parton |
20 | On certain final motions in then-body problem | Pages 272-274 | L. D. Pustyl'nikov |
21 | Thepossibility of structurally stable global oscillators occurring when dissipative forces are introduced into dynamic systems asymptotically stable in the large | Pages 275-278 | S. N. Kirpichnikov, A. G. Stepanov |
22 | The selfsimilar asymptotic form of non-stationary vortex flows | Pages 278-281 | P. N. Svirkunov, E. A. Fel'de |
23 | A generalized faxen formula for various forms of boundary conditions | Pages 281-285 | V. A. Avakyan, L. P. Smirnov |
24 | Theconstruction of the constant-velocity contour of a foundation of a hydraulic installation in the case of the filtration of two liquids of different density | Pages 285-289 | E. N. Bereslavskii |
25 | Estimates of the parameters of increasing perturbations in shear flows of an inhomogeneous magnetized plasma | Pages 289-292 | N. A. Glazunova, Yu. A. Stepanyants |
Volume 54, Issue 3, Pages 293-424 (1990)
1 | Dynamic simulation of controls in certain parabolic systems | Pages 293-297 | Yu. S. Korbich, V. I. Maksimov, Yu. S. Osipov |
2 | An approximation in the problem of controlling the shape of the region for a parabolic system | Pages 298-301 | S. P. Okhezin |
3 | Motion of controllable mechanical systems with servo-constraints | Pages 302-308 | A. G. Azizov |
4 | Stability and controllability in proportional navigation | Pages 309-317 | V. L. Kan, A. S. Kel'zon |
5 | Optimization of the observation process | Pages 317-320 | I. Yu. Krivonos, V. G. Pokotilo, B. N. Pshenichnyi |
6 | Cooperative solutions in a many-person positional differential game with continuous payment functions | Pages 321-325 | A. F. Kleimenov |
7 | A universal second-player strategy in a linear differential game | Pages 326-330 | M. A. Zarkh |
8 | Differential games with integral constraints on disturbances | Pages 331-337 | M. D. Lokshin |
9 | New solutions of two-dimensional stationary euler equations | Pages 337-342 | O. V. Kaptsov |
10 | Aninvariant finite-dimensional approximation to the navier-stokes equations and self-excited oscillatory modes of poiseuille flow | Pages 343-354 | B. Yu. Skobelev |
11 | Motion of an initially point vortex in a flow of viscous fluid | Pages 355-359 | A. B. Airapetov |
12 | Computation of attached flow past an airfoil profile at high reynolds numbers | Pages 359-365 | S. A. Velichko, Yu. B. Lifshitz |
13 | Onacoustic boundary-contact problems for a vertically stratified medium bounded from above by a plate with concentrated inhomogeneities | Pages 366-371 | I. V. Andronov, B. P. Belinskii |
14 | Exact solutions of the non-linear wave equations arising in mechanics | Pages 372-375 | N. A. Kudryashov |
15 | Non-axisymmetric buckling of shallow spherical shells | Pages 375-388 | I. M. Bermus, L. S. Srubshchik |
16 | On the analysis of thin porous coatings | Pages 388-392 | E. V. Kovalenko |
17 | Determination of the dynamic contact stiffness of an elastic layer | Pages 393-397 | E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova |
18 | Pulse propagation in media with small velocity dispersion and relaxation time spectrum of the form 1/?. exact solution | Pages 397-402 | S. Z. Dunin, G. A. Maksimov |
19 | On the plastic loading process behind an unloading shock front | Pages 402-412 | A. G. Bykovtsev |
20 | Motions doubly asymptotic to invariant tori in the theory of perturbed hamiltonian systems | Pages 412-417 | S. V. Bolotin |
21 | Control of the speed of response of predator-prey systems | Pages 417-420 | V. B. Kolmanovskii, A. K. Spivak |
22 | On a method of solving a shape optimization problem in elasticity theory | Pages 421-424 | I. N. Kandoba |
Volume 54, Issue 4, Pages 425-581 (1990)
1 | The orbital stability of the trajectories of dynamic systems | Pages 425-429 | G. A. Leonov |
2 | The painleve paradoxes and the law of motion of mechanical systems with Coulomb friction | Pages 430-438 | Le Suan An |
3 | Separation of motions in non-linear oscillatory systems with random perturbations | Pages 438-444 | A. S. Kovaleva |
4 | The selfconsisteht problem of the vibrations of an infinite string loaded with a moving point mass | Pages 444-448 | L. E. Kaplan |
5 | Asymptotic laminar wakes | Pages 449-457 | N. I. Yavorskii |
6 | A variational method of determining the eigenfrequencies of a liquid in a channel | Pages 458-465 | N. G. Kuznetsov |
7 | Diffraction of a short acoustic wave by a smooth body with a discontinuity in the radius of curvature of its surface | Pages 465-472 | V. N. Likhachev |
8 | Airfoil optimization by the method of inverse boundary-value problems | Pages 473-479 | A. M. Elizarov, E. V. Fedorov |
9 | The use of case's method to solve the linearized BGK equations for the temperature-jump problem | Pages 480-484 | A. V. Latyshev |
10 | Stratified flows and dipole approximations | Pages 485-490 | A. M. Ter-Krikorov |
11 | Long-wave thermocapillary convection in layers with deformable interfaces | Pages 490-496 | A. A. Nepomnyashchii, I. B. Simanovskii |
12 | Integration of the equations of plane stationary non-linear filtration | Pages 497-500 | G. A. Dombrovskii |
13 | Analysis of box-like shells of rectangular cross-section | Pages 501-507 | V. A. Grishin, G. Ya. Popov, V. V. Reut |
14 | On the influence of inhomogeneities on the vibrations of a cylindrical shell | Pages 508-512 | R. A. Dudnik, E. A. Makeyeva, E. A. Fiyaksel |
15 | Method of extracting singularities in the problem of the hydroelastic vibrations of a shell excited by concentrated forces | Pages 512-518 | S. P. Borshch, A. L. Popov, G. N. Chernyshev |
16 | Refined membrane theory of electroelastic shells | Pages 518-522 | N. N. Rogacheva |
17 | Dynamic contact problems for an orthotropic elastic half-plane and a composite plane | Pages 523-530 | E. L. Nakhmein, B. M. Nuller |
18 | Separation-free flow around a blunt body by a high-velocity elastic-plastic flow | Pages 531-538 | L. M. Flitman |
19 | The theory of the fracture of a superconductor in a magnetic field | Pages 538-543 | E. A. Devyatkin, I. V. Simonov |
20 | Variational principles of non-linear theory of brittle fracture | Pages 543-549 | Le Khan Chau |
21 | The selfsimilar dynamic problem of a hydraulic crack when its sides interact with a cleaving gas flow | Pages 549-554 | Yu. N. Gordeyev |
22 | The equations of motion of condensed media with continually kinetic fracture | Pages 554-559 | A. L. Ni, V. E. Fortov |
23 | Bounds on control in the linear dynamic optimization problem with a quadratic functional | Pages 559-562 | B. N. Sokolov |
24 | A special case of hydrodynamic stability | Pages 562-565 | A. G. Bershadskii |
25 | The formation of zero frequency internal waves during free convection in a temperature-stratified liquid | Pages 565-568 | A. V. Kistovich, Yu. D. Chashechkin |
26 | The propagation of a weak discontinuity in a non-linear medium with rigid unloading | Pages 569-571 | A. A. Lokshin, E. A. Sagomonyan |
27 | The relationship between the endochronic theory of plasticity and the -new- measure of internal time | Pages 571-576 | Yu. I. Kadashevich, A. B. Mosolov |
28 | Fragmentation of a composite material and fragmentation of fibres under a dynamic load | Pages 577-581 | V. V. Kobelev |
Volume 54, Issue 5, Pages 583-726 (1990)
1 | The dependence of the solutions of the equations of motion of mechanical systems on a large parameter | Pages 583-589 | V. V. Sazonov |
2 | Equivalent linearization of quasilinear oscillating systems with slowly varying parameters | Pages 589-596 | L. D. Akulenko |
3 | Optimal stabilization of motion with respect to some of the variables | Pages 597-605 | V. I. Vorotnikov |
4 | Maximally fast braking of an object in controlled motion, under the action of aerodynamic drag and gravity | Pages 605-611 | B. E. Fedunov |
5 | The controllability of a non-linear system in a class of generalized controls | Pages 612-618 | A. G. Ivanov |
6 | Inverse problems in the dynamics of parabolic systems | Pages 619-623 | A. V. Kim, A. I. Korotkii, Yu.S. Osipov |
7 | Estimate of the guaranteed value in a non-linear differential game of approach | Pages 624-630 | A. G. Pashkov |
8 | Anequation for the probability density, velocity, and temperature of particles in a turbulent flow modelled by a random Gaussian field | Pages 631-637 | I. V. Derevich, L. I. Zaichik |
9 | Triple-wave potential flows of a polytropic gas | Pages 637-640 | S. V. Meleshko |
10 | Stokes approximation for two-dimensional inductionless magnetohydrodynamic flows | Pages 641-645 | N. A. Britov |
11 | A model of a non-homogeneous pseudofluidized layer with particle exchange between the non-homogeneity and the layer | Pages 646-655 | N. N. Bobkov, Yu. P. Gupalo |
12 | Construction of discontinuous solutions in three-dimensional elasticity theory | Pages 656-662 | G. A. Morar, G. Ya. Popov |
13 | Longitudinal waves in an elastic medium with a piecewise-linear dependence of the stress on the strain | Pages 663-668 | A. G. Kulikovskii, L. A. Pekurovskaya |
14 | Material and spatial representations of the constitutive relations of deformable media | Pages 668-677 | G. L. Brovko |
15 | Supersonic cleavage of an elastic strip | Pages 677-682 | V. M. Aleksandrov, B. I. Smetanin |
16 | The asymptotic solution of problems of the action of a concentrated force and a piecewise-continuous load on a two-layered strip | Pages 683-687 | L. A. Agalovyan, M. G. Asratyan, R. S. Gevorkyan |
17 | Exact solution of the antiplane contact problem for finite canonical domains | Pages 688-691 | E. V. Kovalenko, D. G. Tarasov, M. I. Chebakov |
18 | The torsion of a growing cylinder by a rigid stamp | Pages 692-699 | A. V. Manzhirov |
19 | An inequality in the theory of a semilinear elastic body | Pages 699-705 | V. A. Misyura |
20 | On the realization of holonomic constraints | Pages 705-708 | V. V. Kozlov, A. I. Neishtadt |
21 | The asymptotic stabilizability of positions of relative equilibrium of a satellite - gyrostat | Pages 708-711 | V. A. Atanasov |
22 | The minimum dimensions of the control vector in the linear dynamic problem of stabilization | Pages 711-713 | V. N. Sokolov |
23 | The intake of purified fresh water with filtration from a reservoir | Pages 714-718 | E. N. Bereslavskii |
24 | An asymptotic solution of a class of coupled equations | Pages 719-724 | S. M. Aizikovich |
25 | The analysis of the stability of shock waves | Pages 725-726 | A. A. Barmin, M. V. Shchelkachev |
Volume 54, Issue 6, Pages 727-861 (1990)
Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 1-144 (1991)
1 | The propagation of waves from a spherical cavity in an acoustic half-space | Page I | A. G. Gorshkov, D. V. Tarlakovskii, A. M. Shukurov |
2 | Contents of next issue | Page CO3 | |
3 | Editorial Board | Pages 1-7 | |
4 | Sign-definiteness conditions for complex functions and the stability of the motion of non-linear systems | Pages 8-13 | A. B. Aminov, T. K. Sirazetdinov |
5 | On the stability of equilibrium positions in non-stationary force fields | Pages 14-19 | V. V. Kozlov |
6 | On the stability of the motion of a viscoelastic ring in a gravitational field | Pages 19-23 | D. M. Klimov, A. P. Markeyev, O. V. Kholostova |
7 | Slipping regimes in mechanical systems | Pages 24-29 | S. V. Zubarev |
8 | The use of chebyshev polynomials to construct perturbed-motion trajectories in non-linear mechanics | Pages 29-36 | I. I. Kosenko |
9 | Recurrent estimation and identification of the parameters in non-linear deterministic systems | Pages 37-41 | G. N. Mil'shtein, O. E Solov'yeva |
10 | Stabilization of dynamical systems with geometrically constrained control | Pages 42-48 | B. N. Sokolov |
11 | Singular trajectory in the problem of simple pursuit on a manifold | Pages 48-55 | A. A. Melikyan, N. V. Ovakimyan |
12 | Quasilinear conflict-controlled processes with non-fixed time | Pages 56-61 | P. V. Prokopovich, A. A. Chikrii |
13 | Differential properties of integral funnels and stable bridges | Pages 61-67 | Kh. G. Guseinov, V. N. Ushakov |
14 | The non-linear action of tangential stresses on the wave motion of a low-viscosity fluid | Pages 67-74 | V. A. Batyshchev |
15 | The generalized problem of breakup of an arbitrary discontinuity | Pages 74-78 | I. S. Men'shov |
16 | On the possible modes of flow round tapered bodies of finite thickness at arbitrary supersonic velocities of the approach stream | Pages 78-85 | A. I. Rylov |
17 | Non-stationary problem of a plane hydraulic fault crack in a fluid-saturated stratum | Pages 85-93 | Yu. N. Gordeyev |
18 | On the rheological instability of an elastic damaging medium | Pages 93-99 | V. I. Kondaurov |
19 | Dual formulations of the boundary-elements method. application to elasticity theory problems for inhomogeneous bodies | Pages 100-105 | V. Ya. Tereshchenko |
20 | Mixed spatial problems of elasticity theory with a circular line separating the boundary conditions | Pages 106-113 | R. V. Gol'dshtein, Yu. V. Zhitnikov |
21 | Integral characteristics of solutions of spatial problems on the dynamical impression of solid bodies in continuous media | Pages 114-119 | F. M. Borodich |
22 | On contact problems for wedge-shaped plates | Pages 120-128 | V. M. Aleksandrov, D. A. Pozharskii |
23 | On a novel approach to the problem of the concentration of elastic stresses near a crack | Pages 128-135 | G. Ya. Popov |
24 | Fracture of a narrow bridge between cracks lying in the same plane | Pages 136-138 | S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova |
25 | Stability of the control of a plane turn of a spacecraft | Pages 139-141 | S. A. Agafonov, K. B. Alekseyev, N. V. Nikolayev |
26 | Invariant solutions of the equation of non-steady laminar flow of a non-newtonian fluid in pipes | Pages 142-144 | R. N. Bakhtizin, R. K. Mukhamedshin |
Volume 55, Issue 2, Pages 145-286 (1991)
1 | Quasistationary finite-interval control of the motion of hybrid oscillatory systems | Pages 145-152 | L. L. Akulenko |
2 | Stabilization and extremal properties of resonant modes of bipedal locomotion | Pages 153-158 | V. V. Beletskii, M. D. Golubitskaya |
3 | Applying screw theory to robot dynamics | Pages 159-167 | J. M. Selig |
4 | Programmed constructions in control problems with vector criterion | Pages 168-176 | A. M. Taras'yev |
5 | Accessory parameters in circular quadrangles | Pages 176-180 | P. Ya. Polubarinova-Kochina |
6 | The method of axisymmetric generalized analytical functions in the analysis of dynamic processes | Pages 181-186 | V. F. Piven |
7 | On finite amplitude waves at the boundary of separation of two flows of a heavy ideal incompressible fluid | Pages 187-193 | A. G. Petrov, A. N. Chuvashov |
8 | Linear waves in a fluid flow with constant vorticity located under an ice blanket | Pages 193-200 | A. V. Marchenko, I. V. Prokhorov |
9 | Integral solutions of the wave equation and the diffraction of an arbitrary acoustic wave by a wedge | Pages 201-205 | P. V. Tret'yakov |
10 | Weakly linear oscillations of the radius of a vapour bubble in an acoustic field | Pages 205-211 | N. A. Gumerov |
11 | Determination of the drag on oscillating plates in a fluid | Pages 211-219 | V. A. Buzhinskii, I. M. Mel'nikova |
12 | Turbulent diffusion of a passive impurity | Pages 220-226 | E. V. Teodorovich |
13 | A cylindrical probe in an electrohydrodynamic flow, non-collinear with the electric field vector | Pages 227-231 | N. L. Vasil'yeva, G. L. Sedova, L. T. Chernyi |
14 | Pareto-optimal forms of axisymmetric bodies moving at high supersonic speeds | Pages 232-237 | O. A. Gil'man, N. N. Pilyugin |
15 | Analogues of the Kirchhoff and Somigliana formulae in two-dimensional elastodynamic problems | Pages 238-247 | L. A. Alekseyeva |
16 | The problem of the justification of variational formulations of the boundary element method | Pages 248-254 | V. Ya. Tereshchenko |
17 | On forced oscillations of linear elastic systems with damping | Pages 255-258 | A. V. Stepanov |
18 | Local stability of hydrostatic compression states of non-linearly thermo-visco-elastic bodies of differential type | Pages 259-265 | V. A. Eremeyev |
19 | Mode theory of electromechanical energy conversion in piezoelectric materials | Pages 266-272 | O. Yu. Sharii |
20 | Optimization of irrigation in a hydrodynamic filtering model | Pages 273-276 | A. R. Kasimov |
21 | The conditions for the solutions in electrohagnetoelasticity to be equal to zero | Pages 276-279 | S. D. Klyachko |
22 | An efficient technique for solving a class of infinite systems in contact problems in the theory of elasticity | Pages 279-282 | A. N. Tsvetkov, M. I. Chebakov |
23 | Spectral Regularization of integral equations in the theory of elasticity | Pages 283-285 | V. N. Kutrunov, L. E. Mal'tsev |
24 | Journal of applied mathematics & mechanics contents of next issue | Page 286 | |
Volume 55, Issue 3, Pages 287-428 (1991)
Volume 55, Issue 4, Pages 429-567 (1991)
Volume 55, Issue 5, Pages 569-758 (1991)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Pages I-II | |
2 | The behaviour of an invertible mechanical system on the boundary of the stability region | Pages 569-575 | V. N. Tkhai |
3 | The stability of periodic trajectories of a billiard ball in three dimensions | Pages 576-580 | V. V. Kozlov, I. I. Chigur |
4 | The almost periodic lyapunov problem | Pages 581-588 | A. G. Ivanov |
5 | Control of a predator-prey system with intraspecies competition | Pages 588-595 | V. B. Kolmanovskii, N. I. Koroleva |
6 | A differential game of quality for two groups of objects | Pages 596-606 | V. P. Malyukov |
7 | A simple pursuit-and-evasion game on a two-dimensional cone | Pages 607-618 | A. A. Melikyan, N. V. Ovakimyan |
8 | Two problems of encounter under conditions of uncertainty | Pages 618-625 | A. V. Plotnikov, L. I. Plotnikova |
9 | Some simple forms of viscous oscillations of ellipsoidal equilibrium figures | Pages 626-636 | A. S. Baranov |
10 | Shockless compression of a barotropic gas | Pages 637-648 | A. F. Sidorov |
11 | On certain properties of a subsonic flow behind a shock wave arising during supersonic flow around bodies of finite thickness | Pages 649-656 | A. L. Rylov |
12 | The critical surfaces and other properties of -smooth- axisymmetric plasma flows in channels | Pages 657-665 | K. P. Gorshenin |
13 | Shortwave birfurcation in a model of a seismically active medium and dominant frequencies | Pages 665-673 | B. A. Malomed, V. S. Mitlin, V. N. Nikolayevskii |
14 | Stability of the displacement of immiscible visco-elastic liquids in a porous medium | Pages 673-678 | I. M. Ametov, I. Sh. Akhatov, V. A. Baikov |
15 | Penetration of a thin cyclically symmetric three-dimensional body into an elastic half-space | Pages 679-690 | N. A. Ostapenko |
16 | The influence of small surface irregularities on the stress state of a body and the energy balance for a growing crack | Pages 691-701 | A. B. Movchan, S. A. Nazarov |
17 | The detachment of an elastic strip containing absolutely rigid inclusions from a support | Pages 702-708 | V. A. Koshnareva, Yu. A. Mel'nikov |
18 | Asymptoticbehaviour of the solutions of boundary value problems of potential theory and the theory of elasticity in the vicinity of conical points onthe boundary | Pages 708-713 | P. I. Perlin |
19 | Fundamental solutions in an elastic space in the case of moving loads | Pages 714-723 | L. A. Alekseyeva |
20 | The ray method for investigating transient wave processes in a thin elastic anisotropic layer | Pages 724-732 | Yu. A. Rossikhin, M. V. Shitikova |
21 | The problem of the eigenvalues and modes of rotating deformable structures | Pages 733-740 | I. Ye. Troyanovskii, I. N. Shardakov, N. A. Shevelev |
22 | Stabilization of holonomic controlled systems near a position of equilibrium | Pages 740-743 | B. N. Sokolov |
23 | The equilibrium of a parabolic-logarithmic shell of revolution | Pages 743-746 | G. I. Nazarov, A. A. Puchkov |
24 | Interaction of dislocations in an anisotropic medium | Pages 746-750 | S. V. Kuznetsov |
25 | Rayleigh motions in an elastic half-space with a constrained boundary | Pages 750-752 | V. S. Lenskii |
26 | Approximate formulas for the stress intensity factors at the tip of a crack under longitudinal shear stress | Pages 753-758 | V. E. Sadykhov |
Volume 55, Issue 6, Pages 759-957 (1991)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Volume contents issue | Pages III-XII | |
3 | Control synthesis for a system with non-linear resistance | Pages 759-771 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
4 | Stationary and stationarizable regimes in normal stochastic differential systems | Pages 771-780 | N. K. Moshchuk, I. N. Sinitsyn |
5 | The stability of a class of reversible systems | Pages 780-788 | A. L. Kunitsyn, M. V. Matveyev |
6 | Wave motions in a spatial boundary layer | Pages 789-804 | O. S. Ryzhov, Ye. D. Terent'ev |
7 | Investigation of the stability of periodic flows of a viscous fluid | Pages 805-811 | M. A. Brutyan, P. L. Krapivskii |
8 | Vibrations of a cylinder in a concentric vessel filled with a two-layer fluid | Pages 812-819 | L. D. Akulenko, S. V. Nesterov |
9 | The thermal wake of a streamlined body | Pages 819-827 | N. I. Yavorskii |
10 | The structure of the perturbation front in transport processes with relaxation | Pages 828-835 | O. Yu. Dinariyev |
11 | Biorthogonal expansions in the first fundamental problem of elasticity theory | Pages 836-843 | M. D. Kovalenko |
12 | New integral transforms in boundary-value problems for laminated composites with a periodic structure | Pages 844-852 | A. L. Kalamkarov, B. A. Kudryavtsev, V. Z. Parton |
13 | The eigenmode expansion method for oscillations of an elastic body with internal and external friction | Pages 852-862 | I. A. Pashkov, I. Ye. Troyanovskii |
14 | Boundary resonance in a semi-infinite elastic rigidly fixed waveguide | Pages 863-869 | A. M. Gomilko, V. T. Grinchenko, O. N. Martynenko |
15 | Vibrations of rolling stock and a theorem of kronecker | Pages 870-876 | P. F. Kurchanov, A. D. Myshkis, A. M. Filimonov |
16 | Models of elastic media with stress relaxation | Pages 877-886 | V. G. Sutyrin |
17 | Contact problems of the theory of elasticity with friction and adhesion | Pages 887-901 | Yu. A. Antipov, N. Kh. Arutyunyan |
18 | The contact problem of the discrete fitting of an inhomogeneous viscoelastic ageing cylinder with a system of rigid collars | Pages 901-909 | A. V. Manzhirov, V. A. Chernysh |
19 | Variationalformulations for discontinuous displacement fields in problems of the deformation theory of plasticity without hardening | Pages 910-920 | S. I. Repin |
20 | The axisymmetric static problem of thermoelasticity for a multilayered cylinder | Pages 920-926 | Yu. M. Kolyano (dec.), B. V. Protsyuk, V. M. Sinyuta |
21 | Hyperbolic variational inequalities in problems of the dynamics of elastoplastic bodies | Pages 927-935 | V. M. Sadovskii |
22 | The motion of a particle in the non-stationary field of a logarithmic potential | Pages 936-939 | S. G. Artyshev |
23 | On the existence of stationary solitary waves in a rotating fluid | Pages 939-943 | V. N. Galkin, Yu. A. Stepanyants |
24 | Themethod of non-linear time transformation in boundary-value problems of potential theory with moving boundaries for the non-linear wave equation | Pages 944-948 | V. A. Pozdeyev |
25 | A solution of an inverse problem for the wave equation with non-linear conditions in domains with moving boundaries | Pages 948-953 | V. S. Krutikov |
26 | A non-axisymmetric contact problem in the case of a normal load applied outside the area of contact | Pages 953-957 | V. I. Mossakovski, Ye. V. Poshivalova |
Volume 56, Issue 1, Pages 1-155 (1992)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
3 | Collision-free motion in systems with non-retaining constraints | Pages 1-12 | A. P. Ivanov |
4 | Singular directions in the configuration space of linear vibrating systems | Pages 13-19 | V. F. Zhuravlev |
5 | The averaging of systems with a hierarchy of phase rotation speeds | Pages 20-24 | A. V. Pechenev |
6 | The stability of a particular motion of a solid with a viscoelastic membrane in a circular orbit | Pages 25-29 | O. V. Kholostova |
7 | Formulation of boundary-value problems for the dynamics of two-dimensional systems with moving loads and fastenings | Pages 30-35 | V. P. Boldin, S. B. Malanov, G. A. Utkin |
8 | The stability of the solutions of some boundary-value problems for hyperbolic equations | Pages 36-45 | S. A. Yegorushkin, A. G. Kulikovskii |
9 | Calculation of rotational derivatives for -local- interaction of a flow with the surface of a body | Pages 45-50 | A. I. Bunimovich, A. V. Dubinskii |
10 | Quasi-monochromatic weakly non-linear waves in a low-dispersion bubble medium | Pages 50-59 | N. A. Gumerov |
11 | Renormalization group method for the problem of convective diffusion with irreversible sorption | Pages 59-66 | I. S. Ginzburg, V. M. Yentov, E. V. Teodorovich |
12 | A variational approach in theories of filtrational consolidation and two-phase filtration | Pages 67-75 | P. A. Mazurov |
13 | Stress functions in multiply connected volumes | Pages 76-81 | M. A. Rvachev |
14 | Combined periodic boundary-value problems and their applications in the theory of elasticity | Pages 82-89 | Ye. L. Nakhmein, B. M. Nuller |
15 | Stability of a viscoelastic rod subject to a random stationary longitudinal force | Pages 90-95 | V. D. Potapov |
16 | Non-stationary frictional heating in sliding compressible elastic bodies | Pages 95-101 | A. A. Yevtushenko, O. M. Ukhanskaya |
17 | On the domain of variation of added masses, polarization and effective characteristics of composites | Pages 102-107 | S. M. Kozlov |
18 | Simple waves in Prandtl-Reuss equations | Pages 107-116 | D. B. Balashov |
19 | A study of the propagation of elastic waves in wound structures taking into account their rotation under extension | Pages 117-124 | M. Ergashov |
20 | The dynamic stress of a conducting half-space with a curvilinear cut in a strong magnetic field (antiplanar deformation state) | Pages 125-131 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii, L. I. Fomenko |
21 | On the dynamic propagation of cracks | Pages 132-143 | V. V. Bolotin |
22 | The introduction of -forbidden- amplitudes when calculating the wave resistance of a ship | Pages 143-147 | E. L. Amromin, A. N. Lordkipanidze, Yu. S. Timoshin |
23 | The perturbation method in a spatial problem of the linear viscoelasticity of anisotropic bodies | Pages 147-151 | T. S. Kagadii, L. V. Massakovskaya, A. V. Pavlenko |
24 | The formation of subsurface rock breakdown zones around workings during their driving by drilling and blasting | Pages 152-155 | Yu. B. Nazarenko |
Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 157-302 (1992)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue : Volume 56, No. 3, 1992 | Page I | |
2 | Control synthesis in a non-linear dynamical system | Pages 157-166 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
3 | Control in mixed strategies on the minimax of an integral functional | Pages 167-175 | A. N. Krasovskii |
4 | Three-dimensional motion of a material point | Pages 175-182 | A. B. Naishul |
5 | Stability of motion of non-conservative mechanical systems | Pages 183-187 | S. A. Agafonov |
6 | Kolmogorovstability, the impossibility of Fermi acceleration and the existence ofperiodic solutions in some Hamiltonian-type systems | Pages 188-197 | S. A. Dovbysh |
7 | Variational methods of constructing chaotic motions in rigid-body dynamics | Pages 198-205 | S. V. Bolotin |
8 | Optimal control of the rotation of a solid with a flexible rod | Pages 205-214 | Ye. P. Kubyshkin |
9 | Signal propagation in a relativistic fluid with viscosity and heat conduction | Pages 214-222 | O. Yu. Dinariyev |
10 | Fast asymptotic form of the resistance of bodies in a waveguide layer of non-uniform fluids | Pages 222-228 | V. A. Gorodtsov |
11 | A disc-shaped hydraulic fracture crack in a poroelastic medium | Pages 229-235 | Yu. N. Gordeyev |
12 | Integral equations for a thin inclusion in a homogeneous elastic medium | Pages 235-243 | Ye. N. Vil'chevskaya, S. K. Kanaun |
13 | Embedding of a punch in the form of an elliptic paraboloid into an elastic spatial wedge | Pages 244-252 | I. A. Lubyagin, D. A. Pozharskii, M. I. Chebakov |
14 | An effective method of verifying Hadamard's condition for a non-linearly elastic compressible medium | Pages 252-260 | L. M. Zubov, A. N. Rudev |
15 | On the action of an unsteady load on a system consisting of a massive punch and a layered foundation | Pages 261-266 | I. V. Dorokhov, O. D. Pryakhina, M. R. Freigeit |
16 | On shear vibrations of a punch on the surface of a pre-stressed half-space | Pages 267-273 | T. I. Belyankova, V. V. Kalinchuk |
17 | Investigation of the formulation of the boundary-value problem of the local theory of elastoplastic processes | Pages 274-282 | S. V. Yermakov |
18 | Dynamics of a high-revolution compressor | Pages 282-286 | A. R. Isayuk-Sayevskaya, A. S. Kel'zon |
19 | The motion of a viscous fluid in a pipe of finite length | Pages 287-292 | N. N. Kochina |
20 | The lower bound of the eigenfrequencies of plane oscillations of a fluid in a channel | Pages 293-297 | N. G. Kuznetsov |
21 | Internal properties of some rheological models of a viscoelastic fluid | Pages 298-302 | M. A. Brutyan, P. L. Krapivskii |
Volume 56, Issue 3, Pages 303-468 (1992)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | The asymptotic method in problems on the motion of bodies in a melting medium | Pages 303-318 | G. G. Chernyi |
3 | Monotonicity properties of certain two-dimensional incompressible vortex flows and subsonic gas flows | Pages 319-323 | A. I. Rylov |
4 | Improving the aerodynamic performance of small-aspect-ratio wings at hypersonic speeds | Pages 324-333 | V. N. Golubkin, V. V. Negoda |
5 | The effect of meridional electric vortex flow on the azimuthal rotation of a fluid | Pages 333-339 | N. Yu. Kolpakov, V. I. Kolesnichenko |
6 | The method of matched asymptotic expansions in the problem of the helmholtz acoustic resonator | Pages 340-345 | R. R. Gadyl'shin |
7 | On the propagation of discontinuities in a drifting ice cover | Pages 346-358 | A. V. Marchenko |
8 | Dual estimates in problems of design of elastic structures | Pages 358-364 | L. V. Petukhov |
9 | An algorithm and error estimates for the variational boundary-element method in elasticity theory | Pages 365-372 | V. Ya. Tereshchenko |
10 | The perturbation method in problems of the dynamics of inhomogeneous elastic rods | Pages 372-382 | L. D. Akulenko, G. V. Kostin |
11 | The use of generalized functions in the problem of elastic oscillations of a composite rod | Pages 383-389 | B. V. Yermolayev |
12 | Free high-frequency vibrations of anisotropic plates of variable thickness | Pages 390-395 | P. E. Tovstik |
13 | Heat transfer through a rigid disc pressed into an elastic half-space | Pages 392-402 | V. P. Levitskii, V. M. Onyshkevich |
14 | On the thermo-elasticity problem of non-uniform plates | Pages 402-409 | A. G. Kolpakov |
15 | Stresses in a transversely isotropic conical elastic pipe of constant thickness under a thermal load | Pages 410-415 | I. V. Panferov |
16 | The effective characteristics of piezoactive composites with cylindrical inclusions | Pages 415-423 | I. P. Getman, V. A. Mol'kov |
17 | The steady-state wave process in a piezoelectric layer and half-layer weakened by tunnel cuts (antiplane deformation) | Pages 424-431 | V. Z. Parton, M. L. Fil'shtinskii |
18 | Effectivesolution of the fundamental quasi-periodic problems of the theory of elasticity for a plane with cuts distributed along a straight line | Pages 432-442 | V. V. Sil'vestrov |
19 | A new solution of the generalized problem of the motion of a body with a fixed point | Pages 443-446 | G. V. Gorr |
20 | The effect of the surface tension gradient on the motion of a spherical and deformed drop | Pages 446-450 | O. V. Mukhtarova, L. P. Smirnov |
21 | The two-dimensional vortex motions of a viscous incompressible fluid | Pages 451-452 | V. B. Gorskii |
22 | The generation of surface waves by a buoyant vortex ring | Pages 453-455 | A. C. Savin |
23 | The existence and stability of steady states of combustion in a flow | Pages 456-460 | V. A. Vol'pert, B. S. El'kin |
24 | Stresses on the surface of a rigid needle in an orthotropic elastic medium | Pages 460-463 | G. N. Mirenkova, E. G. Sosnina |
25 | Reconstruction of the shape of a convex defect from a scattered wave field in the ray approximation | Pages 464-468 | M. A. Sumbatyan, E. A. Troyan |
Volume 56, Issue 4, Pages 469-602 (1992)
Volume 56, Issue 5, Pages 603-787 (1992)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Contact problems of elasticity theory for wedge-shaped regions under conditions of friction and adhesion | Pages 603-615 | Yu. A. Antipov, N. Kh. Arutyunyan |
3 | A direct version of the method of boundary integral equations in the theory of elasticity | Pages 617-622 | S. V. Kuznetsov |
4 | Uncoupled dual formulations of the variational boundary element method in problems of the theory of elasticity | Pages 623-629 | V. Ya. Tereshchenko |
5 | Regular asymptotic methods in calculations of three-layer plates | Pages 631-635 | K. Yu. Volokh |
6 | Asymptoticanalysis of three-dimensional dynamical elastic equations for a thin multilayer anisotropic plate of arbitrary structure | Pages 637-644 | D. D. Zakharov |
7 | Two-parameter asymptotic analysis of the dynamical equations of the theory of elasticity for the bending of a plate | Pages 645-650 | Yu. D. Kaplunov, Ye. V. Nol'de |
8 | Deformation of elastic bodies with thin ligaments | Pages 651-664 | S. A. Nazarov, O. R. Polyakova |
9 | The non-axisymmetric problem of the stress concentration in an unbounded elastic medium near a spherical slit | Pages 665-673 | G. Ya. Popov |
10 | The dynamic contact problem for a circular punch adhering to an elastic layer | Pages 675-679 | Ye. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova, Ye. V. Kirillova |
11 | Fractal roughness in contact problems | Pages 681-690 | F. M. Borodich, A. B. Mosolov |
12 | The boundary element method for calculating visco-rigid plastic flows | Pages 691-695 | Ye. G. Polishchuk |
13 | The lower limits of the limit loads of perfectly plastic structures | Pages 697-705 | V. M. Nebogatov, Yu. V. Nemirovskii |
14 | Bounded controls in distributed-parameter systems | Pages 707-723 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
15 | Oscillation shape control in resonant systems | Pages 725-735 | V. F. Zhuravlev |
16 | Optimal control of almost-periodic motions | Pages 737-746 | A. G. Ivanov |
17 | Using first integrals to estimate limiting possibilities of optimal control systems | Pages 747-753 | V. Ye. Berbyuk |
18 | A method for the optimal control of the motion of a dynamic system in the presence of constantly operating perturbations | Pages 755-764 | R. Gabasov, F. M. Kirillova, O. I. Kostyukova |
19 | The quaternion method of regularizing integral equations of the theory of elasticity | Pages 765-770 | V. N. Kutrunov |
20 | The natural vibrations of a momentless spherical shell | Pages 771-773 | V. M. Lyubimov, G. I. Pshenichnov |
21 | The problem of torsion of a hollow circular cylinder with variable shear moduli | Pages 775-777 | G. I. Nazarov, A. A. Puchkov |
22 | A method of global random search in inverse problems with application to the problem of recognizing the shape of a defect | Pages 779-781 | M. A. Sumbatyan |
23 | The long-term memory effect in homogeneous plates | Pages 783-787 | A. G. Kolpakov |
Volume 56, Issue 6, Pages 789-959 (1992)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Volume contents | Pages III-VIII | |
3 | On gravitational fields in Riemannian spaces | Pages 789-801 | L. I. Sedov |
4 | Linear systems with a quadratic integral | Pages 803-809 | V. V. Kozlov |
5 | An approximate method for analysing stochastic mechanical systems | Pages 811-820 | N. K. Moshchuk |
6 | The application of lyapunov functions to some problems of the acceptability of approximate solutions of differential equations | Pages 821-828 | V. N. Skimel |
7 | Periodic and almost periodic solutions of strongly non-linear impulsive systems | Pages 829-837 | M. U. Akhmetov, N. A. Perestyuk |
8 | On bifurcation and stability of steady motions of two gravitating bodies | Pages 839-842 | A. V. Karapetyan, I. D. Sakhokna |
9 | On the stability of steady motions of systems with cyclic coordinates | Pages 843-853 | A. Ya. Krasinskii |
10 | Stability and stabilization of autonomous system orbits under stochastic perturbations | Pages 855-862 | G. N. Mil'shtein, L. B. Ryashko |
11 | Controllability and observability in the problem of stabilizing mechanical systems with cyclic coordinates | Pages 863-871 | V. I. Kalenova, V. M. Morozov, M. A. Salmina |
12 | Controllability and stabilization of programmed motions of reversible mechanical and electromechanical systems | Pages 873-880 | Yu. K. Zotov, A. V. Timofeyev |
13 | Integral estimation and adaptive stabilization of non-holonomic controlled systems | Pages 881-888 | V. Yu. Tertychnyi |
14 | The inverse problem of the scatter of unguided missiles | Pages 889-896 | B. I. Konosevich, S. S. Savenko |
15 | The global stability of the steady rotations of a solid | Pages 897-901 | G. A. Leonov, A. V. Morozov |
16 | The local boundedness of the perturbed motions of an imperfect gyroscope in gimbals with dissipative and accelerating forces | Pages 903-910 | S. A. Belikov |
17 | Oscillations of a rigid body containing an elastic element with distributed parameters | Pages 911-919 | L. D. Akulenko |
18 | Theonset of stochastic pulsations at the early non-linear stage of the development of perturbations in the jet of an incompressible fluid propagating along a wall | Pages 921-927 | A. A. Burov, O. S. Ryzhov |
19 | Application of the small-parameter method to the problem of the spatial flow of a viscous gas past bodies | Pages 929-938 | G. A. Tirskii, S. V. Utyuzhnikov, N. K. Yamaleyev |
20 | Comparison of gas-dynamic models for hypersonic flow past bodies | Pages 939-944 | S. V. Zhluktov, S. V. Utyuzhnikov, V. S. Shchelin, V. G. Shcherbak |
21 | Analysis of non-linear dynamic systems excited by intense non-white noise | Pages 945-948 | M. G. Mishanina, O. V. Musychuk |
22 | Restricted positional control of a large dynamical system | Pages 949-953 | B. N. Sokolov |
23 | Analytical determination of time-dependent functions of drifts of a triaxial gyrostabilizer | Pages 955-957 | S. V. Sokolov |
24 | Letter to the editor | Page 959 | S. V. Bolotin |
Volume 57, Issue 1, Pages 1-219 (1993)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Editorial Board | Page CO3 | |
3 | The stability of periodic reversible systems | Pages 1-10 | M. V. Matveyev, V. N. Tkhai |
4 | The limiting motions of systems with dry friction | Pages 11-19 | A. S. Sumbatov |
5 | Accumulation of perturbations in linear and non-linear shock-driven systems | Pages 21-27 | D. V. Balandin |
6 | Synthesizing suboptimal controls in non-linear dynamical systems | Pages 29-35 | V. Ye. Berbyuk |
7 | The synthesis of bilinear systems with delayed control | Pages 37-45 | V. B. Kolmanovskii, N. I. Koroleva |
8 | A differential game of simple approach in manifolds | Pages 47-57 | A. A. Melikyan, N. V. Ovakimyan |
9 | Construction of the value function in a game of approach with several pursuers | Pages 59-65 | A. V. Sinitsyn |
10 | The forces acting on an obstacle in stratified flow | Pages 67-74 | A. M. Ter-Krikorov |
11 | Variational principles of the filtration of an incompressible fluid in media with dual porosity | Pages 75-80 | P. A. Mazurov |
12 | Self-excited and stochastic oscillations in the hydrodynamics of non-Newtonian fluids | Pages 81-86 | I. Sh. Akhatov, M. M. Khasanov, I. G. Khusainov |
13 | An effective method of solving certain types of integral equations in problems of the theory of the bending of thin plates | Pages 87-93 | V. B. Zelentsov |
14 | Asymptotic integration of the dynamic equations of the theory of elasticity for the case of thin shells | Pages 95-103 | Yu. D. Kaplunov, I. V. Kirillova, L. Yu. Kossovich |
15 | Asymptotic analysis and numerical solution of the two-level boundary equations of a plane problem of stationary hydroelasticity | Pages 105-115 | S. V. Sorokin |
16 | The effective elasticity tensors for dispersed composites | Pages 117-124 | S. V. Kuznetsov |
17 | Dynamic problem of the theory of elasticity for a plane containing a rigid cruciform inclusion | Pages 125-131 | V. G. Popov |
18 | The dynamic problem of electroelasticity for a non-homogeneous cylinder | Pages 133-139 | Yu. E. Senitskii |
19 | The inverse problem of thermoelasticity of optical tomography | Pages 141-145 | A. E. Puro |
20 | The convergence of the method of generalized reaction in contact problems with a free boundary | Pages 147-157 | Ye. I. Mikhailovskii, V. N. Tarasov |
21 | A contact problem with friction and adhesion for an elastic layer with stiffeners | Pages 159-170 | Yu. A. Antipov, N. Kh. Arutyunyan |
22 | The contact problem of the wear caused by melting of the bushing of a sliding bearing | Pages 171-180 | A. A. Yevtushenko, Ye. V. Kovalenko |
23 | The evolution of a plastic zone near a hole | Pages 181-196 | Ya. A. Kamenyarzh, Ye. V. Yakusheva |
24 | On the space-time structure of a wave field in a double-layer medium with an interface crack | Pages 197-204 | I. A. Zaitseva, A. A. Zolotarev |
25 | Adaptive control by observations | Pages 205-209 | V. G. Pokotilo |
26 | A necessary condition for the controllability of a non-linear system | Pages 211-214 | A. I. Ovseyevich |
27 | Mobius transformations and equations of empirical curves | Pages 215-219 | P. Ya. Kochina, O. I. Shishorina |
Volume 57, Issue 2, Pages 221-406 (1993)
Volume 57, Issue 3, Pages 407-581 (1993)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Oscillatory conflict-control processes | Pages 407-417 | Yu. B. Pilipenko, A. A. Chikrii |
3 | The toreador problem | Pages 419-425 | V. A. Ivanov, A. M. Taras'yev, V. N. Ushakov, A. P. Khripunov |
4 | An approach-evasion game of two controllable objects with restricted manoeuvrability | Pages 427-437 | K. A. Zemskov, A. G. Pashkov |
5 | An optimization model of the Stefan problem | Pages 439-445 | V. A. Kalistratov, S. P. Okhezin |
6 | Investigation of the problem of plane stratified flow around a body | Pages 447-454 | A. M. Ter-Krikorov |
7 | Calculation of the flow induced by injecting gas through the walls of a channel of finite length | Pages 455-460 | A. P. Kuryachii |
8 | The force acting on a drop in a conducting liquid when there is an electric current | Pages 461-468 | V. M. Korovin |
9 | On the peculiarities of the loss of stability of a non-linear elastic rectangular bar | Pages 469-485 | L. M. Zubov, A. N. Rudev |
10 | The state of stress of an elastically supported transversely isotropic beam | Pages 487-492 | I. V. Panferov |
11 | Riemann waves in an elastic medium with small anisotropy | Pages 493-502 | A. G. Kulikovskii, Ye. I. Sveshnikova |
12 | The self-similar problem of the action of a moving load at the boundary of a non-linear elastic weakly anisotropic half-space | Pages 503-510 | A. P. Chugainova |
13 | The radiation and diffraction of steady-state elastic waves in a periodically perforated orthotropic plane | Pages 511-523 | V. M. Fomin |
14 | Shear instability of a two-phase periodic structure | Pages 525-535 | M. P. Lazarev |
15 | The stability of motion of a stochastic viscoelastic system | Pages 537-545 | V. D. Potapov |
16 | Anefficient solution of Prandtl-type integrodifferential equations in a section and its application to contact problems for a strip | Pages 547-556 | Yu. A. Antipov |
17 | Flow near the critical line in the gas-dynamic model of stellar wind with thermal conductivity | Pages 557-561 | E. Kh. Salman, I. S. Shikin |
18 | The method of contour dynamics for the equations of free convection | Pages 563-564 | Yu. B. Sedov |
19 | Surface acoustic waves near bodies coated with an absorbing layer | Pages 565-571 | N. I. Gvozdovskaya, A. I. Plis |
20 | Super-Burnett corrections to the stress tensor and the heat flux in a gas of Maxwellian molecules | Pages 573-576 | M. Sh. Shavaliyev |
21 | Electro-osmosis on modified (mosaic) solid surfaces | Pages 577-581 | A. G. Petrov, V. Ye. Smorodin |
Volume 57, Issue 4, Pages 583-760 (1993)
Volume 57, Issue 5, Pages 761-952 (1993)
Volume 57, Issue 6, Pages 953-1126 (1993)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | List of contents and author index volume 57, 1993s and author index | Pages III-X | |
3 | Modular-function representation of the solutions of the problem of two fixed centres | Pages 953-963 | I. I. Kosenko |
4 | Stability of distributed-parameter systems with retarded argument | Pages 965-972 | T. K. Sirazetdinov, Sh. Sh. Khuzyatov |
5 | The observability of linear singularly perturbed systems in state space | Pages 973-983 | T. B. Kopeikina, O. B. Tsekhan |
6 | Methods of constructing optimal stabilizers | Pages 985-993 | R. Gabasov, F. M. Kirillova |
7 | The controllability of dynamical systems with respect to part of the variables | Pages 995-1004 | A. M. Kovalev |
8 | Control of an elastic manipulator arm using load position and velocity feedback | Pages 1005-1014 | E. K. Lavrovskii, A. M. Formal'skii |
9 | Quasilinear conflict-controlled processes with additional restrictions | Pages 1015-1021 | N. N. Petrov |
10 | The equilibrium boundary element method in boundary-value problems of elasticity theory | Pages 1023-1033 | S. Yu. Yeremenko |
11 | Thermodynamics of diffuse damage in solids | Pages 1035-1045 | Ye. V. Lobanov |
12 | The excitation of symmetric and antisymmetric lamb waves in a piezoelectric strip by surface electrodes | Pages 1047-1055 | D. Bardzokas, N. A. Senik |
13 | Gradient-consistent non-linear model of the generation of ultrasound in the propagation of seismic waves | Pages 1057-1066 | A. L. Krylov, N. G. Mazur, V. N. Nikolayevskii, G. A. El' |
14 | Cavitating penetration of a plastic medium by bodies of minimum resistance | Pages 1067-1075 | I. V. Simonov |
15 | A general method of constructing three-dimensional weight functions for elastic bodies with cracks | Pages 1077-1084 | A. N. Borodachev |
16 | The equilibrium of an elastic space weakened by two spherical cavities and an external circular crack | Pages 1085-1092 | P. V. Martynenko, A. I. Solovyev |
17 | The growth of a circular hydrorupture crack in an elastic space when a plastic material is forced in | Pages 1093-1099 | O. P. Alekseyenko, A. M. Vaisman |
18 | The stability of the equilibrium of holonomic conservative systems | Pages 1101-1122 | V. V. Rumyantsev, S. P. Sosnitskii |
19 | Determinationof the parameters of the planar flow of an incompressible fluid when there is a small variation in the contour of the profile | Pages 1123-1126 | A. L. Gonor |
Volume 58, Issue 1, Pages 1-188 (1994)
Volume 58, Issue 2, Pages 189-372 (1994)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Properties of the invariant components of the Weyl tensor implied by the Bianchi identities | Pages 189-195 | L. I. Sedov |
3 | The perturbed time-optimal problem of controlling the final position of a material point by means of a limited force | Pages 197-206 | L. D. Akulenko |
4 | Approximation schemes for constructing minimax solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations | Pages 207-221 | A. M. Taras'yev |
5 | Comparison of the stability properties of two autorotating motions | Pages 223-234 | V. A. Privalov, V. A. Samsonov |
6 | A hollow vortex with an axial velocity in a tube of variable radius | Pages 235-239 | V. V. Nikulin |
7 | Plane waves on a liquid surface with harmonic perturbations of boundary components | Pages 241-248 | E. N. Potetyunko |
8 | The shape of the surface of a fluid under conditions of weightlessness | Pages 249-257 | A. P. Blinov |
9 | Ananalytic solution of the problem of the temperature jumps and vapour density over a surface when there is a temperature gradient | Pages 259-265 | A. V. Latyshev, A. A. Yushkanov |
10 | Spherically symmetric escape of a self-gravitating ideal gas into a vacuum | Pages 267-274 | S. L. Deryabin, N. P. Chuyev |
11 | Unsteady vibrations of an elastic medium bounded by two eccentric spherical surfaces | Pages 275-282 | A. G. Gorshkov, D. V. Tarlakovskii, A. M. Shukurov |
12 | Mechanical sweep method for calculating the non-linear deformation of a cylindrical panel | Pages 283-291 | V. V. Vasil'yev |
13 | The stiffnesses of elastic cylindrical beams | Pages 293-301 | A. G. Kolpakov |
14 | Asymptotic solution to the problem of an elastic body lying on several small supports | Pages 303-311 | I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov |
15 | Some properties of the dynamics of a punch-layer system: An energy analysis | Pages 313-322 | S. I. Boyev, I. I. Vorovich, I. B. Polyakova |
16 | The solution of unsteady contact problems in the presence of coupling forces | Pages 323-333 | O. D. Pryakhina, M. R. Freigeit |
17 | The temperature field and thermoelastic state of a plate with a periodic system of thin elastic inclusions | Pages 335-342 | V. K. Opanasovich, L. O. Tisovskii, I. I. Fedik |
18 | The dynamic problem of thermoelasticity for a half-space with distributed heat sources in the case of axial symmetry | Pages 343-354 | L. N. Germanovich, M. V. Dolotov, I. D. Kill' |
19 | Green's function for a composite piezoceramic plane with a crack between phases | Pages 355-362 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii, M. L. Fil'shtinskii |
20 | Integral representation of potentials in media with adjoining annular cracks and screens | Pages 363-366 | S. E. Kholodovskii |
21 | Dynamic analogues of Somigliana's formula for unsteady dynamics of elastic media with an arbitrary degree of anisotropy | Pages 367-372 | L. A. Alekseyeva, G. K. Zakir'yanova |
Volume 58, Issue 3, Pages 373-572 (1994)
Volume 58, Issue 4, Pages 573-758 (1994)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Announcement to authors and readers of theJournal of applied mathematicsand mechanics | Page 573 | |
3 | Strategies of minimax aiming in the direction of the quasigradient | Pages 575-581 | G. G. Garnysheva, A. I. Subbotin |
4 | A linear evasion problem for interacting groups of objects | Pages 583-591 | P. V. Prokopovich, A. A. Chikrii |
5 | Existence of the value of a many-person game of pursuit | Pages 593-600 | N. N. Petrov |
6 | The -podmodeli- program. Gas dynamics | Pages 601-627 | L. V. Ovsyannikov |
7 | Group classification of the equations of two-dimensional motions of a gas | Pages 629-635 | S. V. Meleshko |
8 | Methods of group-theoretic analysis in the problem of the sliding motion of a spreading thin film of non-linearly viscous liquid | Pages 637-644 | S. L. Tonkonog, V. A. Chugunov, L. D. Eskin |
9 | The asymptotic features of the unsteady expansion of an ideal gas into a vacuum | Pages 645-655 | A. N. Kraiko |
10 | Shock-free conical compression and expansion of a gas | Pages 657-668 | A. F. Sidorov, O. B. Khairullina |
11 | Calculation of the cavitating flow around a circular cone by a subsonic stream of a compressible fluid | Pages 669-684 | L. M. Zingangareyeva, O. M. Kiselev |
12 | Blocking of the flow of a two-layer mixing liquid around an obstacle | Pages 685-690 | V. Yu. Lyapidevskii |
13 | Stability of the discontinuity front in multiphase multicomponent displacement | Pages 691-701 | D. G. Polonskii, A. A Shapiro |
14 | Dynamics of a conical shell containing supersonic gas flow | Pages 703-712 | V. M. Aleksandrov, S. A. Grishin |
15 | The antiplane problem of a crack with edges touching planes where the constants of elasticity change | Pages 713-725 | N. G. Moiseyev, G. Ya. Popov |
16 | The plane problem for a crack between two linearly elastic media | Pages 727-739 | M. A. Grekov |
17 | The unsteady dynamic problem of electroelasticity for an unbounded medium with curvilinear tunnel cracks | Pages 741-748 | M. L. Fil'shtinskii |
18 | The point-circle vortex | Pages 749-754 | S. K. Betyayev, A. M. Gaifullin, S. V. Gordeyev |
19 | The pressure build-up curve for a fractal cracked porous medium. Linear theory | Pages 755-758 | O. Yu. Dinariyev |
Volume 58, Issue 5, Pages 759-944 (1994)
Volume 58, Issue 6, Pages 945-1114 (1994)
Volume 59, Issue 1, Pages 1-163 (1995)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
3 | Some integrable extensions of Jacobi's Problem of geodesics on an ellipsoid, | Pages 1-7 | V. V. Kozlov |
4 | The application of galerkin's method in lagrangian dynamics | Pages 9-18 | I. I. Kosenko |
5 | The existence of quasiperiodic motions in quasilinear systems, | Pages 19-26 | Yu. N. Bibikov |
6 | Averaging in randomly perturbed multifrequency non-linear systems, | Pages 27-33 | A. S. Kovaleva |
7 | Non-linear oscillations of reversible systems, | Pages 35-45 | V. N. Tkhai |
8 | A first approximation of the quasipotential in problems of the stability of systems with random non-degenerate perturbations | Pages 47-56 | G. N. Mil'Shtein, L. B. Ryashko |
9 | Reconstructing trajectories from measurement data, | Pages 57-64 | A. V. Kirgetov, F. L. Chernous'ko |
10 | The stability of certain retarded systems with variable coefficients | Pages 65-74 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
11 | Optimal strategies in a pursuit problem with incomplete information, | Pages 75-85 | S. I. Kumkov, V. S. Patsko |
12 | The asymptotic behaviour of the solution of the covariance equation for a navigational system, | Pages 87-92 | P. B. Gusyatnikov, M. D. Khristichenko |
13 | A Hamiltonian approach to the investigation of the potential motions of an ideal fluid, | Pages 93-98 | A. V. Marchenko |
14 | Three-dimensional boundary layers on complex-shaped bodies at angles of attack | Pages 99-109 | V. A. Aleksin, S. N. Kazeikin |
15 | A model of the hydrodynamic interaction between inhomogeneities in a fluidized bed | Pages 111-128 | N. N. Bobkov, Yu. P. Gupalo |
16 | The stability of cylindrical shells joined at an angle under the action of a uniform external pressure | Pages 129-137 | S. B. Fillipov |
17 | The deformation of a rod of growing biological material under longitudinal compression | Pages 139-146 | A. A. Stein |
18 | A variational principle for constructing the equations of elastoplasticity for finite deformations, | Pages 147-150 | A. V. Shitikov |
19 | The problem of the centre of percussion, | Pages 151-153 | A. P. Ivanov |
20 | The problem of interface heat exchange between a gas bubble and a liquid | Pages 155-157 | N. A. Zolovkin, A. G. Petrov, N. S. Khabeyev |
21 | The thermal-stress state of heat-sensitive ceramic tubular systems in the case of convective heat exchange | Pages 159-163 | V. I. Gromovyk, Ye. G. Ivanik |
Volume 59, Issue 2, Pages 165-331 (1995)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Dynamics of retrieval of a space tethered system | Pages 165-173 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
3 | The dynamics of the precessional motions of a system of two rigid bodies in a gravitational field | Pages 175-185 | I. Ye. Birman, G. V Gorr |
4 | A method of finding asymptotic forms at the common apex of elastic wedges | Pages 187-195 | V. T. Blinova, A. M. Lin'kov |
5 | Necessary and sufficient criteria for ellipticity of the equilibrium equations of a non-linearly elastic medium | Pages 197-208 | L. M. Zubov, A. N. Rudev |
6 | The viscoelasticity equations of an elastomer layer | Pages 209-216 | V. M. Mal'kov |
7 | Thesolution of two-dimensional problems of the theory of elasticity by minimizing the boundary residual in the space of biharmonic functions | Pages 217-225 | A. V. Khokhlov |
8 | The thermal shock at the boundary of a half-space in the case of axial symmetry | Pages 227-234 | M. V. Dolotov, I. D. Kill' |
9 | Aboundary element approach to the solution of three-dimensional problemsof the theory of elasticity by the geometrical immersion method | Pages 235-240 | P. V. Bulavin, I. N. Shardakov |
10 | The torsion of cylindrically anisotropic two-dimensionally inhomogeneous solids of revolution | Pages 241-247 | G. I. Nazarov |
11 | The slip line at the end of a punch impressed into a half-plane | Pages 249-254 | V. M. Aleksandrov, L. A. Kipnis |
12 | An integral equation for a problem of the indentation of a wedge-shaped punch | Pages 255-261 | V. B. Vasil'yev |
13 | Thermodynamic constraints for constitutive equations in thermoviscoelasticity: New relationships between cross effects | Pages 263-271 | V. L. Kolpashchikov, A. I. Schnipp |
14 | An interface crack between elastic materials when there is dry friction | Pages 273-287 | Yu. A. Antipov |
15 | The mechanics of fatigue crack growth in a medium with microdamage | Pages 289-297 | V. V. Bolotin, V. L. Lebedev |
16 | The contact problem for a shallow shell with a crack | Pages 299-306 | A. M. Khludnev |
17 | Antiplane deformation of an elastic wedge under action concentrated near the corner point | Pages 307-309 | N. F. Morozov, M. A. Narbut |
18 | The uniqueness of the smooth solution in the static problem with a Coulomb law of friction and two-sided contact | Pages 311-315 | R. V. Namm |
19 | Theasymptotic form of the fundamental solution of the equation of the propagation of perturbations in a one-dimensional medium with low viscosity | Pages 317-320 | E. N. Potetyunko, D. B. Rokhlin |
20 | Averaging of the system of equations of motion of a viscous fluid in a porous medium | Pages 321-324 | G. P. Panasenko |
21 | Interaction of non-linear waves and the factorization method | Pages 325-331 | A. A. Lokshin |
Volume 59, Issue 3, Pages 333-501 (1995)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Symmetric periodic orbits of the many-body problem. Resonance and parade of planets, | Pages 333-342 | V. N. Tkhai |
3 | The Painleve paradoxes and the dynamics of a brake shoe | Pages 343-352 | Yu. I. Neimark, N. A. Fufayev |
4 | Non-linear dynamics of coupled chains of particles | Pages 353-361 | I. Sh. Akhatov, V. A. Baikov, K. R. Khusnutdinova |
5 | The possibility of gyroscopic stabilization of the rotation of a system of rigid bodies | Pages 363-367 | A. Davyskib, V. A. Samsonov |
6 | Asymptotic optimization of linear dynamical systems with controls of different strengths, | Pages 369-377 | A. I. Kalinin, F. M. Kirillova |
7 | Controllability criteria and sufficient conditions for dynamical systems to be stabilizable | Pages 379-386 | A. M. Kovalev |
8 | A modification of the parallel-approach method, | Pages 387-394 | L. D. Akulenko, I. M. Anan'yevskii, N. N. Bolotnik, S. B. Korneyev |
9 | The construction of the optimal contour of the leading edge of a body in a supersonic flow, | Pages 395-408 | A. N. Kraiko, D. Ye. Pudovikov |
10 | The motion of a body through a large-scale inhomogeneity in a stratified atmosphere | Pages 409-414 | V. U. Nabiyev, S. V. Utyuzhnikov, N. K. Yamaleyev |
11 | The conditions for the non-linear stability of plane and helical mhd flows | Pages 415-423 | V. A. Vladimirov, Yu. G. Gubarev |
12 | Application of zero-radius potentials to problems of diffraction by small inhomogeneities in elastic plates | Pages 425-437 | I. V. Andronov |
13 | The optimal damping of the oscillations of elastic bodies, | Pages 439-448 | D. V Balandin |
14 | A model of the deformation of a non-uniformly heated three-layer rod with delaminations | Pages 449-457 | E. I. Grigolyuk, Ye. A. Kogan, V. I. Mamai |
15 | The interaction of frictional heating and wear at a transient sliding contact | Pages 459-466 | A. A. Yevtushenko, Ye. V. Kovalenko |
16 | The growth of a crack from the boundary of a narrow cavity in a biaxially-compressed body, | Pages 467-474 | A. N. Galybin |
17 | The stressed state near a microflaw cluster point, | Pages 475-484 | V. V. Sil'vestrov |
18 | The rolling of a rigid wheel along a deformable rail | Pages 485-490 | V. G. Vil'ke |
19 | The axisymmetric problem of the theory of elasticity for a non-uniform plate of variable thickness | Pages 491-495 | N. K. Akhmedov, M. F. Mekhtiyev |
20 | The solution of problems of the theory of elasticity for a plane with a doubly symmetric two-cusp cut | Pages 497-501 | N. A. Ivan'shin, Ye. A. Shirokova |
Volume 59, Issue 4, Pages 503-676 (1995)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Announcement to authors and readers of the Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics | Page 503 | |
3 | A theory of systems with unilateral constraints | Pages 505-512 | M. V. Deryabin, V. V. Kozlov |
4 | Approximation of the solutions in boundary-value problems in Lagrangian mechanics | Pages 513-523 | I. I. Kosenko |
5 | On the theory of partial stability | Pages 525-531 | V. I. Vorotnikov |
6 | The dynamic evolution of a mechanical system with a very rigid linear damper | Pages 533-539 | V. V. Sidorenko |
7 | The behaviour of a non-linear Hamiltonian system with one degree of freedom at the boundary of a parametric resonance domain | Pages 541-551 | A. P. Markeyev |
8 | Some problems of the motion of a pendulum when there are horizontal vibrations of the point of suspension | Pages 553-561 | O. V. Kholostova |
9 | The problem of a pendulum with an oscillating point of suspension | Pages 563-570 | A. D. Morozov |
10 | Vortices and internal waves in a stratified fluid | Pages 571-577 | A. M. Ter-Krikorov |
11 | The reflection of beams of internal gravity waves at a flat rigid surface | Pages 579-585 | Yu. V. Kistovich, Yu. D. Chashechkin |
12 | Formulation of the variational boundary element method with improved accuracy | Pages 587-592 | V. Ya. Tereshchenko |
13 | Some special features of problems of the stability and vibrations of rectangular plates | Pages 593-597 | N. V. Banichuk, A. Yu. Ishlinskii |
14 | Analysis of the flexural vibrations of a beam due to the motion of a line load | Pages 599-606 | A. P. Glinov |
15 | Contact of elastic bodies with thin visco-elastic coatings under conditions of rolling or sliding friction | Pages 607-614 | I. G. Goryacheva, A. P. Goryachev, F. Sadegi |
16 | Formulationof boundary-value problems of statics for thin elastic asymmetrically-laminated anisotropic plates and solution using functionsof a complex variable | Pages 615-623 | D. D. Zakharov |
17 | An approach to the solution of dynamic problems for laminated electroelastic and anisotropic media | Pages 625-634 | I. I. Vorovich, O. D. Pryakhina, O. M. Tukodova, M. R. Freigeit |
18 | Estimates of the pressures, temperatures and drag coefficient in the supersonic flow of a medium around blunt bodies | Pages 635-643 | I. V. Simonov |
19 | A hydraulic fracture in a transversely-isotropic poroelastic medium | Pages 645-656 | Yu. N. Gordeyev |
20 | The evolution of an Alfven discontinuity in magnetohydrodynamics | Pages 657-659 | A. B. Rodin, I. S. Shikin |
21 | Asymptotic solution of the problem of the interaction of a plate with a foundation inhomogeneous in depth | Pages 661-669 | S. M. Aizikovich |
22 | The stressed state of a laminated elastic composite with a thin linear inclusion | Pages 671-676 | A. A. Yevtushenko, A. Kaczynski, S. A. Matysiak |
Volume 59, Issue 5, Pages 677-828 (1995)
Volume 59, Issue 6, Pages 829-985 (1995)
Volume 60, Issue 1, Pages 1-171 (1996)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
3 | The theory of gravitation in special relativity, | Pages 1-6 | I. I. Sedov |
4 | Lyapunov's first method for strongly non-linear systems | Pages 7-18 | V. V. Kozlov, S. D. Furta |
5 | Asymptotic stability at 1:3 resonance | Pages 19-24 | P. S. Krasil'nikov |
6 | The motion of cross-shaped bodies around a fixed point in a central Newtonian force field, | Pages 25-30 | A. A. Burov |
7 | Linear and quadratic integrals of a compound mechanical system | Pages 31-39 | V. Yu. Ol'shanskii |
8 | Unidirectional flows of a non-linearly viscous fluid in tubes | Pages 41-45 | M. A. Brutyan |
9 | A submodel of helical motions in gas dynamics | Pages 47-59 | S. V. Khabirov |
10 | The existence and uniqueness of self-similar solutions involving Jouguet points on the shock adiabatic curve, | Pages 61-65 | A. G. Kulikovskii, Ye. I. Sveshnikova |
11 | The diffraction of a high-frequency acoustic wave by a narrow angle absolutely rigid cone of arbitrary shape | Pages 67-73 | V. M. Babich |
12 | Planeboundary value problems for the sine-Helmholtz equation in the theory of elasticity of liquid crystals in non-uniform magnetic fields, | Pages 75-83 | E. L. Aero |
13 | Analysis of the spatial non-linear vibrations of a string, | Pages 85-95 | L. D. Akulenko, S. V. Nesterov |
14 | Green's tensor for an elastic cylinder and its applications in the development of the Saint-Venant theory, | Pages 97-104 | A. N. Druz', Yu. A. Ustinov |
15 | Themethod of homogeneous solutions and biorthogonal expansions in the plane problem of the theory of elasticity for an orthotropic body, | Pages 105-112 | V. V. Vasil'yev, S. A. Lur'ye |
16 | A refined theory of the vibrations of a cylindrical shell based on an expansion in series of the normal displacement | Pages 113-119 | S. V. Kolesnikov |
17 | The construction of special functions for the analytic solution of boundary-value problems of the theory of conical shells | Pages 121-125 | Yu. I. Vinogradov, G. B. Men'kov |
18 | The interaction between a plane inclined ring-shaped punch and an elastic half-space, | Pages 127-134 | V. M. Aleksandrov |
19 | The steady antiplane dynamic contact problem of a periodic structure for an elastic half-space, | Pages 135-144 | V. M. Fomin |
20 | Some properties of the natural frequencies of electroelastic bodies of bounded dimensions, | Pages 145-152 | A. V. Belokon', A. V. Nasedkin |
21 | Uniform heating of a locally inhomogeneous elastic plate | Pages 153-157 | I. V. Panferov |
22 | The thermally stressed state of an elastic half-plane heated by a uniformly moving heat source | Pages 159-165 | A. A. Yevtushenko, I. V. Panasyuk, O. M. Ukhanskaya |
23 | Flutter of a viscoelastic plate | Pages 167-170 | I. A. Kiiko |
24 | Erratum | Page 171 | |
Volume 60, Issue 2, Pages 173-347 (1996)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | The maximum principle for positional controls and the problem of optimal system synthesis | Pages 173-182 | L. T. Ashchepkov, N. I. Baranchikova |
3 | The synthesis of optimal control in a fourth-order linear speed of response problem | Pages 183-190 | Ye. R. Belousova, M. A. Zarkh |
4 | Stabilization of dynamical systems under persistent perturbations | Pages 191-197 | N. V. Balashevich, R. Gabasov, F. M. Kirillova |
5 | The stability of equilibrium of non-stationary systems | Pages 199-203 | A. Yu. Aleksandrov |
6 | The stability of hereditary systems of neutral type | Pages 205-216 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
7 | Calculation of mechanical systems with pulsed excitation | Pages 217-226 | V. N. Pilipchuk |
8 | On the theory of linear gyroscopic systems | Pages 227-232 | A. A. Zevin |
9 | The oscillations of a particle suspended on an ideal thread | Pages 233-242 | A. P. Markeyev |
10 | The time-optimal control of the bending of a plane two-link mechanism | Pages 243-251 | A. M. Formal'skii |
11 | A class of integral equations of the axisymmetric theory of elasticity for a composite space with gaps at the interface | Pages 253-259 | B. V. Nerubailo, L. G. Smirnov |
12 | Indentation with adhesion of a symmetrical punch into an elastic half-plane | Pages 261-267 | I. A. Soldatenkov |
13 | Integro-differentialequations of the problem of the scattering of elastic waves by a plane thin-walled inclusion of large stiffness | Pages 269-275 | S. I. Gorbal', V. F. Yemets |
14 | Diffraction of elastic waves by three-dimensional cracks of arbitrary shape in a plane | Pages 277-283 | Ye. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova |
15 | Mixed boundary value problems for anisotropic plates of variable thickness | Pages 285-293 | L. A. Agalovyan, R. S. Gevorkyan, G. G. Khachatryan |
16 | The propagation of oscillations from a point source in an anisotropic plane and half-plane with a thin coating | Pages 295-303 | K. Sh. Mkrtchyan |
17 | Fundamental solutions in unsteady problems of electroelasticity | Pages 305-307 | A. O. Vatul'yan |
18 | The effective properties of piezoactive matrix composite materials | Pages 309-317 | V. M. Levin |
19 | The solid angle theorem in rigid body dynamics | Pages 319-322 | V. F. Zhuravlev |
20 | Non-linear stability and bifurcation of the fork type in dynamical systems with the simplest symmetry | Pages 323-327 | L. G. Lobas |
21 | Localization of the attractors of the non-autonomous Lienard equation by the method of discontinuous comparison systems | Pages 329-332 | G. A. Leonov |
22 | Integral estimates in non-linear oscillatory systems | Pages 333-336 | A. G. Kotousov |
23 | Forced flexural oscillations of an elastic half-strip for mixed boundary conditions | Pages 337-342 | S. V. Zakharova, V. M. Shikhman |
24 | A justification for investigating the dynamic properties of an elastic bar using a model of a system of coupled rigid bodies | Pages 343-347 | I. A. Bolgrabskaya |
Volume 60, Issue 3, Pages 349-525 (1996)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue volume 60, no. 4, 1996 | Page I | |
2 | A study of the plane unrestricted three-body problem | Pages 349-367 | V. N. Tkhai |
3 | Bifurcation and stability of the steady motions and relative equilibria of a rigid body in a central gravitational field | Pages 369-380 | Ye. V. Abrarova, A. V. Karapetyan |
4 | The stability of the equilibrium position of a non-autonomous mechanical system | Pages 381-389 | A. S. Andreyev |
5 | Almost periodic resonance oscillations in non-linear two-dimensional systems with slowly varying parameters | Pages 391-398 | V. Sh. Burd |
6 | The motion of a system close to Hamiltonian with one degree of freedom when there is resonance in forced vibrations | Pages 399-406 | O. V. Kholostova |
7 | On the Poshekhonov pendulum | Pages 407-411 | A. S. Sumbatov |
8 | Real bifurcations of two-unit systems with rolling | Pages 413-419 | V. G. Verbitskii, L. G. Lobas |
9 | Analytic solutions for intermediate-thrust arcs of rocket trajectories in a Newtonian field | Pages 421-427 | D. M. Azimov |
10 | The transition to instability in weakly non-uniform flows without dissipation | Pages 429-432 | A. G. Kulikovskii, I. S. Shikina |
11 | Exact solutions of the axially symmetric Euler equations | Pages 433-437 | Yu. V. Shan'ko |
12 | Uniform approximations of the fundamental solution of the equation of internal waves | Pages 439-447 | B. N. Gordeichik, A. M. Ter-krikorov |
13 | Parametric excitation of the oscillations of a viscous continuously stratified fluid in a closed vessel | Pages 449-454 | A. V. Kravtsov, S. Ya. Sekerzh-Zen'Kovich |
14 | The propagation of perturbations in supersonic boundary layers | Pages 455-462 | I. I. Lipatov |
15 | Gas flows with shock waves which diverge from an axis or centre of symmetry with finite velocity | Pages 463-472 | S. P. Bautin, A. L. Kazakov |
16 | The unsteady escape of a gas through a plane slit into a vacuum | Pages 473-486 | Ya. M. Kazhdan |
17 | An inverse problem in the theory of two-phase filtration | Pages 487-491 | N. T. Karachurin, S. A. Kondaratsev, M. M. Khasanov |
18 | A boundary value problem on drainage at the edge of fresh ground water and its applications | Pages 493-502 | V. N. Emikh |
19 | The general properties of the equations of the non-linear theory of elasticity for piecewise-linear potentials | Pages 503-512 | G. I. Bykovtsev |
20 | Steady viscous fluid flow in plane channels formed by sections of coaxial circular cylinder | Pages 513-516 | V. G. Zharinov |
21 | Unsteady axisymmetric flows in the approximation of shallow water theory | Pages 517-519 | P. N. Svirkunov |
22 | The asymptotic form of the far field of an internal wave source moving in an exponentially stratified medium | Pages 521-525 | V. A. Borovikov |
Volume 60, Issue 4, Pages 527-701 (1996)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Announcement to authors and readers of the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics | Page 527 | |
3 | An approach to the problem of stabilizing systems with delay | Pages 529-539 | I. M. Borkovskaya, V. M. Marchenko |
4 | Stabilization of dynamic systems using positional solutions of special optimal control problems, | Pages 541-550 | R. Gabasov, F. M. Kirillova, Ye. A. Kostina, O. I. Kostyukova |
5 | Synthesis of suboptimal control of stochastic systems using a prognosing model | Pages 551-560 | Yu. G. Bulychev, A. A. Manin |
6 | Solution of the problem of synthesizing a stochastic optimal control using non-linear probabilistic criteria | Pages 561-566 | S. V. Sokolov |
7 | Numerical approximations of generalized solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equations | Pages 567-578 | G. V. Papakov, A. M. Taras'yev, A. A. Uspenskii |
8 | The stability of stochastically perturbed orbital motions | Pages 579-590 | L. B. Ryashko |
9 | The instability of Lagrangian configurations of attracting point masses | Pages 591-598 | S. P Sosnitskii |
10 | The asymptotic solution of the problem of a thin three-dimensional body entering a compressible fluid | Pages 599-606 | N. A. Ostapenko |
11 | Spatial supersonic motion of a body through a large-scale inhomogeneity in a stratified atmosphere | Pages 607-613 | V. U. Nabiyev, S. V Utyuzhnikov |
12 | A relation between the formulations the boundary element method | Pages 615-620 | V. Ya. Tereshchenko |
13 | The stability of a plane longitudinal shock wave in an isotropic elastic medium, | Pages 621-627 | S. A. Yegoryushkin, G. V. Shubin |
14 | Localized families of bending waves in a non-circular cylindrical shell with sloping edges | Pages 629-637 | G. I. Mikhasev |
15 | On the role of thickness compression in shell dynamics, | Pages 639-645 | J. D. Kaplunov, E. V. Nolde |
16 | TheConstruction of solutions of problems in the theory of elasticity in the form of series in powers of the elasticity constants and their application to viscoelasticity | Pages 647-655 | V. P. Matveyenko, I. Ye. Troyanovskii, G. S. Tsaplina |
17 | Homogeneous solutions and saint-venant problems for a naturally twisted rod, | Pages 657-664 | A. N. Druz', N. A. Polyakov, Yu. A. Ustinov |
18 | A delaminated inclusion in the case of adhesion and slippage, | Pages 665-675 | Yu. A. Antipov |
19 | Non-linear unsteady creep of an ice sheet on a hydraulic foundation, | Pages 677-681 | V. M. Aleksandrov, A. A. Shmatkova |
20 | The coupled dynamic problem of thermoelasticity for a half-space | Pages 683-686 | M. V. Dolotov, I. D. Kill |
21 | The non-stationary contact problem for rough bodies taking heat generation by friction into account | Pages 687-692 | A. A. Yevtushenko, V. I. Pauk |
22 | A rigid-plastic analysis of the limiting equilibrium of an edge cleavage crack in a rectangular plate, | Pages 693-697 | S. Ye. Aleksandrov, R. V. Gol'dshtein |
23 | An extension of Hencky's theorem | Pages 699-701 | A. S. Stroganov |
Volume 60, Issue 5, Pages 703-865 (1996)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Complete controllability criteria for classes of mechanical systems with bounded controlst | Pages 703-712 | Ye. S. Pyatnitskii |
3 | Construction of an aircraft stabilizing control using the Lvapunov function | Pages 713-716 | D. I. Bugrov |
4 | Control synthesis in the problem of the time-optimal intersection of a sphere | Pages 717-727 | L. D. Akulenko |
5 | Steady motions and relative equilibria of mechanical systems with symmetry | Pages 729-735 | A. V. Karapetyan, S. Ya. Stepanov |
6 | Asymptotic stability and estimate of the region of attraction in certain systems with aftereffect | Pages 737-743 | V. S. Sergeyev |
7 | The propagation of converging and diverging shock waves under intense heat exchange conditions | Pages 745-752 | T. A. Zhuravskaya, V. A. Levin |
8 | The effect of a phase transition on the boundary conditions for rarefied gases | Pages 753-758 | S. P. Bakanov, V. I. Roldughin |
9 | The stability of steady filtration flows of a gas-condensate mixture | Pages 759-767 | O. Yu. Dinariyev |
10 | Dynamics of a liquid with momentum anisotropy | Pages 769-775 | E. L. Aero, N. M. Bessonov, A. N. Bulygin |
11 | The instability of a non-linearly elastic beam under tension | Pages 777-788 | L. M. Zubov, A. N. Rudev |
12 | Resultant reactions in the transient contact problem for an anisotropic elastic half-space | Pages 789-797 | A. G. Gorshkov, D. V. Tarlakovskii |
13 | The pressure of a narrow ring-shaped punch on an elastic half-space | Pages 799-812 | I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov |
14 | Localized wave forms of motion of an infinite shell of revolution | Pages 813-820 | G. I. Mikhasev |
15 | The diffraction of elastic waves by spherical defects | Pages 821-832 | O. A. Nazarenko, G. Ya. Popov |
16 | An interfacial crack in a transversely isotropic composite medium | Pages 833-838 | V. V. Tikhomirov |
17 | Second-order effects in the criteria for the start of cracks in ideally brittle hyperelastic elastomers | Pages 839-843 | B. A. Zhukov |
18 | Periodic and stochastic self-excited oscillations in a system with hereditary-type dry friction | Pages 845-850 | V. S. Metrikin, R. F. Nagayev, V. V. Stepanova |
19 | Finite deflection and snapping of thin elastic flat panels | Pages 851-861 | E. I. Grigolyuk, Ye. A. Lopanitsyn |
20 | Some singular solutions of the theory of elasticity | Pages 863-865 | S. V. Kuznetsov |
Volume 60, Issue 6, Pages 867-1023 (1996)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | List of contents and author index volume 60, 1996 | Pages V-X | |
3 | Sixty years of the journal prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika | Pages 867-868 | |
4 | Problem of conflict control with hereditary information, | Pages 869-882 | N. N. Krasovskii, N. Yu. Lukoyanov |
5 | Asymptotic properties of minimax solutions of Isaacs-Bellman equations in differential games with fast and slow motions, | Pages 883-890 | N. N. Subbotina |
6 | On the need to take into account the potential energy of mass systems | Pages 891-897 | L. I. Sedov |
7 | The general equations of analytical dynamics, | Pages 899-909 | V. V. Rumyantsev |
8 | An extension of the Hamilton-Jacobi method, | Pages 911-920 | V. V. Kozlov |
9 | Ellipsoidal approximation of attainability sets of a linear system with indeterminate matrix | Pages 921-931 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
10 | Stability of linear almost-Hamiltonian periodic systems, | Pages 933-939 | E. E. Shnol' |
11 | Invariant sets and symmetric periodic motions of reversible mechanical systems, | Pages 941-952 | V. N. Tkhai |
12 | On an oil-field contour, | Pages 953-957 | P. Ya. Kochina, N. N. Kochina |
13 | The development and substantiation of the kinetic theory of gases in the twentieth century | Pages 959-968 | V. V. Struminskii |
14 | Regular partially invariant submodels of the equations of gas dynamics, | Pages 969-978 | L. V. Ovsyannikov, A. P. Chupakhin |
15 | Unlimited cumulation under one-dimensional unsteady compression of an ideal gas, | Pages 979-986 | A. N. Kraiko |
16 | A problem in the theory of mixing layers, | Pages 987-998 | V. N. Diyesperov |
17 | Theflow pattern in a liquid layer and the spectrum of the boundary-value problem when the surface tension depends non-linearly on the temperature | Pages 999-1005 | N. N. Bobkov, Yu. P. Gupalo |
18 | The effect of microdamage on fatigue-crack growth, | Pages 1007-1015 | V. V. Bolotin, V. M. Kovekh |
19 | Mathematical modelling of the development of mechanical instability in fracturing systems, | Pages 1017-1023 | V. A. Buchin, S. S. Grigoryan, G. A. Shaposhnikova |
Volume 61, Issue 1, Pages 1-172 (1997)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
3 | Nikolai Yegorovich Zhukovskii : On the 150th anniversary of his birth (5(17) January 1847-17 March 1921) | Pages 1-8 | G. Yu. Stepanov |
4 | A new algorithm for Birkhoff normalization of Hamiltonian systems | Pages 9-13 | V. F. Zhuravlev |
5 | Stability loss delay in a Ziegler system | Pages 15-25 | A. I. Neishtadt, V. V. Sidorenko |
6 | Kovalevskaya's method in rigid body dynamics | Pages 27-32 | A. V. Borisov, A. V. Tsygvintsev |
7 | Stabilization of the programmed motions of a rigid body with uncertainty in the parameters of the equations of dynamics | Pages 33-39 | A. T. Zaremba |
8 | The stabilization of controlled systems with a guaranteed estimate of the control quality | Pages 41-47 | A. S. Andreyev, S. P. Bezglasnyi |
9 | The control of a mechanical system with unknown parameters by a bounded force | Pages 49-58 | I. M. Anan'yevskii |
10 | The construction of bounded game-theoretic controls for non-linear dynamical systems | Pages 59-69 | V. I. Vorotnikov |
11 | Global regularization of the orbits of relative motion in a version of the many-body problem | Pages 71-74 | V. A. Kuz'minykh |
12 | The inverse boundary-value problem for an airfoil with a suction slot | Pages 75-82 | D. F. Abzalilov, L. A. Aksent'yev, N. B. Il'inskii |
13 | The optimum airfoils at low angles of attack in a supersonic gas flow | Pages 83-91 | V. I. Zubov |
14 | Maximum critical Mach number flows around semi-infinite solids of revolution | Pages 93-102 | L. M. Zigangareyeva, O. M. Kiselev |
15 | The initial stage in the evolution of displacement fronts in the non-linear filtration problem | Pages 103-109 | S. A. Vakulenko, I. A. Molotkov |
16 | Instability of the displacement fronts of non-Newtonian fluids in a Hele-Shaw cell | Pages 111-126 | V. A. Gorodtsov, V. M. Yentov |
17 | Modelling of the motion of particles in non-uniform turbulent flow using the equation for the probability density function | Pages 127-133 | L. I. Zaichik |
18 | Electromagnetic shock waves and their structure in anisotropic magnetic materials | Pages 135-143 | N. I. Gvozdovskaya, A. G. Kulikovskii |
19 | The effective characteristics of inhomogeneous media | Pages 145-151 | V. I. Gorbachev, B. Ye. Pobedrya |
20 | The Zhukovskii function and some problems in filtration theory | Pages 153-155 | P. Ya. Kochina |
21 | Steady spatial non-isentropic double-wave type gas flows | Pages 157-163 | S. V. Meleshko |
22 | The monotonicity properties of some axisymmetric subsonic flows | Pages 165-168 | A. I. Rylov |
23 | A numerical-analytic investigation of the flutter of a plate of arbitrary shape in the plane | Pages 169-172 | S. D. Algazin, I. A. Kiiko |
Volume 61, Issue 2, Pages 173-340 (1997)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Ivan Grigor'Yevich Bubnov On the 125th anniversary of his birth (6(18) January 1872-13 March 1919) | Pages 173-176 | E. I. Grigolyuk |
3 | An improved theory of long waves on the water surface | Pages 177-182 | Li Zhi, N. R. Sibgatullin |
4 | The formation of non-linear waveguides in the resonant interaction of three surface waves | Pages 183-193 | A. T. Il'ichev, A. V. Marchenko |
5 | Scattering of hydroacoustic waves by a narrow crack in an elastic plate | Pages 195-202 | I. V. Andronov, B. P. Belinskii |
6 | Reflection and refraction of plane longitudinal waves at the interface of a liquid and an anomalous anisotropic medium | Pages 203-213 | I. O. Osipov |
7 | Diffraction of a short wave at the junction between two plates, one of which is reinforced by ribs | Pages 215-221 | A. V. Badanin |
8 | The diffraction of sound waves at the angular joint between thin elastic plates | Pages 223-238 | A. V. Osipov |
9 | Propagation of energy in a system of joined elastic half-strips of different thickness | Pages 239-244 | Ye. V. Glushkov, Yu. G. Nikitin |
10 | Interaction of a plane harmonic Rayleigh wave with a thin rigid edge inclusion coupled with an elastic medium | Pages 245-252 | V. G. Popov |
11 | A method of solving plane initial and boundary-value problems of the dynamic theory of elasticity | Pages 253-263 | S. V. Shmegera |
12 | A version of non-smooth transformations for one-dimensional elastic systems with a periodic structure | Pages 265-274 | V. N. Pilipchuk, G. A. Starushenko |
13 | Continuous and discrete models of bounded one-dimensional media in the theory of viscoelasticity | Pages 275-285 | A. M. Filimonov |
14 | Analysis of the stability of stochastic viscoelastic systems | Pages 287-293 | V. D. Potapov |
15 | An axially symmetric contact problem for A truncated sphere in the theory of elasticity | Pages 295-300 | V. M. Aleksandrov, D. A. Pozharskii |
16 | Some properties of the solutions of plane thermoelastic problems of the rational reinforcement of composite structures | Pages 301-309 | Yu. V. Nemirovskii, A. P. Yankovskii |
17 | Analytic calculation of the energy characteristics of slip line fields in plane plastic deformation problems | Pages 311-318 | L. S. Novozhilova, S. V. Urazhdin |
18 | Calculation of the second variation in the problem of the stability of the steady motion of a rigid body containing a liquid | Pages 319-324 | P. Capodanno |
19 | Energy exchange between seismic and ultrasonic vibrations in an elastic medium with a microstructuret | Pages 325-328 | N. G. Mazur, V. N. Nikolayevskii, G. A. EL' |
20 | An asymptotic investigation of the dynamics of eccentrically reinforced plates | Pages 329-331 | I. V. Andrianov, V. I. Piskunov |
21 | Secondary branching and the post critical behaviour of thin-walled shells during non-uniform deformation | Pages 333-337 | I. P. Zhelezko, N. I. Obodan |
22 | The solution of the second fundamental problem of the theory of elasticity for a plate with a doubly symmetric two-cusp cut | Pages 339-340 | N. A. Ivan'shin, Ye. A. Shirokova |
Volume 61, Issue 3, Pages 341-530 (1997)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | The problem of constrained impact | Pages 341-353 | A. P Ivanov |
3 | The critical case of fourth-order resonance in a hamiltonian system with one degree of freedom | Pages 355-361 | A. P. Markeyev |
4 | Dual parametrization of the bifurcation set of a mechanical system with quadratic integrals | Pages 363-369 | V. I. Orekhov |
5 | The stability of linear potential gyroscopic systems when the potential energy has a maximum | Pages 371-375 | R. M. Bulatovi |
6 | Stabilization of the unstable equilibria of charges by intense magnetic fields | Pages 377-384 | V. V. Kozlov |
7 | The stability of motion of a system with aftereffect | Pages 385-389 | I. V. Boikov |
8 | Construction of optimal position strategies in a differential pursuit-evasion game with one pursuer and two evaders | Pages 391-399 | K. A. Zemskov, A. G. Pashkow |
9 | Approximate construction of solutions in game-theoretic control problems | Pages 401-408 | V. N. Ushakov, A. P. Khripunov |
10 | Gradients of local linear hulls in finite-difference operators for the Hamilton-Jacobi equations | Pages 409-417 | N. V. Mel'nikova, A. M. Taras'yev |
11 | The construction of variational principles | Pages 419-425 | P. A. Mazurov |
12 | Reconstruction of the set of controls by measurements of the states of an evolution system | Pages 427-432 | A. I. Korotkii |
13 | Stabilizationof the position of a Lagrangian system with elastic elements and bounded control, with and without measurement of velocities | Pages 433-441 | I. V. Burkov, L. B. Freidovich |
14 | Stabilization of the position of a circular membrane | Pages 443-450 | E. K. Lavrovskii, A. M. Formal'skii |
15 | An effective method of investigating the oscillations of substantially inhomogeneous distributed systems | Pages 451-461 | L. D. Akulenko, S. V. Nesterov |
16 | The kinetics of non-linear orientational deformations in nematic liquid crystals in a uniform magnetic field | Pages 463-473 | E. L. Hero, S. A. Vakulenko |
17 | The strictly mixed problem of the bending of a thin elastic plate in the shape of a segment of a circle | Pages 475-482 | P. V. Kerekesha |
18 | Green's tensor and the boundary integral equations for thin elastic multilayer asymmetric anisotropic plates | Pages 483-492 | D. D. Zakharov |
19 | Problems of the concentration of elastic stresses near a conical defect | Pages 493-502 | G. Ya. Popov |
20 | Solution of elastoplastic problems of the non-axially symmetric deformation of bodies of revolution | Pages 503-511 | V. N. Kukudzhanov, D. N. Shneiderman |
21 | Estimates of the maximum displacement of a solid in a hybrid system with dry friction | Pages 513-518 | D. V. Balandin |
22 | Sufficient conditions of optimality for a survival problem | Pages 519-521 | A. Z. Fazylov |
23 | The optimal of the longitudinal oscillations of a rod | Pages 523-525 | A. I. Vesnitskii, I. V. Miloserdova |
24 | The generalized-plane problem of the theory of elasticity on the rotation of a right prism with a square cross-section | Pages 527-530 | V. A. Buchin, I. V. Panferov |
Volume 61, Issue 4, Pages 531-695 (1997)
1 | Determinationof the frequencies and forms of oscillations of non-uniform distributedsystems with boundary conditions of the third kind | Pages 531-538 | L.D. Akulenko, S.V. Nesterov |
2 | The non-linear oscillations of a satellite with third-order resonance | Pages 539-547 | O.V. Kholostova |
3 | A linear invariant relation in the problem of the motion of a gyrostat in a magnetic field | Pages 549-552 | G.V. Gorr |
4 | Synthesis of optimal guaranteed control in finite-difference approximation schemes, | Pages 553-565 | N.V. Mel'nikova, A.M. Taras'yev |
5 | Guaranteed result in a differential game of group pursuit with terminal payoff function | Pages 567-576 | I.S. Rappoport, A.A. Chikrii |
6 | The theory of two-dimensional processes in inhomogeneous layers with a power law of their conductivity variation | Pages 577-586 | V.F. Piven' |
7 | Solitary and generalized solitary waves in dispersive media | Pages 587-600 | A.T. Il'ichev |
8 | Fundamental solution of the internal-wave equation for a medium with a discontinuous brunt-vaisala frequency | Pages 601-607 | A.M. Ter-Krikorov |
9 | The radiation of acoustic waves by a piston radiator in a rigid screen partially covering a waveguide cross-section | Pages 609-618 | V.D. Luk'Yanov |
10 | The linearization method in geometrical inverse problems of the theory of elasticity | Pages 619-625 | A.O. Vatul'Yan, S.A. Korenskii |
11 | Membrane deformation by a moving load | Pages 627-632 | G.G. Denisov, V.V. Novikov |
12 | The dynamic loading of a plane elastic domain with contour corner points | Pages 633-638 | N.F. Morozov, I.L. Surovtsova |
13 | Axially symmetric deformation of thin shells of revolution made of a non-linearly elastic material | Pages 639-651 | P.Ye. Tovstik |
14 | The energy of singular effects in an elastic anisotropic medium | Pages 653-657 | R.V. Gol'Dshtein, S.V. Kuznetsov |
15 | Bounds for the free vibration frequencies of homogeneous anisotropic bodies with constrained boundary | Pages 659-669 | E.I. Ryzhak |
16 | A variational method for solving the contact problem in the theory of elasticity with friction | Pages 671-680 | Yu.I. Nyashin, S.A. Chernopazov |
17 | The motion of a point mass along a vibrating string | Pages 681-684 | N.V. Derendyayev, I.N. Soldatov |
18 | Criteria for unsafe and safe boundaries of the stability domain for equations with delay | Pages 685-691 | L.Z. Fishman |
19 | The stability of the pseudo-regular precession of a gyrostat | Pages 693-695 | O.A. Alekhnovich, V.G. Demin |
20 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue Volume 61, No. 5, 1997 | Page I | |
Volume 61, Issue 5, Pages 697-862 (1997)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Announcement to authors and readers of the Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics | Page 697 | |
3 | Time-optimal control in a third-order system, | Pages 699-707 | F. L. Chernous'ko, A. M. Shmatkov |
4 | Optimal stabilization in the critical case of a single zero root, | Pages 709-715 | E. G. Al'Brekht, S. B. Mironova |
5 | Solutions in a non-antagonistic positional differential game, | Pages 717-723 | A. F. Kleimenov |
6 | Multiple capture in Pontryagin's example with phase constraints | Pages 725-732 | N. N. Petrov |
7 | Computation of an optimal manifold to assist in the choice of a target and its attainment with the least expenditure | Pages 733-742 | M. V. Pomazanov |
8 | The vibrations of an extensible flexible thread with a small sag | Pages 743-750 | Yu. G. Ispolov |
9 | Structural transformations of dynamical systems with gyroscopic forces | Pages 751-756 | V. N. Koshlyakov |
10 | A class of polynomial solutions in the problem of the motion of a gyrostat in a magnetic field | Pages 757-763 | G. V. Gorr, N. G. Suvorova |
11 | Euler statistics of the density field of passive tracers in incompressible and compressible media, | Pages 765-773 | I. S. Zhukova, A. I. Saichev |
12 | Higher approximations of the transonic expansion in problems of unsteady transonic flow | Pages 775-786 | A. N. Bogdanov |
13 | Two-dimensional processes of the unbounded unshocked compression of a gas | Pages 787-796 | A. F. Sidorov |
14 | The role of a length constraint in the design of minimum-drag bodies | Pages 797-810 | A. N. Kraiko, D. Ye. Pudovikov |
15 | The solution of integral equations which arise in periodic problems with mixed boundary conditions | Pages 811-816 | V. M. Aleksandrov |
16 | An asymptotic model of a membrane and a string | Pages 817-824 | A. G. Kolpakov, I. G. Sheremet |
17 | Theconstruction of an integral representation of the solution of the equilibrium equations of Timoshenko-type theory for shells of complex geometry | Pages 825-832 | V. N. Paimushin, I. N. Sidorov |
18 | Analysisof the boundary layer in the axisymmetric problem of the theory of elasticity for a radially multilayered cylinder and the propagation of axisymmetric waves | Pages 833-842 | N. K. Akhmedov |
19 | The unsteady axisymmetric contact problem with heat generation | Pages 843-850 | V. P. Levitskii, V. P. Novosad |
20 | The contact between two plates, one of which contains a crack | Pages 851-862 | A. M. Khludnev |
Volume 61, Issue 6, Pages 863-1031 (1997)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue Volume 62, No. 1, 1998 | Page I | |
2 | List of contents Volume 61, 1997 | Pages V-VIII | |
3 | Author index Volume 61, 1997 | Pages IX-X | |
4 | On the ninetieth birthday of Leonid Ivanovich Sedov | Pages 863-873 | S. S. Grigoryan |
5 | Continuum models in problems of the hypersonic flow of a rarefied gas around blunt bodiest, | Pages 875-900 | G. A. Tirskii |
6 | The design of symmetric, optimal supersonic and hypersonic flow profiles for arbitrary isoperimetric conditions, | Pages 901-915 | A. N. Kraiko, D. Ye. Pudovikov |
7 | New properties of the Busemann ellipsea, | Pages 917-920 | A. I Rylov |
8 | Weak oscillations of a gas bubble in a spherical volume of compressible liquid | Pages 921-930 | I. Sh. Akhatov, N. K. Vakhitova, G. Ya. Galeyeva, R. I. Nigmatulin, D. B. Khismatullin |
9 | Resonance interactions of waves in an ice channel, | Pages 931-940 | A. V. Marchenko |
10 | Transient planetary waves in semi-bounded channels extending along a meridian | Pages 941-947 | P. A. Krutitskii, G. Yu. Malysheva |
11 | Examples of non-uniqueness for the linear problem of potential flow around semi-submerged bodies | Pages 949-955 | O. V. Motygin |
12 | Radiation instability of a circular cylinder in a uniform flow of a two-layer fluid | Pages 957-965 | I. V. Sturova |
13 | The critical pressure for flow in a porous medium, | Pages 967-972 | A. Yu. Beliaev |
14 | The dynamics of slender bodies in dense media under conditions of the local interaction model | Pages 973-985 | N. A. Ostapenko, G. Ye. Yakunina |
15 | Defining relations for a viscoelastic medium with microrotation, | Pages 987-994 | O. Yu. Dinariyev, V. N. Nikolayevskii |
16 | The solution of unsteady coupled electromechanical problems for multilayered media, | Pages 995-1006 | O. D. P'ryakhina, O. M. Tukodova, M. R. Freigeit |
17 | The plane contact problem of steady thermoelasticity taking heat generation into account | Pages 1007-1012 | D. V. Grilitskii, V. I. Pauk |
18 | The theory of non-linear hardening of an elastoplastic composite material filled with ideally elastic inclusions | Pages 1013-1019 | I. S. Makarova, L. A. Sarayev |
19 | The dynamics of condensation nuclei in a thermal diffusion chamber | Pages 1021-1023 | S. P Bakanov |
20 | The pressure distribution around a growing crack | Pages 1025-1029 | Yu. N. Gordeyev, V. M. Entov |
21 | Obituary Andrei Izmailovich Subbotin (1945-1997) | Page 1031 | |
Volume 62, Issue 1, Pages 1-168 (1998)
Volume 62, Issue 2, Pages 169-324 (1998)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | The approximation of reachable domains of control systems | Pages 169-175 | Kh. G. Guseinov, A. N. Moiseyev, V. N. Ushakov |
3 | The problem of computing the value of a differential game for a positional functional, | Pages 177-186 | N. Yu. Lukoyanov |
4 | A game of optimal pursuit of one object by several | Pages 187-192 | G. I. Ibragimov |
5 | Integration of the equations of a rotational motion of a rigid body in quaternion algebra. The Euler case, | Pages 193-200 | I. I. Kosenko |
6 | Degenerate bifurcation giving rise to a cycle in multiparameter problems in hydrodynamics | Pages 201-206 | A. L. Afendikov, V. P. Varin |
7 | The isoperimetric problem of profiling of the optimum clearance of an infinite plane slider bearing | Pages 207-216 | A. N. Kraiko |
8 | Vortex damping of sloshing in tanks with baffles | Pages 217-224 | V. A. Buzhinskii |
9 | The far field of a moving oscillating source in the case of resonance | Pages 225-236 | V. A. Borovikov |
10 | Localized and volume internal waves in a stratified fluid contiguous to a mixed layer | Pages 237-241 | Yu. V. Kistovich, Yu. D. Chashechkin |
11 | A submodel of the rotational motions of a gas in a uniform force field | Pages 243-251 | S. V. Khabirov |
12 | Asymptotically exact joining conditions at the junction of plates with very different characteristics | Pages 253-261 | I. A. Aldoshina, S. A. Nazarov |
13 | Integral characteristics of rigid inclusions and cavities in the two-dimensional theory of elasticity, | Pages 263-268 | I. I. Argatov |
14 | The diffraction of plane elastic waves by a delaminated rigid inclusion when there is smooth contact in the delamination region | Pages 269-274 | V. G. Popov |
15 | Diffraction of normal modes in composite and stepped elastic waveguides | Pages 275-280 | E. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova, O. N. Lapina |
16 | On the solutions of elastic-plastic problems with contact-type boundary conditions for solids with loss-of-strength zones | Pages 281-288 | V. E. Wildemann |
17 | A model of the environmentally affected growth of fatigue cracks | Pages 289-296 | V. V. Bolotin, A. A. Shipkov |
18 | Vibrations of the surface of an elastic double-layered half-space with a periodic system of cracks | Pages 297-302 | M. A. Sumbatyan, M. Ciarletta |
19 | A method of constructing a weight function for a body with a crack | Pages 303-307 | N. M. Borodachev |
20 | A modified Adomian's decomposition method | Pages 309-314 | I. V. Andrianov, V. I. Olevskii, S. Tokarzewski |
21 | Unsteady deformation of elastic solids in the shape of a circular cylindrical segment | Pages 315-318 | S. D. Svetlichnaya, E. G. Yanyutin |
22 | The relation between the equations of the two-dimensional theory of elasticity for anisotropic and isotropic bodies | Pages 319-321 | A. S. Kosmodamianskii, N. M. Neskorodev |
23 | Vladimir Vasil'yevich Struminskii (1914-1998) | Pages 323-324 | |
Volume 62, Issue 3, Pages 325-491 (1998)
1 | Contents of next issue volume 62, No. 4, 1998 | Page I | |
2 | The Lyapunov-Poincare method in the theory of periodic motions,, | Pages 325-339 | V. N. Tkhai |
3 | The critical case of a pair of zero roots in a two-degree-of-freedom hamiltonian system | Pages 341-349 | A. P. Markeyev |
4 | On discontinuous motions in systems with unilateral constraints, | Pages 351-358 | A. P. Ivanov |
5 | The rolling of a wheel with a pneumatic tyre on a planet | Pages 359-369 | V. G. Vil'ke, M. V. Dvornikov |
6 | Globally controllable systems of rigid bodies | Pages 371-377 | I. F. Boretskii, O. R. Kayumov |
7 | The method of slow variables in the problem of the control of the motion of an elastic manipulator, | Pages 379-388 | V. I. Matyukhin |
8 | Localized asymptotic solutions of the navier-stokes equations and laminar wakes in an incompressible fluid | Pages 389-396 | V. P. Maslov, A. I. Shafarevich |
9 | Thermal effects in the description of a multicomponent mixture using the density functional method | Pages 397-405 | O. Yu. Dinariyev |
10 | Theasymptotic characteristics of the solutions of the diffusion equation with a non-linear sink: A renormalization group approach, | Pages 407-417 | E. V. Teodorovich |
11 | A dynamic mixed problem for a packet of elastic layers, | Pages 419-425 | Ye. V. Glushkov, Ye. V. Kirillova |
12 | Anew version of boundary integral equations and their application to dynamic three-dimensional problems of the theory of elasticity, | Pages 427-434 | A. O. Vatul'yan, V. M. Shamshin |
13 | Theformulation of linearized boundary integral equations of the anisotropic theory of elasticity and their application in geometrical inverse problems | Pages 435-442 | S. A. Korenskii |
14 | Antiplane waves in an elastic medium with a biperiodic system of cavities | Pages 443-451 | V. M. Fomin |
15 | The interface crack in anisotropic bodies. stress singularities and invariant integrals | Pages 453-464 | S. A. Nazarov |
16 | A non-linear law of the deformation of soft soils | Pages 465-472 | K. S. Sultanov |
17 | On motion of a symmetric gyrostat in a Newtonian force field, | Pages 473-475 | R. S. Sulikashvili |
18 | The problem of an earth dam | Pages 477-478 | P. Ya. Kochina, N. N. Kochina |
19 | The theory of filtration at a decreasing rate | Pages 479-481 | I. I. Demchik |
20 | Unsteady viscous flow in three dimensions and around plane surfaces | Pages 483-488 | V. G. Zharinov |
21 | Spatially periodic fundamental solutions of the theory of oscillations, | Pages 489-491 | A. V Kaptsov, S. V. Kuznetsov |
Volume 62, Issue 4, Pages 493-668 (1998)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Announcement to authors and readers of thejournal of applied mathematics and mechanics | Page 493 | |
3 | On the poincare and chetayev equations | Pages 495-502 | V. V. Rumyantsev |
4 | Theinfluence of dissipative and constant forces on the form and stability of steady motions of mechanical systems with cyclic coordinates | Pages 503-510 | A. V. Karapetyan, I. S. Lagutina |
5 | On stability in the first approximation | Pages 511-517 | G. A. Leonov |
6 | Stabilization of linear dynamical systems by optimal controls of linear-quadratic problems | Pages 519-527 | R. Gabasov, A. V. Lubochkin |
7 | Restoration of controls under conditions of incomplete information on the dynamics of the system | Pages 529-536 | A. I. Korotkii |
8 | Optimal synthesis in grid schemes for quasi-convex approximation functions | Pages 537-544 | N. V. Mel'nikova, A. M. Taras'yev |
9 | Problems of conflict control of high dimensionality functional systems | Pages 545-554 | N. Yu. Lukoyanov, T. N. Reshetova |
10 | Guaranteed control in differential games with ellipsoidal payoff | Pages 555-563 | G. Ye. Ivanov |
11 | The plane problem of the extrusion of a viscoplastic medium by parallel plates | Pages 565-573 | A. G. Petrov |
12 | Inverses of tridiagonal Toeplitz and periodic matrices with applications to mechanics | Pages 575-587 | J. Wittenburg |
13 | The use of a stable boundary analogue of the collocation method to approximate the solution of some problems in mechanics | Pages 589-597 | I. Ye. Anufriyev, L. V. Petukhov |
14 | The forms of the relation between the stress and strain tensors in a non-linearly elastic material | Pages 599-604 | V. M. Mal'kov |
15 | The errors due to approximating unbounded elastic bodies by bounded ones | Pages 605-616 | S. A. Nazarov, M. Specovius-Neugebauer |
16 | The boundary conditions in the two-dimensional theory of shells. The mathematical aspect of the problem | Pages 617-629 | A. L. Gol'denveizer |
17 | The well-posedness of the statics problem of the non-linear theory of shallow elastic shells | Pages 631-634 | I. I. Vorovich, L. P. Lebedev |
18 | The theory of very shallow shells, based on the asymmetric theory of elasticity | Pages 635-640 | S. A. Ambartsumyan |
19 | Homogeneous solutions and Saint-Venant problems for a helical spring | Pages 641-648 | D. P. Kargin, N. V. Kurbatova, Yu. A. Ustinov |
20 | Diffraction of acoustoelectric waves by tunnel cavities in an unbounded piezoceramic medium | Pages 649-655 | M. L. Fil'shtinskii |
21 | Features of failure waves in highly-homogeneous brittle materials | Pages 657-663 | V. I. Kondaurov |
22 | A method for solving the first initial-and-boundary-value problem of the linear theory of elasticity for isotropic bodies | Pages 665-668 | G. Yu. Yermolenko, S. A. Yushkov |
Volume 62, Issue 5, Pages 669-830 (1998)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | On the sixtieth birthday of Felix Leonidovich Chernous'ko | Pages 669-670 | |
3 | The stability of uniformly accelerated motions, | Pages 671-675 | V. V. Kozlov |
4 | The stability of periodic solutions of discontinuous systems that intersect several surfaces of discontinuity, | Pages 677-685 | A. P. Ivanov |
5 | Single-frequency oscillations of non-linear systems with distributed parameters, | Pages 687-698 | L. D. Akulenko, S. V. Nesterov |
6 | The stability of periodic Hamiltonian systems with multiple fourth-order resonance | Pages 699-703 | A. A. Dzhumabayeva, A. L. Kunitsyn |
7 | The model of dry friction in the problem of the rolling of rigid bodies | Pages 705-710 | V. G. Zhuravlev |
8 | The reducibility of the equations of free motion of a complex mechanical system | Pages 711-719 | V. Yu. Ol'shanskii |
9 | Robust stabilization of dynamical systems by means of bounded controls | Pages 721-728 | R. Gabasov, Ye. A. Ruzhitskaya |
10 | The radiation of non-stationary spherical pressure waves by a moving and partially permeable boundary | Pages 729-736 | V. A. Pozdeyev |
11 | Improving the convergence of the modal decomposition of internal waves generated by a moving dipole | Pages 737-742 | V. F. Sannikov |
12 | Diffusion induced unsteady boundary flows in a wedge-shaped trough | Pages 743-748 | A. V. Kistovich, Yu. D. Chashechkin |
13 | Seepage refraction in a semicircular lens located at the boundary of two porous massifs, | Pages 749-762 | Yu. V. Obnosov |
14 | The choice of the system of geometric parameters of an optimized wing, | Pages 763-770 | S. A. Takovitskii |
15 | The fictitious absorption method in dynamic electroelasticity problems | Pages 771-776 | O. D. Pryakhina, A. V. Smirnova, O. M. Tukodova |
16 | Problems of the concentration of elastic stresses near defects in spherically multilayered media | Pages 777-789 | G. Ya. Popov |
17 | The displacements in an elastic half-space when a load moves along a beam lying on its surface | Pages 791-796 | A. B. Lipen, A. V. Chigarev |
18 | Low frequency resonances in the dynamic interaction of an elastic solid with a semi-bounded medium, | Pages 797-801 | T. I. Belyankova, I. I. Vorovich, V. V. Kalinchuk |
19 | Resonant frequencies of the scattering of elastic waves by three-dimensional cracks, | Pages 803-806 | Ye. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova |
20 | The non-linear crack theory, | Pages 807-817 | K. F. Chernykh |
21 | A platformles s inertial navigation system based on a canonical gravitational gradiometer | Pages 819-822 | Tsai Tijing |
22 | The estimate of the time of motion of certain dynamical systems | Pages 823-826 | A. P. Blinov |
23 | Chaotic trajectories of a double mathematical pendulum, | Pages 827-830 | V. Moauro, P. Negrini |
Volume 62, Issue 6, Pages 831-987 (1998)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | List of contents and author index Volume 62, 1998 | Pages V-X | |
3 | Dynamic programming in problems of identifying distributed parameter systems, | Pages 831-842 | A. B. Kurzhanskii, I. F. Sivergina |
4 | Asymptotic solution of the problem of the optimal control of non-linear oscillations in the neighbourhood of a resonance, | Pages 843-852 | A. S. Kovaleva |
5 | Stabilization of a natural mechanical system without measuring its velocities with application to the control of a rigid body | Pages 853-862 | I. V. Burkov |
6 | The stability of the set of equilibrium positions of autonomous mechanical systems with sliding friction, | Pages 863-871 | V. M. Matrosov, I. A. Finogenko |
7 | The influence of perturbations on stability in terms of two metrics | Pages 873-876 | G. Zappala |
8 | The stiffness problem for stochastic systems and a method of solving it | Pages 877-882 | Yu. G. Bulychev, A. V. Yeliseyev |
9 | Non-linear oscillations of a hamiltonian system with one degree of freedom and fourth-order resonance, | Pages 883-892 | O. V. Kholostova |
10 | The dynamics of a particle on a smooth vibrating surface, | Pages 893-900 | V. I. Yudovich |
11 | The asymptotic behaviour of attainable sets of singularly-perturbed linear autonomous control systems, | Pages 901-907 | A. I. Ovseyevich, T. Yu. Figurina |
12 | Singularities of the boundaries of stability domains | Pages 909-920 | A. A. Mailybaev, A. P. Seiranyan |
13 | The conditions for the symmetric instability of the vortex motions of an ideal stratified liquid | Pages 921-925 | P. N. Svirkunov |
14 | Thequasistationary approximation in the problem of the motion of an isolated volume of a viscous incompressible capillary liquid, | Pages 927-937 | V. V. Pukhnachev |
15 | The minimization of the total pressure loss accompanying the breakdown of a supersonic flow, | Pages 939-944 | V. N. Malozemov, A. V. Omel'Chenko, V. N. Uskov |
16 | Heat transfer and turbulent diffusion in one-dimensional hydrodynamics without pressure | Pages 945-951 | V. A. Gorodtsov |
17 | The transmission of sound through an inhomogeneous anisotropic layer adjoining viscous liquids | Pages 953-958 | L. A. Tolokonnikov |
18 | The periodic contact problem for an elastic half-space, | Pages 959-966 | I. G. Goryacheva |
19 | The complex three-dimensional elastoplastic bending of a rod with a square cross-section | Pages 967-970 | V. V. Lokhin, V. M. Panferov, I. V. Panferov |
20 | The relative equilibria of a tethered gyrostat in a central Newtonian field | Pages 971-974 | A. A. Burov, H. Troger |
21 | The dissipative evolution of an Alfven soliton | Pages 975-977 | A. B. Rodin, I. S. Shikin |
22 | On the seventieth birthday of Il'ya Izrailevich Blekhman | Pages 979-980 | |
23 | Aleksei Antonovich Il'Yushin (20.01.11-31.05.98) | Pages 981-983 | |
24 | Nikolai Adrianovich Talitskikh (On the hundredth anniversary of his birth) | Pages 985-987 | |
Volume 63, Issue 1, Pages 1-147 (1999)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
3 | The stability of a non-autonomous functional-differential equation relative to part of the variables | Pages 1-8 | A. S. Andreyev, S. V. Pavlikov |
4 | The vibration of a rotating heavy non-uniform thread and its stability, | Pages 9-19 | L. D. Akulenko, S. V. Nesterov, A. M. Shmatkov |
5 | Damping of the free oscillations of elastic systems using gyroscopes | Pages 21-24 | A. V. Stepanov |
6 | The equations of motion of a rigid body without parametrization of rotations | Pages 25-30 | C. Vallee, A. Hamdouni, F. Isnard, D. Fortune |
7 | Problems with discontinuous boundary conditions describing laminar flows at high reynolds numbers, | Pages 31-39 | I. I. Lipatov |
8 | The asymptotic form of the spectrum of tidal Kelvin waves trapped by a boundary at large values of the lamb parameter | Pages 41-44 | D. B. Rokhlin |
9 | The structure of evolutional jumps in reversible systems, | Pages 45-53 | I. B. Bakholdin |
10 | The inviscid nature of the asymmetry of the separating flow of a uniform stream around symmetric bodies, | Pages 55-62 | A. N. Kraiko, K. S. Reyent |
11 | A spectral relation for Chebyshev-Laguerre polynomials and its application to dynamic problems of fracture mechanics | Pages 63-71 | G. Ya. Popov |
12 | The choice of constitutive relations for an ice cover, | Pages 73-78 | R. V. Gol'dshtein, A. V. Marchenko |
13 | The problem of the equilibrium of a plate reinforced with stiffeners | Pages 79-83 | I. I. Vorovich, L. P. Lebedev |
14 | Asymptotic splitting in the three-dimensional problem of linear elasticity for elongated bodies with a structure | Pages 85-92 | V. V. Yeliseyev, I. S. Orlov |
15 | Theaverage equations of the dynamics of thin multilayered packets of arbitrary structure with contrasting directions of anisotropy in the elastic layers, | Pages 93-100 | D. D. Zakharov |
16 | Impression with adhesion of a punch into an elastic half-plane under a tangential load | Pages 101-107 | I. A. Soldatenkov |
17 | The contact of a solid with an elastic half-space through a thin coating, | Pages 109-116 | Ye. V. Kovalenko |
18 | Capillary adhesion in the contact between elastic solids, | Pages 117-125 | I. G. Goryacheva, Yu. Yu. Makhovskaya |
19 | A contact problem of the theory of consolidation for a strip | Pages 127-136 | V. B. Glagovskii, B. M. Nuller |
20 | The motion of a screw dislocation in a wedge-shaped region | Pages 137-140 | S. V. Sizov |
21 | The problem of a wedge-shaped punch on the face of an elastic wedge, | Pages 141-144 | V. M. Aleksandrov, D. A. Pozharskii |
22 | The third international symposium on classical and celestial mechanics (23-28 August 1998, Velikiye Luki) | Pages 145-147 | V. N. Tkhai |
Volume 63, Issue 2, Pages 149-335 (1999)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Pelageya Yakovlevna Kochina-on her hundredth birthday | Pages 149-160 | |
3 | Some properties of a linear-fractional transformation | Pages 161-163 | P. Ya. Kochina, N. N. Kochina |
4 | Forms of Hamilton's principle in quasi-coordinates | Pages 165-171 | V. V. Rumyantsev |
5 | The rotational motions of mechanical systems | Pages 173-188 | V. N. Tkhai |
6 | Stabilization of collinear libration points in the earth-moon system | Pages 189-196 | A. A. Dzhumabayeva, A. L. Kunitsyn, A. T. Tuyakbayev |
7 | Resonances in linear one-degree-of-freedom systems with piecewise-constant parameters | Pages 197-204 | Yu. F. Golubev |
8 | The dynamics of a spherical pendulum with a vibrating suspension | Pages 205-211 | A. P. Markeyev |
9 | Asymptotic analysis of singularly perturbed Hamilton-Jacobi equations | Pages 213-222 | N. N. Subbotina |
10 | Synthesis of the optimal control of dynamical structures | Pages 223-227 | S. V. Sokolov, I. V. Shcherban' |
11 | The frozen-in condition for a direction field, small denominators and chaotization of steady flows of a viscous fluid | Pages 229-235 | V. V. Kozlov |
12 | Therelation between the mechanics of dissipative finite-dimensional systems with heredity and the mechanics of infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems | Pages 237-247 | O. Yu. Dinariyev |
13 | Steady soliton-like solutions of Euler's equations with intrinsic force fields | Pages 249-256 | M. Ya. Ivanov, L. V. Terent'yeva |
14 | Trapped modes of oscillation of a liquid for surface-piercing bodies in oblique waves | Pages 257-264 | O. V. Motygin |
15 | The dynamics of a thin slug of reacting impurity in flow in a porous medium | Pages 265-276 | V. M. Entov |
16 | A shear surface wave at the interface of an elastic body and a micropolar liquid | Pages 277-281 | V. I. Yerofeyev, I. N. Soldatov |
17 | An asymptotic method in contact problems | Pages 283-290 | V. M. Aleksandrov, D. A. Pozharskii |
18 | An asymptotic method of solving transient dynamic contact problems | Pages 291-298 | V. B. Zelentsov |
19 | Optimal control of the deformation path of a metal under complex loading | Pages 299-303 | V. Yu. Stolbov, P. V. Trusov |
20 | Formulation of the problem of the flutter of a shell of revolution and a shallow shell in a high-velocity supersonic gas flow | Pages 305-312 | I. A. Kiiko |
21 | A light wing | Pages 313-321 | V. S. Zhirov |
22 | The stability of systems with a delay at points on the boundaries of stability domains where safe sections become unsafe ones | Pages 323-326 | L. Z. Fishman |
23 | A variational method of deriving the equations of the non-linear mechanics of liquid crystals | Pages 327-332 | V. B. Lisin, A. I. Potapov |
24 | The point moment at an arbitrary point of an elastic plane weakened by an elliptical hole | Pages 333-335 | M. N. Stepanyan |
Volume 63, Issue 3, Pages 337-507 (1999)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Lev Vasil'yevich Ovsyannikov (On the occasion of his 80th birthday) | Pages 337-347 | V. M. Titov, A. P. Chupakhin |
3 | Some results of the implementation of the -podmodeli- program for the gas dynamics equations, | Pages 349-358 | L. V. Ovsyannikov |
4 | Invariant solutions of rank two of the equations of the rotationally symmetric motions of an inhomogeneous liquid | Pages 359-368 | V. K. Andreyev, A. A. Rodionov Krasnoyarsk |
5 | Flows of an incompressible fluid with linear vorticity | Pages 369-374 | G. V. Popovich, R. Ye. Popovich |
6 | The problem of wave momentum, radiation pressure and other quantities in the case of plane motions of an ideal gas, | Pages 375-386 | G. G. Denisov |
7 | Asymptotic behaviour and level-curve structure in plane subsonic potential flows, | Pages 387-396 | A. I. Rylov |
8 | The asymptotic laws of shockless strong compression of quasi-one-dimensional gas layers | Pages 397-404 | S. P. Bautin |
9 | An analytical method for solving the problem of unshocked conical gas compression | Pages 405-411 | I. A. Bashkirtseva |
10 | Two-dimensional interaction of riemann compression waves | Pages 413-425 | V. A. Kukushkin |
11 | Investigationof the structure of a weak shock wave and the propagation of small perturbations in gaseous mixtures using burnett's equations, | Pages 427-438 | M. Sh. Shavaliyev |
12 | Non-linear development of rotating stall in an axial compressor at a near-critical flow rate, | Pages 439-447 | S. I. Chernyshenko |
13 | The instability of steady flows generated by a vortex line in a stratified gas | Pages 449-451 | Kh. V. Oganesyan, A. M. Ter-krikorov |
14 | Optimum design of infinite journal bearing with a minimum of the friction moment, | Pages 453-461 | V. I. Grabovskii, A. N. Kraiko |
15 | Instability of the equilibrium position of a heavy sphere in a steady non-uniform potential flow, | Pages 463-469 | A. G. Petrov |
16 | The floating behaviour of a small body acted upon by a surface wave, | Pages 471-478 | A. V. Marchenko |
17 | Theconstruction of boundary analogues of variational methods to approximate weak solutions of boundary-value problems in the theory of elasticity | Pages 479-489 | I. Ye. Anufriyev, L. V. Petukhov |
18 | Tomographic algorithms in the theory of elasticity, | Pages 491-494 | A. S. Kravchuk |
19 | The governing equations of a thin elastic stressed beam with a periodic structure | Pages 495-504 | A. G. Kolpakov |
20 | An exact determination of the effective moduli of elasticity of micro-inhomogeneous medial | Pages 505-507 | S. A. Berestova, Ye. A. Mityushov |
Volume 63, Issue 4, Pages 509-668 (1999)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Announcement to authors and readers of the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics | Page 509 | |
3 | Two-hundred-and-seventy-five years of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Pages 511-516 | G. K. Mikhailov |
4 | Bifurcation of periodic solutions of a system close to a Lyapunov system, | Pages 517-525 | B. S. Bardin |
5 | Exact solutions of the problem of the vibro-impact oscillations of a discrete system with two degrees of freedom, | Pages 527-530 | M. A. F. Aziz, A. F. Vakakis, L. I. Manevich |
6 | The loss of stability of symmetrical equilibrium positions | Pages 531-536 | E. E. Shnol' |
7 | The stability of certain discrete-time volterra equations | Pages 537-543 | V. B. Kolmanovskii |
8 | The stability domains of hamiltonian systems | Pages 545-555 | A. A. Mailybaev, A. P. Seiranyan |
9 | Approximate construction of attainability sets of control systems with integral constraints on the controls | Pages 557-567 | Kh. G. Guseinov, A. A. Neznakhin, V. N. Ushakov |
10 | Fundamental statements of the phenomenological approach in non-local hydrodynamics | Pages 569-578 | O. Yu. Dinariyev |
11 | The Zhukovskii problem of the flow around a sheet pile | Pages 579-585 | E. N. Bereslavskii |
12 | An exact solution of a linearized problem of the radiation of monochromatic internal waves in a viscous fluid, | Pages 587-594 | Yu. V. Kistovich, Yu. D. Chashechkin |
13 | The filtering of a suspension of solid particles | Pages 595-602 | Yu. I. Kapranov |
14 | The plane contact problem of seepage consolidation, | Pages 603-616 | A. G. Yegorov |
15 | The natural oscillations of distributed inhomogeneous systems described by generalized boundary value problems, | Pages 617-625 | L. D. Akulenko, S. V. Nesterov |
16 | The existence of riemann invariants in the one-dimensional equations of the non-linear theory of elasticity, | Pages 627-632 | A. P. Chugainova |
17 | The stiffnesses of non-homogeneous plates | Pages 633-640 | A. G. Kolpakov, I. G. Sheremet |
18 | The indentation of a punch in the form of an elliptic paraboloid into the plane boundary of an elastic body, | Pages 641-649 | I. I. Argatov |
19 | The ray method of solving the three-dimensional dynamic problem of coupled thermoelasticity for a sphere | Pages 651-656 | A. G. Shatalov |
20 | Coupled problems of the optimization of the elasto-plastic deformation of metals | Pages 657-664 | V. Yu. Stolbov, P. V. Trusov |
21 | Comments on the impact effect | Pages 665-666 | Z. P. Kozlova |
22 | Diffraction of a plane elastic wave by a wedge with a special form of boundary conditions | Pages 667-668 | S. E. Nosov |
Volume 63, Issue 5, Pages 669-828 (1999)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Control of a system with one degree of freedom under complex restrictions, | Pages 669-676 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
3 | The reconstruction of controls in non-linear distributed systems, | Pages 677-684 | V. I. Maksimov, L. Pandolfi |
4 | Stabilization of the motions of mechanical systems with non-holonomic constraints, | Pages 685-694 | V. I. Matyukhin |
5 | Problems of stability with respect to part of the variables | Pages 695-703 | V. I. Vorotnikov |
6 | Generalized parametric oscillations of mechanical systems, | Pages 705-713 | L. D. Akulenko, S. V. Nesterov, A. M. Shmatkov |
7 | Non-linear oscillations of a Hamiltonian system with 2:1 resonance, | Pages 715-726 | A. P. Markeyev |
8 | Reorganization of the configuration manifold and critical systems, | Pages 727-730 | V. A. Samsonov |
9 | The application of the solid-angle theorem in the special theory of relativity, | Pages 731-735 | G. B. Malykin |
10 | A special case of the motion of a point mass | Pages 737-740 | A. P. Blinov |
11 | The dynamics of a Lagrange top with a vibrating suspension point, | Pages 741-750 | O. V. Kholostova |
12 | The steady motions of a disc on an absolutely rough plane, | Pages 751-753 | A. S. Kuleshov |
13 | The theory of elastic and viscoelastic micropolar liquids, | Pages 755-767 | V. A. Yeremeyev, L. M. Zubov |
14 | Propagation of weak perturbations in cracked porous media, | Pages 769-777 | A. A. Gubaidullin, O. Yu. Kuchugurina |
15 | The problem of the stability of quasilinear flows with respect to perturbations of the hardening function, | Pages 779-784 | D. V. Georgievskii |
16 | Onthe stability of the solutions of linear stochastic integro-differential equations encountered in elasticity and viscoelasticity problems, | Pages 785-794 | V. D. Potapov |
17 | Theapplicability of a hereditary model of wear with an exponential kernel in the one-dimensional contact problem taking frictional heat generationinto account | Pages 795-801 | A. A. Yevtushenko, Yu. A. Pyr'yev |
18 | The method of boundary integral equations in unsteady boundary-value problems of uncoupled thermoelasticity | Pages 803-808 | L. A. Alekseyeva, A. N. Dadayeva, N. B. Zhanbyrbayev |
19 | Some analytical solutions for Rayleigh waves in cubic crystals | Pages 809-814 | A. V. Kaptsov, S. V. Kuznetsov |
20 | Anasymptotic analysis of the solution in the neighbourhood of the corner point of a crack along the kinked interface of two media, | Pages 815-819 | A. V. Andreyev, R. V. Gol'dshtein, Yu. V. Zhitnikov |
21 | On equi-asymptotic stability with respect to part of the variables | Pages 821-824 | A. A. Ignat'yev |
22 | The permanent rotations of a balanced non-autonomous gyrostat | Pages 825-826 | E. I. Druzhinin |
23 | Pelageya Yakovlevna Kochina (1899-1999) | Pages 827-828 | |
Volume 63, Issue 6, Pages 829-996 (1999)
Volume 64, Issue 1, Pages 1-172 (2000)
1 | Contents of next issue volume 64, No. 2, 2000 | Page I | |
2 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
3 | Sof'ya Vasil'yevna Kovalevskaya (on the 150th anniversary of her birth) | Pages 1-4 | I. G. Goryacheva, G. K. Mikhailov |
4 | The motion of a multilink system along a horizontal plane | Pages 5-15 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
5 | Optimal operating modes with chattering switching in manipulator control problems, | Pages 17-24 | L. A. Manita |
6 | Controllability and decomposition in mechanical systems | Pages 25-34 | V. A. Vuji i , A. M. Kovalev |
7 | The Dirac Hamiltonian formalism and the realization of constraints by small masses | Pages 35-39 | M. V. Deryabin |
8 | Lyapunov families of periodic motions in a reversible system, | Pages 41-52 | V. N. Tkhai |
9 | The stabilization of the equilibrium of conservative systems using gyroscopic forces | Pages 53-63 | S. P. Sosnitskii |
10 | Linear and quadratic integrals in the problem of gyrostat motion in a magnetic field | Pages 65-73 | V. Yu. Ol'shanskii |
11 | The motion of a body with elastic elements around a fixed point in action-angle variables | Pages 75-79 | L. I. Konkina |
12 | The stability of permanent rotations of a top with a cavity filled with liquid on a plane with friction | Pages 81-86 | A. V. Karapetyan, O. V. Prokomina |
13 | Intermediate-thrust arcs in Mayer's variational problem | Pages 87-95 | D. M. Azimov |
14 | The emission of a gas jet from a conical nozzle, | Pages 97-109 | L. M. Zigangareyeva, O. M. Kiselev |
15 | Simple expression for green's function of the problem of ship waves in a deep homogeneous liquid | Pages 111-115 | V. F. Sannikov |
16 | Some problems of the uniqueness of the re-establishment of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency using dispersion curves | Pages 117-122 | V. V. Ryndina |
17 | The development of the flow of viscous and viscoplastic media between two parallel plates, | Pages 123-132 | A. G. Petrov |
18 | Asymptotic methods in the axisymmetric dynamic non-stationary contact problem for an elastic half-space | Pages 133-145 | V. M. Aleksandrov, V. B. Zelentsov |
19 | The three-dimensional contact problem for an elastic wedge taking friction forces into account, | Pages 147-154 | D. A. Pozharskii |
20 | Pull-out of a rigid fibre from an elastoplastic matrix, | Pages 155-161 | S. Ye. Aleksandrov, R. V. Gol'Dshtein |
21 | The mixed symmetrical temperature problem for a transversely isotropic elastic layer | Pages 163-167 | I. V. Panferov |
22 | Disc-shaped equilibrium cracks, | Pages 169-172 | M. A. Grekov, N. F. Morozov |
Volume 64, Issue 2, Pages 173-339 (2000)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Samvel Samvelovich Grigoryan (on the occasion of his 70th birthday) | Pages 173-175 | |
3 | Dynamical modelling of linear discrete-continuous systems | Pages 177-188 | K. P. Andreichenko, D. K. Andreichenko, A. B. Smarun' |
4 | Non-local analysis of families of periodic solutions in autonomous systems | Pages 189-195 | A. A. Zevin |
5 | Control of the relative motions of a pendulum on a rotating base | Pages 197-208 | L. D. Akulenko |
6 | The construction of optimal modes for exciting oscillations of a two-link physical pendulum | Pages 209-218 | Yu. F. Golubev, R. Z. Khairullin |
7 | The stability of the equilibrium of a wing in an unsteady flow | Pages 219-228 | V. S. Sergeev |
8 | The fourth algebraic integral of kirchhoff's equations | Pages 229-242 | S. T. Sadetov |
9 | A Hamilton-Jacobi type equation in control problems with hereditary information | Pages 243-253 | N. Yu. Lukoyanov |
10 | Asymptotic description of vortex filaments in an incompressible fluid | Pages 255-265 | A. I. Shafarevich |
11 | Solutions of the modified Ostrovskii equation with cubic non-linearity | Pages 267-274 | S. P. Nikitenkova, Yu. A. Stepanyants, L. M. Chikhladze |
12 | Harmonic instability of the free surface of a low-viscosity liquid in a vertically oscillating vessel | Pages 275-282 | V. A. Kalinichenko, A. V. Kravtsov, R. Rodriguez-Mijangos, S. Ya. Sekerzh-Zen'kovich, R. Flores-Espinoza |
13 | Unsteady states in non-equilibrium two-phase seepage | Pages 283-288 | G. T. Bulgakova, A. N. Kalyakin, M. M. Khasanov |
14 | The construction of optimum three-dimensional shapes within the framework of a model of local interaction | Pages 289-298 | G. Ye. Yakunina |
15 | The stability of motion of an elongated rigid body of revolution in an elastoplastic medium with flow separation | Pages 299-307 | I. V. Simonov |
16 | A method for piecewise-homogeneous solutions in stationary problems of the theory of elasticity | Pages 309-318 | V. K. Lashchenov, B. M. Nuller |
17 | A theoretical and experimental method for detection of the delaminations of thin coatings | Pages 319-323 | R. V. Gol'dshtein, V. M. Kozintsev, A. L. Popov, G. N. Chernyshev |
18 | The problem of the stressed state of an elastic cone weakened by cracks | Pages 325-335 | G. Ya. Popov |
19 | Non-linear instability of steady flows generated by a vortex filament in stratified gas | Pages 337-339 | Kh. V. Oganesyan, A. M. Ter-Krikorov |
Volume 64, Issue 3, Pages 341-490 (2000)
1 | Contents of next issue volume 64, no. 4, 2000 | Page I | |
2 | Iosif Izrailevich Vorovich (on the occasion of his 80th birthday) | Pages 341-357 | V. A. Babeshko, A. V. Belokon', V. I. Yudovich |
3 | A class of boundary-value problems in the dynamic theory of elasticity | Pages 359-366 | A. O. Vatul'yan, I. I. Vorovich, A. N. Solov'yev |
4 | Partitioned schemes of the finite-element method for dynamic problems of acoustoelectroelasticity | Pages 367-377 | A. V. Belokon', V. A. Eremeyev, A. V. Nasedkin, A. N. Solov'yev |
5 | The diffraction of a shock wave at the curvilinear interface of transversely isotropic elastic media | Pages 379-386 | V. I. Gulyayev, P. Z. Lugovoi, G. M. Ivanchenko, Ye. V. Yakovenko |
6 | An asymptotic method for solving non-stationary dynamic contact problems for an acoustical layer | Pages 387-398 | V. B. Zelentsov |
7 | The non-linear theory of the pure bending of prismatic elastic solids | Pages 399-406 | A. A. Zelenina, L. M. Zubov |
8 | An inverse problem for an elastic medium containing a physically non-linear inclusion | Pages 407-412 | I. Yu. Tsvelodub |
9 | The axisymmetric mixed problem in the theory of elasticity for a hallow truncated circular cone | Pages 413-424 | G. Ya. Popov |
10 | The condition for low stresses in a piecewise homogeneous wedge of non-linearly elastic materials | Pages 425-434 | M. A. Zadoyan |
11 | Integralequations with logarithmic singularities in the kernels of boundary-value problems of plane elasticity theory for regions with a defect | Pages 435-441 | A. A. Gusenkova, N. B. Pleshchinskii |
12 | The asymptotic solution of a contact problem with a half-unknown boundary of the contact region | Pages 443-447 | I. I. Argatov |
13 | The derivative of the energy functional along the crack length in problems of the theory of elasticity | Pages 449-456 | J. Sokolowski, A. M. Khludnev |
14 | The problem of an annular crack at the interface between an elastic layer and an elastic half-space | Pages 457-464 | V. M. Aleksandrov, D. A. Pozharskii |
15 | The interaction of cracks in brittle fracture. Force and energy approaches | Pages 465-475 | S. A. Nazarov |
16 | An elliptical crack under point forces applied to its surfaces | Pages 477-483 | N. M. Borodachev |
17 | The problem of designing laminated plates with specified stiffnesses | Pages 485-488 | A. G. Kolpakov, I. G. Sheremet |
18 | Nikita Nikolayevich Moiseyev (23.8.1917-29.2.2000) | Pages 489-490 | |
Volume 64, Issue 4, Pages 491-675 (2000)
1 | Contents of next issue volume 64, no. 5, 2000 | Page I | |
2 | Announcement | Page 491 | |
3 | Robert Iskanderovich Nigmatulin (on the occasion of his 60th birthday) | Pages 493-495 | A. A. Gubaidullin |
4 | The wavelike motion of a multilink system on a horizontal plane | Pages 497-508 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
5 | Analytical synthesis of time-optimal control in a third-order system | Pages 509-519 | L. D. Akulenko, G. V. Kostin |
6 | The stability of a class of non-linear systems | Pages 521-526 | A. Yu. Aleksandrov |
7 | Grioli-type precession of a heavy rigid body in a liquid | Pages 527-530 | N. V. Khlystunova |
8 | The equation of axisymmetric buoyancy oscillations in an ideal fluid | Pages 531-535 | A. M. Ter-Krikorov |
9 | The formation of rotational regimes in the thermocapillary flow of a non-uniform fluid in a layer | Pages 537-545 | V. A. Batishchev, Ye. V. Khoroshunova |
10 | The two-dimensional motions of a gas with a special adiabatic exponent | Pages 547-557 | S. V. Golovin |
11 | Estimates of the optical thickness for some processes of unlimited compression of a gas | Pages 559-568 | V. A. Kukushkin |
12 | Burnett's equations for multicomponent mixtures of polyatomic gases | Pages 569-582 | V. S. Galkin |
13 | The optimum non-conical and asymmetrical three-dimensional configurations | Pages 583-591 | G. Ye. Yakunina |
14 | The effect of a local increase in impurity concentration in one-dimensional hydrodynamics | Pages 593-600 | V. A. Gorodtsov |
15 | The localization of clusters of floating particles on the surface of turbulent flow | Pages 601-606 | I. S. Zhukova, A. I. Saichev |
16 | The Taylor and hyperbolic models of unsteady longitudinal dispersion of a passive impurity in convection-diffusion processes | Pages 607-617 | A. D. Khon'kin |
17 | The instability of the states of rest of a viscous ideally conducting compressible medium containing a magnetic field | Pages 619-625 | Yu. G. Gubarev, M. -B. A. Negmatov |
18 | Irregular traffic flow on a ring road | Pages 627-634 | A. B. Kiselev, V. F. Nikitin, N. N. Smirnov, M. V. Yumashev |
19 | Application of functions of a complex variable to certain three-dimensional problems of elasticity theory | Pages 635-645 | G. Z. Sharafutdinov |
20 | Energy approximations of the solution of the first problem of the linear theory of elasticity | Pages 647-650 | V. Ya. Tereshchenko |
21 | Non-linear theory of elastic microshear in periodic structures. Instability of homogeneous deformation | Pages 651-658 | E. L. Aero |
22 | Asymptotic solution of the problem of the pressure of a rigid body on a membrane | Pages 659-666 | I. I. Argatov |
23 | A modified Multhopp-Kalandiya method in the contact problem for a slider bearing | Pages 667-674 | V. M. Aleksandrov, A. A. Shmatkova |
24 | Eighth all-Russian congress on theoretical and applied mechanics | Page 675 | |
Volume 64, Issue 5, Pages 677-860 (2000)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue volume 64, no. 6, 2000 | Page I | |
2 | Vladimir Vasil'Yevich Beletskii (on the occasion of his 70th birthday) | Pages 677-689 | |
3 | The effect of the atmosphere on the attitude motion of a dumb-bell-shaped artificial satellite | Pages 691-700 | V. V. Beletskii, M. L. Pivovarov |
4 | Two modes of the angular motion of artificial Earth satellites | Pages 701-708 | M. Yu. Ovchinnikov |
5 | Separatrix crossing in the dynamics of a dual-spin satellite | Pages 709-714 | A. I. Neishtadt, M. L. Pivovarov |
6 | Control of the vibrations of a tethered satellite system | Pages 715-722 | F. Dignath, W. Schiehlen |
7 | The relative equilibria of an orbital pendulum suspended on a tether | Pages 723-728 | A. A. Burov, H. Troger |
8 | The gyroscopic stability of the triangular stationary solutions of the generalized planar three-body problem | Pages 729-738 | A. A. Burov, M. Pascal, S. Ya. Stepanov |
9 | The evolution of the motion of a viscoealstic sphere in the restricted circular three-body problem | Pages 739-749 | V. G. Vil'ke, A. V. Shatina |
10 | The construction of periodic orbits close to triangular libration points for the three-body problem in a resistive medium | Pages 751-755 | A. P. Ivanov, V. V. Samsonova |
11 | The stability of triangular libration points in the photogravitational three-body problem | Pages 757-763 | A. L. Kunitsyn |
12 | Non-smooth mechanical systems | Pages 765-772 | K. Popp |
13 | Contacts in multibody systems | Pages 773-782 | F. Pfeiffer, Ch. Glocker |
14 | High-frequency natural oscillations of mechanical systems | Pages 783-796 | L. D. Akulenko |
15 | Investigation of the stability of periodic motions of an autonomous Hamiltonian system in a critical case | Pages 797-810 | A. P. Markeyev |
16 | The stability of regular grioli precessions | Pages 811-819 | V. N. Tkhai |
17 | The stability of a -sleeping- lagrange for with a vibrating suspension point | Pages 821-831 | O. V. Kholostova |
18 | Applications of a family of lyapunov functions | Pages 833-843 | I. A. Mukhametzyanov |
19 | The control of large deviations in oscillatory systems with small random perturbations | Pages 845-853 | A. S. Kovaleva |
20 | The global stability of two-dimensional systems for controlling angular orientation | Pages 855-860 | G. A. Leonov |
Volume 64, Issue 6, Pages 861-1020 (2000)
Volume 65, Issue 1, Pages 1-174 (February 2001)
Volume 65, Issue 2, Pages 175-356 (2001)
Volume 65, Issue 3, Pages 357-527 (2001)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue volume 65, no. 4, 2001 | Page I | |
2 | Vladimir Andreyevich Babeshko (60th birthday tribute) | Pages 357-359 | I. I. Vorovich, O. D. Pryakhina |
3 | The properties of the value functional of a differential game with hereditary information | Pages 361-370 | N. Yu. Lukoyanov |
4 | The reconstruction of unbounded controls in non-linear dynamical systems | Pages 371-376 | V. I. Maksimov, L. Pandolfi |
5 | A method of constructing programmed motions | Pages 377-385 | A. N. Kvitko |
6 | Mode reconstruction in a one-parameter family of optimal control problems | Pages 387-394 | Yu. V. Aldakimov, A. A. Melikyan, G. V. Naumov |
7 | A dynamic model of R and D investment | Pages 395-410 | C. Watanabe, S. A. Reshmin, A. M. Taras'yev |
8 | The properties of a class of invariant relations of the generalized equations of dynamics | Pages 411-419 | G. V. Gorr, E. M. Mironova |
9 | The motion of a point mass in a medium with a square law of drag | Pages 421-426 | P. S. Chudinov |
10 | Longitudinal vibrations of elastic rods of stepwise-variable cross-section colliding with a rigid obstacle | Pages 427-433 | Yu. N. Sankin, N. A. Yuganova |
11 | Holonomic constraints and some exact solutions of the equations of steady one-dimensional gas flow | Pages 435-440 | A. N. Kusyumov |
12 | The effect of small dissipation on the onset of one-dimensional shock waves | Pages 441-451 | V. R. Kudashev, B. I. Suleimanov |
13 | Thesolution of problems of sound propagation and the structure of a weak shock wave in a polyatomic gas using Burnett's equations | Pages 453-461 | V. S. Galkin, V. A. Zharov |
14 | Asymptotic and variational methods in non-linear problems of the interaction of surface waves with acoustic fields | Pages 463-470 | I. A. Lukovskii, A. N. Timokha |
15 | The description of a multicomponent mixture by the density functional method when there are surface phases present | Pages 471-478 | O. Yu. Dinariyev |
16 | Modelling ice flow in various Glacier zones | Pages 479-493 | A. V. Wilchinsky, V. A. Chugunov |
17 | The pressure of a punch in the form of an elliptic paraboloid on an elastic layer of finite thickness | Pages 495-508 | I. I. Argatov |
18 | Thestress concentration around a semi-infinite cylindrical crack during the shock loading of an elastic medium by a centre of rotation | Pages 509-518 | N. D. Vaisfel'd, G. Ya. Popov |
19 | Metelitsyn's method and theorems | Pages 519-523 | D. R. Merkin |
20 | Metelitsyn's theorems | Pages 525-527 | Yu. K. Zhbanov, V. F. Zhuravlev |
Volume 65, Issue 4, Pages 529-713 (2001)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | Announcement | Page 529 | |
3 | Valentin Vital'Yevich Rumyantsev (80th birthday tribute) | Pages 531-541 | |
4 | Routh's equations and variational principles | Pages 543-551 | V. V. Rumyantsev |
5 | The periodic motions of a gas | Pages 553-563 | L. V. Ovsyannikov |
6 | Controllable motions of a two-link mechanism along a horizontal plane, | Pages 565-577 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
7 | The motion of a variable body in an ideal fluid, | Pages 579-587 | V. V. Kozlov, S. M. Ramodanov |
8 | The motion of a rigid body in a fluid under the action of central newtonian attractive forces, | Pages 589-604 | A. A. Burov, D. P. Chevallier |
9 | Thestability of a configuration of a liquid layer in an axially symmetric container uniformly rotating under conditions of weightlessness | Pages 605-616 | P. Capodanno |
10 | The stability of mechanical systems subjected to impulsive actions | Pages 617-629 | A. P. Ivanov |
11 | The steady motions of a fluid-filled spheroid on a plane with friction | Pages 631-637 | A. V. Karapetyan |
12 | The problem of the stability of the equilibrium position of a Hamiltonian system at 3:1 resonance | Pages 639-645 | A. P. Markeyev |
13 | Periodic motions of a system close to an autonomous reversible system | Pages 647-664 | V. N. Tkhai |
14 | Multibody systems with unilateral constraints | Pages 665-670 | F. Pfeiffer |
15 | An energy analysis of the prescribed motion of an oscillator | Pages 671-679 | W. Schiehlen |
16 | The theory of gyroscopic systems with non-conservative forces | Pages 681-687 | V. N. Koshlyakov, V. L. Makarov |
17 | Anew deployment/retrieval scheme for a tethered satellite system, intermediate between the conventional scheme and the crawler scheme | Pages 689-696 | M. Pascal, A. Djebli, L. El Bakkali |
18 | The oscillations of a pendulum in a circular orbit | Pages 697-702 | A. A. Burov, S. Ya. Stepanov |
19 | The stability of collinear libration points in the photogravitational three-body problem | Pages 703-706 | A. L. Kunitsyn |
20 | The effect of damping on the stability properties of equilibria of non-autonomous systems | Pages 707-713 | L. Hatvani |
Volume 65, Issue 5, Pages 715-884 (2001)
1 | Contents of next issue Volume 65, No. 6, 2001 | Page I | |
2 | Gyroscopic stabilization and parametric resonance | Pages 715-721 | V. V. Kozlov |
3 | A geometrical interpretation of the Poincare-Chetayev-Rumyantsev equations | Pages 723-730 | S. A. Zegzhda, M. P. Yushkov |
4 | The lagrange multipliers associated with the rotation matrix characterizing the motion of a rigid body about its centre of mass | Pages 731-739 | C. Vallee, D. Dumitriu |
5 | The stability of the steady motions of a symmetrical gyrostat on an absolutely rough horizontal plane | Pages 741-754 | T. V. Rudenko |
6 | Parametric resonance in systems with small dissipation | Pages 755-767 | A. A. Mailybayev, A. P. Seyranian |
7 | Some aspects of the optimal control of non-linear descriptor systems | Pages 769-776 | P. C. Muller |
8 | Linear non-stationary stabilization algorithms and Brockett's problem | Pages 777-783 | G. A. Leonov |
9 | Limited control of a rheonomous mechanical system under uncertainty | Pages 785-796 | I. M. Anan'yevskii |
10 | The construction of systems with asymptotically stable programmed constraints | Pages 797-804 | I. A. Mukhametzyanov |
11 | The selection of the viability kernel for a differential inclusion | Pages 805-816 | A. B. Zavarin, V. N. Ushakov |
12 | Higher-order averaging schemes in the theory of non-linear oscillations | Pages 817-826 | L. D. Akulenko |
13 | The helical motions of a gas, invariant under uniform motion of the frame of reference | Pages 827-834 | A. F. Mustayev, S. V. Khabirov |
14 | Characteristic surfaces in gas flows | Pages 835-844 | S. P. Bautin |
15 | The self-similar problem of the transfer of sand from a bed into a well | Pages 845-854 | S. M. Kapustyanskii, V. N. Nikolayevskii |
16 | Exact solutions of a non-linear fifth-order equation for describing waves on water | Pages 855-865 | N. A. Kudryashov, M. B. Sukharev |
17 | Diffraction of a flexural wave by a short joint of semi-infinite elastic plates | Pages 867-877 | I. V. Andronov |
18 | Estimating the time of motion of certain dynamical systems | Pages 879-884 | A. P. Blinov |
Volume 65, Issue 6, Pages 885-1032 (2001)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents fo next issue volume 66, No. 1, 2002 | Page I | |
2 | List of contents and author index volume 65, 2001 | Pages V-VIII | |
3 | Author index | Pages IX-X | |
4 | Controllabilityand observability in the problem of stabilizing steady motions of non-holonomic mechanical systems with cyclic coordinatest | Pages 885-894 | V. I. Kalenova, V. M. Morozov, Ye. N. Sheveleva |
5 | Stabilization of a quasi-conservative system subjected to high frequency excitation | Pages 895-905 | A. S. Kovaleva |
6 | The limiting steady rotations of a body on a string with a suspension point on the axis of symmetry | Pages 907-913 | S. A. Mirer, V. A. Sarychev |
7 | The rolling of a wheel with a reinforced tyre along a plane without slip | Pages 915-927 | V. G. Vil'ke, I. F. Kozhevnikov |
8 | Rising seepage of a heavy liquid in a vertical cylinder | Pages 929-934 | N. N. Korotkova, V. M. Shapovalov |
9 | Non-linear laws of fluid flow through anisotropic porous media | Pages 935-940 | N. M. Dmitriyev, V. M. Maksimov |
10 | Acriterion for the non-existence or non-uniqueness of solutions of self-similar problems in the mechanics of a continuous medium | Pages 941-950 | A. G. Kulikovskii, E. I. Sveshnikova |
11 | Some inverse problems for a viscoelastic medium with a physically non-linear inclusion | Pages 951-961 | I. Yu. Tsvelodub |
12 | Thesolution of boundary-value problems of the longitudinal-transverse bending of orthotropic circular plates on a linearly elastic base | Pages 963-975 | Ye. Z. Korol' |
13 | Instability of solitary waves in non-linear composite media | Pages 977-984 | I. B. Bakholdin, A. T. Il'Ichev |
14 | A method of determining the extraneous unknowns in problems of the stability and vibrations of rods | Pages 985-992 | K. I. Romanov |
15 | The property of inner symmetry in optimum multilayer structures under the action of elastic waves | Pages 993-1000 | Ye. L. Gusev |
16 | Prediction of the growth of fatigue cracks taking environmental factors into account | Pages 1001-1010 | V. V. Bolotin, A. A. Shipkov |
17 | The asymptotic expansion of elastic fields in the vicinity of the contour of a plane crack at the interface of two materials | Pages 1011-1019 | E. I. Shifrin |
18 | The equations of compatibility of deformations | Pages 1021-1024 | N. M. Borodachev |
19 | The asymmetrical mixed temperature problem for a transversely isotropic elastic layer | Pages 1025-1029 | I. V. Panferov |
20 | Iosif Izrailevich Vorovich (21.6.1920-6.9.2001) | Pages 1031-1032 | |
Volume 66, Issue 1, Pages 1-150 (2002)
1 | Editorial board | Page CO2 | |
2 | The optimum rectilinear motion of a two-mass system | Pages 1-7 | F. L. Chernous'ko |
3 | Time-optimal steering of a point mass onto the surface of a sphere at zero velocity | Pages 9-21 | L. D. Akulenko, A. M. Shmatkov |
4 | The boundedness of trajectories in the neighbourhood of the orbitally unstable periodic motion of a Hamiltonian system | Pages 23-30 | A. P. Markeyev |
5 | Some remarks on non-smooth transformations of space and time for vibrating systems with rigid barriers | Pages 31-37 | V. N. Pilipchuk |
6 | The entry of an elliptical paraboloid into a liquid at variable velocity | Pages 39-48 | A. A. Korobkin |
7 | The scattering of a plane wave by a trap in the critical case | Pages 49-57 | R. R. Gadyl'shin |
8 | Perturbations from a source in a three-layer atmosphere | Pages 59-64 | A. M. Ter-Krikorov |
9 | Properties of the exact wave-type solutions in the theory of stratified flows | Pages 65-70 | V. G. Baidulov, Yu. V. Kistovich, Yu. D. Chashechkin |
10 | The action of periodic surface pressures on a floating elastic platform | Pages 71-81 | I. V. Sturova |
11 | A flow of a heat-conducting gas analogous to a centred Riemann wave | Pages 83-89 | S. P. Bautin, Yu. Yu. Chernyshov |
12 | The motion of an aerosol drop in a thermal diffusion chamber | Pages 91-97 | S. P. Bakanov, V. dimal, Sh. Kh. Zaripov, J. Smolik |
13 | Dynamic problems for the sine-gordon equation with variable coefficients. Exact solutions | Pages 99-105 | E. L. Aero |
14 | The stability of a metastable shock wave in a viscoelastic medium under two-dimensional perturbations | Pages 107-114 | A. G. Kulikovskii, A. P. Chugainova |
15 | The attenuation of longitudinal waves in non-linear viscoelastic media | Pages 115-122 | K. S. Sultanov |
16 | A differential model of frequency-independent energy dissipation during vibrations | Pages 123-128 | A. P. Malyshev |
17 | The indentation of a flat punch into an ideal rigid-plastic half-space under the action of shear contact stresses | Pages 129-134 | D. D. Ivlev, L. A. Maksimova, R. I. Nepershin |
18 | The indentation of a flat punch into a rigid-plastic half-space | Pages 135-140 | R. I. Nepershin |
19 | A mathematical model of the ultrasonic detection of three-dimensional cracks | Pages 141-149 | Ye. V. Glushkov, N. V. Glushkova, A. V. Yekhlakov |
20 | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics contents of next issue volume 66, no. 2, 2002 | Page 150 | |
Volume 66, Issue 2, Pages 151-329 (2002)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue : Volume 66, no. 3, 2002 | Page I | |
2 | Sergei Aleksandrovich Ambartsumyan (80th birthday tribute) | Pages 151-152 | |
3 | Higher-order averaging schemes in systems with fast and slow phases | Pages 153-163 | L. D. Akulenko |
4 | The equilibrium conditions of a rod on a rough plane | Pages 165-170 | A. S. Smyshlyayev, F. L. Chernous'ko |
5 | The stability of the steady motion of a gyrostat with a liquid in a cavity | Pages 171-178 | T. V. Rudenko |
6 | The stability of steady motions of non-holonomic chaplygin systems | Pages 179-186 | V. I. Kalenova, V. M. Morozov |
7 | A parametric convex optimal control problem for a linear system | Pages 187-199 | O. I. Kostyukova |
8 | Asymptotic expansion of solutions of optimal control problems for discrete weakly controllable systems | Pages 201-213 | G. A. Kurina |
9 | A computer realization of control-with-guide procedures | Pages 215-223 | V. A. Vakhrushev, V. N. Ushakov |
10 | A problem of group pursuit with phase constraints | Pages 225-232 | D. A. Vagin, N. N. Petrov |
11 | The possibility of avoiding an encounter in a linear differential game of evasion | Pages 233-237 | A. Sh. Kuchkarov, B. B. Rikhsiyev |
12 | The unsteady motion of a viscous fluid between rotating parallel walls | Pages 239-243 | A. A. Gurchenkov |
13 | The modelling of cyclic filtration and variable-rate filtration | Pages 245-249 | I. I. Demchik |
14 | A probability analysis of the problem of the breakthrough of a coarsely cellular foam in a porous medium | Pages 251-260 | D. A. Onishchenko |
15 | The specific features of the limiting transition from a discrete elastic medium to a continuous one | Pages 261-265 | I. V. Andrianov |
16 | The method of fictitious absorption in problems of the theory of elasticity for an inhomogeneous half-space- | Pages 267-274 | V. A. Babeshko, T. I. Belyankova, V. V. Kalinchuk |
17 | Themethod of fictitious absorption in coupled mixed problems of the theoryof elasticity and mathematical physics for a multilayered inhomogeneoushalf-space | Pages 275-281 | V. A. Babeshko, V. V. Kalinchuk |
18 | The asymptotic solution of the three-dimensional problem of the theory of elasticity for plates of incompressible materials | Pages 283-295 | L. A. Agalovyan, R. C. Gevorkyan, A. V. Saakyan |
19 | Doubly periodic contact problems for an elastic layer | Pages 297-305 | V. M. Aleksandrov |
20 | Torsion of prismatic elastic bodies containing screw dislocations | Pages 307-315 | A. V. Guba, L. M. Zubov |
21 | Quadraturesof the solutions of the first and second initial-boundary-value problems of elasticity theory for an anisotropic material | Pages 317-321 | G. Yu. Yermolenko |
22 | Instability in the first approximation for time-dependent linearizations | Pages 323-325 | G. A. Leonov |
23 | The earth as a gigantic, rapidly rotating gyroscope | Pages 327-329 | D. R. Merkin |
Volume 66, Issue 3, Pages 331-515 (2002)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue : Volume 66, No. 4, 2002 | Page I | |
2 | Editorial | Pages iii-iv | |
3 | The stability of generalized steady motion | Pages 331-340 | A. S. Andreyev, C. Risito |
4 | The stability of systems with distributed parameters and lumped forces | Pages 341-345 | F. D. Bairamov, M. Yu. Safronov |
5 | Invariant normalization of non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems | Pages 347-355 | V. F. Zhuravlev |
6 | Internal resonance in an autonomous Hamiltonian system close to a system with a cyclic coordinate | Pages 357-370 | O. V. Kholostova |
7 | Metamorphoses of characteristic curves in circulatory systems | Pages 371-385 | O. N. Kirillov, A. P. Seyranian |
8 | The localization of attractors of the Lienard equation | Pages 387-392 | G. A. Leonov |
9 | Robust stabilization of linear interval systems | Pages 393-400 | V. N. Shashikhin |
10 | Non-linear resonance evolutionary effects in the motion of a rigid body about a fixed point | Pages 401-408 | Yu. M. Zabolotnov, V. V. Lyubimov |
11 | The integration of Poisson's equations in the case of three linear invariant relations | Pages 409-417 | G. V. Gorr, Ye. K. Uzbek |
12 | The stability of the rotation of a heavy body with a viscous filling | Pages 419-424 | M. Z. Dosayev, V. A. Samsonov |
13 | The transport properties of gases in Burnett's approximation | Pages 425-437 | V. S. Galkin, V. A. Zharov |
14 | An improved perturbation theory method for describing the effective permeability of a randomly heterogeneous medium | Pages 439-446 | E. V. Teodorovich |
15 | The transmission of a flexural-gravitational wave through a rigid end-stop in a floating plate | Pages 447-453 | M. G. Zhuchkova, D. P. Kouzov |
16 | Integral equations of Saint-Venant's problem and the problem of antiplane deformation | Pages 455-459 | V. A. Kucher, V. A. Pupyrev |
17 | The method of potential functions in problems of the theory of elasticity for bodies with a defect | Pages 461-470 | A. A. Gusenkova |
18 | The critical modes of oscillation of a transversely inhomogeneous plate with a periodic structure | Pages 471-480 | Ye. V. Didenko, Yu. A. Ustinov |
19 | New schemes for the finite-element dynamic analysis of piezoelectric devices | Pages 481-490 | A. V. Belokon', A. V. Nasedkin, A. N. Solov'yev |
20 | Energy release caused by the kinking of a crack in a plane anisotropic solid | Pages 491-503 | I. I. Argatov, S. A. Nazarov |
21 | Kochina and Hele-Shaw in modern mathematics, natural science and industry | Pages 505-512 | J. R. Ockendon, S. D. Howison |
22 | The fourth international symposium on classical and celestial mechanics (Velikiye Luki, 15-20 August 2001) | Pages 513-515 | V. N. Tkhai, I. I. Kosenko |
Volume 66, Issue 4, Pages 517-692 (2002)
Volume 66, Issue 5, Pages 693-858 (2002)
1 | Effective numerical-analytical solution of isoperimetric variational problems of mechanics by an accelerated convergence method, | Pages 693-708 | L. D. Akulenko, S. A. Kumakshev, S. V. Nesterov |
2 | A problem of the sequential approach to a group of moving points by a third-order non-linear control system, | Pages 709-718 | Yu. I. Berdyshev |
3 | A problem of optimal pursuit in systems with distributed parameters | Pages 719-724 | G. I. Ibragimov |
4 | An example of the construction of a multivalued quasi-strategy by iterative methods, | Pages 725-737 | K. V. Korlyakov, A. G. Chentsov |
5 | Globally controllable systems of rigid bodies with several stable rest states | Pages 739-744 | O. R. Kayumov |
6 | Slow dissipative evolution of the motion of a viscoelastic sphere in the restricted circular three-body problem | Pages 745-755 | V. G. Vil'ke, A. V. Shatina |
7 | The formulation of problems of lubrication theory for journal bearings,, | Pages 757-765 | A. N. Kraiko |
8 | Exact solutions of problems of the three-dimensional flow of ideal viscous incompressible fluids near cylindrical surfaces | Pages 767-773 | V. G. Zharinov |
9 | The form of the loss of stability of a boundary layer on a flexible surface at high reynolds numbers | Pages 775-786 | V. V. Alekseyev |
10 | Smoluchowski'sproblem for molecular gases taking the accommodation coefficients of the translational and rotational energy of the molecules into account, | Pages 787-795 | A. V. Latyshev, A. A. Yushkanov |
11 | The action of a concentrated force inside an elastic half-plane with a step | Pages 797-803 | A. S. Milyayev |
12 | The steady motion of an elastic cylinder compressed by a fixed shell | Pages 805-816 | V. K. Lashchenov |
13 | Analysisof the steady oscillations of a plane absolutely rigid inclusion in a three-dimensional elastic body by the boundary element method, | Pages 817-824 | H. S. Kit, V. V. Mykhas'skiv, O. M. Khaj |
14 | The evolution of a trapped mode of oscillations in a -string on an elastic foundation-moving inertial inclusion- system, | Pages 825-833 | S. N. Gavrilov, D. A. Indeitsev |
15 | A method of solving the integral equation of plane contact problems for semi-bounded bodies, | Pages 835-840 | V. M. Aleksandrov |
16 | An asymptotic method of solving transient dynamic contact problems of the theory of elasticity for a strip | Pages 841-855 | V. B. Zelentsov |
17 | Corrigenda | Page 857 | |
18 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue volume 66, no. 6, 2002 | Page 858 | |
Volume 66, Issue 6, Pages 859-1013 (2002)
1 | Contents of next issue | Page I | |
2 | List of contents and author index volume 66, 2002 | Pages V-X | |
3 | Nikolai Gur'yevich Chetayev (on the 100th anniversary of his birth) | Pages 859-865 | V. V. Rumyantsev |
4 | Vladimir Nikolayevich Koshlyakov (on his 80th birthday) | Pages 867-868 | |
5 | Vladimir Mefod'yevich Matrosov (on his 70th birthday) | Pages 869-871 | |
6 | Integral variational principles in Poincare and Chetayev variables, | Pages 873-879 | V. V. Rumyantsev |
7 | The normal form of perturbations of non-linear oscillatory systems | Pages 881-887 | V. F. Zhuravlev |
8 | An algorithm for normalizing Hamiltonian systems in the problem of the orbital stability of periodic motions, | Pages 889-896 | A. P. Markeyev |
9 | Steady motions of a continuous medium, resonances and Lagrangian turbulence, | Pages 897-904 | N. V. Denisova, V. V. Kozlov |
10 | A parametric method of constructing Poincare mappings in hydrodynamic systems, | Pages 905-921 | A. G. Petrov |
11 | Stability in systems with aftereffect when there are singularities in the integral kernels, | Pages 923-932 | V. S. Sergeev |
12 | Symmetrization of the sign-definiteness criteria of symmetrical quadratic forms, | Pages 933-941 | S. Ya. Stepanov |
13 | The stability of the equilibrium position of scleronomous mechanical systems | Pages 943-956 | G. Cantarelli |
14 | A formula for the reactions of ideal constraints, | Pages 957-962 | A. S. Sumbatov |
15 | The steady motions of a heavy ellipsoid filled with liquid on a plane with friction, | Pages 963-970 | A. V. Karapetyan |
16 | Parametric resonance in the problem of a heavy rigid body rolling along a straight line on a plane, | Pages 971-984 | Yu. D. Glukhikh, V. N. Tkhai |
17 | The stability of Riemann ellipsoids in the Lyapunov formulation, | Pages 985-1000 | N. B. Grigor'yeva |
18 | Motion with a constant velocity modulus in a central gravitational field, | Pages 1001-1013 | Yu. F. Golubev |
Volume 67, Issue 1, Pages 1-142 (2003)
Volume 67, Issue 2, Pages 143-301 (2003)
Volume 67, Issue 3, Pages 303-476 (2003)
Volume 67, Issue 4, Pages 477-623 (2003)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue Volume 67, No. 5, 2003 | Page I | |
2 | Announcement | Page 477 | |
3 | Aleksandr Yul'yevich Ishlinskii (on the 90th anniversary of his birth) | Pages 479-490 | |
4 | On a problem of A. Yu. Ishlinskii, | Pages 491-496 | V. V. Beletskii |
5 | The stability of the grioli precession | Pages 497-510 | A. P. Markeyev |
6 | Precessional motions in rigid body dynamics and the dynamics of systems of coupled rigid bodies | Pages 511-523 | G. V. Gorr |
7 | A frequency-parametric analysis of natural oscillations of non-uniform rods | Pages 525-537 | L. D. Akulenko, S. V. Nesterov |
8 | A robot-balancer on a cylinder | Pages 539-552 | Yu. F. Golubev |
9 | The motion in a perfect fluid of a body containing a moving point mass | Pages 553-564 | V. V. Kozlov, D. A. Onishchenko |
10 | The anomalous diffusion of wave disturbances in hydrodynamic-type systems | Pages 565-574 | V. A. Gorodtsov |
11 | A. Yu. Ishlinskii's researches in the field of rolling friction and their development | Pages 575-588 | I. G. Goryacheva |
12 | Asymptotic solution of the axisymmetric contact problem for an elastic layer of incompressible material | Pages 589-593 | V. M. Aleksandrov |
13 | The axisymmetric contact problem taking into account transient heat production due to sliding friction | Pages 595-600 | A. A. Yevtushenko, Ye. V. Kovalenko |
14 | Thesingle-mode approximation in the problem of the propagation of a plane longitudinal wave in an elastic medium with a periodic system of rectangular defects | Pages 601-610 | E. Scarpetta, M. A. Sumbatyan |
15 | An investigation of the impact and penetration of solids of revolution into soft earth | Pages 611-620 | V. G. Bazhenov, A. M. Bragov, V. L. Kotov, A. V. Kochetkov |
16 | -The Third Polyakhov Lectures- International Conference on Mechanicst (4-6 February 2003, St Petersburg) | Pages 621-623 | V. N. Tkhai, S. B. Filippov, M. P. Yushkov |
Volume 67, Issue 5, Pages 625-791 (2003)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue Volume 67, No. 6, 2003 | Page I | |
2 | The stability of mechanical systems with positional non-conservative forces | Pages 625-629 | A. P. Ivanov |
3 | Sensitivity analysis of mechanical systems with unilateral constraints | Pages 631-637 | B. R. Klepfish |
4 | A transformation of the equations of mechanics | Pages 639-646 | A. A. Burov |
5 | The stability of agglomerations of microparticles in the gravitational-repulsive field of binary stellar systems | Pages 647-652 | A. L. Kunitsyn, A. M. Chudayeva |
6 | The synthesis of inertial controls for non-stationary systems | Pages 653-664 | V. I. Korobov, V. A. Skorik |
7 | The convexity of the reachable set for a bilinear controllable system | Pages 665-670 | M. V. Topunov |
8 | -Soft- capture in pontryagin's example with many participants | Pages 671-680 | N. N. Petrov |
9 | The construction of stable bridges in differential games with phase constraints | Pages 681-692 | V. Yu. Pakhotinskikh, A. A. Uspenskii, V. N. Ushakov |
10 | The application of a class of infinite-dimensional lie groups to the dynamics of an incompressible fluid | Pages 693-702 | A. M. Lukatskii |
11 | Axisymmetric nose shapes of specified aspect ratio, optimum or close to optimum with respect to wave drag, | Pages 703-730 | A. N. Kraiko, D. Ye Pudovikov, K. S. P'Yankov, N. I. Tillyayeva |
12 | Pointed two-parameter power-law nose shapes of minimum wave drag, | Pages 731-736 | S. A. Takovitskii |
13 | Investigation of the squeezing out of the current in some flows in coastal water-bearing layers | Pages 737-748 | E. N. Bereslavskii |
14 | A criterion of the linear long wave stability of steady magnetohydrodynamic jet flows of an ideal fluid, | Pages 749-761 | Yu. G. Gubarev, V. V. Nikulin |
15 | The steady vibrations and resistance of a railway track to the uniform motion of an unbalanced wheel | Pages 763-773 | P. M. Belotserkovskii |
16 | The solution of the contact problem of the theory of elasticity for a thick strip with adhesion, | Pages 775-782 | I. A. Soldatenkov |
17 | The stability of shells of revolution with microdamages | Pages 783-791 | D. V. Babich |
Volume 67, Issue 6, Pages 793-935 (2003)
1 | Contents of next issue volume 68, no. 1, 2004 | Page I | |
2 | List of contents and author index volume 67, 200 | Pages III-X | |
3 | Eduard Ivanovich Grigolyuk (80th birthday tribute) | Pages 793-807 | |
4 | The non-axisymmetric postbuckling behaviour of shallow spherical domes | Pages 809-818 | E. I. Grigolyuk, Ye. A. Lopanitsyn |
5 | The non-linear deformation and stability of elliptical cylindrical shells under transverse bending | Pages 819-824 | D. V. Boiko, L. P. Zheleznov, V. V. Kabanov |
6 | The contact problem for a geometrically non-linear Timoshenko-type shell | Pages 825-836 | G. M. Kulikov, S. V. Plotnikova |
7 | Theformulation of transient axisymmetric boundary-value problems of thermoelasticity for shells of revolution and algorithms for solving them | Pages 837-846 | Yu. V. Lipovtsev |
8 | The three-dimensional stress-strain state of cross-ply reinforced shells of revolution when heated | Pages 847-856 | P. Ya. Nosatenko, Yu. Yu. Shirshov |
9 | Avariational formulation and investigation of boundary-value problems ofthe non-linear theory of plates using an energy approach | Pages 857-864 | Ya. I. Burak, G. I. Moroz |
10 | Geometrically non-linear problems of the bending of orthotropic annular and sectoral plates | Pages 865-870 | Ye. A. Lopanitsyn |
11 | Some degenerate and generalized wave models in elasto- and hydrodynamics, | Pages 871-877 | I. T. Selezov |
12 | An approximate method of calculating the oscillations of a liquid in inclined elastic cavities and channels, | Pages 879-886 | F. N. Shklyarchuk |
13 | Homogeneous solutions of the dirichlet problem for an anisotropic layer | Pages 887-892 | L. A. Fil'shtinskii |
14 | The applicability of a model of shear delaminations | Pages 893-900 | V. I. Mamai |
15 | The fracture of brittle and ductile crystals. Force and deformation criteria, | Pages 901-910 | V. M. Kornev |
16 | Featuresof the construction of correction functions in the analysis of the freevibrations of mechanical systems by Bubnov's method, | Pages 911-920 | Yu. G. Balakirev |
17 | Implicit algorithms for solving the Cauchy problem for the equations of the dynamics of mechanical systems, | Pages 921-935 | A. N. Danilin, Ye. B. Kuznetsov, V. I. Shalashilin |
Volume 68, Issue 1, Pages 1-171 (2004)
Volume 68, Issue 2, Pages 173-327 (2004)
1 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue Volume 68, No. 3, 2004 | Page I | |
2 | The stability of the steady motions of non-holonomic mechanical systems with cyclic coordinates, | Pages 173-182 | V. I. Kalenova, V. M. Morozov |
3 | A new approach to the theory of the stability of linear canonical systems of differential equations with periodic coefficients | Pages 183-198 | A. A. Zevin |
4 | Metelitsyn's inequality and stability criteria for mechanical systems | Pages 199-205 | W. Kliem, A. P. Seyranian |
5 | Weakening of the sign-definiteness condition for the derivative in some theorems of Lyapunov's second method | Pages 207-222 | N. B. Grigor'yeva |
6 | Cycle in a system close to a resonance system | Pages 223-239 | V. N. Tkhai |
7 | Self-sustained oscillations of Rayleigh and Van der Pol oscillators with moderately large feedback factors | Pages 241-248 | L. D. Akulenko, L. I. Korovina, S. A. Kumakshev, S. V. Nesterov |
8 | The pendulum-like motions of a rigid body in the Goryachev-Chaplygin case | Pages 249-258 | A. P. Markeyev |
9 | Near-resonance frequency control in the presence of random perturbations of parameters | Pages 259-268 | A. S. Kovaleva |
10 | Optimum damping of the oscillations of a pendulum with uncertain external and parametric perturbations | Pages 269-278 | D. V. Balandin, M. M. Kogan, A. A. Fedyukov |
11 | Non-linear long waves in problems with axial symmetry | Pages 279-287 | A. M. Shermenev |
12 | The properties of clusters of impurity in a turbulent medium | Pages 289-297 | I. S. Zhukova, A. I. Saichev |
13 | The renormalization-group method in problems of mechanics | Pages 299-326 | E. V. Teodorovich |
14 | Erratum | Page 327 | |
Volume 68, Issue 3, Pages 329-472 (2004)
1 | Linear systems with a quadratic integral and symplectic geometry of artin spaces | Pages 329-340 | V.V. Kozlov |
2 | Resonant Lyapunov families of periodic motions of reversible systems | Pages 341-356 | V.N. Tkhai |
3 | Invariant normalization of non-autonomous Hamiltonian systems | Pages 357-367 | A.G. Petrov |
4 | Periodic motions of a close to dynamically symmetrical satellite in the neighbourhood of a conical precession | Pages 369-385 | O.V. Kholostova |
5 | Internal waves in the middle layer of a three-layer atmosphere from sources located in the lower layer | Pages 387-390 | A.M. Ter-Krikorov |
6 | The structure of three-dimensional periodic boundary layers in a continuously stratified fluid | Pages 391-397 | M.A. Davydova, Yu.D. Chashechkin |
7 | The equilibrium shapes of lenses taking the actual gravitational field of the earth into account | Pages 399-404 | E.K. Lavrovskii, V.V. Fominykh |
8 | A two-dimensional model of the magnetosphere of a compact star with an accretion disc | Pages 405-412 | A.V. Oreshina, I.V. Oreshina, B.V. Somov, N.I. Shakura |
9 | Exact solutions of the Burgers-Huxley equation | Pages 413-420 | O.Yu. Yefimova, N.A. Kudryashov |
10 | The dynamics of a small drop in a thermal diffusion chamber | Pages 421-424 | S.P. Bakanov |
11 | The diffraction of surface waves by a floating elastic plate at oblique incidence | Pages 425-436 | L.A. Tkacheva |
12 | Variational principles of the theory of the limiting equilibrium of media with different strengths | Pages 437-446 | V.P. Myasnikov, V.M. Sadovskii |
13 | An effective method of solving dynamic problems for layered media with discontinuous boundary conditions | Pages 447-453 | O.D. Pryakhina, A.V. Smirnova |
14 | Large deformations in the three-dimensional bending of prismatic solids | Pages 455-462 | L.M. Zubov |
15 | Three-dimensional contact problems taking friction and non-linear roughness into account | Pages 463-472 | V.M. Aleksandrov, D.A. Pozharskii |
16 | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Contents of next issue volume 68, no. 4, 2004 | Page I | |
Volume 68, Issue 4, Pages 473-629 (2004)
Volume 68, Issue 5, Pages 631-801 (2004)
Volume 68, Issue 6, Pages 803-962 (2004)
1 | Dynamics of variable systems and lie groups | Pages 803-808 | V.V. Kozlov |
2 | The stability of non-conservative systems with singular matrices of dissipative forces | Pages 809-815 | V.N. Koshlyakov, V.L. Makarov |
3 | The stability and stabilization of the steady motions of a class of non-holonomic mechanical systems | Pages 817-826 | V.I. Kalenova, V.M. Morozov, M.A. Salmina |
4 | First-approximation instability criteria for non-stationary linearizations | Pages 827-838 | G.A. Leonov |
5 | Extension of the domain of applicability of the integral stability criterion (extremum property) in synchronization problems | Pages 839-846 | I.I. Blekhman, N.P. Yaroshevich |
6 | The theory of the generalized magnus effect for non-holonomic mechanical systems | Pages 847-855 | Yu.G. Martynenko |
7 | The -restricted- formulation of the problem of the motion of a heavy rigid body | Pages 857-861 | A.A. Burov |
8 | A new solution of Kirchhoff's equations of the problem of the motion of a gyrostat acted upon by potential and gyroscopic forces | Pages 863-869 | Ye.K. Uzbek |
9 | The stability of a family of non-trivial equilibrium orientations to the attracting centre of a gyrostat with an elastic rod | Pages 871-881 | S.V. Chaikin |
10 | The stability of the steady motions of a rotor system with a fluid using a discrete model | Pages 883-892 | N.V. Derendyayev, I.N. Soldatov |
11 | The stability and branching of the permanent rotations of a rigid body with a fluid filling | Pages 893-897 | A.V. Karapetyan, V.A. Samsonov, T.S. Sumin |
12 | The motion of a system of coaxial bodies of variable mass | Pages 899-908 | V.S. Aslanov, A.V. Doroshin |
13 | The rolling of a wheel with a reinforced tyre along a plane with slipping | Pages 909-921 | V.G. Vil'ke, I.F. Kozhevnikov |
14 | The interaction of an infinite wheel-train with a constant spacing between the wheels moving uniformly over a rail track | Pages 923-931 | P.M. Belotserkovskii |
15 | Mathematical modelling of traffic flows on controlled roads | Pages 933-939 | A.B. Kiselev, A.V. Kokoreva, V.F. Nikitin, N.N. Smirnov |
16 | The number of independent compatibility equations in the mechanics of deformable solids | Pages 941-946 | D.V. Georgiyevskii, B.Ye. Pobedrya |
17 | Transverse corrugation solitons in a three-layered non-linearly elastic medium | Pages 947-962 | D.V. Dolgikh, V.V. Kiselev |
18 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue volume 69, no. 1, 2005 | Page I | |
19 | List of contents and author index volume 68, 2004 | Pages III-X | |
Volume 69, Issue 1, Pages 1-162 (2005)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | A generalization of the method of averaging for the optimal control of non-linear oscillations | Pages 1-11 | L.D. Akulenko |
3 | Chaotic modes of oscillation of a vibro-impact system | Pages 13-26 | S.G. Kryzhevich, V.A. Pliss |
4 | A new tracking algorithm for certain mechanical systems | Pages 27-37 | M.S. Yefremov, A. Ye. Polyakov, V.V. Strygin |
5 | The construction of homo- and heteroclinic orbits in non-linear systems | Pages 39-48 | G.V. Manucharyan, Yu.V. Mikhlin |
6 | The effect of torsion on the stability of an elastic cylinder under tension | Pages 49-56 | L.M. Zubov, D.N. Sheidakov |
7 | Waves in a gradient-elastic medium with surface energy | Pages 57-69 | V.I. Yerofeyev, O.A. Sheshenina |
8 | Riemann waves in an elastic medium with small cubic anisotropy | Pages 71-78 | E.I. Sveshnikova |
9 | Ultrasonic scanning of an acoustic medium through a two-layer plate at the critical frequency | Pages 79-87 | A.A. Peshkov, Yu.A. Ustinov |
10 | The design of a beam with controlled force units | Pages 89-99 | A.G. Kolpakov |
11 | Relaxation of the contact shearing stress in problems with sliding friction | Pages 101-110 | I.A. Soldatenkov |
12 | Elastoplastic deformation and the limit equilibrium of granular media | Pages 111-126 | D.S. Kondrat'yev, P.V. Stetsenko, I.V. Shirko |
13 | The problem of symmetry in the theory of elasticity problem concerning a planar tensile crack | Pages 127-134 | A.G. Ramm, Ye.I. Shifrin |
14 | The size of the end zone and the propagation velocity of a displacement jump | Pages 135-140 | A.M. Lin'Kov |
15 | A longitudinal crack in a prestressed thin elastic layer with free boundaries | Pages 141-150 | V.M. Aleksandrov, B.I. Smetanin |
16 | The fracture of a physically non-linear inhomogeneous medium under stress-relaxation conditions in inclusions | Pages 151-158 | I.Yu. Tsvelodub |
17 | Fifth international symposium on classical and celestial mechanics (23-28 August 2004, Velikiye Luki) | Pages 159-160 | V.N. Tkhai |
18 | Advancenotice on 22-25 September 2005, the 21st international conference on the theory of shells and plates will take place at Saratov State Technical University | Page 161 | |
19 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue Volume 69, No. 2, 2005 | Page 162 | |
Volume 69, Issue 2, Pages 163-322 (2005)
1 | Bringing a non-linear manoeuvringobject to the optimal position in the shortest time | Pages 163-172 | Yu.N. Zhelnin, A.A. Melikyan, A.Ye. Utemov, F.L. Chernous'ko |
2 | Modelling of the controlled motion ofa point on a plane | Pages 173-182 | S.V. Volkov |
3 | The construction of Poincare-Chetayevand Smale bifurcation diagrams for conservative non-holonomic systems with symmetry | Pages 183-194 | A.A. Zobova, A.V. Karapetyan |
4 | First integrals in the problem ofthe motion of a heavy rigid body about a fixed point under unilateral constraint | Pages 195-198 | A.A. Burov |
5 | The steady motions of a gyrostat suspended on a rod in a central gravitational field | Pages 199-204 | A.P. Yevdokimenko |
6 | First integrals of the equations ofnon-linear wave dynamics | Pages 205-212 | N.A. Kudryashov |
7 | The role of cross terms in the flow law fora gas condensate mixture in a porous medium near a well | Pages 213-221 | O.Yu. Dinariyev |
8 | A non-stationary analogue of Chaplygin's equations in one-dimensional gas dynamics | Pages 222-233 | A.I. Rylov |
9 | The three-dimensional motion of optimalpyramidal bodies | Pages 234-243 | G.Ye. Yakunina |
10 | The concentration of a wave field at the interface of elastic media | Pages 244-252 | L.P. Vovk, B.V. Sobol' |
11 | Features of the dynamic stresses inthe neighbourhood of the joint of three elastic media | Pages 253-262 | L.P. Vovk, B.V. Sobol' |
12 | A three-dimensional inverse problemfor a physically non-linear inhomogeneous medium | Pages 263-267 | I.Yu. Tsvelodub |
13 | The problem of the bending of a beam lying on an elastic base | Pages 268-274 | R.D. Bantsuri, N.N. Shavlakadze |
14 | An approximate solution of the axisymmetric contact problem for an elastic sphere | Pages 275-286 | I.I. Argatov |
15 | Antiplane periodic contact problems fora layer non-uniform along its thickness | Pages 287-295 | V.M. Aleksandrov, A.G. Khanyan |
16 | Asymptotic solution of contact problemsfor a relatively thick elastic layer when there are friction forces in the contact area | Pages 296-304 | M.I. Chebakov |
17 | The sliding of viscoelastic bodies whenthere is adhesion | Pages 305-314 | Yu.Yu. Makhovskaya |
18 | Integral equations of dynamic problems for multilayered media containing a system of cracks | Pages 315-321 | O.D. Pryakhina, A.V. Smirnova |
19 | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics contents of next issue volume 69, no. 3, 2005 | Page 322 | |
Volume 69, Issue 3, Pages 323-494 (2005)
1 | A constructive algorithm for the normalization of a periodic hamiltonian | Pages 323-337 | A.P. Markeyev |
2 | The properties of solutions of the fundamental problem of dynamics in systems with non-ideal constraints | Pages 338-350 | A.P. Ivanov |
3 | Evaluation of the determinant of identification equations for a linear model of a mechanical vibratory system | Pages 351-357 | C. Vallee, S.Ya. Stepanov, S. Charles |
4 | The simulation of unsteady transonic flow and the stability of a transonic boundary layer | Pages 358-365 | A.N. Bogdanov, V.N. Diyesperov |
5 | A cnoidal wave in a plane wall jet of an incompressible viscous fluid | Pages 366-379 | V.I. Zhuk |
6 | Burnett's model of the structure of a shock wave in a molecular gas | Pages 380-387 | V.S. Galkin, S.V. Rusakov |
7 | Analytical solution of the time-dependent kinetic equation for a diatomic gas | Pages 388-397 | S.A. Savkov, A.A. Yushkanov |
8 | Application of the self-similar interpolation method to problems of rarefied gas dynamics | Pages 398-404 | S.L. Gorelov |
9 | Saint-venant's principle in the case of the low-frequency oscillations of a half-strip | Pages 405-416 | Ye.V. Babenkova, Yu.D. Kaplunov, Yu.A. Ustinov |
10 | Axisymmetric problems of the theory of elasticity for a truncated hollow cone | Pages 417-426 | G.Ya. Popov |
11 | Time-dependent problems of the concentration of elastic stresses near a conical defect | Pages 427-437 | N.D. Vaisfel'd |
12 | Some boundary-value problems of the elastic and thermoelastic equilibrium of wedge-shaped bodies | Pages 438-446 | N.G. Khomasuridze |
13 | The steady motion of a circular crack along the interface of a layer and a half-space | Pages 447-472 | V.S. Nikishin |
14 | Acrack at the interface of anisotropic bodies. Singularities of the elastic fields and a criterion for fracture when the crack surfaces are in contact | Pages 473-483 | S.A. Nazarov |
15 | Reconstruction of plane cracks in an anisotropic elastic solid | Pages 484-492 | A.O. Vatul'yan, A.N. Solov'yev |
16 | Ninth all-russia congress on theoretical and applied mechanics | Pages 493-494 | |
17 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue volume 69, no. 4, 2005 | Page I | |
Volume 69, Issue 4, Pages 495-648 (2005)
1 | Announcement | Page 495 | |
2 | Linear stabilization of programmed motions of non-linear controlled dynamical systems | Pages 496-515 | Yu.K. Zotov |
3 | The theory of the control of a monocycle | Pages 516-528 | Yu.G. Martynenko, A.M. Formal'skii |
4 | The effect of small internal and external damping on the stability of distributed non-conservative systems | Pages 529-552 | O.N. Kirillov, A.O. Seyranian |
5 | The asymptotic stability of the equilibrium of parametrically perturbed systems | Pages 553-563 | S.P. Sosnitskii |
6 | The reflection of normal modes from a semi-infinite system of barriers in a waveguide | Pages 564-574 | V.D. Luk'yanov, G.L. Nikitin |
7 | Regular and chaotic dynamics of a spherical bubble | Pages 575-584 | I.Sh. Akhatov, S.I. Konovalova |
8 | Formulation and solution of the problem of determining erosion and deposition in open channels for loose soils | Pages 585-592 | S.S. Medvedev, V.N. Utesinov, O.M. Churmayev |
9 | Equations of higher order of accuracy describing the vibrations of thin plates | Pages 593-610 | N.S. Bakhvalov, M.E. Eglit |
10 | The problem of a circular patch | Pages 611-617 | A.Yu. Zemlyanova, V.V. Sil'vestrov |
11 | Dynamic thermoelectroelastic fields near moving non-smooth interfaces of media | Pages 618-627 | I.T. Denisyuk |
12 | Modes of loss of stability and critical loads of a three-layer spherical shell under a uniform external pressure | Pages 628-645 | V.Ye. Vyalkov, V.A. Ivanov, V.N. Paimushin |
13 | Eduard Ivanovich Grigolyuk (13.12.1923-29.4.2005) | Pages 646-647 | |
14 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue: Volume 69, No. 5, 2005 | Page 648 | |
Volume 69, Issue 5, Pages 649-804 (2005)
Volume 69, Issue 6, Page 805-956 (2005)
1 | The stability of systems with elastic components and slider oscillations | Pages 805-809 | A.P. Ivanov |
2 | The regions of instability of a system with a periodically varying moment of inertia | Pages 810-815 | C. Cattani, A.P. Seyranian |
3 | The dynamics of a brake shoe and -impact generated by friction- | Pages 816-824 | V.A. Samsonov |
4 | A new solution of Kirchhoff's equations in the case of a linear invariant relation | Pages 825-831 | G.V. Gorr, Ye.K. Uzbek |
5 | Linear integrals of non-holonomic systems with non-linear constraints | Pages 832-836 | D.N. Zekovich |
6 | A general solution of a linear dissipative oscillatory system avoiding decomposition into eigenvectors | Pages 837-843 | C. Vallee, D. Fortune, K. Champion-Reaud |
7 | Periodic billiard trajectories in a magnetic field | Pages 844-851 | V.V. Kozlov, S.A. Polikarpov |
8 | Control of the evolution of a dynamical system under high-frequency excitations | Pages 852-862 | L.D. Akulenko |
9 | The reconstruction of feedback using observation data | Pages 863-874 | A.I. Korotkii |
10 | Construction of the viability kernel for a non-linear controlled system with a target set | Pages 875-884 | A.A. Neznakhin, V.N. Ushakov |
11 | Some game problems in distributed controlled systems | Pages 885-890 | N.Yu. Satimov, M.T. Tukhtasinov |
12 | Weak evasion of a group of coordinated evaders | Pages 891-899 | A.I. Blagodatskikh |
13 | Comparison of jacobi-integrable cases of the plane and three-dimensional motion of a body in a medium in the case of jet flow | Pages 900-906 | M.V. Shamolin |
14 | The solution and continualization of a wave problem for a string mesh | Pages 907-916 | I.A. Volkov, I.A. Kushmar |
15 | Non-linear dynamics of elastic curvilinear systems. A new coordinateless approach | Pages 917-924 | J. Lerbet |
16 | The Poincare-Chetayev equations and flexible multibody systems | Pages 925-942 | F. Boyer, D. Primault |
17 | On the theory of bulk viscosity and relaxation pressure | Pages 943-954 | V.S. Galkin, S.V. Rusakov |
18 | Sergei Aleksandrovich Shesterikov: 6 December 1930-6 July 2005 | Pages 955-956 | |
19 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue: Volume 70, No. 1, 2006 | Page I | |
20 | Author index | Pages III-X | |
Volume 70, Issue 1, Pages 1-160 (May 2006)
1 | Editorial board | Page CO2 | |
2 | Vasilii Zakharovich Vlasov: On the Centenary of his Birth | Pages 1-3 | S.A. Ambartsumyan |
3 | On the adiabatic perturbation theory for systems with impacts | Pages 4-17 | I.V. Gorelyshev, A.I. Neishtadt |
4 | The realization of unilateral constraints in mechanical systems with kinetic energy decay | Pages 18-31 | T.V. Popova |
5 | The stability of linear potential gyroscopic systems | Pages 32-35 | T.V. Sal-nikova |
6 | First integrals of the equations of motion of a symmetric gyrostat on a perfectly rough plane | Pages 36-41 | A.S. Kuleshov |
7 | Thesplitting of separatrices, the branching of solutions and non-integrability in the problem of the motion of a spherical pendulum with an oscillating suspension point | Pages 42-55 | S.A. Dovbysh |
8 | An inverted pendulum on a fixed and a moving base | Pages 56-64 | A.M. Formal'skii |
9 | Three-dimensional non-linear oscillations of a rod with hinged supports | Pages 65-72 | A.I. Munitsyn |
10 | The longitudinal deformation of a rod in friction interaction with a compressing body | Pages 73-83 | A.P. Malyshev |
11 | Investigation of the behaviour of a column beyond the elastic limit by methods of the technical theory of stability | Pages 84-90 | V.A. Andrushchenko, V.A. Goloveshkin, V.V. Zuyev, N.N. Kholin |
12 | Geometricallynon-linear equations in the theory of momentless shells with applications to problems on the non-classical forms of loss of stabilityof a cylinder | Pages 91-101 | V.N. Paimushin, V.I. Shalashilin |
13 | Asymptotic solutions of non-classical boundary-value problems of the natural vibrations of orthotropic shells | Pages 102-115 | L.A. Agalovyan, L.G. Gulgazaryan |
14 | Love waves in layered anisotropic media | Pages 116-127 | S.V. Kuznetsov |
15 | Two problems with mixed boundary conditions for an elastic orthotropic strip | Pages 128-138 | V.M. Aleksandrov |
16 | The impact of a plane punch on an elastic half-plane | Pages 139-149 | V.B. Zelentsov |
17 | A method for the approximate solution of quasi-static problems for hardening bodies | Pages 150-159 | A.I. Glushko, I.I. Neshcheretov |
18 | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Contents of Next Issue: Volume 70, No. 2, 2006 | Page 160 | |
Volume 70, Issue 2, Pages 161-318 (July 2006)
Volume 70, Issue 3, Pages 319-496 (September 2006)
Volume 70, Issue 4, Pages 497-666 (2006)
Volume 70, Issue 5, Pages 667-804 (2006)
Volume 70, Issue 6, Pages 805-956 (2006)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | THE SEVENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE JOURNAL:Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika | Pages 805-807 | |
3 | Variational principles for systems with unilateral constraints | Pages 808-818 | V.V. Rumyantsev |
4 | Analysis and optimization of the motion of a body controlled by means of a movable internal mass | Pages 819-842 | F.L. Chernous-ko |
5 | Control of motion of an inhomogeneous cylinder with internal movable masses along a horizontal plane | Pages 843-858 | L.D. Akulenko, N.N. Bolotnik, S.A. Kumakshev, S.V. Nesterov |
6 | Invariant sets in the Clebsch-Tisserand problem: Existence and stability | Pages 859-864 | A.V. Karapetyan |
7 | The comparison method in asymptotic stability problems | Pages 865-875 | A.S. Andreyev, O.A. Peregudova |
8 | First integrals and families of symmetric periodic motions of a reversible mechanical system | Pages 876-887 | V.N. Tkhai |
9 | Continuum models of rarefied gas flows in problems of hypersonic aerothermodynamics | Pages 888-911 | I.G. Brykina, B.V. Rogov, G.A. Tirskiy |
10 | The construction of a nose shape of minimum drag for specified external dimensions and volume using Euler equations | Pages 912-923 | N.L. Yefremov, A.I. Kraiko, K.S. P-yankov, S.A. Takovitskii |
11 | Non-linear near-resonance oscillations of an elastic incompressible layer | Pages 924-933 | A.G. Kulikovskii, E.I. Sveshnikova |
12 | The wear contact problem with partial slippage | Pages 934-944 | I.G. Goryacheva, A.P. Goryachev |
13 | Equilibrium cracks in composites reinforced with unidirectional fibres | Pages 945-955 | M.A. Grekov, N.F. Morozov |
15 | Volume contents | Pages III-V | |
16 | Author index | Pages VI-VII | |
Volume 71, Issue 1, Pages 1-156 (2007)
Volume 71, Issue 2, Pages 157-318 (2007)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | LEONHARD EULER AND HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF MECHANICS: (On the 300th anniversay of his birth) | Pages 157-167 | G.K. Mikhailov, S.Ya. Stepanov |
3 | Analysis of the Euler-Poisson equations by methods of power geometry and normal form | Pages 168-199 | A.D. Bruno |
4 | Time-optimal steering of a point mass to a specified position with the required velocity | Pages 200-207 | L.D. Akulenko, A.P. Koshelev |
5 | The control of a wheeled mechanical system | Pages 208-220 | V.I. Matyukhin |
6 | An estimate of the attraction domain with a specified exponential stability index in a wheeled robot control problem | Pages 221-228 | L.B. Rapoport |
7 | Therelation between problems of pursuit, controllability and stability in the large in linear systems with different types of constraints | Pages 229-233 | A.A. Azamov, A.Sh. Kuchkarov, B. Samatov |
8 | A linear differential game on a plane with a minimum-type functional | Pages 234-246 | A.R. Akhmetzhanov, A.A. Melikyan |
9 | The effect of vertical vibration on the onset of thermocapillary convection in a horizontal liquid layer | Pages 247-257 | S.M. Zen-kovskaya, V.A. Novosyadlyi, A.L. Shleikel- |
10 | Tollmien-Schlichting waves in a transonic boundary layer: Excitation from the outer flow and from the surface | Pages 258-268 | A.N. Bogdanov, V.N. Diesperov |
11 | Transformationsof the equations of the first approximation of Chapman-Enskog methods and vector transport relations for mixtures of polyatomic gases | Pages 269-286 | V.S. Galkin |
12 | The construction of exact solutions in the floating-plate problem | Pages 287-294 | A.A. Korobkin, T.I. Khabakhpasheva |
13 | The solution of contact problems using boundary element method | Pages 295-304 | A.S. Kravchuk, P. Neittaanmaki |
14 | The contact problem for a rectangle with stress-free side faces | Pages 305-317 | V.M. Aleksandrov, N.A. Bazarenko |
Volume 71, Issue 3, Pages 319-480 (2007)
1 | Editorial board | Page CO2 | |
3 | The stability of the equilibrium positions of non-linear non-autonomous mechanical systems | Pages 324-338 | A.Yu. Aleksandrov |
4 | Constant-sign Lyapunov functionals in the problem of the stability of a functional differential equation | Pages 339-350 | S.V. Pavlikov |
5 | A reduction principle for asymptotically triangular differential systems | Pages 351-360 | B.S. Kalitin |
6 | Reduction of the equations of dynamics of systems with constraints to a given structure | Pages 361-370 | R.G. Mukharlyamov |
7 | The exponential stability and stabilization of non-autonomous mechanical systems with non-conservative forces | Pages 371-384 | A.A. Kosov |
8 | The stability of equilibrium in systems with friction | Pages 385-395 | A.P. Ivanov |
9 | The chaotic dynamics of vibrational mechanisms with energy sources of limited power | Pages 396-407 | N.N. Verichev, S.N. Verichev, V.I. Yerofeyev |
10 | The reducibility of the anisotropic Hele-Shaw problem to the isotropic case | Pages 408-414 | M.M. Alimov |
11 | The equilibrium shapes of non-uniform vortices in the ocean | Pages 415-423 | E.K. Lavrovskii, V.V. Fominykh |
12 | The statistical characteristics of the displacement front in a randomly heterogeneous medium | Pages 424-431 | P.Ye. Spesivtsev, E.V. Teodorovich |
13 | Thepropagation of weak concentration discontinuities in the isothermal flow of a multicomponent mixture in a porous medium with phase transitions | Pages 432-437 | A.V. Koldoba, Ye.V. Koldoba |
14 | The torsion of a viscoelastic plate in an unsteady flow | Pages 438-448 | V.S. Sergeyev |
15 | The scattering of a plane flexural wave by a sector of a thin elastic plate with a supported edge | Pages 449-452 | V.A. Borovikov |
16 | Dent patterns on the surface of a longitudinally compressed, non-linear elastic cylindrical shell | Pages 453-476 | D.V. Dolgikh, V.V. Kiselev |
17 | VLADIMIR IVANOVICH MOSSAKOVSKII: (27.8.1919-13.7.2006) | Pages 477-478 | |
18 | Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics contents of next issue, volume 71, no. 4, 2007 | Page 479 | |
Volume 71, Issue 4, Pages 481-656 (2007)
1 | Editorial board | Page CO2 | |
2 | ANNOUNCEMENT | Page 481 | |
3 | Irina Georgiyevna Goryacheva (On her birthday) | Pages 482-484 | |
4 | Adhesive resistance in the rolling of elastic bodies | Pages 485-493 | I.G. Goryacheva, Yu.Yu. Makhovskaya |
5 | The dynamic behaviour of piezoelectric laminated bars | Pages 494-510 | N.N. Rogacheva |
6 | The dynamics of an elastic half-space under the action of a moving load | Pages 511-518 | L.A. Alekseyeva |
7 | The problem of the equilibrium of a helical spring in the non-linear three-dimensional theory of elasticity | Pages 519-526 | L.M. Zubov |
8 | Optimization of axisymmetric membrane shells | Pages 527-535 | N.V. Banichuk |
9 | Non-linear relations of anisotropic elasticity and a particular postulate of isotropy | Pages 536-542 | A.A. Markin, M.Yu. Sokolova |
10 | Derivationof macroscopic relations of the elasticity of complex crystal lattices taking into account the moment interactions at the microlevel | Pages 543-561 | E.A. Ivanova, A.M. Krivtsov, N.F. Morozov |
11 | The thermodynamically consistent equations of a thermoelastic saturated porous medium | Pages 562-579 | V.I. Kondaurov |
12 | An approach to constructing models of multiphase elastic porous media | Pages 580-610 | A.I. Glushko, I.I. Neshcheretov |
13 | An asymptotic approach to the problem of the free oscillations of a beam | Pages 611-621 | G.V. Kostin, V.V. Saurin |
14 | A mixed boundary-value problem for the wave equation in a stratified medium for high-frequency oscillations | Pages 622-631 | G. Iovane, M.A. Sumbatyan, V. Tibullo |
15 | The calculation of the energy losses in a sliding elastic contact with friction and wear (the plane problem) | Pages 632-642 | I.A. Soldatenkov |
16 | Diffraction of elastic waves by an inclined crack in a layer | Pages 643-654 | Ye.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, M.V. Golub |
Volume 71, Issue 5, Pages 657-808 (2007)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | LEONID IVANOVICH SEDOV (on the 100th anniversary of his birth) | Pages 657-660 | |
3 | New models of explosively accelerated projected shells | Pages 661-675 | A.N. Golubyatnikov, S.I. Zonenko, G.G. Chernyi |
4 | Rapid cylindrically and spherically symmetric strong compression of a perfect gas | Pages 676-689 | A.N. Kraiko |
5 | Evolution of perturbations on a weakly inhomogeneous background | Pages 690-700 | A.G. Kulikovskii, A.V. Lozovskii, N.T. Pashchenko |
6 | Self-similarasymptotics of wave problems and the structures of non-classical discontinuities in non-linearly elastic media with dispersion and dissipation | Pages 701-711 | A.P. Chugainova |
7 | The symmetries of slow motions and the equilibria of continua | Pages 712-717 | O.V. Voinov |
8 | A phenomenological and kinetic description of diffusion and heat transport in multicomponent gas mixtures and plasma | Pages 718-736 | V.M. Zhdanov, G.A. Tirskiy |
9 | The effect of viscosity on the free stream in transonic flow over a corner point | Pages 737-746 | A.N. Bogdanov, V.N. Diyesperov |
10 | An estimate of the heat fluxes to the surface of blunt bodies moving at hypersonic velocity in the atmosphere | Pages 747-754 | V.A. Andrushchenko, N.G. Syzranova, Yu.D. Shevelev |
11 | Long-wave oscillatory Marangoni instability in a horizontal liquid layer | Pages 755-761 | S.M. Zen-kovskaya |
12 | Regular and singular components of periodic flows in the fluid interior | Pages 762-771 | A.V. Kistovich, Yu.D. Chashechkin |
13 | Problems of geometric non-linearity and stability in the mechanics of thin shells and rectilinear columns | Pages 772-805 | V.N. Paimushin |
14 | VALENTIN VITAL-YEVICH RUMYANTSEV: (19/7/1921-10/6/2007) | Pages 806-807 | |
Volume 71, Issue 6, Pages 809-962 (2007)
Volume 72, Issue 1, Pages 1-102 (2008)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | GEORGE HERRMANN: (19th April 1921 - 7th January 2007) | Pages 1-2 | Rahul Kanakia |
3 | Anisotropic dry friction and unilateral non-holonomic constraints | Pages 3-8 | V.G. Vil-ke |
4 | Stableballistic coefficient forms of spatial agglomerations of microparticlesin the gravitational-repulsive field of binary stellar systems | Pages 9-11 | A.L. Kunitsyn |
5 | The motion of a point mass along a string | Pages 12-14 | A.P. Blinov |
6 | Themotion of a body with a plane of symmetry over a three-dimensional sphere under the action of a spherical analogue of Newtonian gravitation | Pages 15-21 | A.A. Burov |
7 | Identification of the ten inertia parameters of a rigid body | Pages 22-25 | E. Atchonouglo, C. Vallee, T. Monnet, D. Fortune |
8 | Optimal body design using localized interaction models | Pages 26-32 | A.N. Kraiko, G.E. Yakunina |
9 | The properties of asymptotic expansions for the parameters of unsteady transonic flows with axial symmetry | Pages 33-35 | A.N. Bogdanov, V.N. Diesperov |
10 | The free interaction of the wall layers with the core of Couette-Poiseuille flow | Pages 36-41 | V.I. Zhuk, I.G. Protsenko |
11 | The motions of liquid films in a gas | Pages 42-47 | O.V. Voinov |
12 | Methods of analysing ropes. The extension-torsion method | Pages 48-53 | I.P. Getman, Yu.A. Ustinov |
13 | The harmonic oscillations of a viscoelastic rod of triangular cross-section | Pages 54-58 | A.D. Chernyshov |
14 | The solution of the contact problem for a circular plate | Pages 59-61 | S.V. Bosakov |
15 | Three-dimensional contact problems for an elastic wedge with a coating | Pages 62-65 | V.M. Aleksandrov, D.A. Pozharskii |
16 | A non-linear wear-contact problem for a Winkler foundation with an increasing contact area | Pages 66-72 | I.A. Soldatenkov |
17 | Axisymmetric vibrations of an orthotropic non-uniform cylindrical shell | Pages 73-76 | S.A. Ambartsumyan, M.V. Belubekyan |
18 | Boundary-value problems of the asymmetric theory of elasticity for thin plates | Pages 77-86 | S.O. Sargsyan |
19 | Asymptotic solutions of coupled dynamic problems of thermoelasticity for isotropic plates | Pages 87-91 | R.S. Gevorgyan |
20 | Amethod of asymptotic expansions of the solutions of the steady heat conduction problem for laminated non-uniform anisotropic plates | Pages 92-101 | Yu. V. Nemirovskii, A.P. Yankovskii |
Volume 72, Issue 2, Pages 103-234 (August 2008)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | FELIKS LEONIDOVICH CHERNOUS-KO (On his 70th birthday) | Pages 103-115 | |
3 | The optimal periodic motions of a two-mass system in a resistant medium | Pages 116-125 | F.L. Chernous-ko |
4 | Optimal control of the rectilinear motion of a rigid body on a rough plane by means of the motion of two internal masses | Pages 126-135 | N.N. Bolotnik, T.Yu. Figurina |
5 | The time-optimal transfer of a perturbed dynamical object to a given position | Pages 136-143 | L.D. Akulenko |
6 | Non-singular locally optimal ellipsoidal approximation of the estimate of the states of linear systems | Pages 144-151 | A.M. Shmatkov |
7 | The stability of a specific class of mechanical systems | Pages 152-158 | V.I. Kalenova, V.M. Morozov, P.M. Sobolevskii |
8 | Stabilization of the equilibria of dynamical systems | Pages 159-163 | A.P. Blinov |
9 | The construction of Lyapunov functions with sign-definite derivative for systems satisfying the Barbashin-Krasovskii theorem | Pages 164-168 | A.M. Kovalev |
10 | Novelintegrable cases in the dynamics of a body interacting with a medium taking into account dependence of the moment of the resistance force on the angular velocity | Pages 169-179 | M.V. Shamolin |
11 | Rational solutions of fifth-order evolutionary equations for describing waves on water | Pages 180-191 | Yu.Yu. Bagderina |
12 | Localization of eigenforms and limit transformations in problems of the stability of rectangular plates | Pages 192-196 | N.V. Banichuk, A.A. Barsuk |
13 | A general method for constructing Timoshenko-type theories | Pages 197-207 | Ye.M. Zveryayev, G.I. Makarov |
14 | The axisymmetric contact problem for an elastic layer loaded with a deformable cover plate | Pages 208-213 | V.M. Aleksandrov, V.K. Antonov, V.Yu. Salamatova |
15 | The contact problem for hollow and solid cylinders with stress-free faces | Pages 214-225 | N.A. Bazarenko |
16 | Modellingof the deformation processes and the localization of plastic deformations in the torsion-tension of solids of revolution | Pages 226-232 | V.G. Bazhenov, S.V. Zefirov, L.N. Kramarev, Ye.V. Pavlenkova |
Volume 72, Issue 3, Pages 235-370 (October 2008)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | Permanent rotations of a body with a viscous filler suspended on a rod | Pages 235-249 | A.V. Karapetyan, T.S. Sumin |
3 | Linear problems of the stability of a type of rotation of a satellite about the centre of mass | Pages 250-258 | A.P. Markeyev |
4 | Evolution of the precessional motion of unbalanced gyrostats of variable structure | Pages 259-269 | A.V. Doroshin |
5 | The existence of smooth solutions in a problem of the optimal control of the rotation of an axisymmetric rigid body | Pages 270-278 | A.N. Sirotin |
6 | Logarithmic matrix norms in motion stability problems | Pages 279-287 | O.A. Peregudova |
7 | The rolling of a wheel along a corrugated rail | Pages 288-295 | P.M. Belotserkovskii, L.V. Pugina |
8 | Bifurcation of multimode flows of a viscous fluid in a plane diverging channel | Pages 296-302 | L.D. Akulenko, S.A. Kumakshev |
9 | The phase velocity of acoustic perturbations near a vibration excitation source | Pages 303-305 | A.N. Klishko |
10 | The construction of a model of the growth of a defect for finite strains: Non-local criteria | Pages 306-311 | V.A. Levin |
11 | The vibrations of a thin elastic orthotropic circular cylindrical shell with free and hinged edges | Pages 312-322 | G.R. Gulgazaryan, L.G. Gulgazaryan, R.D. Saakyan |
12 | Neutral stability of compression solitons in the bending of a non-linear elastic rod | Pages 323-330 | A.T. Il-ichev |
13 | Stress singularity at the vertex of homogeneous and composite cones for different boundary conditions | Pages 331-337 | V.P. Matveyenko, T.O. Nakaryakova, N.V. Sevodina, I.N. Shardakov |
14 | The solution of three-dimensional friction contact problems | Pages 338-346 | A.S. Kravchuk |
15 | Scenarios for the quasistatic growth of a slightly curved and kinked crack | Pages 347-359 | S.A. Nazarov |
16 | Self-similar solution of a tensile crack problem in a coupled formulation | Pages 360-368 | L.V. Stepanova, M.Ye. Fedina |
Volume 72, Issue 4, Pages 371-508 (2008)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | Announcement | Page 371 | |
3 | The conditions for the unique solvability of the equations of the dynamics of systems with friction | Pages 372-382 | A.P. Ivanov |
4 | Grazing bifurcation and chaotic oscillations of vibro-impact systems with one degree of freedom | Pages 383-390 | S.G. Kryzhevich |
5 | Linear stabilization of the programmed motions of non-linear controlled dynamical systems under parametric perturbations | Pages 391-409 | Yu. K. Zotov |
6 | The propagation of non-stationary waves from a spherical cavity in an acoustic layer | Pages 410-416 | A.A. Saliyev, D.V. Tarlakovskii, A.M. Shukurov |
7 | Effect of bottom topography on the unsteady behaviour of an elastic plate floating on shallow water | Pages 417-426 | I.V. Sturova |
8 | Impact of a box with an elastic bottom on a thin liquid layer | Pages 427-436 | L.A. Tkacheva |
9 | The self-similar problem of the diffusion mixing of vapour-gas-condensate systems | Pages 437-445 | I.V. Bayanov, I.R. Khamidullin, V. Sh. Shagapov |
10 | Flutter of a cantilevered elastic and viscoelastic strip | Pages 446-451 | V.V. Pokazeyev |
11 | Asymptoticsolution of the first boundary-value problem of the theory of elasticity of the forced vibrations of an isotropic strip | Pages 452-460 | L.A. Agalovyan, R.S. Gevorkyan |
12 | The deformation of a half-space with a gradient elastic coating under arbitrary axisymmetric loading | Pages 461-467 | S.M. Aizikovich, L.I. Krenev, I.S. Trubchik |
13 | Analysis of a stress singularity in a non-linear Flamant problem for certain models of a material | Pages 468-474 | V.M. Mal-kov, Yu.V. Mal-kova |
14 | The dynamic contact of an impactor and an elastic orthotropic plate when there are propagating thermoelastic waves | Pages 475-480 | A.V. Loktev |
15 | The Saint-Venant problem of the bending of a cylinder with helical anisotropy | Pages 481-488 | N.M. Romanova, Yu.A. Ustinov |
16 | The contact problem for a strip cover plate interacting with an elastic half-space | Pages 489-491 | V.M. Aleksandrov, V.Yu. Salamatova |
17 | The uniform motion of rectangular and parabolic punches in a viscoelastic layer | Pages 492-498 | A.V. Mark |
18 | Interface tunnel cracks in a composite anisotropic space | Pages 499-507 | A.F. Krivoi, G.Ya. Popov |
Volume 72, Issue 5, Pages 509-626 (2008)
Volume 72, Issue 6, Pages 627-752 (2008)
1 | Editorial Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | SERGEI ALEKSEYEVICH KHRISTIANOVICH: (the 100th Anniversary of his Birth) | Pages 627-630 | |
3 | The passage through resonance of synchronous electric motors mounted on an elastic base | Pages 631-637 | G.A. Leonov |
4 | Cluster dynamics of a uniform chain of dissipatively coupled rotators | Pages 638-648 | N.N. Verichev, S.N. Verichev, V.I. Yerofeyev |
5 | Chelomei's problem of the stabilization of a statically unstable rod by means of a vibration | Pages 649-652 | A.A. Seyranian, A.P. Seyranian |
6 | The dynamics of the weakly perturbed motion of a liquid-filled gyroscope and the control problem | Pages 653-659 | A.A. Gurchenkov, V.V. Korneyev, M.V. Nosov |
7 | Controlled rolling of a disc along a plane curve | Pages 660-668 | L.D. Akulenko |
8 | The pursuit-evasion problem in a discrete version of the hamstrung car game | Pages 669-672 | M.B. Ruziboyev |
9 | An estimate of the error of the linearized equations of motion of an axisymmetric projectile | Pages 673-681 | B.I. Konosevich |
10 | The acoustic theory of the interaction of a shock wave, having an exponential relaxation zone, with a porous medium | Pages 682-688 | A.Sh. Sultanov, V.Sh. Shagapov |
11 | Steady cooling and global overheating processes in a hazardous reactor | Pages 689-693 | V.P. Maslov, I.A. Molotkov |
12 | The problem of the failure of a dam in two-layer shallow water (linear approximation) | Pages 694-703 | P.Ye. Karabut, V.V. Ostapenko |
13 | Unsteady behaviour of a heterogeneous elastic beam floating on shallow water | Pages 704-714 | I.V. Sturova |
14 | A model for describing near-resonance oscillations in an elastic layer | Pages 715-723 | A.G. Kulikovskii, Ye.I. Sveshnikova |
15 | A theory of dislocations and disclinations in elastic plates | Pages 724-737 | L.M. Zubov, A.V. Stolpovskii |
16 | Static and dynamic beam forms of the loss of stability of a long orthotropic cylindrical shell under external pressure | Pages 738-747 | V.N. Paimushin |
18 | THE ACADEMICIAN V. V. RUMYANTSEV SEMINAR (History and Outlook) | Page 750 | |
19 | CONTENTS OF NEXT ISSUE Volume 73, No. 1, 2009 | Page 751 | |
20 | Volume Contents | Pages III-VI | |
21 | Author Index | Pages VII-VIII | |
Volume 73, Issue 1, Pages 1-114 (May 2009)
Volume 73, Issue 2, Pages 115-244 (2009)
1 | Editorial Advisory Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | Estimation of the time a perturbed Lagrangian system stays in an assigned region | Pages 115-123 | L.D. Akulenko, A.S. Kovaleva |
3 | Stabilization of the motions of non-autonomous mechanical systems | Pages 124-133 | O.A. Peregudova |
4 | A dynamically consistent model of the contact stresses in the plane motion of a rigid body | Pages 134-144 | A.P. Ivanov |
5 | The equilibrium of a rigid body on a plane with anisotropic dry friction | Pages 145-155 | G.M. Rozenblat |
6 | The dynamics of a Chaplygin sleigh | Pages 156-161 | A.V. Borisov, I.S. Mamayev |
7 | Waves induced by the longitudinal impact of a rod against a stepped rod in contact with a rigid barrier | Pages 162-168 | A.A. Bityurin, V.K. Manzhosov |
8 | Thesteady motions of a satellite with a two-degree-of-freedom powered gyroscope in a central gravitational field and their stability | Pages 169-178 | N.I. Amel-kin |
9 | Spatial chaotic vibrations when there is a periodic change in the position of the centre of mass of a body in the atmosphere | Pages 179-187 | V.S. Aslanov |
10 | The motion of a cylindrical body in a stratified fluid under the action of a radiation force | Pages 188-195 | O.R. Kozyrev, S.N. Reznik, Yu.A. Stepanyants |
11 | Bifurcation of the self-excited oscillations of a plate with slight damping in a supersonic gas flow | Pages 196-203 | A.N. Kulikov |
12 | The use of near-front ray expansions in deformation dynamics | Pages 204-208 | Ye.A. Gerasimenko, A.V. Zavertan, V. Ye. Ragozina |
13 | The dynamic contact problem for a prestressed cylindrical tube filled with a fluid | Pages 209-219 | T.I. Belyankova, V.V. Kalinchuk |
14 | The consistent equations of the theory of plane curvilinear rods for finite displacements and linearized problems of stability | Pages 220-236 | V.N. Paimushin, N.V. Polyakova |
15 | Therelation between invariant integrals of the linear isotropic theory of elasticity and integrals defined by the duality principle | Pages 237-243 | Ye.I. Shifrin |
16 | Contents of next issue (Volume 73, No. 3, 2009) | Page 244 | |
Volume 73, Issue 3, Pages 245-366 (2009)
1 | Editorial Advisory Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | LEV VASIL-EVICH OVSYANNIKOV: (on his 90th birthday) | Pages 245-248 | V.V. Pukhnachev |
3 | Non-linear oscillations of a Hamiltonian system in the case of 3:1 resonance | Pages 249-258 | B.S. Bardin, A.M. Chekin |
4 | A qualitative analysis of the steady modes of operation of small wind power generators | Pages 259-263 | M.Z. Dosaev, Ching-Huei Lin, Wen-Lung Lu, V.A. Samsonov, Yu. D. Selyutskii |
5 | The modelling of microconvection in an infinite strip | Pages 264-270 | O.N. Goncharova |
6 | The effect of a high-frequency progressive vibration on the convective instability of a two-layer fluid | Pages 271-280 | S.M. Zen-kovskaya, V.A. Novosyadlyi |
7 | The reflection of a shock wave from a centre or axis of symmetry at adiabatic exponents from 1.2 to 3 | Pages 281-289 | Kh.F. Valiyev |
8 | Interaction of a free stream and a flow from a point source with dissimilar Bernoulli constants | Pages 290-295 | N.B. Il-inskii, D.V. Maklakov, R.F. Mardanov |
9 | Analysis of the structure of the boundary layer in the problem of the torsion of a laminated spherical shell | Pages 296-303 | N.K. Akhmedov, Yu. A. Ustinov |
10 | The non-linear oscillations of a rod with close values of the cross-section axial moments of inertia | Pages 304-312 | A.I. Munitsyn |
11 | Complex variable equations and the numerical solution of harmonic problems for piecewise-homogeneous media | Pages 313-325 | A.A. Dobroskok, A.M. Lin-kov |
12 | The method of integrodifferential relations for analysing the natural oscillations of membranes | Pages 326-335 | G.V. Kostin, V.V. Saurin |
13 | Diffraction of a plane acoustic wave by a non-uniform thermoelastic cylindrical layer bounded by inviscid heat-conducting fluids | Pages 336-343 | N.V. Larin, L.A. Tolokonnikov |
14 | Harmonic oscillations of a rigid punch on a porous elastic layer | Pages 344-350 | A. Scalia |
15 | The variational method in contact problems. The present state of the problem and trends in its development | Pages 351-357 | A.S. Kravchuk |
16 | Instability conditions for a non-linear discrete system in the critical case of two unit roots | Pages 358-360 | A. Kh. Gelig, A.N. Churilov |
17 | Results of the International Conference on the Control of Dynamical Systems (Moscow, 26-30 January 2009) | Pages 361-363 | G.V. Kostin |
18 | ARIK ARTAVAZDOVICH MELIKYAN: (5 October 1944-6 April 2009) | Pages 364-365 | |
19 | Contents | Page 366 | |
Volume 73, Issue 4, Pages 367-484 (2009)
1 | Editorial Advisory Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | Announcement | Page iii | |
3 | A two-parameter friction model | Pages 367-370 | A.V. Karapetyan |
4 | The brachistochrone problem for a disc | Pages 371-378 | L.D. Akulenko |
5 | The invariant manifolds of systems with first integrals | Pages 379-384 | V.D. Irtegov, T.N. Titorenko |
6 | The motion of a railway wheelset | Pages 385-394 | V.G. Vil-ke |
7 | The dynamics of a -flexible-rotor/limited-power-excitation-source- system | Pages 395-402 | N.N. Verichev, S.N. Verichev, V.I. Yerofeyev |
8 | Bifurcation in a time-optimal problem for a second-order non-linear system | Pages 403-410 | S.A. Reshmin |
9 | Extremal aiming in problems with an unknown level of dynamic disturbance | Pages 411-420 | S.A. Ganebnyi, S.S. Kumkov, V.S. Patsko |
10 | The conservation laws and group properties of the equations of gas dynamics with zero velocity of sound | Pages 421-425 | Yu. A. Chirkunov |
11 | The design of the iso-velocity contour for the flow past the base of a dam with a confining bed | Pages 426-433 | E.N. Bereslavskii |
12 | Solution of plane seepage problems for a multivalued seepage law when there is a point source | Pages 434-442 | I.B. Badriyev, O.A. Zadvornov, L.N. Ismagilov, E.V. Skvortsov |
13 | Dynamics of the pressure relaxation in a -depressurized- borehole | Pages 443-448 | R.M. Khafizov, I.G. Khusainov, V. Sh. Shagapov |
14 | The layered element method in the dynamic theory of elasticity | Pages 449-456 | Ye.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, A.A. Yeremin, V.V. Mikhas-kiv |
15 | The propagation of shock waves in anisotropic materials | Pages 457-463 | A.A. Luk-yanov, V.B. Pen-kov |
16 | An energy approach to the proof of the existence of Rayleigh waves in an anisotropic elastic half-space | Pages 464-470 | I.V. Kamotskii, A.P. Kiselev |
17 | The contact problem for a piecewise-homogeneous plane with a semi-infinite inclusion | Pages 471-477 | R.D. Bantsuri, N.N. Shavlakadze |
18 | The transient retardation of a rectilinear viscoplastic flow when the loading stresses are abruptly removed | Pages 478-482 | A.A. Burenin, L.V. Kovtanyuk, A.V. Lushpei |
19 | Contents | Page 483 | |
Volume 73, Issue 5, Pages 485-622 (2009)
1 | Editorial Advisory Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | GRIGORII ALEKSANDROVICH TIRSKIY: (On the occasion of his eightieth birthday) | Pages 485-490 | |
3 | Generalized viscous shock layer equations with slip conditions on a surface in a flow field and on a head shock | Pages 491-501 | G.A. Tirskiy |
4 | The applicability of continuum models in the transitional regime of hypersonic flow over blunt bodies | Pages 502-513 | I.G. Brykina, B.V. Rogov, G.A. Tirskiy |
5 | The shapes of bodies with maximum lift-to-drag ratio in supersonic flow | Pages 514-523 | V.I. Lapygin, G.Ye. Yakunina |
6 | Self-similar convergence of a shock wave in a heat conducting gas | Pages 524-531 | S.V. Khabirov |
7 | The exact solution of a non-linear boundary-value problem of the theory of waves on the surface of a liquid of finite depth | Pages 532-547 | Ye. A. Karabut |
8 | The motion of a particle in a viscous fluid under gravity, vibration and Basset's force | Pages 548-557 | Ye.V. Visitskii, A.G. Petrov, M.M. Shunderyuk |
9 | Damping of the free oscillations of a neutral buoyancy sphere in a viscous stratified fluid | Pages 558-565 | A.Yu. Vasil-ev, Yu.D. Chashechkin |
10 | Seepage of a gas condensate mixture when using the geoloosening method | Pages 566-573 | V.I. Karev, K.B. Ustinov |
11 | An asymptotic analysis of the steady process of saturation of a laminated porous material | Pages 574-580 | M.M. Alimov |
12 | Gas injection into a moist porous medium with the formation of a gas hydrate | Pages 581-591 | O.R. Nurislamov, V.Sh. Shagapov |
13 | A scheme for the electrochemical machining of metals by a cathode tool with a curvilinear part of the boundary | Pages 592-598 | N.M. Minazetdinov |
14 | A continuum model of microheterogeneous media | Pages 599-608 | P.A. Belov, S.A. Lurie |
15 | Mixedboundary-value problems in the theory of elasticity of thin laminated bodies of variable thickness consisting of anisotropic inhomogeneous materials | Pages 609-615 | L.A. Aghalovyan, R.S. Gevorgyan |
16 | Thenecessary conditions for the existence of an additional integral in theproblem of the motion of a heavy ellipsoid on a smooth horizontal plane | Pages 616-620 | M.Yu. Ivochkin |
17 | Contents | Page 621 | |
Volume 73, Issue 6, Pages 623-756 (2009)
1 | Editorial Advisory Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | Analysis of the steady motions of the tippe top | Pages 623-630 | A.A. Zobova, A.V. Karapetyan |
3 | The influence of the inertial properties of the parts of gimbals on the dynamics of a rigid body | Pages 631-636 | I.L. Antonov |
4 | Construction of stability regions in the three-body problem using parameter elimination | Pages 637-641 | A.L. Kunitsyn |
5 | The stability of the equilibrium of a pendulum of variable length | Pages 642-647 | L.D. Akulenko, S.V. Nesterov |
6 | Stability and branching of the relative equilibria of a three-link pendulum in a rapidly rotating frame of reference | Pages 648-663 | A.P. Yevdokimenko |
7 | Double-pulse cotangential transfers between coplanar elliptic orbits | Pages 664-672 | V.G. Adamyan, L.V. Adamyan, G.M. Zaimtsyan, L.T. Manandyan |
8 | Variational approaches to solving initial-boundary-value problems in the dynamics of linear elastic systems | Pages 673-687 | G.V. Kostin, V.V. Saurin |
9 | Eigenfrequencies and modified eigenmodes of a rectangular plate with free edges | Pages 688-691 | S.V. Bosakov |
10 | The equations of the perturbed motion of a rocket as a thin-walled structure with a liquid | Pages 692-695 | V.A. Buzhinskii |
11 | Shape optimization in contact problems of the theory of elasticity with incomplete external loading data | Pages 696-704 | N.V. Banichuk, S.Yu. Ivanova |
12 | The plane contact problem for a prestressed incompressible elastic layer | Pages 705-709 | V.M. Aleksandrov, L.A. Kostyreva |
13 | Redistribution of finite elastic strains after the formation of inclusions. Approximate analytical solution | Pages 710-721 | K.M. Zingerman, V.A. Levin |
14 | The compression of a thin strip of material in a superplasticity state | Pages 722-726 | I.A. Kiiko |
15 | Solution of the plane stochastic creep boundary value problem | Pages 727-733 | L.V. Kovalenko, N.N. Popov, V.P. Radchenko |
16 | Averaging of a finely laminated elastic medium with roughness or adhesion on the contact surfaces of the layers | Pages 734-746 | I.I. Argatov |
17 | The evolution of the mass of a -preserved- chemical spill as it moves with the river current | Pages 747-753 | S.S. Grigoryan |
18 | Call for Papers | Page 754 | |
19 | Contents | Page 755 | |
20 | Contents | Pages III-VI | |
21 | Author Index | Pages VII-VIII | |
Volume 74, Issue 1, Pages 1-126 (2010)
Volume 74, Issue 2, Pages 127-254 (2010)
1 | Editorial Advisory Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | The effect of a small background inhomogeneity on the asymptotic properties of linear perturbations | Pages 127-134 | A.G. Kulikovskii, N.T. Pashchenko |
3 | A criterion for the existence of four limit cycles in quadratic systems | Pages 135-143 | G.A. Leonov |
4 | Singular boundary characteristics of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation | Pages 144-153 | A.A. Melikyan |
5 | The interconnection of sliding and rolling in the problem of the motion of a homogeneous sphere on a rough horizontal plane | Pages 154-157 | M.V. Ishkhanyan |
6 | Stabilitydiagrams for a heterogeneous ensemble of particles at the collinear libration points of the photogravitational three-body problem | Pages 158-163 | A.S. Zimovshikov, V.N. Tkhai |
7 | The stability boundaries of the steady motion of a satellite with a gyroscope | Pages 164-170 | M.A. Novikov |
8 | Investigation of the effect of seepage or evaporation from a free surface by the method of circular polygons | Pages 171-180 | E.N. Bereslavskii |
9 | Self-similar solution of the plane problem of the evolution of a hydraulic fracture crack in an elastic medium | Pages 181-187 | E.V. Teodorovich |
10 | Similarityand dimensional analysis in the plane problem of the propagation of a vertical hydraulic fracture crack in an elastic medium | Pages 188-197 | A.Kh. Pergament, D.A. Ul-kin |
11 | Wave propagation in a fluid-saturated inhomogeneous porous medium | Pages 198-203 | V.S. Polenov, A.V. Chigarev |
12 | Corrugation of a flexible ring under external hydrostatic compression | Pages 204-213 | D.V. Dolgikh, V.V. Kiselev |
13 | An algorithm for the local exhaustive search for alternatives in an essentially non-linear eigenvalue problem | Pages 214-222 | Ye.I. Mikhailovskii, Yu.V. Tulubenskaya |
14 | The end zone of a shear crack propagating at an intersonic velocity | Pages 223-231 | A.M. Lin-kov |
15 | An equilibrium penny-shaped crack in an inhomogeneous elastic medium | Pages 232-240 | S.M. Aizikovich, L.I. Krenev, B.V. Sobol-, I.S. Trubchik |
16 | The wave field generated by a centre of rotation in an unbounded elastic medium with a semi-infinite conical crack | Pages 241-248 | N.D. Vaisfel-d, G.Ya. Popov |
17 | The Eshelby tensor | Pages 249-252 | I.Yu. Tsvelodub |
18 | Erratum to -The stability of the equilibrium of a pendulum of variable length- [J. Appl. Math. Mech. 73 (2009) 642-647] | Page 253 | L.D. Akulenko, S.V. Nesterov |
Volume 74, Issue 3, Pages 255-378 (2010)
1 | Editorial Advisory Board | Page CO2 | |
2 | Samvel Samvelovich Grigoryan (On his Eightieth Birthday) | Pages 255-266 | V.A. Sadovnichii, R.I. Nigmatulin |
3 | Fluid flow in an inhomogeneous granular medium | Pages 267-277 | A.V. Gavrilov, I.V. Shirko |
4 | Solution of problems of oblique penetration of axisymmetric projectiles into soft soil based on local interaction models | Pages 278-285 | V.G. Bazhenov, V.L. Kotov |
5 | Effective high-order approximations of layered coatings and linings of anisotropic elastic, viscoelastic and nematic materials | Pages 286-296 | D.D. Zakharov |
6 | The excitation and propagation of elastic waves in multilayered anisotropic composites | Pages 297-305 | Ye.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, A.S. Krivonos |
7 | Mixed boundary-value problems of thermoelasticity for anisotropic-in-plan inhomogeneous toroidal shells | Pages 306-312 | M.G. Asratyan, R.S. Gevorgyan |
8 | The flexural rigidity of a thin plate reinforced with periodic systems of separated rods | Pages 313-322 | S.A. Nazarov, G.H. Sweers, A.S. Slutskii |
9 | Interaction of a hollow cylinder of finite length and a plate with a cylindrical cavity with a rigid insert | Pages 323-333 | N.A. Bazarenko |
10 | Optimization of the contact pressure in the problem of the interaction of a punch and an elastic medium | Pages 334-340 | N.V. Banichuk |
11 | Stressrecovery procedure for solving boundary value problems in the mechanicsof a deformable solid by the finite element method | Pages 341-348 | A.A. Rogovoi, O.S. Stolbova |
12 | A model of elastoplastic reinforcing media with a tensor damageability parameter | Pages 349-364 | A.I. Glushko, I.I. Neshcheretov |
13 | Dynamically equilibrium shapes and directions of motion of ocean current rings | Pages 365-374 | M.L. Romanovskaya, I.P. Semenova, L.N. Slezkin |
14 | The Tenth All-Russian Congress on Fundamental Problems of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | Pages 375-376 | |